Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 19, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/18/2016 - 17:42

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As Mars draws nearer to the end of Scorpio this week, Sun enters Pisces, and Mercury and Venus reside in early degrees of Aquarius. Mercury sprints forward in his tutor’s (Uranus’) sign, and helps form a yod with his intellectual overseer that points to Jupiter. Logical thought, connected with flashes of insight, points to Jupiter’s wisdom, abundance, and optimism. Thus using the mind in an effort to connect with Jupiter’s qualities can be particularly effective in work (the Virgo influence) and in looking forward to the future (the influence of North Node, conjunct Jupiter). The outlet of the yod, roughly speaking, is Chiron in Pisces. Sun conjunct Neptune this week emphasizes “conscious spirituality” and Chiron’s influence via the yod at the end of the week is encouraging for assimilating past experiences in order to create a perspective of one’s own individual spirituality.

Jupiter slowly grinds backwards in the Virgo sign, and a wide mutable t-square begins to form by the end of the week, among Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. Jupiter and Saturn’s “controlled expansion” theme integrates Neptune’s idealistic and imaginative qualities. The t-square, particularly with Saturn at the focal point, is a stark reminder that exhaustive efforts will likely be demanded of those who desire to access the better manifestations of the three supernal giants. However, of great interest, all three of the planets in the t-square contain a Jupiter influence: Jupiter himself; Saturn in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius; and Neptune in his home sign, Pisces, traditionally ruled by Jupiter. Therefore the yod and t-square signify opportunities to expand interests and attain personal growth, if the appropriate amount of work is exerted and if a person can be open-minded and flexible in the midst of various challenges.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The Aries sign is about beginnings and initiating new cycles. Sun begins his residence in Pisces this week, drawing attention to endings. Aries Sun’s fiery, assertive, and active nature is not necessarily averse to endings, however. This week contains opportunities to complete projects and endeavors, while accessing the vibes in the transits that allow your bright light to shine. A subtle, but strong, influence for Aries this week is a sense of commitment and dedication to what you focus your energy towards, with the beginning of the week as most opportune for using this theme. While Jupiter is most influential in the transits at the end of the week, he is most influential for Aries at the beginning. Therefore opportunities that expand your influence and encourage personal growth have the best chances for you around February 19 and 20. The end of the week also portends a favorable theme for you. February 25 has a nice theme of togetherness, community, and enjoying the more social side of life in store for Aries. Final thought for Aries: in terms of drawing issues or projects to a close, seeking assistance may be necessary.


Examining details of the past is a brief, but sharp, theme that starts the week for Taurus Sun. February 19 and 20 are promising for solving lingering issues by examining root causes and rearranging and fixing parts of a whole in order to rectify, correct, or even salvage a project or personal issue. Thus the influence of the mind – logic, reasoning, and sifting through ideas – that is of heightened importance during the week for Taurus might be especially useful at the week’s start. The week also contains a feel of using “applied theory” for Taurus, which grows stronger as the week progresses. Creatively using what is at your disposal might prove invaluable as you forge ahead during the week. Watch for opportunities to show leadership and use your area of expertise, in career or more personal activities, on February 23 and 24. February 24 has potential as a more spiritual type day for you, with idealistic qualities and a sense of belonging to a greater whole melding with the “authority through specialization” theme on that day. Taurus has a week filled with variety and likely being “on the go”. Final thought for Taurus: the feeling from contributing to a group can give your week a boost.


The opportunity for Gemini Sun to use an elevated “mind” theme this week is one not to be missed. If you play your cards well, the best time of the week to experience returns from efforts made to cogitate solutions to problems, meet minds with other people, and turn intuition into actions that result in accomplishment is at the end of it. Therefore, the beginning of the week is perhaps best used to plan what you want to accomplish by its end. Relationships by and large feel friendly for Gemini this week and remain as an influence all week. Close relationships have a more intense feel and require extra effort for Gemini, especially in the second half of the week, but they can also be more productive. Close relationships are perhaps best relied on as a source of support in work and career this week. February 22 is a powerful day for Gemini. Use of the mind has greater potential in accessing wisdom, using theory, and thinking of creative ways to reach large groups of people, if you so choose. Watch for ways to make your hard work during the week pay off around February 25, particularly at work and through discerning issues and problems in terms of both the big picture and the details therein. Final thought for Gemini: no additional insights for Gemini this week.


