Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, November 20, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 17:19

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Mercury precedes Sun in entering the Sagittarius sign this week. Of great interest, Mercury and Jupiter start forming a mutual reception (reside in each other’s signs) on November 20, and both planets are relatively weak by sign. While compensating for the two planets manifesting in signs far from their homes requires extra consideration, rich opportunities present themselves for using themes generated by Mercury and Jupiter: “uplifting communication”, “expanding commerce through networking”, and “abundance through using logic” are several possibilities with Mercury and Jupiter playing ping-pong back and forth this week. Sun makes a grand entrance into Jupiter’s sign on November 22. The depth, intensity, and transformation of the previous sign, Scorpio, serves as a valuable experience for embracing the higher ideals and journeys of the expansive Jupiter.

Uranus in Aries is currently the only retrograde planet. His pupil, Mercury, entering a fiery sign this week, suggests an easier flow between thought and flashes of sudden insight, particularly when a bias toward action or perhaps taking a bit of risk or competition is involved in cogitating answers to intellectual problems. Saturn in Sagittarius basically dominates Mercury this week. However, Mercury, as a neutral planet, assimilates some of Saturn’s properties. A more taciturn and serious approach to communicating, and experiencing more rigid controls and parameters in thinking through and solving problems, is expected this week.

Neptune and his acolyte, Venus, continue to reside in their home signs all week. Collaboration and harmony are emphasized, with a greater purpose of sparking transformation and new ideas through other people, given the effort. Neptune is rather pressed by a tight square to Saturn, becoming exact by the end of the week. Additionally, an odd, but direct, aspect from Mars agitates the quixotic Neptune. Mars and Saturn aspecting Neptune, comfortable and reigning over his home sign, signifies that touching spirit can help to surmount any obstacle, no matter how daunting it might seem.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Past issues have greater potential for surfacing this week, particularly those enmeshed with other people. Aries Sun has an opportunity, however, to rearrange, fix, and otherwise alter situations from the past bubbling up into the present, in order to successfully reach closure, if the reality of the situations is addressed. Authority is looking over your shoulder all week, but gains from disciplined actions and utilizing structure are also more promising this week. The “supercharged logic” type theme in the heavens suits your fiery Sun well, and becomes influential starting on about November 22. This theme becomes stronger by the end of the week as well. A more idealistic and imaginative type week is also in the cards. Embracing the ‘reality’ theme at the beginning of the week helps Aries to avoid being caught up in murky situations and find ways to authentically touch spirit, including forming connections with other individuals. Final thought for Aries: Forging a new path into the unknown is not out of the question this week. Bear in mind that teamwork can be of great benefit regarding new paths.


Opportunities abound this week for Taurus Sun to change and revolutionize various areas of life. Your earthy Sun is well attuned to the necessary, steady work that managing such a heavy concept entails. Managing disruptive or evolving situations require a great deal of work, but persistence and attention to detail, natural proclivities for Taurus, help bring about better methods and situations through developing keen perspectives and innovating solutions to problems. November 23 is a key date for Taurus. Showing decisive leadership, crafting strategies to cope with difficulties creatively within an organizational framework, and taking immediate action to move projects forward are effective themes for Taurus around November 23. Close relationships also become more important as the week progresses. A certain unity and harmony in marriage or close relationships is emphasized for Taurus this week. Final thought for Taurus: This is a week of being outside of your comfort zone! Bear in mind the themes in your life this week (close relationships, concentrating efforts, flashes of insight) for assistance and clarity if you feel that you’re being drawn too far from ‘home’.


Facing authority and working within rigid structure can be tough, but Gemini Sun can have a liberating type of week if you can roll with restrictions, particularly through the first half of the week. The theme of “achieving objectives despite the odds” is relevant for Gemini from about November 21 to the end of the week. November 23 digs deep into the past for Gemini. If you use will and discipline to see the reality of your current situation in light of the past, it can be a cathartic type day that inspires you to move forward. Watch for the last day of the week, November 26, to gain knowledge or use it to your benefit in an area of specialty, at work or in personal life. Your adaptive qualities, and penchant for using the mind, will likely be of great use this week. Final thought for Gemini: Being on the same wavelength with friends or colleagues is a potentially helpful theme for you this week.


