Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/17/2012 - 19:54

Denise Le Fay ~ 2012 Ascension Symptoms & the Global Sound Phenomenon


Transitions | February 17 2012


I received an email the other day from one of my readers (who wishes to remain anonymous) asking if I’d give my impressions on the global “strange sounds”phenomenon that many people have heard and recorded in 2011 and 2012. This reader included in his letter some YouTube links of these “strange sounds” from around the world and this was the first time I’d watched and heard this particular “strange sound” phenomenon. [Please search "2012 strange sounds" at YouTube to hear them if you haven't as yet.]


Since 1999 I’ve occasionally heard ascension-related unusual sounds moving through the air but they were not the same phenomenon as these 2011 and 2012 “strange sounds” and didn’t sound like them at all. Many of the past sounds I’ve heard I knew—because they feel dramatically different from the pure, undistorted, “organic” Light energies—were negative Dark Beings and energies literally on the move due to being energetically dislodged by the continuous infusions of higher frequency Light Energies into this world and dimension. Other of these unusual sounds I’ve clairaudiently heard over the years had no negative, dark energy or intent attached to them but were certainly ascension-related phenomenon. I sense these 2011 and 2012 “strange sounds” people have captured on video are more of these ascension-related phenomenon that greater numbers of people are finally able to perceive. It is 2012 after all!


Just Because It Sounds Like It’s In The Air Doesn’t Mean That’s Where It’s Actually Coming From


From about 2004 until 2009 I repeatedly heard loud, multiple booming thunder-like sounds up in the air. While hearing these booming sounds in the air I could always sense which direction they were coming from and traveling towards. In other words, these loud booming thunder-like sounds up in the air were directional and on the move. What they were exactly I did not know for many years.

One day I came across an online article by earthquake geologists who use some device to be able to hear underground sounds that are in a frequency range far too low for humans to hear; far too low (or high) unless one is clairaudient and/or an Earth Sensitive as most Starseeds/Lightworker/Indigos are. In this article the geologists described using this machine to be able to hear and track directional flow of underground magma and, you guessed it, it sounded like great booming thunder-like sounds. The moment I read that I realized the sounds I’d clairaudiently heard for years up in the air was actuallyunderground magma flowing in very distinct directions that I could also detect. To me the mystery wasn’t that I could hear this but — why was I hearing ultra-low frequency underground sounds up in the air?


(I’ve also wondered why I haven’t heard these great booming thunder-like sounds in the air since about 2009. I believe it’s because the underground magma flowing and tremendous tectonic pressures have been better distributed (integrated, balanced etc.) during those years between 2004–2009 which is a positive thing. This of course is not saying this can’t or won’t happen again now in 2012. The possibility exists that the greater the cosmic, galactic center, and solar energies become in 2012, the greater the pressures below ground—2D—in the flowing magma and tectonic plates may become as everything shifts, ascends into a vastly higher frequency, state, location and timeline.


The reason I bring this years-old issue up about my hearing underground flowing magma sounds booming like thunder up in the air is because these 2011 and 2012 global “strange sounds” are I believe energy related; cosmic, galactic center (GC), solar, changing magnetic field, energy ascension-related phenomenon.


Let’s Not Give All The Credit To Team Dark Okay?


I know many people (far too many in my opinion) automatically credit the “bad guys”, or as I call them, Team Dark—the physical human elite, the government, military, HAARP, high-tech machines and weapons, the non-human and non-physical negative ETs, Reptilians etc., credit for absolutely everything that happens on Earth now. I however have never believed that these egoic deluded dark jerks are as powerful as many people currently believe them to be, which may sound odd coming from someone whose repeatedly had fully conscious, lucid, face-to-face encounters and conversations with some of the negative aliens, plus been attacked by them repeatedly over the decades. Team Dark is not powerful—what they are are adept cons, dark magicians, thieves, manipulators and parasites.


I’ve always known they (the human members of Team Dark) have advanced weapons and devices, but I also know that they (the physical human puppets and the non-physical alien Team Dark members) cannot override Source/All That Is/God and evolution. They can and will only be able to go so far and then these negative egoic jerks run into energetic dead-ends at every turn because nothing and no one can override Source/God/All That Is and the Grand Evolutionary Cycles. Period.


Since 1999 I’ve repeatedly lived through phase after phase of more Light Energies entering this world and Team Dark—both physical and non-physical, human and non-human—automatically retaliating against the inflowing increase of higher frequency Light Energies and attacks (in any number of ways) the Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos who are embodying and anchoring it in this world. This is how it’s been; an ongoing territorial energy battle from Team Dark trying to stop, derail, distract, distort, override, wound, imbalance, drive insane, harm or kill those embodying and anchoring the Light Energies on Earth now. Most dictators don’t easily relinquish their power, control and riches, so this retaliation against every phase of incoming Light Energies and the Light Energy Embodiers has been how things have played out during the twenty-five Ascension years (1987–2012). I can say that from personal experience, but I can also tell you from personal experience that Team Dark (the “powers that were”) are NOT all-powerful so please don’t give them all the credit (or your focus) for every ascension-related anomaly and planetary change.


