Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 29, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/29/2016 - 09:40

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Mercury finishes his station in mid-Capricorn at the beginning of this week, and resumes his sprint forward in Saturn’s sign. While the planets remain steadfast in the same signs throughout the week, with the exception of the Moon, of great interest, two cliques among the planets, points, and objects form with opportunities inherent for those who align well with their energies. The earthy signs have quite a representation with Jupiter and North Node exactly conjunct in the Virgo sign, and additionally three planets in Capricorn (Mercury, Pluto, and later in the week, Venus) forming trines to Jupiter and Moon’s Node. Pluto’s “structured power” characteristic in Capricorn, well suited for career and work activity, acts with Mercury, the planet of commerce, and Venus, the planet of cooperation. Thus teamwork and collaborative efforts in work are of emphasis this week, and magnified by a smooth connection to Jupiter. North Node continues to act as a reminder to anticipate the future and tenaciously pursue goals, particularly in work and other earthy endeavors.

Poseidon (Transneptunian), currently at 12 Scorpio, is rather active this week, with an impressive number of planets forming connections to him. Juno (asteroid lady) is exactly conjunct Poseidon at the beginning of the week, and the two remain conjunct for the duration of the week. Sun in Aquarius forms a tense square to Poseidon in the middle of the week, with Moon conjuncting Poseidon briefly and just after Sun-Poseidon form a square. Venus also forms an aspect to Poseidon on February 2. Spirituality, wisdom, insight, intense messages, and depth of clarity emerge as influential concepts, and also enter the realm of close relationships. Poseidon in tension with the airy Sun encourages working towards a conscious universal understanding via the mind and flashes of insight. Certainly, friendships and a feeling of harmony among individuals is also in the mix as both Sun in Aquarius, and Venus, aspecting Poseidon, repeat a similar theme.

The trine between Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces loosens this week, and at the same time, the Jupiter-Saturn square tightens. Sun and Jupiter, enervated by sign, feel a bit stressed this week. Sun forms aspects to both Mars and Saturn by the end of the week, and Jupiter must hold his own in tension with Saturn, repeating his link to Jupiter by virtue of residing in Sagittarius. Sun and Jupiter, perhaps, contain the key to attaining success this week. Tending to practical details with a sense of cheer and uplifting aspiration, as well as aligning with like-minded people and using new ideas, are most helpful in accessing the qualities of the two groups of planets consorting this week.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Authority and structure lean on Aries Sun in a subtle manner for the first several days of the week. This can be of benefit, however, in providing clarity in murky situations or implementing practical solutions to problems in a creative manner. The Aquarius energy emanating from the Sun becomes more influential in the second half of the week for Aries, and given the effort, projects involving learning, using new ideas, consulting those in different areas, and technology can help you be successful this week. This week is also better than average for Aries to develop personal power, assert yourself through using ideas and stating what you want or need, and consider new perspectives in order to move your goals forward, particularly in career. Close relationships continue to be a strong, beneficial theme for Aries this week, and relationships in general begin to become more influential, again with an emphasis on career. Final thought for Aries: staying focused and committed to a goal or ideal can help you refresh part of your life this week.


Venus, your Sun’s ruler, in an earthy sign, continues to work well for Taurus Sun this week. January 30 has strong potential for combining dreams or ideals with achieving a high level of accomplishment in your area of expertise. The first half of the week feels rather watery for Taurus. February 2 contains an elevated spiritual type theme, in which a combination of using imagination and dedicated study contributes to insight and realization of truth. Your busy and varied week builds up into a theme, strongest at the end of the week, of actively seeking perspectives, and using personal strength and power to obtain what you want or need. Your Taurus endurance and determination fit the energies of the week well. While disruptions or shocks might arise more often than average this week, a sense of being able to land on your feet and roll with the changes accompanies the potential volatility. Taurus has a nice opportunity this week to benefit from a theme of “expanding knowledge” when you find a way to resolve the tension of the airy Sun squaring your Sun by sign. Final thought for Taurus: in dealing with the unfamiliar, seek a person that you can relate to.