The first few days of the week have a pronounced “cycles beginning, cycles ending theme” for Cancer Sun. Finishing projects or closing chapters in personal life are suitable ways to start the week, if you so choose. November 21 to 23 feels a bit fiery for your watery Sun! Enjoy the uplifting entry of Sun into Jupiter’s sign, and the theme of using the mind for innovation through discipline for several days. Watery Cancer has a more thoughtful, cognitive week. November 25 and 26 reflect the theme of using the mind. Relationships also enter the picture more for Cancer at the end of the week. If you’re able to spark a few projects or tasks at the beginning of the week, enjoying the company of other people and collaborating works well as the projects progress, and socializing or sharing ideas as a result of a new endeavor also enters the picture at the end of the week. Watch for a key date on November 24; a nice, flowing, earthy theme of “expanding power” becomes prominent for you. Final thought for Cancer: no additional insights for Cancer this week.


Sun entering a fiery sign is quite a jolt this week for Leo Sun. After grinding through a month of Sun squaring your Sun’s sign, a bright dawn appears for Leo on November 22 when Sun enters Sagittarius. While this week is on the much more serious side for Leo, paradoxically, it also has its more fun and carefree side. Perhaps this is the best of all worlds, with uplifting and expansive influences in the mix, but absent of excess. This is a week of “structured expansion” for Leo, with a bit more structure than expansion. Thinking ‘slow growth’ can help push your projects and aspirations forward this week. November 22 is a particularly good day, potentially, for Leo, an exception to this week’s overriding rule (more expansion than structure). Sun entering Sagittarius can be a harbinger of activity, learning, looking your best, devoting passionate energy to relationships and work, and finding ways to generate increasing returns from your efforts. Active thought and generating creative ideas are also salient themes for Leo this week. Final thought for Leo: a theme very congruent with Sun entering Sagittarius this week for Leo is that of seeking insight and taking actions based on personal wisdom.


Analysis and thought takes on a different tenor for Virgo Sun this week. Struggling through difficult intellectual problems can ultimately be very rewarding, however. Being open to a more abstract approach to thinking and communicating can be of benefit this week. Jupiter in your Sun’s sign, in mutual reception to Mercury, is an awesome opportunity for Virgo! Great attention to detail and parsing information, your specialty, has an added element of abstraction and forcing attention on the big picture. Thus new vistas in exploring the world through the mind are opening for Virgo this week, precisely the symbolism of Sun entering Sagittarius. The start of the week can be a head start, with seeking and attaining recognition, moving closer to goals through mentoring, or being mentored, and perhaps a bit of good luck complemented by a willingness to do difficult work as prominent themes on November 20 for you. Restriction and structure directly enter the picture for Virgo this week, however, your earthy Sun is well acclimated to responding to structure and operating effectively within parameters, giving opportunities overall for a productive week. Final thought for Virgo: cheerful service to others has its upside for you with Sun entering Sagittarius this week.


Spontaneity is definitely at the top of this week’s themes for Libra Sun! Venus, your Sun’s ruler, is in the heart of your Sun’s sign this week. Venus’ steady transit through the sign of balancing allows you to continue to play your strengths. Disruption and change also emerges as a theme for Libra this week. However, use of the mind, social graces, and cooperation help mitigate difficulties and inevitable shifts. Close relationships are a forte for Libra this week. A sense of unity and harmony in marriage or close relationships will likely make the week more enjoyable for you. If the week starts to feel as though it has a lot of shocks and surprises, Libra can look forward to November 25 and 26, when the Mercury-Jupiter theme becomes influential for you. Mixing themes of upbeat communication, personal growth through learning, and expanding your efforts through networking, combined with the strong Venus placement in the transits, helps to create conditions for a successful week. Final thought for Libra: if an unpleasant situation persists this week, try systematically thinking through options to generate an optimal solution.


