Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, March 4, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 19:42

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Mars and Mercury form a tight square in the anaretic degrees of each of their signs, to start off another week of Sun in Pisces. What a fascinating square, with both planets in the signs of their overtones – Mars in his overlord’s, Pluto’s, sign, Scorpio, and Mercury in his tutor’s sign, Aquarius. The tense aspect between the two persists throughout the week, but the nature of the clash changes drastically, with both entering new signs on March 5. Mars will have plenty of fire and zest in Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius; and Mercury will become very watery and intuitive in the Pisces sign. Determined effort to apply both energy and thought to activities and projects that create productive change quickly melds into working to actively adapt to various circumstances and logically intuit the best path forward in order to successfully achieve objectives.

Sun opposes Jupiter, the minor Sun, throughout the week, with an exact opposition forming on March 8. Personal growth becomes a strong theme this week, particularly through work, giving service, and perhaps via relationships that share common ideals. Moon conjuncts Sun at 18 Pisces on March 8 – a very important solar eclipse. Opportunity for personal growth via new spiritual paths is outstanding. Therefore, considering how a different path might be of benefit – or how to navigate a new path suddenly in front of you – is a foremost consideration this week.

With all of the talk about the spectacular eclipse, another important aspect involving Sun occurs at the end of the week. Chiron will be in the heart of the Sun on March 10, indicating that Chiron’s influence – healing, choosing one’s unique path, and formal evaluations of one’s life, particularly in the spiritual realm with Chiron in Pisces – will shine brightly and in a very conscious manner on the last day of the week. The solar eclipse has potential for a shift in direction, and Chiron reinforces the idea of a new direction. This paradoxical week is very much about beginnings, even with Sun in the last sign of the zodiac.

Both Sun and Neptune form mutable t-squares with Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn form a tight square by the end of the week. Saturn’s restrictions clash with Jupiter’s expansion. Despite the struggle, however, those who work to find a way to adapt and be creative can find a way to reap slow and steady gains. Integrating the “controlled expansion” theme into your life, somehow, also has a sense of touching spirit, given Neptune’s influence, and Sun residing in the middle of Neptune’s sign this week.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Your Sun’s ruling planet, Mars, moving in Sagittarius on March 5, is comfortable for Aries Sun. March 6 to 10 is generally upbeat and success-oriented for Aries. Creating opportunities through learning, looking sharp, and trying new activities in order to expand your capabilities works well with the Mars ingress into Sagittarius. Aries also has a continuing theme, lasting all week, of steadfast dedication to aspirations (of interest, this changes from a more active and initiating type of feel to a more stable and conservative type of feel on March 7). Relationships become more influential as the week progresses; they require more effort than usual, but can also be of greater benefit in career, for example. Logic and thought are also of greater than average influence for Aries all week, again with the caveat that applying elevated effort will typically be necessary in order to generate favorable results. Final thought for Aries: in times of need this week, seek a guide to show you the way.


An “expanding knowledge” theme is available for Taurus Sun on March 4 and 5. The first two days of your week might be more disruptive than average, but also have a feel of optimism and flow well with the “personal growth” theme in the transits. After March 5, Taurus has somewhat of a lull until the last part of the week, although the week has more of a feel of increased drive and ambition as it goes on. March 9 is perhaps the nicest day of the week, with a sense of community, togetherness, and participating as a necessary part of a greater entirety (for example, at work or in family). March 10 is opportune for using your persistence and determination in order to finish projects, particularly more complicated and large ones. The “steady focus” theme also begins to work well for Taurus by the end of the week; watch for a shift to using your innate earthy persistence to heightened effect around March 7. Final thought for Taurus: no additional insights for Taurus this week.


