Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, November 27, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 20:37

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Tension dominates the feel of the transits this week. The transits certainly exude a vibe of “when the going gets tough, the tough get going!” Nonetheless, Jupiter and Venus have their say among the tense energies. Jupiter receives attention due to the powerful Sun transiting through his sign this month, and Venus remains elegant, social, and graceful in late Libra, her home sign.

The fiery, brash, aggressive Mars receives a tough workout of his own this week. He starts the week with aspects to seven other planets, while he struggles to find a place in the sign opposite of his dominion, Aries. Using personal energy to acclimate to group efforts and the demands of partnerships can lead to meaningful, lasting change this week, if enough effort and will can be mustered to do so. Disciplined thinking is also helpful in determining how to best apply efforts, particularly in the first half of the week.

Neptune’s foggy influence creates turbulence in the transits this week. Quite comfortable in his home sign, Neptune dominates Sun, Saturn, and Mercury via a triple square. Perhaps the stellium of three planets in early Sagittarius can take advice from Venus in Libra, and form an alliance in order to provide clarity and productive use of imagination and inspiration this week. Saturn is a seasoned disciplinarian among the planets in the stellium in Jupiter’s sign; Sun provides some muscle; and the quick Mercury brings a sense of logic to the mix. As the week grinds forward, expect situations to be influenced by Neptune’s ethereal nature. On the plus side, serious spiritual work and breakthroughs are also in the picture this week, given the intent and effort.

A cool theme of seeing both the details of situations or problems, concurrently with the big picture, is duplicated this week, or perhaps squared, with Jupiter in Virgo in mutual reception to Mercury in Sagittarius. Ability to see both the forest and trees is certainly a theme not to be brushed aside this week. Jupiter’s abundance and Mercury’s logic compete for influence with Neptune’s bliss. The tense aspects in the transits are saying, possibly, that you can have it all if only the difficult demands of the planets this week are appropriately met. Then again, it might be just another mirage emanating from the amorphous Neptune.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Sun transiting through a fiery sign gives Aries Sun a bit of extra pep this week. The first few days of the week have a more structured feel for Aries, but it you are willing to flow with authority and use your assertive nature to move group efforts and projects forward you can have a productive start to the week. Also watch for opportunities to use your area of expertise in order to take command of teams or partnerships in order to efficiently achieve objectives. If the start of the week feels a bit foggy, the nebulous feel will likely clear up by December 1. As the week progresses, Aries might feel more disruption and ups and downs, but this week is also a chance for you to increase your personal power and use new ideas to your benefit, with the tradeoff of fulfilling demands and giving mighty efforts. Also watch for opportunities to take advantage of an elevated theme involving the mind and using a combination of logic and intuition in order to solve problems from November 27 to 29. Final thought for Aries: no additional insights for Aries this week.


Venus in Libra signifies a broader theme of harmony in the transits this week for Taurus Sun, despite the inherent tensions. Close relationships are probably of greatest benefit for Taurus, with a peak day on December 3. Any disruption or power struggles in general will likely be felt towards the beginning of the week. November 29 and 30 are opportune for experiencing harmony and togetherness, especially in close relationships, but also among groups you belong to and with extended family. While Taurus is not completely outside of the tense energies this week, you have a largely airy and social week, to enjoy conversation or set your mind to solving problems with other like-minded people. December 3 might feel like a grinding day; any movement forward (recalled the “controlled expansion” theme) is progress, and can also help form the bedrock for lasting accomplishment. Final thought for Taurus: be wary of having too many irons in the fire this week.


The week has an abstract feel for Gemini Sun. Abstractions and flashes of insight should complement your penchant for gathering information and use of logic well. Accommodating structure, and at the same time working to use imagination and creativity, has great potential for Gemini in the first half of the week. Gemini also has an independent streak this week, with a peak day on November 30. While going against the grain can be tough, it’s also where great ideas and the spark to implement them are from! December 1 is a prime day for using technology or brainstorming, and then immediately enacting innovative ideas. You are also in a very sweet spot this week in the transits, to utilize the “both the forest and the trees” theme. Gemini can move forward this week through seeing the details and big picture of a project or aspiration, and doing the work required to craft your dream into a material form. This is a reasonably upbeat and expansive week for Gemini, true to the Sun opposite your Sun’s sign, particularly in the second half of the week. Final thought for Gemini: be on the lookout for unexpected allies this week.


