Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Aquarius 2016 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/18/2016 - 18:58

Hello and welcome to Sun enters Aquarius in 2016! The eight hypothetical Transneptunians are quite active in the January 20 ingress chart. Most noteworthy is the spectacular watery grand trine formed by Kronos (Transneptunian) at 8 Cancer, with Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. The distant Kronos forms a flowing circuit of watery energy with a strong Mars and a -strong Neptune. Kronos’ symbolism consists of highest authority, pinnacle of achievement, specialization, and upper echelons of set structures, such as within a business or the government. The grand trine seems to symbolize the Trump phenomenon. Beneath the surface anger (Mars in Scorpio) with entrenched, out of touch institutions (Neptune in Pisces) propelling a populist, raucous U.S. billionaire (Kronos in Cancer) towards the Presidency. I have stated early on that Trump’s charts are very good for his election chances, for those who enjoy political astrology. More personally, you may find that the watery grand trine gives you a boost at the beginning of the month, through fixed determination and inspiration leading to new levels of achievement. (Using ingenuity, technology, new ideas, and large volumes of knowledge complement the watery grand trine well – and who could be better suited than Sun entering the water bearer’s sign to complement the manifestation of the grand trine?) The watery pattern is well attuned to spiritual leaders showing influence, so perhaps we’ll hear from Pope Francis or other religious leaders of repute around the time of the Sun’s ingress on January 20.

Saturn traditionally rules Aquarius, but I have always considered Uranus to rule Aquarius. The second half of the ten planets, starting with Jupiter, fit neatly into the last five signs of the zodiac as rulers. The electrical, revolutionary, ingenious Uranus fits the last air sign of the zodiac well. How fascinating, with Sun in Aquarius, that Saturn and Uranus form a trine that becomes stronger as the month progresses. Sun in Aquarius, at the midpoint of Saturn and Uranus around February 4, creates a key date this month: Sun will be exactly in between both the classical and modern ruler of the sign he is transiting through. Saturn’s function is to restrict, and Uranus’ is to break free. This classical struggle ensues between the two throughout the month, although somewhat mitigated by a harmonious trine. Creating meaningful change in existing structures, particularly when a strong sense of taking action or competition is involved (the fiery element), with the greater good of all people in mind (Sun in Aquarius), is one among many productive uses of the trine, and the minor grand trine for several days, this month.

Mercury stations early in the month and goes direct again on January 25. Mercury lags far behind the Sun all month, and Mercury finally enters Aquarius on February 13. I like Mercury in Aquarius. His thought and communication meld well with the air element, and he is also in his tutor’s (Uranus’) sign, which has its advantages. Step by step logical problem solving has increased chances for instant insights, and communication might lead to epiphanies. Venus will be in three separate signs this month. She starts the month conjunct Cupido (Transneptunian). She soon after conjuncts the Galactic Center on January 21 – quite a show for Venus at the beginning of the month – and afterward, she speeds through the Capricorn sign and enters Aquarius on February 16, just before Sun leaves Aquarius. The other planets do not change signs this month, with the obvious exception of the Moon. The action among all of the planets in the transits is still varied and several planets form aspects that create characteristics not often seen from the heavens, which fits the vibe of Sun in Aquarius well.
Let’s see what else the heavens portend for this month.
Using information and bracing yourself for competition are dominant themes in career this month. The second theme, competition in the workplace, appears a bit counterintuitive based on Sun in the Aquarius sign. Several planets positioned by aspect or sign, however, create conditions for competition within or from outside of your work group, based partly on Mars’ and Pluto’s influence. Mercury conjuncts Pluto until about February 10, due to the retrograde, and Mercury also stations one degree before Pluto in Capricorn (“using logic within powerful structures”). Mars in his overlord’s (Pluto’s) sign, Scorpio, contributes to a fixed drive to attain objectives and be victorious. The Mars-Pluto connection strengthens on about January 24 when Mars and Pluto form a sextile aspect, which lasts until about February 12. Action taken to alter self, others, or situations are likely to be more effective this month, and in terms of career, adapting to shifting structures, and actively but quietly gathering perspectives for immediate or future use, symbolizing the energies of Mars teaming up with his overlord, Pluto.

Venus speeds through the Capricorn sign this month. She conjuncts Pluto for a considerable length of time, and indeed she forms a sextile to Mars within a shorter time frame. February 4 is a bit too early for an exact conjunction and sextile, but Venus clearly forming aspects to both Mars and Pluto on the important date strengthens the importance of February 4. Venus is the essence of cooperation, but her transit through Capricorn’s sign gives her an earthy, achievement-oriented feel that is not incongruent with competition; accomplishment through participating in a team or group, particularly in career, that shines above the rest would be a marvelous experience of Venus in Capricorn.

