Accountability ~ Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling…and Falling and Falling

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 07:20

Accountability ~ Hold On To Your Hats! The Dominoes Are Falling…and Falling and Falling

2012 February 24
Posted by Stephen Cook from 2012 Scenerio~


Last week, when I posted the story here on the site that World Bank head Robert Zoellick was about to take his banking president hat off and had suddenly tended his resignation, I thought to myself: “Ah, at last! ‘they’ are starting to fall like dominoes – just like SaLuSa and Matthew Ward and others have been telling us they would”.

But little did I know at the time that, in fact, ‘they’ weren’t just “starting” to fall; ‘they’ had been literally tumbling down, like a giant deck of dominoes – all around the world, and for several weeks now.

Zoellick may have appeared to be the first big banker (at one of the really BIG banks)  to make me sit up and take note. But he wasn’t the first, or the last, by a long stretch. As we are all coming to see.

Yet, if – like millions of our fellow humans around the world – you were only reading, watching or hearing things from the mainstream media within your own country, you quite possibly wouldn’t have realised that anything important was happening, globally, at all. Only after a few online searches using ‘banker quits’, ‘bank head resigns’, ‘bank chief steps down’, ‘bank arrest’ and others does the worldwide picture start to come in to view.

Bingo! Just as our Galactic friends have been telling us things would “soon” be underway and that we had better hold on to our hats, it is obvious that the financial world is really beginning to shake right now. And shake from the very, very, very top. All over the world.

CEOs, Chairmen, Presidents, Directors, CFOs, MDs and more…

In Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, the USA, Pakistan, Spain, Russia and China…

In France, New Zealand, Venezuela, India, Korea, Iran, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Slovenia and even, The Vatican… and many other countries.

Yes, the heads, henchmen and board rulers of the world’s central banks, private banks, financial advisory firms, national banks, the Vatican bank, construction banks, agricultural banks, co-operative banks, investment banks, a charity bank and other financial institutions have all been “miraculously” rolling – resigning, stepping aside, being asked to step aside, retiring, been arrested, becoming the subject of inquiry or about to be charged with fraud.

One by one. Two by two. Or, in the case of the Beeds District Central Cooperative Bank in India – where a group of 10 directors on that bank’s board quit last October, followed three days later by another 12, out of a total of 25 directors – in very large numbers, indeed. All up, dozens and dozens. And each day lately there are more.


(Coincidentally, ALL of these banking sector departures have been men; not one woman’s name came up with each and every story search I did… or is that not a coincidence?)


And here’s the good news (well, not for the departees and their friends still clinging to power): this game of dominoes called Accountability hasn’t just simply started, it is well and truly ON.

SaLuSa even told us so, this Wednesday, February 22. “With an ear to the ground, many of you are aware that banking fraternity are answering for their corrupt financial dealings. It is the commencement of more far reaching actions, that shall ultimately remove the cancer that they have brought into your society.

“In trying to control the world’s wealth, they have unwittingly brought about their own demise. It has also led back to political persons who have benefitted from their crimes, and they also will be removed. Have no doubt that they will pay the price for what they have done, and coming governmental changes will ensure that your future representatives are above such acts, and are true and honest.”

Well, that must Include the former German President, Christian Wulff, who was toppled from his perch just last week following his involvement in a home loan scandal that he then tried to silence the press from writing about.


And based on everything we are hearing, seeing, feeling and consciously seeking, my strong hunch is that he is very unlikely to be the last national head we will be hearing has handed in his presidential cap.


SaLuSa even suggested that this is exactly the scenario unfolding before us now, in his message of just last Monday, February 20.

“Nothing escapes our notice, and there are no hiding places that the Illuminati and their minions can use to avoid their fate. They have been offered a way out if they resign, but that does not mean they can get away with their crimes against Humanity.”


Matthew Ward also told us, back on April 26, 2010 that “the Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries.

“In recent years, they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.”


We can obviously expect more – especially now that these  “early dominoes” are falling.


Even Benjamin Fulford has regularly reported that the writing has been on the wall for the Cabal – and their banker minions – for quite some time. More recently, his February 13 blog post opened with: “The controlled implosion of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank is continuing and must be completed before a new financial system can go online, according to Pentagon and other sources.”


David Wilcock has also covered almost every base in his recent major Financial Tyranny expose.


While in the UK Parliament, on February 16, Lord James of Blackheath, once a banking man himself, went very, very public with his call for a full parliamentary inquiry into a massive US$15 Trillion money-laundering fraud and corruption scandal. In presenting his case, Lord James stated that he had, in his possession, incriminating documentation with the signatures of former Federal Reserve Bank Chair Alan Greenspan and the man who is current US Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner on them – as well as evidence of massive transfers of funds to virtually every mega-bank in the U.S. and UK. Big stuff!


(Incidentally, Tim Geithner – a former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who is described as “an economist, central banker and civil servant” – has been muted as a possible replacement for Zoellick at the World Bank. Hmmmmm, why is it that something tells me that that particular “civil” service ain’t gonna happen now?)


So, with all this banking turmoil having been tipped off and tipped out, why should we be surprised at all.


There is simply no reason to be surprised to hear that the head of operations at Spain’s biggest bank, Santander – the Eurozone’s biggest bank by market capitalisation – Francisco Luzon, suddenly announced his voluntary resignation as an executive board member. (Amazingly, still hoping to receive his accumulated pension of nearly 60 million Euros ($77million) plus 9.9 million Euros in bonuses!)

Or that the Swiss National Bank chairman, Philipp Hildebrand, who also once worked at the World Bank, resigned abruptly following great public uproar over dollar swaps he did that earned him and his wife, a former currency trader, tens of thousands of dollars in profits – at the same time that he was working to lower the value of the soaring Swiss franc.


There’s also no reason for us to be surprised to hear that scores of other international banking heads have rolled. Or that a director, a senior equities trader and a senior trader all involved with the Royal Bank of Scotland were arrested in a series of raids resulting from a HM (Her Majesty’s?) Revenue and Customs investigation into claims of tax fraud.


And there’s certainly no reason to even lift an eyebrow on hearing the news that four Catholic priests have been charged with money laundering hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the Vatican’s official bank, the Institute for the Works of Religion.


No. We should not be surprised at all. For our Galactic friends have been telling us this was all going to happen and that when change came, it would come quicker than any of us could ever imagine.

Matthew Ward foretold us that big things were going to happen, as far back as May 21, 2008, when he said that truth-telling will result in a thorough “’housecleansing’ within governments, religions, banking corporations, education, commerce, medicine, and health care – every source that has been instrumental in forming your beliefs and conscripting your activities” and that it will continue “Until all those sources of deception and corruption have been purged”.

Then, on September 28, 2009, SaLuSa told us: “Come the time very soon when positive action is going to be taken against them, they will be shocked at the speed with which their destiny will change. There is no one who shall escape the net that draws ever more tightly around them.”


Now, if this past month alone is anything to go by, that net is only going to get tighter and tighter and many more “dominoes” are set to come crashing down.


So, sit back and watch them fall, knowing that it is all part of the Divine Plan.

Oh, and remember to hold on to your hats!

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