Despite the tension in the transits this week, November 27 to 29 is rather comfortable for Cancer Sun. Comforts of home, closeness to family, and following a more familiar routine sets the tone for you for the first half of the week. Around November 30, a more assertive, competitive, and action-oriented theme emerges, quite a contrast to the first three days of the week. Ideas tend to flow well for Cancer on November 30 and December 1. Watch for opportunities to funnel your efforts into activities with a decisive focus on December 1. The first day of December has a strong vibe of “those who can, do” for Cancer; using structure combined with creativity has great potential when you find ways to act spontaneously, be innovative, and use objectivity. The end of the week feels more grounded and detailed. Cancer has a nice opportunity to experience the “both the details and the big picture” theme and perhaps benefit from it on December 3. This week contains the impression of flowing well for Cancer if you respond to the energies well. Final thought for Cancer: The very long term is a key issue for Cancer to consider this week, in light of your future direction and pondering how history often repeats itself (and whether you want it to, in personal life).


Sun transiting in fiery Sagittarius is familiar for Leo Sun. The transits this week give your talent for concentrating energy in order to complete tasks a kind of “option” to experiment with changing course in midstream regarding projects and duties in work or other parts of your life. Watch for a difficult, but equally useful, theme on November 27 and 28 of seeing situations and people as they truly are (November 27 is strongest). The beginning of the week in particular, and the entire week in general, is largely about the past for Leo. Thus this week is also a time of reevaluation (making the Sun in Sagittarius subtheme all the more useful). Actions of the past cannot be erased, but vigilant attention to their effects can be of use in going forward, to say the least. If authority and structure feel as though they’re too much of a grind (with a peak day on November 29), actively seeking logical, “out of the box” solutions is one way to ameliorate feeling stuck. No sugar coating things: Leo feels the tensions in the transits this week. However, many opportunities arise from the difficulties (read, doing the difficult work in helping to make your dreams into a material reality, inter alia). Final thought for Leo: an objective approach to dealing with other people, combined with people skills, tends to work best for Leo this week.


Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are in the fiery sign squaring Virgo Sun’s. What a fascinating combination to ponder for Virgo, particularly with the stellium in Sagittarius squaring your Sun’s sign. The Virgo sign is well attuned to Mercury’s qualities (your Sun’s ruler), and Sagittarius, not so much. Saturn also likes earth signs, including Virgo; but is he comfortable in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius? And automatically, the powerful Sun squaring your natal Sun by sign offers its challenges. Thus the stellium in Sagittarius appears to be rather intricately intertwined and at odds with Virgo. This week, particularly at the beginning, might feel weighty and serious for Virgo, despite the Jupiter influence, and despite his continuing tenure in your Sun’s sign. Using preset structure and a practical orientation to life this week helps to reach solutions to problems via using the mind, especially via using technology or suddenly being struck by novel solutions to them. All of that stated, the week has potential to be uplifting and in experiencing abundance and expansion of your efforts, especially by the end of it. Virgo is definitely in the midst of the “controlled expansion” theme this week. Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


Once again, Libra Sun can enjoy an entire week of your Sun’s ruler, Venus, at home in your Sun’s sign. Amid chaos and turbulence, some amount of ease gives Libra a smoother than average ride this week. Do be aware, however, of agents of change entering the picture, especially towards the beginning of the week. Engaging in relationships in order to effectively deal with disruptions and working to increase your power base are two examples of how you might successfully ride the cosmic waves from about November 27 to 29. Unity in close relationships and marriage is also a potentially uplifting theme for Libra this week. As Libra, and the rest of the signs, prepare for a sharp jolt when Venus enters Scorpio next week, your social and intellectual sign has many choices regarding how to integrate the planetary energies into your life. Pushing forward with determination and embracing the “controlled expansion” theme is certainly possible. Using relationships as a stepping stone to developing spirituality and reaching Neptune’s bliss also has its potential and appeal. Or, intuiting ways to benefit from seeing both the details and big picture of situations or challenges may also appeal, particularly when teamwork and camaraderie are involved in helping you succeed. Final thought for Libra: consider the value of repetition and learning from mistakes when trying something unfamiliar.