Mars-Saturn-Venus/Pluto-Sun will be at approximately the same degrees of each consecutive sign from Scorpio to Aquarius on the paramount February 4 date. The symbolism can be stretched to include Chiron in Pisces and Uranus in Aries, without varying too much with the degrees (even Zeus at 18 Libra might be said to start the pattern). Thus a very positive, or at least interesting, type of domino effect has potential to occur on and around the February 4 date, and it strikes me as most useful for career. Showing leadership in a cooperative or group setting (Zeus in Libra) with a fixed determination and intense passion (Mars in Scorpio) leads to controlled expansion (Saturn in Sagittarius) that is useful in using collaborative efforts to attain or access raw power through existing structures (Venus/Pluto in Capricorn), and this is a very conscious, innovative type of endeavor (Sun in Aquarius) additionally containing novel ways of intuiting how new paths can be traveled in order to achieve goals and understand concepts in a new way (Chiron in Pisces), with an end result of revolutionizing one’s self or initiating original enterprises (Uranus in Aries). If you don’t care for the complicated verbiage, just mark February 4 on your calendar!

Saturn making a subtle aspect to Poseidon (Transneptunian) until about January 22 deserves mention. The beginning of the month has opportunities for reaching a large audience in your work, if you can manage to do so and think it would be beneficial. Responding to authority and acting effectively within structure – obviously associated with work and career – also have opportunities for attaining wisdom and true understanding of concepts and abstract ideas. Career is not usually associated with spirituality, but Saturn-Poseidon meld the two at the beginning of the month, perhaps of interest to consider.

Mercury going direct in Saturn’s sign this month and edging farther into Aquarius by the end of the month, than before the retrograde started, gives a sense of “back to normal”, especially at work. Permanent change of some sort in work or career is also a heavy theme with this Mercury retrograde; if you have not experienced that, perhaps that is for the best, and if you have, I recommend focusing on how to roll with the transitions and how to prosper from them. With Jupiter retrograding slowly back through Virgo, and Saturn moving slowly forward through Sagittarius, the two slowly form a tighter square as the month progresses. Therefore, bearing in mind the “controlled expansion” theme this month in the context of career can be of benefit. The square involving Saturn sounds dreary, with Jupiter retrograde and muted by sign. But Saturn helping to form a square also has its bright spots! Saturn begins to form a semisquare to Apollon (Transneptunian) at the end of the month, and Apollon will also be at the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn next month. Saturn-Apollon contains advantageous themes for those on the watch for them (“structural breadth”, “gains through discipline”, “learning from authority figures:”). No doubt that Apollon at the midpoint of Jupiter/Saturn will be an awesome opportunity. The midpoint event will last several days due to the slow movements of Jupiter and Saturn (and the very slow Apollon). I will have plenty to say about that next month.
With all of the market volatility lately, one wonders if Sun entered Aquarius early this year! Or maybe Sun in Aquarius will loudly be saying, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Talk of the Fed using negative interest rates, traders who fill blackboards with equations, and computer programs fighting against each other for minute fractions of a second’s advantage in trades creates interesting times for the markets. Whether you set aside money for investments or not, stepping back and seeking perspective regarding your own situation is a good idea with Sun entering an air sign. Objectivity and seeking a trusted counsel strikes me as very Aquarian, as does considering the future. Staying with an intelligent strategy, and realizing that opportunities abound in any economy (more difficult to find in an economic recession or depression, I realize), gives me the impression that not only can your current situation improve, your future will likely also look brighter. Mercury is the mind, and thoughtfully applying new ideas, technology, and flashes of insight to all areas of life is Uranus’ influence. Thinking about how to independently deal with what is within your control, despite what actions the Fed or other institutions choose, or what the overall economy does, is well attuned to Sun in Aquarius.

Mercury direct (January 25) and after is better for buying large ticket items and signing contracts this month, if possible. I like Mercury in Aquarius (starting February 13) for buying technology, and perhaps you can even find a very good deal on what you want, if you are willing to sift through information and act quickly (or perhaps a deal will pop up spontaneously). Mercury lining up with the Uranus-Pluto square does not give me good vibes regarding important decisions, as deals might suddenly become unappealing, shift terms, or otherwise be affected by disruptions or change. Thus I would suggest February 4 and after as a safer time to create and cement contracts or commit to a large purchase (again, if possible – sometimes cars must be repaired, deals too good to pass up will disappear, and so on). February 10 and after seems even safer, and Mercury truly past the retrograde on about February 15 is safest.

