~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 07:08

~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~

"Greeting from the starship Athabantian. My name is Taugth. I am a celestial of the highest order and am androgynous. I am currently stationed aboard this exquisite Andromedan vessel along with several thousand other beings. Although this starship is close enough for you to see with your human vision, it is currently cloaked from your view.


We are here to assist the transformation of this planet and her human residents. We do so out of love, a sense of service, and the knowledge that we are creating something wondrous, for we are not only helping to restore Earth to her former brilliance, but also raising her humans into the 5th Dimension.


Do you feel the changes swirling about you? The planet is alive with new energies. Everyone on the planet is sensing these vibrations of change whether they openly admit it or not. Most of these energies are felt not seen. Despite them, the conventional paradigm still reigns supreme in the media, banks, corporations, religions, and governments. Those that benefit from this fear-based paradigm would have it continue forever, and would have you ignore the energies of change.


Transforming Earth humans out of this fear-based paradigm is a goal set by Creator. It is to be implemented by celestials, your star brothers and sisters, and higher conscious Earth humans. There is no one path that will enable everyone to make this transition, so many are available. The goal is to raise Earth humans to

the 5th Dimension so that they may:


  • Finally step away from the 3rd Dimension
  • Recognize that they are great beings of light trapped in physical form
  • Interact with the vast majority of beings who have no physical form
  • Proceed on a path to reuniting with Creator
  • Assist those in lower vibrations to ascend

Achieving a higher vibration for humans of Earth is neither simple nor automatic. It is not achieved through merely wishing it to happen. It requires dedication. Many have been mired in the sticky density of the 3rd Dimension for so long that you do not believe there is a higher way to live. Many that see a lighter path do not have a clear understanding of how to achieve it. The way in which a higher vibration is achieved and maintained is though dedicated practice.


To give you a better understanding of what I am saying I will use Mark Kimmel as an example. First let me say that all in this universe appreciate what was accomplished at the 11/11/11 conference he attended, and other conferences held at that time. With the energies generated in these gatherings we can now form true partnerships to uplift not only Earth, but also the totality of creation into Oneness.


The gathering of so many high vibration beings in these events was a wonder to behold. As we watched, from our vantage point many miles above you, the light of their energies engulfed the entire planet. They did not necessarily think alike or believe alike. It was the collective energy generated by such gatherings that was so grand. The love, the graciousness, the comradeship were truly wonderful. Their impact will continue to register. The energy of Earth was changed. There was a new beginning at that moment.


The “altered state of reality” you are feeling, Mark, is the result of your newfound ability to move into the 5th Dimension and hold that space. You will notice that messages coming to you in that space are different from those you previously received when you were in the 4th Dimension. You will feel my messages through your heart rather than your mind. There is magnificent beauty, peace, and a general feeling of relaxation about everything. There is no pressure to perform, no pressure to do it right. You are in no hurry to complete our conversations, as you would prefer to remain in this state of consciousness. In fact you would choose to remain in this awareness all day. This is where you and your world are headed. This is the magnificent new Earth where all will be in peace, truth, love, and joy.


In this collective consciousness, Earth humans are creating something that has not existed before. In so doing you are setting an example for the universe. As a result of reaching for higher levels of existence from the depths of darkness, the universe is now free to coalesce about the Creator. The highly conscious humans of Earth are setting an example for many.

Mark, we applaud your courage, your willingness to take a risk, and your adherence to the task of ascension. We recognize it has not been easy to be the odd man out. You have come from a very deep fear-based background as an example of transformation. The institute that we are creating, as a partnership with you, will reflect advancement from a heartfelt knowingness. We are most pleased to be undertaking such a grand vision, where people of all persuasions, all beliefs, and all frequencies of vibration may come to learn the path to higher consciousness and service. Your planet will benefit from this, as will the entirety of creation.



My assigned task in all of this is to create this center. It is to be a great partnership between Earth humans, celestials, and your star brothers and sisters. Each of you reading these words is invited to participate in this center. The only condition is to show up. After you show up, we will guide you, coach you, cajole you, and prod you to embrace a grand vision for the new Earth and to use your newly acquired skills to maintain that higher vibration and impart it to others.


As an adjunct to raising the vibration of everyone who desires to do so, we will provide a cosmic view of Earth, details of your sojourn in the flesh, and information about traversing the 4th dimension prior to graduating into the 5th dimension.


Mark, you have said that something has changed since returning from the 11/11/11 conference, and indeed it has. Much has changed for all since 11/11/11. By embracing the energies of that magnificent group of lightworkers at this conference, you incorporated a new resonance within your being. This new resonance will enable us to work with you in new ways, as it enables you to see new ways in which you may serve your fellow humans. This resonance is known as “the soul factor,” as you are now one with your oversoul, that magnificent being of light that has existed since the beginning. Now you have a greater appreciation for what is the meaning of Oneness as you see that you are one with other great beings, and for the first time in this incarnation you know that you are indeed a great being of light also.


Few are able to fully appreciate how wonderful it is to reside even for a short time in this higher vibration. The task is to take yourself into this higher ways of being while remaining in physical form. You are to be a marvelous new creation that will be achieved by combining the best that physical form has to offer with the power, beauty, and love of higher vibrations.


Earth is moving into a higher vibration that will greatly enhance her already wondrous beauty. However she will retain much of her physical form, her beauty, and her willingness to host human and other life forms. This is a blending of the wonders of the higher vibrations and the specificity of the physical. In the end Earth will become a unique manifestation of physical beauty combined with the ability to host those of a higher vibration. Thus Earth will become a place that all within the universe of universes will desire to visit — just to experience this phenomenon without the danger of becoming stuck in the rigidness of a lower density. Thus Creator has obtained a new life form, a new expression, and a marvelous new creation. Out of the darkness and density of the old Earth has become something of great magnificence.

On a personal note, I also connect with you, Mark, with admiration for your courage and steadfastness over the past years. Because of your newly acquired ability to resonate in the 5th Dimension, we aboard Athabantian can come to you as partners — equal partners. As you become more familiar with these lighter vibrations, we will appear to you.



We know quite well what it has taken to raise yourself from the darkness of the 3rd Dimension. We know the struggles that surrounded you, the enticements, the fears, the wanting to seem normal, to have friends, and to relate to ordinary people. We know it has been hard these past years as you have found yourself on a new path, a path chosen before your incarnation but just now apparent, a path filled with opportunities to fulfill your true potential. See yourself now as that great being of light that you are and become it more and more each day. Embracing this you will be welcomed among the beings of the universe as an equal. All of your prior experiences served a grand purpose; do not discount them for you were previously looking at the stars as if standing in the depths of the ocean.


I leave you now with my blessing and my wish that all will find ways to reach out for the higher road.


(Via Mark Kimmel http://www.cosmicparadigm.com)

We are One in God


original post 11~26~11

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