~The Galactic Free Press~ YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/17/2012 - 16:35


~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~17~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~


~Energy and Event Update~

YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~




The True Love Energy cannot be denied, as Mother Earth=Heart is Transitioning Herself and All of Humanity into a Blue StarSeed Nation. This is inevitable. The Marriage of Humanity with God=Love Energy and Humanity's Complete Awakening is an unstoppable event, because it has already occurred. All incoming events have been predestined by LOVE. This is a Done Deal.


Artwork by Father God


These messages are coming directly from US+ = Your HigherSelves, which is Source. We are Here as Our HigherSelves in Physical Form in constant contact with each of your Higher Selves. We are Humanity's Examples of their Destiny into Full Consciousness! Only Everyone's Higher Selves will remain on Planet Earth=Heart after this Transtion.


Love has Truly Manifested Upon This Planet and this Journey can Only Go Up from Here. As we shared yesterday, the old vortex's are crumbling and the Earth is Shifting into High Gear, energetically speaking. Several Video's Have Been shared Today on the Press About these Vortex's.




This is also putting a squeeze on the lower energies to transform into higher frequencies of Truth and Joy or leave the Planet. This is why many are observing alot of insanity and chaos as the Higher energies are placing pressure on the lower energies to transform. The Earth quake movement at this time is helping Humanity release this pressure and  in releasing those energies that are not in alignment with the New Energies. In fact, we are going to see many of these various types of events in this deep cleansing period we are In, Multi~Dimensionally.  We are monitoring the Planet from the Atmosphere and all incoming events have been planned for Humanity's release. These energies are so intense, many will leave. Prepare yourselves and know that we will arrive all together in the no matter what.


The Flood gates of Love=Light of information are flooding in, as this occurs, Love expands on Planet Earth=Heart, this will be a continual Process from Now on. Through this incoming energy, Love is Creating More Love for those awakened to experience.The Beautiful part is that no one is in control, exept Love is in charge.





This Energy or God Particles, Are Bubbles of Light information, that is flowing into everything on The Planet. This is what is streaming into the Planet from Source incoming,

  like fast running water. You can envision this as all the waters on Planet Earth=Heart flowing with the Energies of Love, Peace, and Joy, then reaching into all of Humanity's Hearts. AS we move forward in the Light of this energy, those energies that refuse to transform will be swept away. Everyone on this Planet got the call that it was the Moment to Awaken. The Gates of Truth are Bursting wide Open. Prepare for JOY~


~End Transmission in All Love Is~





If You Have Missed Our Last Update you can follow this Link http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-pressenergy-and-event-update-out-old-powerful-energy-love-commands-enter-5th-d


Our Last Press Release we recieved 2 Love shares. Thank you Sahir, and Mary!~

Total Love Shares for February 769$

Funding Needs and Costs for Site and Team 2000$




~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~ Thank You for Sharing, to keep us in service everyday without any interruption~A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.


~We are Here to Assist In Humanity's Complete Freedom into The Present Moment of NOW~


Artwork by Father God


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Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


Proof of Evolution




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