Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, March 11, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 18:50

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Hi everyone…this will be my last weekly horoscope, at least for now. As Sun transits close to the end of Pisces on March 17, he will not only be conjunct my natal Moon – within a degree – at the end of the day, but transiting Moon will be exactly conjunct my natal Sun, and ascendant will be in early Scorpio, which is my natal ascendant placement. The planets are not there to tell a person what to do, but it seems to be a strong signal to end the weekly horoscopes at this time, and initiate a project that I’ve been thinking about for a while. With Sun about to enter Aries and a new zodiacal year imminent, I will revert to writing my first book rather than using the time each week to write the horoscope. I hope you enjoyed reading the weekly horoscope as much as I enjoyed writing it (not to sound hackneyed). I wish all of you the best in your endeavors, and implore you to keep the power of astrology in mind as you consider how to maximize your potential in life, and choose how to most productively benefit from handling inevitable challenges. Also, most certainly, look to the stars to intuit how to experience the better things in life. Keep…looking…up!

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


A strong ‘dedication’ type theme affects Aries Sun this week. Mars in a fiery sign works well for the duration of the week; and you can look forward to the Sun bursting into your Sun’s sign once again next week, exuding power and fiery strength in the sign of his exaltation. Thus, the week is ideal to use as a week of planning and preparation for Sun entering Aries, which melds well with the ‘enduring commitment’ theme. A focus on details and the past becomes more relevant in your week starting on March 14. Relationships generally require more effort, but can be more productive when you work to adapt and “go with the flow”. Greatest benefit from relationships takes place in career and work this week for you, given the right amount of determination. Aries also has a beneficial, if difficult, theme of exerting effort in order to make what you envision a reality. Commitment indeed has great potential for you as the zodiacal year concludes. Final thought for Aries: look to the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, for a bit of added inspiration. A guide can help show you the finish line!


The first few days of the week are opportune for Taurus Sun. Various projects and tasks that require both steady persistence and “brute force” have better than average chances for success on March 11. March 12 and 13 are days for Taurus to shine brightly. Taking advantage of learning opportunities, looking your best, and handling situations with versatility help to create opportunities on those days. Your receptive Sun experiences the power of Sun in Pisces more and more intensely as the week progresses, making Sun at the end of Pisces a rather spiritual experience for you. Use of empathy, imagination, and dreams becomes a stronger theme for Taurus as the week moves forward. Authority and structure start to feel heavier by the end of the week, but given the effort, Taurus can also enjoy and attempt to navigate a potent theme of “making your dreams into a material reality” currently in the heavens. Final thought for Taurus: breaking down and simplifying complex issues might help to reduce confounding problems.


The week is generally upbeat for Gemini Sun, with the caveat that a staunch effort will likely be necessary to also make it productive. Gemini is well attuned to a “spiritual nurturing” theme this week, with a peak day on March 15. Imagination, compassion, and other Piscean type qualities are also strong for Gemini, particularly at the beginning of the week. You have direct access to the long-standing “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens this week, with a peak day on March 14; therefore major goals either completed, having reached a significant milestone, or started on March 14 bodes well. Your adept use of the mind has an extra boost around March 15 and 16 – watch for opportunities to use new ideas and benefit from flashes of insight on those days. March 12 is also opportune for using theory, either obtaining or giving insights based on both sharp observation and more intuitive insights, and experiencing spirituality. Final thought for Gemini: no additional insights for Gemini this week.


Cancer Sun has a steady start to the week. Close relationships are influential for Cancer on March 12 and March 16. March 12 also contains a theme of increasing personal power, through steady persistence. Seeing both the details and entirety of problems and situations helps Cancer to develop sharp perspectives, a theme on March 12 that repeats on March 16, making the March 12 and 16 pivotal days this week for you. March 13 and 14 revolve around using assertive qualities and perhaps competition in a disciplined manner, in order to accomplish what you need to this week. March 14 has an “uphill” type of feel for Cancer, but plenty of potential for moving goals and aspirations forward if you are willing to give your best effort. Starting on about March 16, the week has a nice flow to it, attuned to Sun nearing the end of Pisces. Reflecting on what was accomplished, not only earlier in the week, but throughout this zodiacal year, would be a productive exercise for Cancer around March 16 and 17. Final thought for Cancer: no additional insights for Cancer this week.


