Visionkeeper ~ Release Your Love Into The World

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 07:34

Visionkeeper ~ Release Your Love Into The World

One World Rising |


It seems to be growing darker in the world, but this is a good thing for it alerts us to the fact we are nearing the end of this very long journey we have been on. The saying, ‘things are darkest just before the dawn’ speaks to this. As most of us already know, we are in the final year of 2012 when the Mayan calendar ends signaling that humanity as we know it ends and we shift into a higher dimension of being. It is not the death of humanity. We just shift our consciousness and do not return to our old ways of being. Thank Goodness. I personally cannot wait to be finished with duality and ego and all the death and destruction and misery of being suppressed we have all endured for so long now. This is the year of freedom and a chance to finally live the lives we dream about. Dream big my friends.


We must look at this journey as traveling down a road which veers off in two directions. We must choose which branch of the road we will take. One way is freedom and happiness encased in shining love. The other is further into darkness and ultimately complete control of humanity. Obviously I think the majority of people will say they want to go down the loving road but we must realize it is up to all of us to bring this about. We must realize that each time one of us awakens and begins to live with love in their hearts we are pulled further towards the road that veers into love and freedom. We as a whole become stronger as each new person awakens. So you can see how urgent it is we all awaken as fast as we can. We are near that cross roads and we need more strength to get us all over on the correct path. We must awaken now and help all others around us as well. We must embrace love and begin to release it into the world for everyone to hold.


As I always remind you all we cannot bring love into our hearts, into our being, until we have cleaned out a space for it to dwell within us. If all the chambers in our hearts are filled up with ego and greed and jealousy and hate there is no place for love to reside. Most people think changing this about ourselves is so impossible when in fact it really isn’t. It is nothing more than making choices and sticking by them.


If you are in a bad situation you always have the choice of staying in the bad or choosing to see things from a different and more loving perspective. Let’s say for example you lose a pet. It is our egos and our own needs that make us grieve its going when in fact we can see this going through different eyes. Why not concentrate on how lucky you were to have had the opportunity to be with that pet for its lifetime? Why not see that where that pet has now gone is a beautiful and loving place and recognize its time to leave had come. We all come to earth with a mission and when we complete that mission we depart to begin again. The pet’s mission has been completed as well and now it is off to make somebody else happy who needs to be loved. All is as it should be.


So in the days weeks and months ahead work hard. Take your issues and problems and whittle them down by asking yourself questions until you find the core or seed of that issue. Once you know what the core or seed is you know what you must work hardest on to release. It becomes manageable as a seed versus the enormity of the whole problem. Like a gold miner you must just keep panning through it all finding parts, taking those parts apart so you can dig deeper still until you find the golden nugget. Remember, everything in life is a choice. So if your life is not going as you would like it is because you have made the choice to stay stuck rather than change your thoughts and change your life. It really is that simple – so simple we overlook it or believe it can’t be so. Clear out within. Find that love and once you find it begin to share it with the world every way you can.


Awaken others, help others and God will help you in return.

Love is all.

Blessings to you all,

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