Walk The Earth As A Living Master ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 02/18/2012 - 10:24


Sharon Rose ~ Creating New Paradigms (Part 1)
Posted on February 18, 2012 by Galactic Love Reporter Gillian
'Red Tree'  by Laura Hollick.  Photographed by Kevin Thom.
Walk The Earth As A Living Master | February 2012
For hundreds of years, we have witnessed many of you living lives that involved various forms of struggle – struggling to make ends meet, struggling to be happy in your jobs and often struggling with great sadness in your hearts to make relationships work when they were not at all what you expected them to be. That kind of struggling is over if you are willing to step out of the illusions that have been sustaining the limiting programming within humanity’s belief systems for thousands of years. As you reconnect with the Presence of your True Self, you are accepting your great potential to walk in your Mastery in this lifetime and perhaps in this great year of 2012! ~ Masters Saint Germain and Lady Portia
As you continue to unfold more of your capacity to walk in your mastery, it is important to remember that your Presence is not a projection of your ego mind, and your Presence can only merge with the unlimited realms of your being. This is why it is so vital in these times to connect with the unlimited facets of your mind, your heart and the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA.
After the fall of Atlantis, the ego mind of the limited personality self began to assume a controlling position over the soul. It did this by merging with the areas in the conscious and the unconscious realms of the mind that were starting to open to the idea of using the personal ego to create their lives rather than living in harmony with their Divine Blueprint. The personal ego began putting conditions on the mind until eventually humanity believed that it had to constantly strive to overcome its limited existence and even its ability to love unconditionally.
Now, you have the choice of moving out of these fundamental misconceptions so you can start living in a world that was always designed to present you with unlimited possibilities for creating what is truly in harmony with your highest good and the whole of humanity rather than the personal lives of a few. This is the year to stop allowing any old limited concepts to infiltrate your mind so you can shift out of the ego and the old paradigms that have been holding you in limitation as well as sustaining a limited world. This is not to say that there has been an outer force that has been controlling you—as that is only one of humanity’s grand illusions—yet rather you must now be the inner force that has the authentic power to shift the consciousness of humanity into its true inheritance of Divine grace, peace, harmony and abundance.
As long as you are trying to maintain the illusions within your 3rd dimensional world, there will be unnecessary stress in your life because those old structures are energetically moving aside to allow new paradigms to be more firmly established. Now is the time to reorganize your mind so your life can move into greater harmony with your Presence and your soul can be assisted in releasing its tendencies to be distracted by your ego. This is your time to live in the unlimited, unconditional, timeless realms of your glorious Presence.
Your ego will soon learn that it has the capacity to move into cooperation with your Presence and that it has an actual agreement with your soul to remove all of its controlling influences and the false identities you have projected into it so its energies can now be used to cooperate with your ascension and the ascension of humanity. Meanwhile, your Presence has always been sustaining your ability to use your ego to support your true potential to live as your Master Self.
When your old programming is not running your life, the unlimited vibrational levels of your true being will naturally start coming forward to act as crystalline emissaries for your own remembrance. All of the cells of your body are actually encoded to awaken and to realign your body with your own Divine inheritance. In this year many beings around the world will be moving out of their ages-old slumber. This is really quite exciting for us on the inner planes because now we will be sharing in more of your joy rather than witnessing you in your sorrow.
Many of you are—or will be—merging with the ancient levels of your DNA that have been dormant for thousands of years. Many of these energies are vibrationally attuned to the purer frequencies of Source Love and Light that are still encoded within your body. These higher energies have remained dormant because they are not in resonance with the 3rd dimensional octaves of your being and this is why you are being invited to shift your dimensional home base. All of your lifetimes have been designed to awaken your expanded potential for creating new paradigms of freedom and magnificence during these times.

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