Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Sagittarius 2015 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/23/2015 - 15:36

Welcome to Sun in Sagittarius! Sun in Jupiter’s sign brings a jovial, uplifting, abundant, expansive feel to mundane affairs. While Jupiter, the minor Sun, has plenty of enjoyable characteristics that help to usher in the holiday season, caution is advised in assuming that he has no undesirable qualities! I can say from personal experience that a Jupiter transit coincided with weight gain, and I couldn’t shake the pounds until Jupiter changed signs.

Jupiter in Virgo (which we are experiencing right now) is such an interesting case. The more I think about Jupiter in the earthy Virgo sign, the more I like him there. Jupiter is in classical detriment in Virgo. Virgo is a very analytical, grounded, detail-oriented sign, and Jupiter is more abstract, philosophical, and likes the big picture. Thus Jupiter has trouble squeezing into the Virgo sign! If you can manage do to so, Jupiter in Virgo is a fantastic opportunity to see both “the forest and the trees”. How powerful to be able to see both the big picture and the details within it. I also like Jupiter a bit muted by sign. He is still Jupiter, but not prone to excesses.

Attention to your own natal Jupiter is also apropos this month. He manifests in the natal promise by sign and has an expansive influence in the area of your life/chart (house) he resides in. My natal Jupiter in Aquarius is retrograde and he’s pushing on my imum coeli. Jupiter in Aquarius is keen on generating a voluminous amount of ideas, loves to think about the future, and he has an egalitarian streak in Uranus’ sign. The retrograde quality suggests that he is either “on or off”, and also “lesson learned” from work done in past lives. The third house placement reiterates the mental/airy type theme well, and I enjoy teaching and writing very much.

My web site has undergone a revision. I program it myself (Jupiter in Aquarius again? lol). My site has beautiful artwork on the front page and I have other items worth checking out, including a holiday special. My Facebook page also passed 10,000 likes when Sun was transiting through Scorpio. I remember wondering how I was going to surpass 1000 likes! This month is a kind of pot of gold at the end of the rainbow indeed.

Let’s see what else the heavens portend for this month.


Neptune went direct last month, but he will barely move throughout this month. He is quite staid in his home sign of Pisces this month. Neptune’s Sabian symbol right now is “a girl blowing a bugle”. This calls attention to musical creativity, as well as a more youthful or innocent approach in attempting to reach bliss. Saturn grinds slowly forward in Sagittarius throughout the month, and he forms an exact square to Neptune on November 26. Therefore, throughout the month, Saturn and Neptune are in tension with one another, with Neptune stronger by sign. Ironically, perhaps, this opens a window for enormous creativity to burst through. Effort and utilization of structure in tandem with creative inclinations allow it to flourish. I also enjoy the theme of making your dreams (Neptune) into a material reality (Saturn). The square suggests a mighty effort must be made, but also has potential for the most growth. Jupiter’s overarching influence this month helps to mitigate some of the frustrations or stumbling blocks. Saturn-Neptune also has a ring of “authoritative spirituality”, but also is perhaps ideal for leaning on a spiritual mentor if you so choose – and be prepared for difficult work.

Poseidon (Transneptunian) actually moves faster than Neptune this month, surprising due to Poseidon’s very slow transit that averages about sixty years per sign. Of note, Venus enters the Scorpio sign this month and she conjuncts Poseidon from about December 14 to December 16. The narrow three-day window is an intense time of developing deep insights and enlightenment through involvement with other people. Poseidon will also be at the midpoint of Mars in Libra and Sun in Sagittarius on December 3 (and I would allow a day before and after). Another three-day time period has a different feel but is still a spiritual type of time period. A conscious, assertive type of vibe has an end result of tapping wisdom and perhaps reaching large groups of people with useful knowledge.

