Seeding the Field of Miracles

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 19:52
This is Mt.Shasta overlooking a field of flowers
Some of us are coming together for an experiment for 13 days. In these 13 days we open ourselves to the miracle field. We access a new frequency in ourselves, a new level of allowing and receiving. This changes our set point around what receptivity and openness to miraculous occurrences. A set point would be the level you feel comfortable receiving from the universe. Each of us is a field of miracles, and I see that field emanates from our heart, a heart resonance field. What can bring that field up to higher resonance? We hope to discover that and so much more. We will merge our energy fields together during this Miracle Field Immersion project which amplifies the field for everyone.

The Perfect Storm

I live in a beautiful place by a mountain, Mt.Shasta in California. In the past two years it has been in severe drought with some wildfires. I have seen streams and lakes dry up. However, this winter brought lots of snow and rain. The spring has been rainy too. Since we have been through drought and water shortages, we are attuned to celebrating water when it comes as rain. There is a huge awareness about water here. We have water ceremonies. 

As a result of lots of rain this year, we have glorious flowers this spring. Some bloom and more come in when the previous ones are done. A local plant nursery owner is marveling at the flowers. He has been here many years and says that this year there are varieties he has never seen in this area. This offers such a metaphor and a great story to illustrate our project, which is seeding the field of miracles. It is not just about ourselves but to extend miracles to those we love along with the rest of the planet. 

Can we create a ripple effect? I see it as a ripple effect of love and joy. Can we change our ability to witness and receive miracles in our lives? I hope so and I sense it is possible. I know the power of meditation and I know the power of the heart's resonance. I know the power groups coming together with the same intention. I know the power of prayer and the power of accessing information that allows us to be in the creatorship of our own experiences. 

The story about the new varieties of flowers appearing represents how the field (the earth or our lives) can be nourished with water and sun, the perfect conditions. The perfect conditions and the right weather nourish a seed that lies under the earth. 

Leopard Lillies at Fairy Falls in Mt. Shasta, CA
We have seed, which are our dreams, lying in our hearts. The seeds are the lives that we step into the fullness of who we are, live large and with magnificence. The seeds are also dreams of a new paradigm so that all may live in greater joy and abundance on this earth in harmony. We dream of a peaceful world.

The Miracle Field Immersion is to water the dormant seeds within us. They may be seeds that sprout and 
blossom that we didn't know we had, as we really don't know what is possible. We are raising the bar on possibility.

We will move the ideas of what is possible out of the way making conditions for fertile ground, which is our lives. The miracle is to live a delightful and majestic life. That being said, it is also our inheritance that is absolutely available to everyone. We will use tools such as Quantum Dreaming, (which is Quantum Jumping plus Conscious Dreaming) which utilize imagination plus guided meditation with group co-creation. We channel of our own individual customized-by-source information from our higher selves/source  which we then crowd source the intelligence by sharing with one another and combining what we learn. It is like we each can access our own miracle formulas. To crowd source is to obtain (information or input into a particular task or project) by enlisting the services of a number of people.

We turn up the positive expectation, the knowing, that miracles are possible and happening all the time 
already. The group reinforces this inner knowing for everyone as it amplifies the field. It nourishes our field of miracles. We raise the level our gratitude, our connection with one another, the support; enhance the passion for a juicy life (and also feel into what this is like). 

In this area of the world, there are flowers that may not have sprouted or bloomed for decades. However, the dormant seeds were there. We discover the right conditions for germination and thriving and voilà, we have new flowers not seen before, and we have miracles! This is the feeling that would be so great for everyone. What if everyone on earth walked around with so much hope in their heart for what was going 
to bloom even if they did not see it yet? What if the feeling  each person has is that of "anything is possible" while "everything supporting me" was there for each person? We might feel more relaxed, more kind, and less stressed; don't you think?  We might have a culture that helps everyone thrive, helps everyone access miracles.

California Poppies
That is what the Miracle Field Immersion Group is about! We come together in play, imagine, and support of one another. Support in this group is via a way based on the new paradigm perspective, that of upliftment and encouragement; instead of the old way, which was finding comfort with those who are suffering from the same challenges. We empower our own dream life coming to fruition and for others creating a culture in which miracles are everyday, and we notice them and celebrate them with a feeling and expression of awe and wonder.

Link to the group is here: ​

It will begin tomorrow, the solstice, and on or around the 23rd, we will make the group closed instead of open so that people can share with one another in more privacy and freedom to be themselves. You are welcome to join us! <3

Thank you and blessed Solstice wherever you are in the world,
Shivrael Luminance River of and


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