The week has its uplifting days for Cancer Sun, including February 19, and February 23 and 24. Sun entering the Pisces sign also works reasonably well for Cancer, due to Sun transiting through a watery sign. Cancer is an initiating sign, and Pisces is about endings, thus attention given to the subtle contradiction might be of benefit for you in determining what to either start or finish this week. February 20 and 21 are opportune for both enjoyment and productive action, and using creativity in order to merge a sense of accomplishment with leisure time. The second half of the week becomes more about work, but with a sense of abundance and expansion generally associated with it. February 23 is a peak day this week for Cancer; experiencing successes, particularly in work and through attention to detail, is an uplifting theme during mid-week. Watch for opportunities on February 25 to benefit from smooth social interactions and meet minds with colleagues in order to achieve objectives. Final thought for Cancer: this week has a somewhat hackneyed, but true nonetheless, theme of “knowledge is power” for Cancer, especially if you can find a way to practically apply theory.


February 19, and more so February 20, are dynamic days of the week for Leo Sun. Your strong personal core has an added element of unconscious creativity at the beginning of the week. The airy planetary placements opposite of your Sun’s sign, particularly Mercury, contribute to a theme of learning and using the mind to benefit throughout the week.The first two days of the week are opportune for looking sharp, creating a favorable impression based on what you know, and using personal versatility in order to experience increasing returns in career or other endeavors. February 22 shifts your week towards a more earthy, detail-oriented approach to life. Past experience and focusing on meticulously finding solutions to problems becomes more important in the middle of the week. Leo also has access to a potent “spiritual nurturing” theme that might be of benefit either to yourself, or those who cross your path as the week progresses. Final thought for Leo: in evolving situations, allying with those who share common interests is obviously of potential benefit.


Transiting Sun, just having entered the Pisces sign, is in the sign opposite of your Sun’s. A theme of “spiritual service” takes effect for Virgo Sun this week, which is especially strong with Sun conjunct Neptune in his home sign. Reaching towards a greater collective and experiencing spirituality through relationships is of increased potential for Virgo. Relationships are certainly a welcome influence in other areas of life as well, and support from various relationships continues throughout the week for you. The watery theme, strongest at the beginning of the week, succumbs to more of a “mind” theme by the end of the week. February 25 is the best day of the week for Virgo to access the expansive and growth-oriented qualities of Jupiter in your Sun’s sign, via new ideas, brainstorming, and exchanging ideas with other people. Therefore projects that require your natural analytical ability, as well as an overview of their entirety, have best chances for success around February 25. February 25 is also a day for using sharp perspectives and initiating change that might be to your benefit. Final thought for Virgo: a long standing theme of “consciously forming connections” in order to develop career or other interests continues this week – be sure to take advantage of it!


The action in the transits this week is largely at the end of it for Libra Sun. The “mind” theme works well throughout the week for Libra, however, and February 20 brings a potentially useful theme for you consisting of “creative thought”. Close relationships begin to enter the picture for Libra as the week continues; they might either become more prominent in work and career, or act as a source of support regarding professional efforts. The “spiritual nurturing” theme affects Libra on February 24, a powerful opportunity to either give or receive spiritual sustenance and experience compassion. February 25 is a day of using your strong proclivity to balance to instinctually relate to other people and experience unity in relationships. Authority taps Libra on the shoulder a bit around February 23, but it’s a good opportunity to use grounding and structure to help accomplish what you need to this week. Final thought for Libra: extra attention given to how something is said helps determine motives.


Scorpio Sun has a reasonably varied week, with an uplifting type of outlook. A theme of finding meaning and support through close relationships is perhaps the strongest theme this week for Scorpio. Changing situations and accruing sharp perspectives through flashes of insight and considering new ideas is also a strong theme for you this week, as it has been for some time, and February 24 and 25 complement this well with an additional theme of “disciplined thought”. Authority, particularly in work and career, might feel heavy towards the end of the week, but ultimately navigating authority and structure well contains promise for expanding your interests and receiving appropriate compensation for your efforts. Intuiting the reasons for why someone takes a certain action, or more instinctually and emotionally connecting with someone is influential for Scorpio on February 23, particularly in the area of work and career. Rigorous efforts made to embrace and utilize some type of area or activity in your life that you’re passionate about and dedicated to is a waning theme this week, thus you may want to consider how to use it to full effect in this first week of transiting Sun in Pisces. Final thought for Scorpio: pursuing or eluding foes becomes a prominent concern for Scorpio this week.