Not to forget about Jupiter this month in regards to spirituality! Jupiter’s outstanding feature this month, in my view, is the mutual reception to Mercury (each planet in the other’s sign). The two bounce off one another for most of the month. The duo squares for much of the month as well, with an exact square occurring on December 4. The Mercury-Jupiter mutual reception and square gives a distinct impression using the mind to find your own spiritual place within the vast expanse of the cosmos. The smallest detail reflects the widest span of the universe, something like a brain cell mimicking the universe’s structure. Definitely, themes such as communication in order to reach spirit, thinking and reading about spiritual matters, and combining thought with a sense of wisdom both for practical matters and more existential ponderings can be productive this month, particularly if precise intent and effort is made (the square influence). The Mercury-Jupiter theme lasts from the beginning of the month until December 9; and watch for the key date of December 4.

Vesta (asteroid lady) will move out of the Pisces sign on December 3. Vesta is very dedicated and committed to spiritual matters and feeling inspired in the Pisces sign. Vesta is also signaling that paying attention to what you’re committed to and focused on in your life will likely undergo an evaluation. Dedication in finishing cycles moves to commitment with new cycles that build on the old cycles, certainly a salient theme in regards to how you experience spirituality.


Jupiter, and Mercury in Sagittarius, both emphasize focusing on the details of a purchase and the immediate need of doing so, as well as the long-term ramifications of buying something. Even with Sun in Sagittarius, one has the feeling that stops are in place, or that the heavens are operating with one foot on the brake, so to speak, regarding excesses. Impulse buying is more prominent, on average, from late November until about December 7. Before and after, the opposite is likely: restricted spending. Despite what is happening in the heavens, typically spending ramps up on earth during the holiday season. Shopping early (before December 1) or after Mercury enters Capricorn this month has its advantages (a prudent, well thought out purchase is characteristic of these time frames).

The markets have rebounded, but defy their all time highs. Is another “Santa Claus” rally in store for this month? Talk of Congress wanting to dip into the Fed’s piggy bank (consisting of trillions of dollars) has finally been met with a gentle slap on the back of Congress’ hand from the Fed. I’ve also seen talk of the Fed holding a permanent balance, again of trillions of dollars. My sincere advice, to repeat past newsletters, is to select a competent, knowledgeable prognosticator regarding investments, if you want to ride the waves of the markets, and to do what is best for you, money and investment wise, and considering your tolerance for risk.

Jupiter is also a reminder, I think, that true wealth is not necessarily about money. Jupiter is also about knowledge and the richness of your experiences in life, for example. Jupiter’s exaltation is Cancer. His energy optimism, wisdom, and benevolence are most easily expressed among family and in one’s domicile. That said, plenty of money is also a means to experiencing what the world has to offer through Jupiter: traveling, education, and enjoyment of various material goods and services. This is more associated, I believe, with his home sign Sagittarius. I suggest bearing in mind the active “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens, regarding moving ahead with short and long term financial goals (a very appropriate consideration with Jupiter in Virgo).


The first part of the month is rather upbeat. Dour Saturn and chipper Sun form a conjunction for basically the first half of the month, with a key date/exact conjunction on November 29. Saturn in Sagittarius has its more and less productive manifestations, of course, but one of my favorite productive themes of Saturn in Jupiter’s sign is “controlled expansion”. The next two years, and this month in particular, are opportune for working within a set framework in order to steadily move objectives forward. November 30 to December 2 are days of concentrating on your specialty and seeking an advantage, and furthering your knowledge, in order to show authority based on what you specialize in, in career or avocation.

Elegant, pronounced collaboration and harmony become more muted, shifting to greater secrecy and lower profiles among partners and groups, when Venus moves into the Scorpio sign on December 4. Plenty of energy, will, and drive for cooperative efforts remain throughout the month with Mars in the Libra sign. Sun in Sagittarius is generally upbeat, and Mars-Venus-Sun will be in consecutive signs after the Venus ingress. Venus strong by sign, and then suddenly relatively weak, is a jolt. Venus in Scorpio forms a kind of bridge between Mars and Sun that can be useful in career. Assertive teamwork leads to intense collaboration in order to enjoy expansion of efforts. Venus in the Scorpio sign also suggests an advantage to be gained through handling collective resources. The overarching influence that must be met is Saturn. Showing discipline and taking responsibility in career helps all of these complicated concepts and influences fall into place.

