I was going to get you a box of chocolates for Valentines Day...Rumor has it you, uh...you like the stuff!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 16:35

Just like life, there's light and dark; there's sweet, bitter sweet and just a little sweet, and there are soooooooo many kinds, filled with god knows what........ What is a man to do?

Dazed and confused as I stumbled from the candy section, drunk with the smell of sweetness, I found myself in a section of Close Out Items reduced in price for lack of interest. I reached out my hand to steady myself and clear the dizziness which engulfed me like a thick fog when my hand landed on the perfect gift.................

It looked like a Sampler box of candies but on the lid it said Divine Sampler. The gift was packaged in the most beautiful way in a gold and silver container inlaid with priceless jewels. Immediately I read the label to find to my delight that it was 100% organic, non-toxic.............but, it had been tested on animals. DARN IT !! I nearly put it back on the shelf when a persistent tiny voice told me “Get it anyway!” “Get it anyway!”

I stood wrestling with myself as I continued to read the ingredients, if only to satisfy that pesky little voice. The more I read the more I knew this was the perfect gift for you, and although it is continuously tested on animals I was assured that no animal was ever harmed in any way. Further research found that the manufacture packaged the exact same product for two different markets …...... man & beast.

I turned the gift around in search of the price tag, but found none. From behind me, like an angel came a voice, “You look confused, can I help you with something?” I inquired about the price and much to my surprise I was told.......
Oh that. That is a special gift and it is absolutely free for that is your Divine Inheritance and NO ONE can charge you or tax you for your Divine Inheritance! That is a gift from Creator!”
It includes a Sample of Forgiveness, Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Tolerance , Acceptance and an unlimited supply of Unconditional Love and Gratitude.
Each piece is designed to …..... Prime the Well, so to speak............ to open the valves and remove the blocked energy to allow the return of the natural flow of abundance of Forgiveness, Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Tolerance, Acceptance and the unlimited supply of Unconditional Love and Gratitude which is our birthright.”
I inquired as to why there were so many left in the Close Out Bin if it was free and our birthright. How come we didn't receive this gift as we came into this world?

I was told that we did, in deed, receive this wonderful gift as we came into this world, but, the people have become lost in a sea of illusion and have totally forgotten that Abundance & Prosperity is our birthright. The people have been convinced that Abundance & Prosperity are a privilege and that we must pay for it...... that our Divine Inheritance can be taxed, licensed or withheld. Our Divine Inheritance has gone neglected and unused.

With a sad face and a heavy heart this little angel told me that the people of the world have rejected their Abundance & Prosperity, their Divine Inheritance. That we have chosen Doubt and Fear over our Divine Inheritance and now here it sits in the Close Out Bin.

I was told that the company had a whole warehouse full of gently used packages of Divine Inheritance. The company was seeking a way to clear their shelves of the rejected gifts and return them to the people where they belong.

I was assured that there is no 'Sell By' dates and that although Divine Inheritance was organic, non toxic, and contained absolutely no preservatives, that it would never spoil or sour........ and that as long as we actually used the gift it would never run out. It was an unlimited supply of every thing we need to bring Peace and Harmony, Abundance & Prosperity into our lives. We simply need to acknowledge and accept our Divine Inheritance and use it often........... use it generously....... an unlimited supply!


This little angel seemed desperate to find a way to return the gifts to the people where they belong as she looked at me with those big, wet puppy dog eyes I simply melted........ I decided right there and then that I would make it my mission to return these rejected packages of Divine Inheritance to their rightful owners and to assist the people to awaken.......... to remember !!!!!
Abundance & Prosperity
Is Not A Privilege...........It Is Our Birthright!

I immediately thought of you, so here is your gift from me this Valentines Day........ here is your Divine Inheritance ….........gently used, but, complete with every thing you need to open the door to allow Peace and Harmony, Abundance & Prosperity to manifest in your life. Use it often and use it generously. Give it freely to yourself and others as you cannot overdose …........ Remember, organic ….... non toxic.......
Happy Valentines Day!!

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