A reasonable amount of intensity and will to action is available to Sagittarius Sun this week, particularly towards the beginning of it. Sun entering Pisces is of interest for Sagittarius…while transiting Sun is squaring your natal Sun by sign, Sun in Pisces also contains a Jupiter influence. The watery nature of Pisces Sun clashes with your fiery core, but the Jupiter influence is favorable for you. Learning, cogitating abstract concepts, and attention given to the wisdom attained by the end of a cycle all flow well for Sagittarius with Sun in Pisces, and perhaps the square can be of benefit by prompting inner work and external effort. As with several of the other Sun signs this week, a fair amount of action takes place for Sagittarius towards the end of it. Heightened use of the mind, and using imagination to work towards what you idealize, are favorable themes for Sagittarius around February 24 and 25. The week cannot be described as carefree for Sagittarius. However, you are in a favorable position to access the “controlled expansion” theme if you persistently work towards your objectives and goals, however distant they might seem to be. Final thought for Sagittarius: a combination of patience and repetition is key – Pisces Sun conjunct Neptune is demanding faith, in becoming skilled or adept in drawing an activity to completion.


The “mind” theme becomes rather strong for Capricorn Sun, beginning on about February 22. Your natural sense of discipline and drive towards achievement blends well with cogitating what might be the best strategy to achieve objectives, and then taking action. Close relationships become more influential for Capricorn, in the sense that developing your power base and navigating change tend to involve those in close relationships with you. All of the themes working for Capricorn this week exist under the overarching “controlled expansion” theme, in which deliberate, industrious efforts, your forte, help to achieve an eventual successful result. Of interest, a very feminine type of theme happens to fall into place for Capricorn this week. A combination of active dedication, compassionately providing for others, quick and creative intellect, and judiciously using power for mutual benefit, helps Capricorn access the uplifting and expansive energies in the transits this week. Final thought for Capricorn: passionately facing challenges can help you stretch your limits this week.


Fiery dedication and determined focus continues as a theme for Aquarius Sun this week. Pisces Sun adds a subtheme of sorts, suggesting that active commitment to work and other important activities have an element of idealism or faith attached. This week is keen for using your airy intellect. The strongest day of the week for using intuition, new ideas, and written resources is February 25, but the theme works well for Aquarius all week. Another theme that works well all week, and best at the end, is one of using collaboration and teamwork in order to focus efforts effectively, increase output through creative means, and taking immediate action in order to achieve goals. Structure is influential for Aquarius this week. Despite your preference for freedom over restriction, bear in mind that structure and authority tend to be reasonably approachable for you this week, and that responding to internal and external authority can result in benefits that outweigh the costs. Final thought for Aquarius: searching for new ideas can be more effective than usual in handling challenges this week.


Happy solar return to Pisces Sun! Transiting Sun entering the last sign of the zodiac marks another solar cycle for you, with Sun conjuncting his ruler no less. The “spiritual nurturing” theme is very strong for Pisces this week, and fits your Sun well. Perhaps you will intuit creative and imaginative ways to give and receive spiritual sustenance this week. A brief, subtle, and strong theme of using intellect and communication, to a greater than average effect, occurs for Pisces on February 20. February 23 to 25 contains another subtle, but longer lasting theme, of creating favorable impressions and generating new ideas via relationships, particularly with casual friends or people you have recently made acquaintances with. The watery, imaginative qualities exuding from the heavens, so familiar and attuned to your Sun, also contain an earthy influence during this week that might be used to benefit. Showing leadership, using structure and responding to it, and creating organization might be used to positive effect in work and career, or in more personal endeavors, that utilize your natural creativity, empathy, and other watery qualities. Final thought for Pisces: carefully guarding confidential information may later be of great benefit, in helping you determine the correct path forward.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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