Visionkeeper ~ Anchors A-WAY !!! Anchors A~WAY !!! Anchors A-WAY !!!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 11:46

Visionkeeper ~ Anchors A-WAY !!! Anchors A~WAY !!! Anchors A-WAY !!!

One World Rising | February 24 2012

I don’t know about my readers, but I certainly feel everything picking up great speed as we zoom along on our journey together. The time of great shift is drawing near and we must be prepared to ‘glow with the flow’ and roll with the punches. In order to ride through this shift with little resistance we must work hard to clear away the anchors in our lives that weigh us down and keep us from progressing on our path. Many of these anchors are old, deposited in childhood even some from past lives, but one thing is for certain, they must go! Not only is it imperative for the shift, it will lighten your load and life will flow along much more smoothly for you in general. This extra weight is heavy and cumbersome and most of all unnecessary for us to pull along behind us. As I mentioned in my last post, life is not a free ride if you desire a meaningful life. It requires us working hard to clear ourselves and stop just being a passenger in life. Instead, we can best enjoy our lives if we allow life to flow through us instead of around us as so many do. We must become life and it must become who we are.


Old habits and fears stay stuck like glue to us inside and they can be very stubborn and difficult to shake off. The majority of anchors we pull behind us are nothing more than our opinions on life, and yet we listen to them as if it were God telling us what to think. We view the world not as it truly is but rather by how we believe it is. Two very different realities indeed. This deep seeded monster that we listen to inside us is nothing more than opinions that we have given power to for some reason. You may think you are fat or dumb or boring, but really, are you? Do you honestly think everyone else in your world goes around thinking that? Ask yourself honestly if this opinion is real and truthful. If you can find no real concrete basis for your believing this, then stop! Practice everyday telling yourself the opposite. Look for the good things that reside within you and concentrate on those. We are not all perfect in all areas so place your attention on your good qualities and starve the bad ones to death by not giving them your attention. You are who you are.


Having these strong opinions about ourselves is nothing more than ego judgments and the ego is the first thing we want to get under control. The world right now in its warped and distorted way of being is fueled by ego and overrun with judgments. As long as ego is behind the wheel this world will continue down the wrong track headed for the brick wall. Negative ego literally stops life from evolving. We stay mired in our own little worlds of muck if we continue to participate in ego’s little games. We are all ONE! Nobody is better or worse, we are all equal. The duality that has been forced upon us has stained our thinking greatly. We have been forcibly divided by race, by religion, by sex, by age, wealth or poverty, good or bad, smart or dumb for our entire lives and it has warped our opinion of life. We are all just people with our own faults, our own strengths, we all laugh, cry, feel happy and sad, we are nothing more and nothing less. I am you and you are me, each with our own gifts to offer the world.


We have a grand journey before us, but we cannot make this journey unless we know who we are journeying with or what we are journeying towards, this is why I say again it is so important to go within and discover who we are, what do we desire out of life, what direction do we wish to go in. Be specific, don’t just say I want to be happy. Ask yourself what makes you happy, what lifts you up in spirit, what gives meaning to your life. These answers are the ones that will define our journey so get to the heart of you and look for them. If you can’t think of what you want at first, begin by eliminating what you don’t want. If you say I don’t want to judge others then flip that around so you have your answer. I wish to be a person free of judgment. Now you know what you want and you know what you have to work on and clear from within. Let us all work hard to cast our anchors into the sea and free ourselves. These negative traits we see in ourselves today are not really us, they have grown and festered within for a very long time, created by the controllers to keep us from knowing who we are, to keep us divided and to bury from us the knowledge of how strong we really are. The one shall not be divided!


Blessings to you all,

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