~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 07:17


~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~


Thanks to trunity.net



Hello all,

Here is a topic that keeps coming to me to talk about, and it is about sharing! Not just sharing for which most know as sharing with strings attached or with-conditions, but sharing with-out conditions. The same goes for what most know within the collective as love with conditions instead of knowing and sharing love with-out conditions.


To all of you that hear these words and are thinking, thank you for the reminder. I ask you to look past the voice within you that just had that thought. Look past it to the expanded view of what with-out conditions really is. Many people these days are "hearing" the words I am writing from many Sources but most are still hung up in both ways of living their life of sharing "with" and "with-out" conditions. It's like having your feet in two rivers and both are flowing in different directions. The ego consciousness will not want to give up what it sees as it's reality. It will create fear, scratch and claw the sides of the hallway you are traveling through. Continually putting up a fight along the way "until" you say no. You say "no" by continually making the "choice" to no longer live by the voice of the ego. That says I will share or love but it has to be this way or there has to be something in return. This is what I am talking about. "Live" by the voice of Oneness and experience reality in a different way. Our world is currently full of nothing but ego consciousness, imposing it's beliefs onto the people. It says we will share and assist you but there has to be something in return. I will give you the illusion that you are a free person but I am going to make new laws that restrict you. This is the collective ego brain in action. It is this level of the collective for which is leaving this world, but of course it is kicking and screaming all the way. This is the reason why I write these words. To assist people in knowing that their actions effect the whole and by changing the way you live your life, you change and assist the ego collective mind in being dissolved.


You cannot expect to know what it looks and feels like on the other side of the fence, until you go over the fence. By releasing the way of 3D, with conditions attached to everything way of being. To living in freedom beyond the illusion is two different states and energetic frequencies of being. If you live your life 50/50 in both of these frequencies you are fueling both streams of energy. Therefore your life may feel continually in turbulent change, since your consciously living and going back and forth between two different conscious realities.

Here are some examples of sharing with and with-out conditions.


With-conditions: I would give more money to the homeless person but he is only going to spend it on drugs or alcohol so I will only give 1 dollar instead of 2 dollars.

With-out conditions: I give as I can to all that ask with-out conditions.


With-conditions: I only smile when others smile at me first and most of the time everyone is so negative they will not smile back, so I will not share.
With-out conditions: I greet every person I meet with a smile even though they may not smile back.

With-conditions: I send my love to only the people of positive change on Earth, but not the control system of darkness and negative actions that created this reality.

With-out-conditions: I share my love to the Earth and all that exist on it with-out conditions, may all use it if they wish.


With-conditions: I would get more involved but no one has asked me.
With-out-conditions: I will start doing what currently does not exist, and share it with others.

With-conditions: I love you for as long as you love me.

With-out-conditions: I love you for we are One.

One of the hardest things to catch is when the spiritual aspect of yourself starts to expand and the ego then becomes a spiritual ego. Then the same process of thinking of the need to change something outside yourself or something outside of the Self is imperfect in some way. Instead of the soul stepping up and making change happen within your own Self, that brings balance within. Then this change is reflected in the reality for which you see. Change comes from within Self, not outside of Self. This same process is the change that must happen within the collective. Change from within. This change will start becoming more of a reality when more people start making the change to live, share and love with-out conditions. Not just thinking it, but living it. Thinking/believing something and being/living is two different ways of Being. A soul has the choice to live as One or live separate from One. How we live our life is our choice. Simply believing we are already doing enough or saying thank you for the reminder, is the spiritual ego living consciousness, convincing itself it already knows.


Our governments and societies as a whole will not be changed by voting one new person into office. The people have to change how they live their life and how they relate to the world. These changes will be reflected within the local communities. Then these changes will flow into changes on a state level. The peoples actions will change the collective. Sitting back and complaining about the change that is taking place is the old system of how things used to work. This is what the control wants you to do, sit around and complain. Instead of bringing new change into existence. The new system of change comes when the people start living and sharing with one another locally and expand these actions on a wider scale. This will bring change. The power is in the hands of the people through their own sharing with-out conditions. Instead of how the old system has been run with more and more regulation which brings less and less sharing and freedom. The world economies and societies are going to continue to change and be more turbulent each day. What direction this rapid change goes is in the hands of the people, not elected officials. Their is no one to blame for it is the people who have given their power away to others to govern them. This power of choice has to be spoken by the people and spoken soon.


Change comes when more people step up and start sharing and living their life with-out conditions. When you make the choice to share with-out conditions you are sharing your love and what you share will come back to you in one way or another. The world is filled with abundance, but this abundance is currently not being shared. There is no need for hunger and starvation to exist within a world filled with so much abundance. This abundance will not come into existence by signing a petition or appointing a new representative. In order for a world of sharing to exist, sharing must exist with-out conditions by the people.


The old ways of living in a separate reality from Oneness is dissolving. The Light is growing stronger each day and exposing the control for which is trying to hold onto the old patterns of Being. Each of us are the change that is making the New Earth. Please speak and share your love with others. By living and sharing the way of Oneness with others you are making change come forth. I see so many people that have expanded their hearts and awareness and are not sharing their experience with others for fear of what others will think of them. This is part of the old system of control/fear and is tied to ego consciousness. There is no need to keep sheltered who you are. Let your Light shine! Share....Share...Share...the love.....love....love....There is an infinite flow of it everywhere, all we have to do is distribute it with-out conditions! There is no need to shelter or keep it hidden any longer.


The time period of today Aug. 8 through the end of November 2011 is a doorway and opportune time for us to ground the thought process of "sharing without conditions" into reality. We are each thought programmers, coding the new collective computer. The mapmakers of the new society. Live the change you wish to see my friends. Spread and BE the change! Open your hearts, get out of your seats and share with one another!


The New Earth grid is a field of love with-out conditions. It is the Unity consciousness of all that have chosen to bring forth love on Earth. If you wish to be a part of the change. Make your choice known to your IAM heart Self by taking the time to connect through your heart and say IAM THAT I AM love with-out conditions NOW......Our choices will radiate through the grids and continue to grow as One.

Love to all,




Original Post date 8~9~11

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