Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/15/2011 - 11:13

"All men, all things, all space and time and life are here in the depths of your soul. Smaller than small, greater than great meet and unite in you. That which you thought you were, you never were at all, for it was a changing thing, mirroring the seasons and the times ... a thing to be born and grow and die. You are not a thing of time or circumstance, you are spirit, pure and eternal, birthless, deathless and changeless." - Ernest Holmes

The sage philosopher Ernest Holmes called it spiritual therapeutics; the exercising of our mind with the Power of the Universe in order that in every moment we can create a life that inspires us with purpose and love and joy, ultimately leading to a full expression of our gifts and talents while we are here. As spiritual beings restoring our earthly lives back to the original blueprint "divinity" some may find themselves producing days that are challenging, perhaps chaotic, maybe distressed or a bit uncomfortable.

Not to worry though my friends, playing with Power always involves a test of character and we are playing with mucho, mucho Power right now. Each personal challenge develops spiritual character by stimulating us to new heights of emotional intelligence and mental inheritance. You and I are here to experience exactly what we are dealing with so that we can empower ourselves with the maximum amount of Creator Light during this time of great evolutionary elevation.

We are smack-dab in the midst of the grandest "shift of consciousness" that has ever been experienced on Earth! Never before have we been afforded the opportunity to become Spiritually Conscious while in biological matter! We should be celebrating daily that such befuddled and unclear minds are zooming towards an era of Ascended Living without wiping ourselves off the face of the planet! Who cares if we create a few challenges? WE ARE enlightenment deciphering the dynamic power and magnificence of the Supreme Creator's essence in a body! How awesome is that?

To assist the upward spiral all kinds of teachers are surfacing and spreading the word that we have the power to imprint universal energies and use them to structure our personal realities! Within the current state of human affairs we are being instructed to master the discipline of self-control, become masters of discernment, masters of energy, and masters of Love.

If one pays attention they will notice the astounding amount of teachings that presently abound enforcing the Truth that we are naturally configured to experience reality from an inner position of personal empowerment which is both simple and quite complex but if you adhere to what is being given you'll gain the ability to bring your visions, dreams, goals, and desires to fruition. If you haven't done so yet -- you must learn that you are constantly broadcasting your beliefs and your conditions for reality into existence.

When you consciously become aware that you are a co-creator who is entitled to all the beauty, bounty, and abundance of the universe you will begin to change your world and, in turn, the global climate of consciousness. It takes each of us becoming clear about what we want, knowing that we can create any version of life that we desire. Your first priority these days must be to study and integrate the wisdom of universal laws, and how to work with them in harmony.

This is an integral step toward living as an ascended being here to express a Divine mission. Your soul obviously chose to be here at a time when spiritual principles would be recognized as tools for creating and manifesting reality into form, and to anchor in this reality the knowledge that you are a spiritual being in charge of your own life. Believe me to be able to proclaim, "I was there, and I lived it! I did it; I began to design my life according to my own well-conceived intentions" is a noteworthy achievement on anyone's spiritual resume.

Whew, with that said let me move on to the energy for the week. The cosmic attunements this week will have humankind looking for ways to build new character, shore-up emotions, and foundation new beliefs in relation to our very new residence of higher dimension on planet earth. We are no longer waiting for the re-connection to the higher planes. The planet has emerged into the light of a new reality.

Every soul is currently applying a personal philosophy of "checks and balances" to their personal realm of existence. We are in an energetic territory that is urging us to seek dramatic and decisive changes to get this thing called Life heading toward refreshed and optimized aspirations. Do you have a clearing and aligning theme currently at work? Do you know the game plan right now is about developing the security you need for your particular unique expression of Spirit to gain more freedom here?

As we merge our spiritual selves with our material selves our bodies will be working very hard too. We're shifting DNA, restructuring chakras, coming into greater alignment, and releasing old patterns and structures that have kept us bound to an old, limited experience. In particular, for this week we are in a wave of release that is tied to new openings of autonomy and freedom. Gaia is loving herself unconditionally and to support that she has been releasing old patterns of being shunned in her energetic system. And since we get what the planet gets, we are releasing too. I have witnessed emotional and physical releasing with most of my clients. All of this re-creation takes energy, so don't be surprised if you are feeling uninspired, frustrated or angry, tired, sick, or weepy. We're busy moving out the patterns that would limit the amount of Soul Freedom (authority) we can generate for ourselves. Any areas of your life where you are apathic, restricted, over-identifying [ego] or co-dependent will be super charged and potent right now. Pay attention to your personal symbols of private tutoring from your guides and then act accordingly.

All of this wonderful processing is happening because the direction of Life has changed and we have become the Entry Point leading consciousness to a new platform of energetic architecture in this domain of the Milky Way. We are not going back, not saving the old, not holding up the old, and not returning to an older reality of security. Mainstream media reports daily about the failing structures that can no longer survive in the next era. You are healing through the emotional, mental, and physical body because we are cosmically infused with a Divine stimulus that is going to allow for a great state of peaceful permanence and unification here.

This is the time to learn the ways by which you and I will build our Aquarian Era starting today. The materials we must gather and use to create this paradigm of peace and love are strong and solid connections to Creator God, Mother Earth and Self. We need deep love for humanity, selflessness, stability, faithfulness, integrity, compassion, transparency, fearless acts of goodness to shepherd one another through a dark hallway and Love toward all without limits! These are the raw materials that we will create our new world with. This is the New way, the One way, the only way!

So no matter what level of consciousness you currently embody, you still have MORE in store for yourself. To be in harmony with the current energy infusion practice what you know and set a clear intention for the direction you want to go. Your Soul Essence and this Phase of energy will journey you "right there." The Sacred is opening us up to a greater Quality of Potential. It is very important to integrate as well as utilize all aspects of ourselves. Strive for an overall Quality of Life which becomes available and is present to Infinite Refinement while focusing upon compassion and solutions for yourself and the outer world.

As the year becomes stronger in vibrational quality, more and more people in the world, conscious or not, will be able to connect to this newly established Power because you help anchor it. This in turn allows us to absorb more of IT which propels our reality into a more resource-full and life-affirming, love-based place to live. Basic physics, nothing too complicated. The more souls that connect to It, and anchor It, the more we intensify It.

Merging with Greater Intelligence is currently our grandest "energetic" opportunity from the Source of All That Is, and from our Soul for purification of the dross, so that we may become our illuminated Divine Self while in our body. Life comes with responsibility, take this week to reflect on all the areas where you no longer fit and ask, "How can I create the harmonious path that flows the situations, the people, and the events that will serve my Soul's agenda?

Peace waves as you get ready to add this week to the list of your most creative accomplishments,

© 2003 - 2011 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website. Reverend Angela's website: WWW.ANGELAPEREGOFF.COM email:blessings@angelaperegoff.com


shrley frost (not verified)

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 17:09

Ill try my hardest to go with this but frankly its difficult with the UK government trying its hardest to screw us for every ounce of assets for no other reasons than they can

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