The week has a flowing type of feel for Gemini Sun. This can be a week of accomplishment and moving ambitions forward, if the demands of the week are met with hard work. Watch for March 5 this week for heightened opportunities to use your natural inclinations to great effect – gathering information and learning, applying effort and knowledge in various ways to problems and activities, and communicating ideas in a manner that helps to produce favorable results. Gemini also has a theme of “passionate idealism” forming this week. Taking action in order to promote or defend causes and ideas that you believe in becomes a strong factor for you. March 9 has opportunities for showing leadership and excelling in your area of expertise, or further developing expertise in your area of talent. Also watch for heightened intuition on March 7. Final thought for Gemini: “Reading between the lines” when you communicate with various people this week might be of benefit, or necessary.


The start of the week, March 4, has a more serious and reserved tone for Cancer Sun. The day is favorable for work and accomplishing goals, however. March 6 is more focused on relationships, and has potential as an enjoyable day for Cancer. No doubt that the solar eclipse on March 8 is important for Cancer, whose Sun is ruled by the Moon. March 7 is an ideal day for cogitating where your current path in life might be, particularly in regards to spirituality, and intuiting and imagining what different paths might be like, in preparation for March 8. Work and career also becomes prominent for Cancer again on March 8, with an “optimistic idealism” theme also in the mix that might spur productivity. The last few days of the week, March 9 and 10, tend to be more active and flow well with Mars entering a fire sign; using a combination of drive and will, along with flexing to new situations, fits the energies of the days after the eclipse well for you, Final thought for Cancer: finding ways to use “new inspiration” is an intriguing theme for Cancer this week.


Leo Sun has plenty of influences from the transits to work with this week. The “controlled expansion” theme hits Leo directly, but several other strong factors contribute to an active week for you. Close relationships flow smoothly for Leo this week, with the best day on March 5; thus close relationships can be a key factor if you need some type of support. Leo also has a week of working to gain personal power and implementing change if you find it necessary, with a peak day on March 7. March 8, the day of the eclipse, is also favorable for using intuition and flashes of insight, at work or in other endeavors. Concentrating energy and effort in achieving goals and increasing output has greater than average potential for Leo on March 7 and 8. The “personal growth” theme also resonates well for Leo this week, with Mars entering a fire sign contributing increased activity and flexibility in order to work at attaining greater self-awareness and consciousness. Final thought for Leo: planning for contingencies might pay off this week.


The week definitely has a more spiritual tone for Virgo Sun. As many as four planets will be opposite of your Sun’s sign this week. The Neptunian influence is strong for Virgo. Your earthy, analytical qualities have access to idealism and imagination, a potent combination if the effort is made to amalgamate them. The dreamy, transcendent type of feel to your week is strongest on March 10, but the end of the week also has the advantage of using industriousness and practical application of work in order to help give form to what you imagine. March 7 is a day of paying careful attention to detail and making adjustments in order to deal with difficulties, at work or elsewhere. (Use of intuition and looking forward may also be of great benefit in problem solving on March 7.) Towards the end of the week, also look to close relationships for a boost if you need it. Final thought for Virgo: some situations may require special dispensation this week, but beware of allowing the situations to carry on.


Venus remains in the airy Aquarius sign throughout the week, which is a boost for Libra Sun. Plenty of extra opportunities remain for friendly socializing, exchange of brilliant ideas, and participating in various groups in work or leisure until Venus moves into Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, next week. Relationships also contain an element of creativity in generating new ideas for Libra this week, from March 4 to about March 7. Relationships, even close relationships, tend to be more work oriented; but the extra effort required from relationships this week aligns well with the personal growth theme in the transits, if you are willing to do the necessary and sometimes difficult work. Working to convince other people of your point of view, based on concrete facts and by using steady persistence, has potential to pay off on March 10 for Libra. Enjoy this last week of Venus in Aquarius, after which the transits move to void air again for a while. Final thought for Libra: graceful, natural body language and speech can help you make a favorable impression this week.