Mercury starts to conjunct Pluto on about December 12, in Saturn’s sign. Therefore December 12 until the end of the month is prime for using thought, communication, and networking skills in order to sharpen perspectives and increase your influence. December 19 is a key date regarding this theme. Of great importance, Jupiter and Pluto (“expanding power”) are in the final stages of forming a trine in the earthy signs, another theme available to utilize in career. At risk of my Scorpio ascendant sounding fixated on Pluto, Mars and his overlord, Pluto, form a midpoint exactly conjunct Admetos (Transneptunian) on December 5. Thus early December is outstanding for implementing difficult work that combines drive, will, and assertiveness with raw power in order to push forward with persistence and endurance. The earthy and Saturnine feel in the transits is rather heavy this month, contradictory to Sun in Jupiter’s sign. Finding a way to invoke some of the fiery, active energy in the heavens this month into career and work should provide a useful boost in order to fully take advantage of the groundedness and structure available for moving forward in career.


Venus is social, elegant, graceful, and affable in her airy home sign, Libra. She forms an opposition to Uranus in Aries until the end of November, and then she moves forward into the Scorpio sign on December 4. While harmony and balancing are influential in relationships with Venus in Libra, this month has an added element of transitions and change in relationships due to the Uranus, then the Pluto influence. Venus also trines her spiritual teacher, Neptune, starting on December 4 (the beginning of the trine by sign) and lasts until about December 19. The transsaturnian Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto influences are present in relationships at various times this month, necessitating that the earthy influences in the transits be tapped. Neptune is the most potent influence, due to Venus and Neptune being a planetary pair, Neptune in his home sign, and the watery trine aspect. Developing spirituality through contact with other people has a harmonious, watery, flowing feel in December.

Mars symbolizes the “self” half of a relationship, very important to consider. Mars is far away from his home sign Aries this month, in detriment in Venus’ sign Libra. Mars in Libra manifests via the cooperative Libra sign, which is not well suited to the independent, fiery, brash Mars. A potential strength of Mars in Libra, however, is that he has a lot of passion to devote to team efforts. He can also be defensive and protective of friends and of those in close relationships. The Mars-Uranus opposition is repeating this month. I have Mars in Aries, Uranus in Libra natally and the two form a strong opposition. Mars in my natal chart is stronger by sign, but in the current transits Uranus is stronger by sign. Mars and Uranus conjunct exactly on December 10. I have found that pioneering and novel types of projects and activities keep me going and are a useful outlet for the restless Mars in Aries energy, and the intellectual capacity and ideas of Uranus. The same can probably be said of the current transit. However, this transit accentuates an effort on teamwork in order to push innovative ideas forward. Mars and Uranus can signify independence in relationships and perhaps breakups. While I wouldn’t suggest worrying about a sudden breakup in a relationship, without other catalysts, you may find that a bit more assertion and need for independence characterize relationships this month.

Juno (asteroid lady/relatedness) moves from the Libra sign into Scorpio this month, as does Venus. This reiterates the sudden shift to more intensity and issues of dealing with power in relationships. Juno moves more slowly than Venus, and I suggest paying attention to Juno’s conjunction to Apollon (Transneptunian) from about December 10 to December 16. The Juno-Apollon conjunction evokes an image of a close, powerful, famous couple entering an event on a red carpet. Close relationships have a certain watery magnetism and depth with Juno in Scorpio, and Apollon is a rather uplifting influence. Learning and teaching, enjoying one another’s company, and expanding efforts (a minor, but powerful, repetition of the “expanding power” theme) influences close relationships with Juno conjunct Apollon. Juno-Apollon is also opportune for deciding how to accumulate and use joint resources.

Key dates to consider regarding Cupido (Transneptunian) for enjoying togetherness, marriage, and those who you consider to be part of various groups in your life include November 22 to 25 (Juno-Cupido – marriage and close relationships are of prime importance during this time), November 29 and 30 (Venus-Cupido), and December 16 and 17 (Sun-Cupido).

The holiday special will disappear after December 31, 2015! Only about a month left to obtain an awesome reading at an awesome price. Other cool, in-depth readings are also available. Find more details at

Happy solar return to friends with Sun in Sagittarius! See you next month. Mike

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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