Forging ahead independently, in order to attain what you want, is a strong theme for Gemini Sun at the start of the week. Transitions and navigating change also continues as a theme this week, which becomes somewhat less intense by the end of the week. Sun in an airy sign is generally beneficial for Gemini, and a flowing sense of optimism and increasing your influence among those with whom you interact helps to counter difficulties you might experience this week. The most productive day of the week for Gemini is probably February 2, and serves as a reminder that the entire week emphasizes accomplishment in career for you. Look to close relationships for a boost if you need it, on January 29 and 30. Relationships in general, particularly in career, become more influential as the week progresses. Final thought for Gemini: using your Gemini attributes of adaptability and keen thought help finesse controls this week.


Cancer Sun flows well with the airy transiting Sun at the beginning of the week. Being social, enjoying relationships, and collaborating in order to solve problems, particularly in work and career, will likely keep you busy on January 29 and 30. True to Sun in the water bearer’s sign this month, the week also has a simultaneous watery influence on Cancer. January 31 is a more spiritual type day, with opportunities to attain a depth of understanding and potential to reach a large amount of people with your ideas. After a more intense middle part of the week, Cancer has a very upbeat, and perhaps more carefree and fun, end to the week. Watch especially for February 4 as a day of personal growth and working towards increasing your influence to achieve prosperity. Final thought for Cancer: Seeking enlightenment, a strong theme in the transits this week for Cancer involves a purging of something in your life in order to attain greater wisdom.


Transiting Sun opposite your Sun by sign has its opportunities for Leo Sun. Expressing your creativity and allowing your fiery light to shine brightly in group settings is one distinct possibility for Leo this week. Activity and even a bit of competition, combined with innovative ideas and contributing your unique talents as part of a team effort, moreover in a very determined, concentrated fashion, is an opportunity not to be missed this month. Given the effort, close relationships can be of benefit in helping you achieve what you want or need this week. The heavens are also portending a fair amount of work in store for Leo in order to achieve objectives, but the good news is that the rewards are usually commensurate with the efforts. If you stretch yourself a bit and remain open to new ideas and experiences, February 1 can be an enlightening day. Authority and responsibility feel a heavy for Leo around February 3, but utilizing your unique strengths, and seeking new sources of information, help you to navigate structure to your advantage. Final thought for Leo: taking on new projects can be invigorating, but be careful of taking on too much this week!


Mercury bounds forward again this week, in Saturn’s earthy sign. The direct motion of Mercury, and his residence in an earth sign, perhaps affects Virgo Sun most of all of the signs. Mercury in Capricorn is not averse to attention to meticulous detail and carefully thinking through practical matters, both of which are beneficial to work and career. Consolidating your power base in career, through logical thinking and creating alliances, is certainly something for Virgo to consider this week before Mercury speeds into Uranus’ sign. Making organized efforts and showing leadership can be particularly effective for Virgo on February 2. A fair amount of disruptions or change in direction might also affect your week, but considering various possibilities and welcoming new methods of completing tasks (for example, with technology) will likely help you navigate the changes thrown your way. Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


The week starts with the Moon in your Sun’s sign, giving Libra Sun an added boost from a planet in an air element, in addition to Sun in Aquarius. You might enjoy some extra time alone to read or otherwise exercise your mind during the first few days of the week, or conversely, you might prefer to socialize and participate in gatherings to kick off your week. The entire week has a rather intellectual type flavor to it for Libra, an opportunity not to be missed. While seeking solutions to difficult problems is a great deal of work, the opportunity for breakthroughs is also present – very apropos with Sun in Aquarius. Gathering knowledge in order to seek truth, and using theory to solve problems, works best for Libra on February 2. An organized, disciplined (and perhaps collaborative) approach to solving problems starts the process, and independent breakthroughs can help bring about solutions. The entire week does not have to be about serious study and nothing but work…the week might contain a decent amount of enjoyment for you, especially towards the end, and even trivial activities with those in close relationships can lead to a sense of fun and togetherness. Final thought for Libra: if you are given additional authority or leeway by someone this week, are you up to the challenge?


Drive and determination characterize the week for Scorpio Sun. The fixed resolve to attain what you seek has persistent support from the mind. Use of logic, and drawing from proven ideas or intellectual concepts, are of greater use for Scorpio this week in obtaining what you want from career or other endeavors. Close relationships also begin to exert greater than average influence on Scorpio this week, and relationships in general become more influential as the week progresses. Dedicated personal efforts, in the context of humanitarian or group-centered intentions, also help you realize advantages this week. You have your fair share of demands this week, but also bear in mind that a more pleasant theme of material expansion and abundance is in the background for Scorpio as well. Thus finding a balance between work and play can be of benefit this week. Final thought for Scorpio: even with Mercury direct, you may find that success is only attained through “repeating” actions until everything is in place.