Briefly, it also occurred to me that Venus in Capricorn is obviously beneficial for earning income from career. This month has an ample time frame for increasing income from work – maybe permanently. Mars – outflows – is strong by sign in Scorpio this month. It gives the impression that when extra money is obtained, it will be spent. I also have the impression that paying close attention to spending can be of benefit, as it may be more habitually based or emotionally driven with Mars in Scorpio. (Credit to astrologer Michael Munkasey for Venus/Mars money ideas.)
Venus trines Jupiter, starting on February 2. Soon after, Mars will be at the focal point of a minor grand trine formed with the two benefics. The earthy “ease and abundance” theme has an outlet in the intensity and passion of Mars, and this lasts from about February 6 to 12. Relationships have a more serious tenor with Venus in Capricorn, but are uplifted by Jupiter’s expansion and orientation towards growth. The strong Mars connects the two has he’s a focal point for the nice energies of the trine. Relationships have a passion, intensity, and an unwavering quality this month that reflects Mars in Scorpio. When Mars is harmoniously attuned to the Venus and Jupiter influence, relationships have a transformative, uplifting quality through a certain harmony between two individuals. Relationships also have a sense of variety this month, for lack of a better term, due to Venus visiting three different signs within the month. The bulk of the month will contain Venus in Capricorn, and this gives a fast-paced, industrious type feel to relationships.

Juno (asteroid lady/relatedness) conjuncts Mars all month in the Scorpio sign, and Mars and Juno form an exact conjunction on January 24. Close relationships also have a tremendous passion and intensity this month. I also have the impression that close relationships could be a bit one-sided, with Mars, strong by sign, conjunct Juno. Attention given to competing with outside forces, rather than from within a close relationship, is one possible productive use of Mars-Juno in Scorpio. Juno will be at the midpoint of Venus and Jupiter on January 23, in the midst of a close conjunction to Mars; participating actively in a close relationship can bring a sense of ease and abundance to the participants for a brief time at the beginning of the month. Juno also starts to conjunct Poseidon (Transneptunian) on January 23 and the conjunction lasts until about February 5. Close relationships contain a sense of spirituality, clarity, exchange of ideas, and perhaps a meeting of the minds that involves both pure intellect and a more “psychic” type of link, if you can manage to recognize and tap it. Ultimately, close relationships help lead to enlightenment with Juno-Poseidon, which blends the relationships theme this month with the spirituality theme.

As I mentioned in the opening comments, the ingress chart contains Venus conjunct Cupido (Transneptunian); relationships in general have a sense of togetherness, community, and sociality on January 20. While the conjunction is brief, the energies of the ingress resonate throughout the month, including the nice Venus-Cupido connection. Cupido has also been sneaking up on the Galactic Center, and basically conjuncts it by the end of the month. Marriage, extended family, and acting as part of a group in personal life or career, resonates with the expansion, wonder, and purpose of the galaxy. More simply stated, Cupido conjunct the Galactic Center has a benefic influence. The relatively slow movement of Cupido through the zodiac, and lengthy retrogrades, will make Cupido-Galactic Center a long-lasting theme that starts this month.
Jupiter in Virgo is retrograding backwards this month at about the same rate as North Node. The pair, therefore, will remain in a tight conjunction throughout the month. South Node becomes more closely conjunct with Chiron in Pisces by the end of the month, with the Jupiter-Chiron opposition closely aligning with the karmic axis (Moon’s Nodes). Jupiter magnifies what he touches, and Chiron symbolizes woundedness and the hidden gift from receiving and experiencing a wound. Jupiter and Chiron aligning with the Nodes in the Virgo/Pisces axis very much emphasizes the wisdom gained from experiencing woundedness and the spiritual journey in discovering the gifts of what appears to be an unpleasant and even devastating experience. All of this is entwined with past and future – how might the experiences of the past be used in order to evolve and move forward in the future? This theme is shouting out personal growth through healing, through attention to small details as well as experiencing the “big picture” of various issues that force us to give attention to areas of life we would rather ignore.

Pluto helps to form a half-kite pattern with Jupiter-Chiron, which adds to the evolutionary type spiritual theme this month. The healing journey entails change, and leaving behind modes of thought or action that no longer serve us well. Pluto is very helpful this month in that regard. Neptune remains steadfast in his home sign of Pisces, emphasizing spirituality and a longing to join a greater collective. I have been fascinated by the many possibilities I have seen in the transits and by looking at natal charts, for ways to reach the power of the planets beyond Saturn. Saturn himself (structure, discipline, responsibility) is the main gatekeeper of the outer planets, but using Neptune as an example, I have noticed that Venus and Jupiter are both effective possibilities in reaching Neptune’s bliss. Chiron dispositing to Neptune and active in the transits this month is perhaps another direct route to Neptune’s bliss: the healing journey leads to developing greater spiritual awareness.

Despite the strong watery energies in the transits this month, Sun in Aquarius emphasizes Uranus (endless knowledge), which is not directly opposed to spirituality, but does remind me of the pending Age of Aquarius and the Pisces energy inevitably losing influence. A marriage of rational thought and spirituality (religion meets physics, the metaphysical more understood by modern science, etc,) tentatively drawing closer as the decades and centuries pass is not a bad way to characterize this month. May you find what you seek, either through the mind or other modes of discovering the truth.

Happy solar return to friends with Sun in Aquarius! See you next month. Mike


Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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