~Neptune Transits into Pisces 2012~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 07:29
~Galactic Love Reporter Kate A. Spreckley~

Monday, 6 February, 2012  (posted 13 February, 2012) 


As we continue upon our path of evolutionary growth and development, the shifts and changes we experience can be viewed through the movement of the planetary bodies within our galaxy. In astrology the movements of the planets and their impact on humanity is studied and analysed. All the planets transit through each astrological sign at their own pace and each operates in its own unique way. Planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are seen as generational planets because of their impact on the collective consciousness of humanity. The planets job is to promote change, growth and ultimately evolution. Uranus shocks and disturbs the existing order so that it may be replaced with a new one. Pluto destroys in order to reconstruct. Neptune dissolves, dilutes and creates chaos so that a new Spiritual awareness for humanity may be implemented.


Every time a planet transits its energy is influenced by the principals and characteristics of the astrological sign it is transiting, thus promoting both individual and collective changes.

Currently one such significant transit is the planet Neptune which has moved into the astrological sign of Pisces. Neptune began this transit into Pisces on the 4th April 2011 but then retrograded back into Aquarius on the 4th August 2011. On the 3rd February 2012 Neptune moved firmly back into Pisces.


The Neptune transit is significant because Neptune, which rules Pisces and is a planet that governs Spirituality, creativity and artistic expression, will occupy this space until 2025. This event will impact our society and each and everyone upon the planet. How you align with the Universal flow of energy and the new consciousness that Neptune's transit will bring, will be a conscious choice you are required to make. Within this incredible shift you will be able to either experience the unity and connectedness you have been seeking for so long, or if your choice is to deny this new consciousness, the consequences may well be isolation and or psychological confusion and turmoil.


Neptune is seen as the Soul Teacher and Pisces as the sign of the collective unconscious. The energy of Pisces is persuasive and hold the ability to dissolve the oldest patterns and the thickest blocks as it stirs the waters of the collective unconscious. The collective consciousness contributes to events and experiences in our lives. The law of cause and effect operates not only individually but also through groups of people as they form specific families and societies. Neptune in Pisces will bring a collective awareness and attention to the suffering of humanity and the consequential urge to relieve this suffering through societal changes. A release of the collective feelings of fear, hate and depravity will result, urging us on both an individual and collective level to forgive those who have hurt, damaged and or enslaved us.


To cope with these energies and the urgings of the collective it is vital that we move into the flow of evolutionary energies. By deeply connecting with the Divine Creator we allow for healing, forgiveness, compassion and change. To implement the necessary transformations required on a collective level we must first connect with and heal the inner self. Most of humanities issues and problems stem from a loss of contact with the inner self. Because of this many of us carry negative patterns of energy we inherited along with our DNA. Uncovering and healing these inherited patterns of negative thought, emotion and feeling is key. Only once you become aware of these patterns are you able to successfully heal and release them. Connecting with the inner self is what promotes healing, personal growth and evolution. By connecting with your inner self change is guaranteed and as a result the world around you begins to improve. This will create changes within your

DNA that will awaken a deep and profound sense of self, which will free you from any over identification with your inherited negative patterns. This energy can then be redirected to activate your Divine Blueprint. The course of your destiny will change and you will be able to effortlessly manifest this blueprint into the world, becoming a conscious and responsible custodian of Earth.


The first step in your Spiritual path must be one of learning to connect with the inner self. Only from this place of connection are you able to understand that every living thing is interconnected and that you create your own reality based upon the patterns you contain within your heart, your mind and your Soul. The passage of Neptune in Pisces will bring the need for a deeper connection, which will encourage you to rediscover your Spiritual center. Compassion as a Spiritual value will increase our capacity for forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love, bestowing upon is a healing vision for the world that will encompass the healing of our hearts and a more creative and Spiritual vision for humanity.


In this time of accelerated growth you may have to confront some deep personal fears, disappointments and disillusionments. You capacity for compassion will increase thus gifting you with a deep sense of connection with your Divinity, which will aid you in this growth. It is imperative that within this new state of consciousness you live from a place of pure, authentic truth. To learn to believe in yourself, to believe in life and to recognise the truth that as children of the Divine Creator we are all ONE. This may inspire you to experience a renewed connection with the Divine Creator. And as you are challenged to probe deeply into your personal beliefs you may discover a new expression of your purpose.


During these powerful times I encourage you all to bear witness to the messages of your heart, to listen to the whispers of your Soul and to soar with the wings of your Spirit.


This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2010 Kate Ann Spreckley http://www.spiritpathways.co.za

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