Saturn transiting in the middle of your Sun’s sign, and squaring your Sun’s ruler, draws attention to the “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens for Sagittarius Sun. The earthy theme in the transits draw sattention to how to do so via work and career, and the watery theme, and Sun in Aquarius, suggest that intuiting a path to follow is an accompanies the other themes. The importance of considering future direction and meeting one’s destiny is prominent for Sagittarius this week. Seeking various perspectives, especially through career, and considering how to use your base of power, and increase it, in order to expand your interests within set parameters, can be of great use for you all week. Logical ideas and communicating with authoritative people might also be of assistance in reaching more lofty “big picture” type goals, as well as in meeting daily obligations this week. Also, consider how networking and seeking support – or giving it – in various relationships might help you achieve your goals, especially around the end of the week. Final thought for Sagittarius: giving extra attention to detail this week helps prevent extra work.


Obtaining what you desire, despite the difficulties, is a poignant theme that starts the week for Capricorn Sun. A subtle, but added amount, of intense personal drive from January 29 to 31 can be used to your benefit. Likewise, relationships have a subtle but perhaps beneficial influence for Capricorn on February 3 and 4. The significant representation of planets in the earth signs, and Aquarius Sun exuding a Saturnine influence, works well for Capricorn this week. Expanding your power base, forming alliances, and developing the mind help create greater opportunities for you in career or other areas of life this week. The outer planets are rather influential for Capricorn these days, and with Sun in Aquarius, Uranus is particularly influential. Therefore, the learning theme already affecting you is of greater influence. Finding innovative methods to accomplish goals, along with implementing your Capricorn ambition and inclination to use and mold structure, is a leading theme for you this week. Also consider how hard work combined with using imaginative qualities can help what you want in life materialize, a lingering but slowly fading theme for you. Final thought for Capricorn: a tantalizing theme for Capricorn to consider this week is expanding your limits. Even if you can’t do something now, can you find a way to make it possible?


As your solar return month continues, Moon starts the week forming a nice trine to Aquarius Sun. The luminaries emphasize intellect and the social part of life, giving Aquarius a boost at the beginning of the week. Moon forming a harmonious link to Sun in your sign on January 29 also demands consideration of the value of balancing with individuals, in order to merge with a group. Or, stated differently, groups are certainly fashioned from unique individuals. The crowd definitely needs contributions from each member, perhaps a useful way to look at the week ahead, with almost half of the planets in earth signs. The earthy element is prominent for Aquarius this week, and provides a necessary base or sense of groundedness, but not in an obtrusive manner. This gives a nice feel of a freedom to act, but with the support of established systems and access to assistance if you need it. Use of the mind is a boon for you again this week, and taking advantage of sharp communication, the value of using logic, and learning in order to assimilate new ideas or further understanding of familiar ones is something not to be missed (and it requires demanding work this week, but can be very much worth the effort). Socializing and collaboration is another useful theme for Aquarius, a theme that takes effect on January 31. As the week draws to a close, the relationships theme requires more work, but again, the rewards also tend to match the efforts made. Final thought for Aquarius: risks can help you move ahead this week, but careful judgment is also called for. Informally consulting someone willing to listen to your ideas might also be wise.


The earthy theme in the transits appears to affect Pisces Sun more significantly than the watery theme. This somewhat unexpected and perhaps ironic result can be put to good use by your watery Sun, however. A theme of showing leadership, rising to the occasion, implementing controls, responding to authority and structure, and dealing with powerful people, especially in the upper echelons of an organization, suggests a busy week for Pisces. Without doubt, the watery element has its place within this earthy theme for you. Anticipating the actions of others, intuiting trends, and flowing well with changes and acclimating to adjustments are also potentially productive in navigating this week, particularly in work and career. Both close relationships, and relationships in general, can be valuable sources of support for Pisces this week, more so in the first half of it. Another theme emerges for Pisces this week: providing care and sustenance to other people, and with Sun in Aquarius, finding support, or providing it, through spiritual community is another prominent theme. Final thought for Pisces: Aquarius Sun blends well with Pisces this week. Friendliness and cooperative efforts can help move you along this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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