Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 22, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:48

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Mercury screeches to a halt in mid-Capricorn in the middle of this week, just after he has moved backwards over Pluto. Based on Mercury stationing and needing time to rev up again, he will linger just behind Pluto all week. Mercury closely conjunct Pluto for a significant amount of time, and with the pair additionally trining Jupiter in earth signs, certainly has implications. Thought and communication, manifested in a concrete, structured manner, and moving back to a more usual mode of expression, has direct access to raw power and sharp perspectives, and a harmonious link to Jupiter’s optimism and expansive qualities. Life regains a more familiar feel, in use of logic, networking, commerce, and other domains of Mercury. Given the earthy influences in the transits as Mercury goes direct, moving ahead with projects at work and initiating activity in career, after retrograde Mercury’s assessment and evaluation period, allows them to progress with greater force and clarity.

Juno (asteroid lady) conjuncts Poseidon (Transneptunian) for most of the week, and the conjunction coincides nicely with Mercury going direct. Close relationships have a sense of intensity and depth with Juno in Scorpio, and her conjunction to Poseidon gives close relationships a greater sense of clarity and potential for partners to experience more insights together. Mars, strong in his overlord’s sign, Scorpio, also conjuncts Poseidon and Juno in the second half of the week. Mars adds a singular will to the mix, and he is very passionate and fierce in Pluto’s sign. Thus, close relationships have a fair amount of raw energy available, as well as an inclination to touch spirit in a profound manner. Indeed, Mars and Juno are also trine Neptune in his home sign, setting up quite a spiritual influence on Juno’s flowing relatedness combined with Mars’ watery aggression.

Not to forget Sun’s continuing the early phase of his trek through the sign of the water bearer. Sun’s function as core of the solar system will have quite a workout while he is in Aquarius: five of the eight hypothetical Transneptunians are in water signs right now. With Neptune and Mars additionally strong by sign and in water signs, Aquarius Sun has a tall task ahead this month. Fortunately, Sun in Aquarius excels in using his genius to amalgamate and unite eclectic planetary actors into a cohesive group. Sybaritic Venus in Sagittarius quickly becomes more practical in the Capricorn sign, upon her ingress into Saturn’s sign early in the week. Thus both Venus in Capricorn’s talent in facilitating cooperation, and Sun in Aquarius’ function as group leader this week help to direct – somewhat! – the massive energies of the planets/points/objects in watery signs.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The transits feel watery for fiery Aries Sun this week. Still, this is a week of taking action and using the mind, in order to reach your objectives. The week does not completely lack the fire element for any of the signs. Aries has an advantage this week, in having plenty of drive and will available for activities that align well with what you’re currently focused on in your life and dedicated to, in work or avocation. The more vague, flowing feel of the week at its beginning becomes faster paced and more achievement oriented for Aries starting around January 24. Mercury stationing in the middle of Capricorn, and squaring your Sun’s sign, signals that responding well to structure and giving attention to practical matters will be useful as Mercury starts to move forward again. The effort required of Aries to do so becomes greater as the week progresses, but also offers an opportunity to accomplish what you want or need. If you feel authority becoming more prominent around January 26, bear in mind that thinking through various perspectives can help you mold situations to your advantage. Final thought for Aries: if you encounter puzzling situations in the midst of an activity at work or otherwise, watery intuition, Mercury now direct, and keeping projects moving encourage finding solutions.


Venus, Taurus Sun’s ruler, enters the earthy Capricorn sign early in the week. This is generally favorable and comfortable for Taurus. Early in the week might appear to be an abrupt shift. Venus entering Capricorn encourages all of the signs to focus on harmony and teamwork in career. Projects that require a last, huge effort or a sense of using steadfast controls have greater than average chances for success on January 22. January 24, and to some extent January 25, can be the best days of your week. Looking sharp, exuding confidence and using people skills, and expanding your influence in various ways can help you make your mark on January 24 and 25 this week. January 26 is also an important day for Taurus. Difficult issues from the past have greater chances of surfacing on that day, but an opportunity to examine “root causes”, alter parts of situations while keeping them mainly intact, and find information that was not previously apparent can be of great use on that day. Sun also continues to square your Sun’s sign, indicating that your endurance and other earthy qualities help you move forward and persist in reaching your goals, given the effort. Final thought for Taurus: adjusting to a novel situation while maintaining stability in your life might give you a decent challenge and variety this week.