The “controlled expansion” theme continues for Leo Sun as the week begins. A grinding feel to the start of the week has its upside, if you are willing to tend to necessary details as well as consider the big picture of situations and projects. Generally the start of the week has a feel of focusing on work for you. Mars in Sagittarius, a fire sign, works in your favor, and Mars heats up for you starting around the middle of the week, March 14. Your active determination to focus energy and finish projects is augmented by a useful adaptability and flexibility this week, especially after about March 14. Networking and logical problem solving becomes a stronger theme by the end of the week for you, with an added element of creativity potentially also working in your favor. As Sun, the planet at home in your Sun’s sign, prepares to leave the end of the zodiac, decent opportunities to use your influence and persistence present themselves on March 17, rounding out what can be a rather productive week. Final thought for Leo: look to connect to those with common interests if you need a boost this week.


March 11 immediately brings opportunities for Virgo Sun. In addition to a nice, watery, flowing feel to close relationships all week, March 11 contains opportunities to concentrate your analytical and thinking abilities, in order to develop keen insights, access wisdom of self or others, and even look ahead and use intuition to benefit. Virgo is definitely attuned to the stellium of planets in Pisces this week, in fact opposite of your Sun by sign. This is a week of using imagination, supporting causes and ideals that you believe in, and generally experiencing and expressing spirituality, particularly at the beginning of the week. Also of note, March 15 contains elevated possibilities for increased productivity, taking immediate action to create favorable effects, and using personal creativity to reach goals, or draw significantly closer to them. No doubt Jupiter in your Sun’s sign is still of benefit this week. As the zodiacal year draws to a close, personal growth, material gains, and expanding your interests in work or elsewhere might be evaluated in order to determine how, or whether, to change direction over the next twelve months. Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


Close relationships slowly edge into the picture again this week for Libra Sun. The watery feel in the transits reflects the renewed, flowing, intense feel to close relationships for you this week, with the effect starting on about March 15. Relationships in general require much more of your natural ability to balance and create harmony. This can result in more productivity via collaborating with other people (obviously this is most applicable to work and career), but a sense of spirituality might also accompany the effort made to reach out to other people, even given the difficulties. Despite the activity in the transits for you regarding relationships, March 14 has the feel of a more introspective and private day for Libra. The transits are void air this week (except for Moon for several days), however, the watery endings of Sun in Pisces are particularly relevant for you as Sun is about to move into Aries, the sign opposite of yours. Therefore, this week might be well used as a time to wrap up various projects or issues as you anticipate new beginnings with Sun entering Aries. Final thought for Libra: no additional insights for Libra this week.


The zodiacal year ends soon, and it ends reasonably well for Scorpio Sun. Authority and structure have a subtle influence on Scorpio this week. However, it might be used to slowly expand your interests, particularly if you give proper attention to detail and work diligently to create opportunities, even if the payoff is not immediate. Scorpio has a theme lasting from about March 12 to 16, of using logic and step-by-step problem solving combined with intuitive insight, or perhaps looking forward, to help complete objectives successfully. The watery stellium in the Pisces sign this week is quite comfortable for Scorpio; and the “spiritual nurturing” theme is also strong for you this week. March 16 and 17 flow well for Scorpio, as the end of the zodiacal year draws very near. The end of the week is opportune for looking inward and evaluating how any changes in the past year have affected you, and given you perspectives regarding how to make the most out of the pending new year. Final thought for Scorpio: difficult or aggravating tasks are best handled in small pieces. Partitioning the work and handling projects piece by piece can be of great use.