Relationships are prominent for Scorpio Sun this week. This theme is most prominent at the beginning of the week, as transiting Sun makes his way through the last few degrees of your Sun’s sign. Relationships can be rewarding this week, but the tradeoff is that they will typically require greater than average effort. Scorpio is also reasonably attuned to the incoming fiery energies, symbolized by Sun and Mercury entering the Sagittarius sign. Passion, drive, and assertive action have greater influence for Scorpio, but as with relationships, a prerequisite is giving effort and determination in order to actuate the potential of the energies. The flow recedes this week, and gives way to obstacles facing Scorpio from the heavens; your intense personal core, however, is not at all averse to taking on challenges. This week has potential for being productive if the necessary efforts are implemented. Consider how sudden insights and ability to manage disruptions can help you stay on track this week. Final thought for Scorpio: your natural inclination for determining other people’s motives might be helpful this week – no use asking for assistance or working with someone if they have incentives opposite of yours.


Happy solar return to Sagittarius Sun! Enjoy the center of the solar system transiting through your Sun’s sign over the next month. This is a reasonably upbeat week for Sagittarius and emphasizes using the power of the mind. Saturn is quite starkly remaining steadfast in early Sagittarius these days. For those who can face Saturn’s demands for discipline and responsibility, a beneficial theme of “structured expansion” will persist. Sagittarius is perhaps best suited to take advantage of this theme this week, with the Sun entering your sign and conjuncting Saturn all week. Thus the “mind” theme for Sagittarius is of great benefit: using logic, combined with sudden flashes of insight, provides a method to persistently reach for gains within a predefined structure. Mercury in your Sun’s sign, and Jupiter in Virgo, both act as reminders that focusing on details and step-by-step logic might be effectively combined with the big picture and more abstract ideas in order to generate the best solutions or results. Final thought for Sagittarius: if you feel limited by something this week, what actions might you take to learn how to surpass it?


Capricorn Sun is well attuned to the theme involving active thought and innovation this week. Thought tends to involve more abstract and philosophical elements, but efforts at practical application of theory might work well for you this week. This is also a fiery week for Capricorn, in which you might take advantage of improving through competition, being creative, and a bias towards taking action. This theme also involves the mind (a potential advantage at work, or when skill is involved), and is becomes stronger as the week progresses. Ambition, already a strong suit for Capricorn, is elevated this week, with a key date for using personal will and drive on November 23. Tension based on trying to meld the practical with the fanciful, or applying structure to effusive ideas, can be an Achilles’ heel this week for you. Given the effort, becoming grounded and paying attention to detail is a solid basis for unleashing creativity and feeling inspired. Final thought for Capricorn: raw power through tapping personal wisdom is an intriguing theme for Capricorn this week.


Relationships comprise a prominent theme for Aquarius Sun throughout the week. A careful balancing with those in close relationships, and with people in other types of partnerships, is a tightrope walk this week. The theme is one of ‘dynamic tension’, in which some contrary views or disagreements are present, but finding compromise or creative ways to reconcile disputes produce results that are better than all sides passively agreeing on everything. Be prepared to negotiate this week! Heightened passion and assertiveness start to enter the mix for Aquarius around November 23. This coincides well with Sun and Mercury entering the fiery Sagittarius sign this week. The adventure and abstractness of Sagittarius suits Aquarius reasonably well, with Uranus as your Sun’s ruler. Thus much of the ideas for several of the other signs this week apply to Sagittarius: forming disciplined thoughts and taking action help to propel your objectives forward this week. Final thought for Aquarius: your airy, humanitarian Sun has an apt theme this week, of recognizing how and when other people receive a fair reward based on their efforts.


The week slowly becomes heavier for Pisces Sun as it wears on…becoming grounded and accommodating structure will likely help Pisces have a productive week. It will be a lot of work to maintain discipline and appease authority, but accomplishment is likely to follow the mighty efforts. The nature of this week’s transits also provide an excellent platform for releasing your natural creativity and imagination into some type of material form. Sun will enter one of the signs squaring your Sun’s sign this week. Pisces is not at all averse to Jupiter’s influence, however. Jupiter can be an effective bridge to reaching Neptune’s bliss. Thus partaking in religious rituals, exploring spiritual concepts with the mind, and enjoying jovial gatherings all may be of benefit in becoming more attuned to your Sun’s ruler. Communication perhaps has a more conflicting feel this week; assertive and active efforts to network with current and new contacts, however, can pay greater dividends throughout the week. Final thought for Pisces: fervent dedication is beneficial in helping to untangle puzzles this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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