The ‘disruptions’ theme from last week continues this week for Gemini Sun. Do not discount the learning opportunities available this week, however! Your adaptable Sun flows well with Sun in Aquarius’ staying power, which will likely help you roll with upheavals and shocks this week, and perhaps even use them to your advantage (think using technology, implementing new ideas, and brainstorming with friends to help you through difficulties – and be aware that a fair amount of effort will likely be required). Gemini also has a potential advantage, in that increased activity and engaging in competition can help move your efforts forward, and this theme becomes stronger as the week progresses. Developing your power base, particularly in career, is also an opportunity that deserves serious consideration in terms of how to approach your week. No doubt, Gemini has an “opportunities within the difficulties” type of week that can help you move forward, given the effort and determination. Final thought for Gemini: when participating in a group activity, Gemini can contribute to its success by anticipating the needs of its members.


Cancer Sun is well attuned to the watery energies in the transits on the first day of the week, January 22. The fixed, airy energy of Aquarius heavily influences Cancer the next day, January 23, giving you variety early in the week. Spiritual or imaginative experiences, or other watery type events, might be effectively processed and made useful via cognitive functions on January 23. January 23 to 25 is a more creative, active time for Cancer this week, and socializing and perhaps activities such as creative problem solving with another person or in a group will likely be productive. The latter half of the week retains benefic type influences for Cancer, perhaps blending the best of two worlds, with work and career also of importance on January 26 and 27. As Mercury moves forward again in the sign opposite of your Sun’s, Cancer has an edge this week in work and career. Personal growth is a convenient key to accomplishment in the workplace. Final thought for Cancer: consider how to apply theory to successfully deal with various problems that might appear this week.


Sun resides in the early degrees of the sign opposite of Leo Sun’s this week. The personal emphasis on your identity and concepts centered around Sun in Leo, such as leadership, self-expression, and seeking recognition, is contrasted with the transiting Sun’s deference to groups and gregarious frame of mind. Although Sun is transiting in the sign opposite of yours, finding a balance between the self, and the needs of individuals forming a group, gives Leo an opportunity this month to socialize, consider incorporating new modes of thought and action in to your life, and frankly, finding ways to enjoy the airy energies, when the effort is made to reconcile the opposition. Leo has a theme available, throughout the week, of using the mind in order to use your natural creative talents to gain wisdom and insight into people‘s actions, or various situations. As the week progresses, Leo also has an increasing amount of passion and intensity to be applied to work or other endeavors, with an amplified sense of determination to successfully finish what was started. Look to January 28 as a target date for, hopefully, reaching the pinnacle of success based on what you dream or imagine for yourself. Final thought for Leo: being prepared for friends experiencing difficult situations might allow you to provide better assistance to them – avoiding being mired in their muck is actually more helpful for everyone!


How interesting that a theme of planning for the future, however close or far away, is moving forward for Virgo Sun this week. Your Sun’s ruler going direct suggests that the time of evaluation and planning is over, and the time for action is here! Virgo has access to sharp perspectives via the mind all week, of great use as Jupiter lingering in your sign is a reminder that observing both the details of situations (your specialty), as well as the big picture, is most promising in determining how to move forward in order to achieve objectives. The heavens are also definitely saying that treading your own path, despite the work and difficulties, will perhaps lead to greatest success in the long run. Sun in Aquarius is definitely working for you this week…making the effort to tap intuition, innovate new methods of completing work, and choosing ideas from large volumes of information all have potential for helping Virgo create a successful week, and beyond. January 26 and 27 are apt days for finding support if you need it, and those days also amplify the ‘intuition’ theme if you manage to find a way to tap it. Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


Your proclivity for balancing flows well with Sun in the Aquarius sign. Libra Sun has a greater opportunity to not only balance with other people this month, but to “balance” with groups of people! Venus in Capricorn is a fortunate placement for Libra, in terms of showing leadership and creating structure. Given the effort, a sense of accomplishment might be found this week in terms of providing direction and making managerial decisions, if you so choose. January 22 starts the week off for Libra with a sense of optimism. The upbeat feel to the beginning of the week rebounds on January 24. Libra’s attunement to the airy and earthy energies for most of the week quickly turns to a watery influence on January 27 and 28. The end of the week might have an inspirational type feel for Libra, but also bear in mind that working towards more concrete goals can help prevent feeling a bit blasé at the end of the week. Final thought for Libra: Libra might find opportunities this week from a theme that is something to the effect of “coordinating service”.


Going against the grain emerges as a theme for Scorpio Sun this week. Scorpio has amazing potential for using the mind this week, of assistance should you decide to forge your own path in some manner. The week is also about working within existing structures to accomplish what you want or need. Applying an active sense of ingenuity and commitment to your work also obviously increases your odds of success. Dedication to your activities this week and seeking new ideas to apply to make your efforts more efficient or effective helps drive your week forward, and is well attuned to Sun in Aquarius. Transiting Sun squaring your Sun by sign implies difficulties, perhaps, but also better potential for increasing returns when you apply your Scorpio will to projects and tasks. Scorpio does not have specific dates this week to speak of, however, personal drive and ambition remain a strong theme from last week, and using personal will and a bias towards staying focused on both initiating and completing activities becomes a stronger theme for you as the week progresses. Final thought for Scorpio: if you notice someone competing with you and winning, the weak spot for you might be lack of unity among those who are on your side.