Transiting Sun squaring your Sun by sign is winding down. What a reflection of Saturn in your Sun’s sign, squaring your Sun’s ruler, Jupiter! Laying groundwork, planning, and having faith that small actions now can be of great benefit later is a potent theme for Sagittarius Sun this week. Working to develop sharp perspectives and increase your personal power is another potentially useful theme that lasts throughout the week for Sagittarius. Plenty of favorable influences can help propel you forward this week, and assist with considering how to maximize the “controlled expansion” theme directly affecting you, including a supercharged “mind” theme that lasts all week and peaks on March 14. A combination of logic and sudden insights applied to intellectual problems, and various areas of life, is available this week for Sagittarius. Creativity and use of imagination can also augment the mind theme. Therefore a broad array of beneficial energies serves to complement your natural inclination towards wisdom and seeking the truth, an uplifting way to wrap up the zodiacal year. Final thought for Sagittarius: in addition to slow and steady wins the race, repetition enters the picture, suggesting that persistence and determination characterizes the week – obviously, with both Mars and Saturn now in your Sun’s sign.


Transiting Sun’s influence on Capricorn Sun is strongest at the beginning of the week. The better qualities of the Pisces energy are certainly available, but they require effort for Capricorn to access. The good news is that this can be a very productive week for you, with Sun nearing the end of the zodiac. Your natural affinity for structure, order, and discipline works well in dealing with the watery, transcending Pisces energy. Expressing and using qualities of empathy, imagination, and idealism are elevated this week, particularly with experiencing your basic identity, communicating, touching spirit, and towards the end of the week, in relationships. A feeling of unity in relationships might be of comfort for you on March 14. Although the week might be tiring, it also has a reasonably upbeat feel oriented towards personal growth and making the most of your efforts, when you pay attention to detail in tandem with stepping back and seeing the larger picture of situations or projects. Sun entering Aries next week works well for your initiating sign; thus this week, as with several of the other signs, may be beneficial in terms of planning for the next week, month, and year. Final thought for Capricorn: valuable lessons might be gained from not obtaining what you wanted – including the realization that something better is in store.


Aquarius Sun can take advantage of a burst of productivity combined with creativity on March 11, giving your week a running start. March 15 is another potentially productive day, with the watery energies contributing a creative feel to a “mind” theme that can be used to expand your efforts. The week almost feels as though Sun is entering Aries early for Aquarius. Still, the powerful stellium in Pisces is a reminder that wrapping up projects (for Aquarius, with quite a rush of energy at the end of the zodiacal year) in preparation for new cycles and aspirations is in order this week. The “controlled expansion” theme is definitely of use and something to consider for Aquarius, but with a twist that the other signs don’t fully experience. Careful, disciplined planning helps yield insights and perspectives for immediate or later use, and also encourages developing your personal power. Also enjoy Venus in your Sun’s sign for one last day on March 11. Final thought for Aquarius: some may challenge your actions this week, but a Chinese proverb comes to mind if they contribute to self-doubt: “Those who say that something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.”


Speaking your truth is a poignant theme for Pisces Sun this week. As your solar return month winds down, three other planets besides Sun reside in your Sun’s sign. Perhaps the most interesting and useful is Venus conjunct her spiritual teacher, Neptune. Both are strong by sign and they work well together – empathetically and compassionately connecting with individuals is a path to Neptune’s bliss. Those with Sun in Pisces repeat the connection to Neptune via their Sun’s sign. Thus Pisces has the opportunity this week, with Sun about to enter Aries again, to simultaneously experience self (Sun), others (Venus), and a greater collective (Neptune). Propensity to take action also characterizes your week. While demanding effort is required, lasting and meaningful accomplishments can be the result. Therefore concluding major cycles and projects in your life becomes a major issue this week. Final thought for Pisces: seeking advice at the right time can make a huge difference!

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to

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