~We're Amazed at Your "Daring Do"~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 02/22/2012 - 07:45

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

 GLR~ Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Summary of Brenda’s February 20, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on www.BlogTalkRadio.com: You are rapidly learning how to ride the waves of earth & spiritual energies. Think of it as building your earth/spirit muscles – from an 80 pound weakling to a superb athlete.


Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at www.Life Tapestry Creations.com: ”2012 is Your Year of Spiritual Puberty”




Dear Ones,

New moon. New direction. New life. That is what you are hoping for, but dare not believe. Such is possible – in fact, inevitable. Will it happen during this February new moon? For some. But most of you Lightworkers are just beginning to flex your earth/spiritual New Age muscles.


Those of you who listened to Brenda’s Creation Energies show this week on www.BlogTalkRadio.com are familiar with this concept.


Perhaps you participate in a Yoga class or flex your body in some other fashion. We wish to remind you how uncomfortable your exercise/work-out program was when you started. Those of you who are couch potatoes are thinking of this year in horror. Whether you are a couch potato or an extreme athlete, you have most likely not yet used your new earth/spirit muscles.


Perhaps you feel that you have stretched your spiritual muscles for several years. You have. The muscles you have not yet used are those muscles that combine your earth/spirit role.


You have divided the two areas into real life and your hoped for life. You go to work or do other daily tasks longing for the time when you can fully enmesh yourself in the spiritual realms – forgetting that if you wanted to be 100% spiritual, you would be. Your current role on earth is to combine your earth/spirit being. Not an easy task – but one that you accepted before transitioning into your current earth being.


We are not chiding you – your role is extremely complicated and difficult. Indeed, many are deciding that their planned for role is too difficult and are transitioning back into the spirit world.


Those of you reading these materials – as is true for those of you listening to our radio show this week – have accepted your role and are moving forward with bravery and a doggedness that we observe in amazement.


As you move forward, we wish you to remember that you are much more than a spiritual being. Even though chanting, channeling and whatever other method you use to access the spirit world is important, it is not your end-goal. Your goal is to combine the two parts of your being into one.


What does this concept mean in your daily life? In the not-too-distant future, your two parts will combine so that you wake up in the morning as an earth/spiritual being and continue that role, those related activities throughout the day.


Perhaps you are concerned that you will become a spiritual “fanatic” by doing so. Such is not true.


If you read the fine print in your spiritual materials, you will note that a key piece of this New Age transition is living your life in harmony with your inner-being and by doing so, allowing and encouraging the same for others. A spiritual fanatic insists that others believe as they do.


Even though we have discussed at length that such uniqueness will NOT create chaos, you will have to move forward on faith. For eons, you have been taught that uniqueness is harmful and adjustments are necessary for social order.

We have told you that your world will be turned upside down and so it shall be.


Allowing yourself and others to be the unique entities you planned to be before moving into earth realms is just one step in that process.


Perhaps you are thinking that step will take years. We beg to differ. You are moving so rapidly that it will be months, not years, before that concept is part of the fabric of your daily life.

We will remind you of the shift in thought process by the majority living in the U. S. about African-Americans. Baby boomers can remember a time when African-Americans were not allowed to use Caucasian water fountains. Today an African-American is President. Previous U.S generations have dealt with other groups of unlike people, but such transitions required several generations – not less than one lifetime.


So it will be flexing your earth/spirit muscles. Your transition will occur in months.


You may wonder if this transition is an important feature of 2012 – it is. Last week we spoke of spiritual puberty. The concept this week merely expands that information. As you mature, your acceptance of others will also mature. You will no longer have a need to fight for the pail in your sandbox.

Many of you are wondering if this shift, this acceptance of others will occur throughout the earth. As usual, the answer is yes and no. For indeed, even though more people accept African-Americans than was true in the 1960′s, such is not true for all. But enough people in the U. S. do to choose an African-American president – a thought that did not seem possible even ten years ago.


Enough will accept their uniqueness and allow the same for others to shift your culture from childhood to young adulthood. This will occur within the year 2012 – not for everyone, but most certainly for those of you reading this material.


What does that mean for you in 2012? Your energy shifts will be almost constant. As you move through each shift, your physical being will change in ways that will move you into the uniqueness of your being and the acceptance of others.

Will you be different than others? Yes, but you will also be an important part of your culture – just as was true for the U. S. scout masters of the 1700′s and 1800′s. Scout masters were treated as unique people enmeshed in courage and honored for their efforts to help others find the trail through the geographical maze that the U. S. appeared to be.


Others will be amazed at your courage and look to you for answers and direction – whatever your role in this transition. For a song writer can move as many hearts as a channeler or life coach. Your role is whatever is in your heart. Know that you are the bravest scout master possible.


We honor you. We are amazed at your “daring do” and watch you in joy and anticipation as you diligently prepare for your first wagon train. So be it. Amen.


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