I mention this subject about Team Dark again because, with the start of 2012, I felt (as I’m sure many of you also did) another good-sized global upsurge in the negative energies trying to gain back some energetic and physical Earth territory and grab (possess) more humans to use, control, and feed off of. This latest surge I felt in January 2012 was especially disheartening because I SO want this negativity permanently gone. It will be, but this is the last big dramatic push and flurry from Team Dark in this world trying to recapture and regain power and control and we can much more quickly end this by not feeding and empowering them in any way. What individual consciousness focuses on is more potent and important now than ever before so be consciously aware of and responsible for your thoughts and who and what you’re fueling with them.


2012 Earth & Human Ascension Symptoms

With the start of January 2012, I began hearing constant ringing in my ears/head on top of the nearly constant head pains and pressures. I’ve gone within/without to investigate this 2012 inner ear ringing, plus the nearly constant head pains and pressures that move around my head, skull, jaws, temples, eyes, sinuses and sometimes down the back of my head into my neck. If I can’t access higher level knowledge I’m after in my usual ways then I’ll try other methods, like going out into space to see what I can perceive from that position. This is what I did the other day and was able to perceive a bit more about the current 2012 (the winter months before the 2012 Spring Equinox on March 19th) Galactic Center (GC) Energy Wave pulses and the symptoms they’re causing humans and Earth.


I saw that the Energy Wave pulses radiating from the GC are primary energies currently (hammering) transforming us, our entire bodies, heads, endocrine glandular system and connected chakra system, and is the cause of the ringing in the ears and pains and pressures in our heads. (The 2012 solar transmissions are major secondary energies pummeling us as well. And, the dramatically changing magnetic field around Earth is another symptom of the Ascension Process and end of the this Evolutionary Cycle as represented by the Mayan calendar that we’re being affected by also.) Based on what I’ve seen and perceived these GC Energy Wave pulses (or whatever scientific term you want or need to call them) impacting Earth and our bodies (and heads very much in these last years of the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process) are what’s causing the inner ear ringing, the severe head pains and pressures, plus these “strange sounds” being heard globally in 2011 and 2012. Earth and humanity are increasingly being vibrationally rung like bells by these cosmic GC Energy Wave pulses, all the amplified solar energies, and the changing magnetic field.


All of these cosmic energy events and the ascension-related phenomenon and symptoms they produce are natural and necessary happenings at the end of each Evolutionary Cycle and push the transition out of one Evolutionary Cycle and into the next one. They (and other even larger energies and sources that are difficult to describe) are Divine evolutionary triggers that activate and drive everything everywhere at the end of the Evolutionary Cycle. Just like my hearing ultra-low frequency underground flowing magma sounds up in the air for many years, these GC Energy Wave pulses radiating in all directions throughout space come into contact with anythingin its path and cause it to literally vibrate differently which transfigures it; the Milky Way galaxy, space, the stars, suns, planets, humans, consciousness, all life everywhere in its path. Is it any wonder that ascension-related sound phenomenon and other anomalies are happening to Earth and to us and our bodies? In all honesty I’ve expected far more phenomenon to happen since 1999 that more people around the world would be able to see, hear, feel, sense and perceive. I wouldn’t be surprised if more and more light anomalies and sound phenomenon and other strange things happen throughout 2012 due to what is and has happened via the Ascension Process.


These GC Energy Wave pulses don’t just happen once and then ta da! totally and completely evolved or transformed. As with all of these ascension-related energies they repeat many times throughout the twenty-five Ascension years (1987–2012) so we, our bodies, consciousness, life, Earth, stars etc., can incrementally make the evolutionary energetic shifts and changes so our bodies aren’t destroyed by The Process itself. I saw/perceived these MASSIVE GC Energy Wave pulses radiating outward in all directions throughout the Milky Way galaxy (and beyond) energetically triggering profound DNA activations within humanity at a new and different level in 2012, and literally ringing us and Earth like a bell repeatedly and more often than we’ve experienced before. I’m hearing, seeing, and being affected by these energies in 2012 primarily in my head (elsewhere too but nothing as severe as in my head) and in that microcosm/macrocosm way we feel in our bodies these ascension symptoms just as Earth does in her body. The two things are actually one thing because Earth and humanity are intimately connected in ways we’re just starting to remember.


Things Are Never Exactly What They Seem At First Glance


RECAP: More ascension-related higher frequency Light Energies arrive here on/in/through Earth and our bodies via these different Divine cosmic delivery systems and, as usual, Team Dark gets highly irritated by the increasing Light and lashes out and attacks and does whatever it can to hold on to what it’s had. The negativity surges again briefly, attacks again briefly, and does whatever it can in an attempt to NOT CHANGE. We of Team Light feel this negative crap and try to not become too frustrated or discouraged for too long from Team Dark’s frantic and pathetic 2012 stunts. On top of all this there’s the increasing ascension symptoms that we (Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigos) plus rapidly growing numbers of regular folk around the world are experiencing now every minute of every day. I know that every time Team Dark surges and tries to gain some of its power and control back, it’s really a sign that another major round of Light Energies have arrived in this world which are rapidly changing, evolving, transforming and transfiguring everything here. See how the one thing affects the other and vice versa? What may have at first seemed like a “negative” in our world is, in my opinion, actually a very positive sign of how much really has and is changing now. And, expect more phenomenon because it’s finally time for what we’ve lived through to be manifesting for others to see, hear, feel and witness too.


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