Venus not quite having edged into Capricorn at the beginning of the week is a plus for Sagittarius Sun on January 22, but much of the week concerns assessing how interactions from the past can help you determine your future direction, particularly in the area of work. Mercury going direct this week can be very helpful in that regard. Your fiery, jovial Sun may benefit greatly this week from seeking contacts and finding ways to benefit from mutual agreements. This theme is strongest on January 27. If you feel a need to audit various parts of your life, probably informally (although work may entail some type of formal audit, if you are in certain fields), the first half of the week works well, and complements the future direction theme. Seeking perspectives in work and career flows well for Sagittarius all week. Authority and structure are slowly creeping back into the picture for you this week, but bearing in mind the more productive use of Saturn in your Sun’s sign, the “controlled expansion” theme fits nicely with the other career-related themes this week. Sun in the Aquarius sign also raises the elevated possibility of “expanding knowledge” for Sagittarius this month, although not so directly this week. Final thought for Sagittarius: your adaptable Sun might face significant challenges with activities not progressing as planned. Perhaps aligning with the watery “flow” in the transits will help intuit ways to be successful, although with a somewhat different than anticipated end result.


Sun transiting through the Aquarius sign has a hint of Saturn’s influence, which is comfortable for Capricorn Sun, despite Sun just having left your Sun’s sign. Sun in Aquarius is a reminder for all of the signs that achievements can be attained more quickly and with a better product than often what can be achieved independently. Aquarius is a fascinating sign for Sun to reside in: while groups are emphasized, so is individuality! Thus Capricorn has a chance this month to be ambitious and work towards personal accomplishment, while obtaining the benefits of working within a team or some type of unit. Your week has a reasonably upbeat feel. An intense ambition to excel and attain what you desire in work or other areas of life is a short-lived, but potentially effective, theme, on January 27 and 28. Venus in your Sun’s sign for most of the week is a plus (think accomplishment and experiencing organization via relationships). Your Sun’s sign has plenty of action this week, including Mercury going direct. Thus Capricorn has an added opportunity to make the most of communicating with new contacts and moving forward with new strategies in order to prosper in work and career. Final thought for Capricorn: favoritism might work against you this week; if you decide to compete with someone, uncovering decision makers’ motives might be enlightening.


Happy solar return to Aquarius Sun! Enjoy your solar return month. As the opening remarks suggested, Sun in the sign of the water bearer is quite busy this week. The air element dominates water; therefore, a sense of having different types of useful energies at your disposal is a fascinating and potentially beneficial symbolism to consider. This week, using the mind can lead to developing a sense of power for Aquarius, particularly in career. Relationships, and more instinctual or intuitive types of decision making, are perhaps of benefit from January 23 to 25, if you are determined to make it so. Aquarius has plenty of active focus and determination available this week for using the mind and seeking useful perspectives. Mercury going direct certainly affects Aquarius this week. Applying logic, using communication, and reasoning through problems has a more familiar and regular feel this week with Mercury direct, and your sharp mind and ability to congregate well with different types of personalities hints at ways to take effective advantage of the strong watery element in the heavens. Thus the mind ultimately might be used to touch spirit throughout the week. Final thought for Aquarius: seeking arcane information might help you to reach new heights in career or avocation.


Sun in Aquarius places emphasis on the sign of the water bearer. This creates a paradox of sorts for Pisces Sun to deal with this week: your Sun is in a water sign, but Aquarius is the sign preceding yours. This is a poignant reminder regarding a blend of reason and spirituality in the heavens this week, and this month. The airy energies of Sun in Aquarius affect Pisces in a subtle but direct manner on January 28. The week, therefore, leads up to a theme of reconciling endless knowledge with spiritual bliss. The two do not have to be contradictory; in fact, the order of the zodiac dictates that one naturally follows the other. Relationships perhaps can be effective in helping Pisces navigate a paradoxical week. Watch for relationships to become more prominent on January 26, until the end of the week. Close relationships are not as strong of a theme as from last week, but they still flow smoothly and with a sense of passion all week for you. Acting as an authority in your area of specialty, and continuing to develop specialized knowledge, remains as another prominent theme from last week. Final thought for Pisces: assistance at the end of a project or task might feel welcome, but take care that it doesn’t create more work.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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