The week has its bright spots for Scorpio Sun. November 29 is a day of using the mind for Scorpio. Flashes of insight and new ideas have an added benefit of the “forest and the trees” theme, if you can manage to integrate those concepts into your work or personal life. This is not an easy week for Scorpio Sun, but intensity is the name of the game for you…tense struggles that leave no stone unturned and forge you into a different person surely can be taken as an appealing challenge! Will, drive, and passion are amped up this week for Scorpio and become stronger as the week progresses. The need for suddenly shifting direction in how you handle tasks or projects, particularly in a team or group setting, is more likely this week. Generating novel solutions or using technology to move forward with group efforts is also more likely to help you find success. The inclination to go your own way also lingers for Scorpio this week, but Sun entering Sagittarius has also been reasonably favorable for you. Therefore expanding your power base may also be of use as a theme to focus on this week. Final thought for Scorpio: if a situation demands adapting and changing course, your passion and zest is a fitting resource to enact the necessary variations.


As your solar return month continues, Sagittarius Sun has a measure of good fortune in avoiding many of the tougher aspects in the heavens. Then again, more opportunities can be inherent in the difficulties. Sagittarius does, however, have a potentially productive week ahead. Networking, using logic, and a fair amount of communication are in the cards for you this week, with the strongest day on December 3. Use of logic and the mind can be particularly effective in helping with developing sharp perspectives about people and situations, especially in work and career. Saturn’s lengthy transit through your Sun’s sign, and Mercury’s brief transit, add an element of discipline and responding to structure and authority in order to move aspirations forward this week – therefore, while Sagittarius is firmly enmeshed in the “seeing both the details and the big picture” this week, the details, perhaps ironically, are of more focus for your higher-minded, abstract core self. Final thought for Sagittarius: Venus in Libra is an apt reminder for Sagittarius this week: a key person can help you reach an objective or help you attain what you want or need.


Mental clarity and attention to conscious thought are essential for Capricorn Sun, if you find yourself in nebulous situations this week. The first part of the week is most important for Capricorn and helps set the tone for the rest of the week. Passion, drive, and assertive qualities are more elevated for Capricorn in the first half of the week, and the elevated use of logic, networking, and step-by-step problem solving also fade towards the week’s end. The week largely revolves around giving dedicated effort in order to utilize idealistic ideas, implement imagination, and perhaps touch spirit. Your core self, centered around the practical, material, and ambition, is very much part of the struggle in the transits this week regarding materializing your dreams versus straying into endless fog. If you are willing to make the effort this week, a great deal of creativity can be unleashed in helping you reach what you aspire towards. If you fall short of grandiose goals, the value of having given an earnest effort remains. Final thought for Capricorn: this week can be very much about reaching new heights, but be sure you have a parachute or “Plan B” if you’re unable to stay aloft!


Relationships are influential for Aquarius Sun at the beginning of the week. A rugged determination to succeed helps characterize relationships all week. Close relationships are a minor boost on November 27, after which they fade to normal. Relationships in general are of greater than average influence for Aquarius until about December 1. In particular, meeting of the minds and exchanging ideas, natural and perhaps fun for Aquarius, are of benefit. Conscious purpose and self-expression flow more smoothly as the week progresses, and use of the mind, another natural proclivity for Aquarius, is stronger this week, with peak days on November 30 and December 1. A measure of wisdom in work and career endeavors is also a continuing theme for Aquarius this week; this theme demands effort, but has decent potential for results as well (such as amount of work produced, or making yourself known for your alacrity). Your Sun’s ruler, Uranus, will go direct soon; enjoy the final days of Uranus retrograde for now, and look forward to his usual state of operation. Final thought for Aquarius: in seeking clarity, look for the toughest person you can find to show you the light.


November 27 starts the week as an emotionally flowing, instinctively watery day for Pisces Sun, which generally speaking is a very good start for your watery core self. Empathy, already a strong suit for you, is more prominent from November 27 to 29. Another tough week is in store for Pisces, but by no means is this meant to be a discouraging comment. Touching spirit through expressing yourself and being creative, using thought, and responding well to structure is very demanding this week, but obviously also potentially rewarding. Jupiter transiting in Virgo, the sign opposite of your Sun’s, is another beneficial way to approach the week. The smallest act of service or attention to seemingly trivial details is the first step to reaching Neptune’s (your Sun’s ruler) bliss. Playing the strengths of the transits this week seems to be the way to go for Pisces. Relationships, although not directly in your sphere of influence, are generally important for all of the signs and yet another way to manifest your imaginative and inspirational inklings while effectively using teamwork to complete more mundane tasks. The strong representation of planets in mutable signs this week (including Neptune in your Sun’s sign) also helps to create a nice flow for you this week, to bob and weave among the more difficult aspects and situations. Final thought for Pisces: if you find yourself in a situation that demands your help, assessing why someone needs help may be essential.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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