Scorpio Sun experiences the return of a theme that will last for a significant amount of time, and certainly throughout this entire week. Hard work, combined with cooperative efforts under preexisting structure, has greater than average potential for reaching goals, increasing productivity, and concentrating energy in order to move towards a desired direction. Obviously this is useful for career, but might be applied to many areas of life. Mars leaves your Sun’s sign early this week, but he will return to Scorpio in late May. Thus experiencing the intensity, passion, and energy of Mars for one last day this week, manifesting via the same sign as your Sun, is opportune for making a final push to attain something of desire at the beginning of the week. Authority is of subtle influence for Scorpio this week, but applying thought and creativity in order to deal with structure augments the “cooperative productivity” theme in the transits for you in a nice fashion. The watery eclipse on March 8 also makes that a day to pay attention to, particularly in the spiritual side of your life. Final thought for Scorpio: in bothersome situations, seeking unity helps accomplish resolution.


Support from close relationships continues as a theme for Sagittarius Sun this week, and in fact becomes a bit stronger as the week progresses. Sagittarius has a unique position among the signs to hopefully use a “restriction versus revolution” theme in which you might work to bring about meaningful change in a deliberate manner this week. The new Moon and eclipse can also be a powerful event for Sagittarius, perhaps bringing about cathartic experiences and cleansing. The week has quite a variety of themes for Sagittarius. Among others, watch for a combination of thought and imagination helping to bring about new ideas or different modes of experiencing life around March 9 and 10. As with Scorpio, Sagittarius has a theme of “collaborative accomplishment” lasting throughout the week. Thus the variation of themes can meld into a very productive week when goals are set and creative efforts involve other people in reaching them. Final thought for Sagittarius: tenacity is a valuable asset – failures might also be considered to be learning experiences, in preparation for the next attempt.


Useful perspectives gained through close relationships are a source of strength for Capricorn Sun this week. The “expanding knowledge” theme affecting Capricorn may also be of great benefit throughout the week, with the key March 8 date portending new experiences. Activity and competition tends to remain abrupt and volatile, but given the effort to meet the challenges, an upbeat sense of being able to handle difficulties and finding the opportunities therein persists for you. This week is also outstanding for Capricorn to use concepts and see both the entirety of situations or problems as well as the details therein, which is a catalyst for developing your personal power if you so choose. Thinking about the future, combining logic and intuition, and inspirational speech or writing (either produced or consumed) are of beneficial use for Capricorn towards the end of the week, given the effort to implement their qualities productively. Final thought for Capricorn: prudence might be called for in situations of conflict; a good outlet for your passion towards the situation is to find a quick resolution.


Mercury quickly leaves your Sun’s sign after the week begins, but Venus in Aquarius gives Aquarius Sun a decent boost throughout the week. Relationships are generally productive and flow well, perhaps best at work, from March 4 to 6. The “collaborative productivity” theme is again in effect for Aquarius this week, and lasts all week. Extra effort to reach goals and implement creative ideas within a team or organization is suggested as this theme will end for you after this week. Rigorous efforts to use concepts and theories in a practical or creative manner can pay off well this week, particularly towards the end of it. This works delightfully well with the “forest and the trees” theme in the transits, seeing the big picture of an issue or problem and also the details therein, to productive effect. Intuition is heightened on March 10 for Aquarius, with Neptune and Mercury within a wide conjunction of Sun in Pisces on that day. Final thought for Aquarius: stretching the limits of your mind can keep you busy this week.


The excitement in the transits continues during your solar return month. Even with Sun drawing away from a conjunction to Neptune in his home sign, Pisces Sun has both a solar eclipse and Chiron cazimi Sun to look forward to this week. Gathering information, networking, and using ideas is a strong theme for Pisces this week, strongest at the end of the week. Authority and structure are definitely in the picture for Pisces, but a sense of opportunity accompanies the heavier energies and the “controlled expansion” theme becomes stronger for you this week, probably most beneficial for work and career. The “spiritual nurturing” theme is still lingering for you this week, during the eclipse and Chiron in the heart of the Sun. Thus a focus on spiritually cultivating self or others can provide satisfaction for you this week and open new gateways that you might choose to traverse through. Final thought for Pisces: lost opportunities are only of no value if no learning has taken place.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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