~The Galactic Free Press~ Keep Choosing Love~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/27/2012 - 08:55

WE are near the completion of the Wild Energy of February!!! Keep choosing Love in the No matter what as we continue the deep cleansing. We made it to the core and now we are on our way, up through and out the top. We have all been submerssed in the dense energies to cleanse and transform them once and for all. WOW.... We will have more about this in our Next Update. Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff

HEAVEN #4112 You Are Not Humpty-Dumpty


HEAVEN #4112 You Are Not Humpty-Dumpty 

February 27, 2012 


God said: 


It is easy to be happy when you are happy. It is natural to be happy when everything falls into place. It is less easy for you to be happy when you hit snags.

In theory, you understand that it is your place to have happiness regardless of circumstances. In practice, you may find your heart aches. You don't want heartache, and yet you have it. You're not quite adept at returning to a state of happiness or at least to a state that is not unhappy. You would like to be good at it. You are doing the best you can, only your best isn't what you wish it would be.


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M-Theory: Deciphering Your Reality


"The only thing that's real is experience, that's it. Everything else in that sense is simply a symbol, a reflection of experience. The only thing that's real is experience; Physical reality is not real empirically unto itself. There is no OUT THERE.......THERE IS NO OUT THERE, that's the illusion. It's all here, it's all now. 




In my last blog Consciouly Unconcious: Exploring The Quantum RealityI talked about reality as it is shown to us by our brain. What we see, taste, touch, smell, and hear are only in fact electrical signals, THAT'S IT. In other words, the world we EXPERIENCE is all occurring in our brain! However real this holographic world may seem, it exists no further than our minds. One of the greatest minds of all time, Albert Einstein, has a quote that speaks beautifully to this concept: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Although the world we see around us is very convincing, it is only an illusion of our mind.


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~Space Weather Update~ CME Arrival, Magnetopsphere Under Pressure~


CME IMPACT: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Feb. 26th at ~2100 UT. Although the impact was weak, it did spark some auroras around the Arctic Circle. "I witnessed a wonderful show here in the municipality of Inari, Finland," reports Andy Keen, who recorded the scene in this 25 second exposure:



The brief outburst, which was visible mainly over Scandinavia, subsided before it became a full-fledged geomagnetic storm.

According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the same CME will hit Mars on Feb. 28th. Because Mars has no global magnetic field to protect it, the impact could rip away a small amount of Mars' atmosphere. Any loss from this one CME would be miniscule, but billions of years of CMEs and solar wind gusts might account for a lot of lost martian air.



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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead ~ 27 February 2012


Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead ~ 27 February 2012

The softness of February love is [finally] accentuated this week with a profound sense of peace pooling just beneath the experiences of our daily lives. As many are accomplishing clearing out the illusions of drama, chaos, and unbalance from our realities we have set the space for something more profound to enter our experience. The flow of Magic and Miracles is set to descend upon this plane of existence and its presence is whispering to all who have ears to hear. It sits just beyond the veil of the astral field and waits for us to notice. Don’t wait for the journey of sleep to take you into this realm of Newness, ask in the waking hours to connect with this energy of expanded Love.



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Jennifer Hoffman – Message From Archangel Uriel – Activate Your Dreams – 27 February 2012



Message From Archangel Uriel – Activate Your Dreams

by Galactic Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman



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According to business insider.com, which is proving itself to be a very reliable source of information for our changing times, is reporting that Wiki leaks has reported that a mystery press conference will be held on Monday, February 27th, 2012, at 12 Noon at the Frontline Club in Paddington, London, England. According to Wiki leaks, over 25 media organizations have been working in silence for months in preparation for tomorrow's press conference. Wiki leaks suggests that everyone interested should follow the Wiki leaks twitter feed closely as extraordinary news should break sometime in the next 96 hours.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/26/12


We have a lot of things to do. Each of you has his part to play in the role of your end times and your journey as a planet and people through ascension. We have outlined previously what we must get done together, and these projects must get underway very soon. What these projects will mean for the people of your world is incalculable, and beneficial to all across your globe.


We, the Galactic Federation of Light, would like to get started immediately and we require the assistance of the people of your world to help us gain acceptance by those who either have yet no idea of who we are and those who have allowed fear to convince them that we are here for destructive purposes. You are our agents in the field who can reach these people. It is you that can allow them to see a clearer picture of us and what we do. Your task is not an easy one, and many will shun your attempts to show them an alternative view to our presence here. Their reaction will be fear-based, and as we have said all along it is fear that is, and has always been your greatest enemy.


It is fear that caused so many of you to give your power over to those who only wish to enslave you, and it is fear that caused you to support their military campaigns and allow them to stockpile vast amounts of weapons, and because of this we, that is you and us, have to deal with the tasks now of removing the ones you have empowered and also safely remove their weaponry which is scattered and hidden all over, within, and above your planet. This is no easy task but we, along with our Earth allies, are seeing to this task and we ask you, our Lightworkers, to complete your assignment to the best of your abilities.



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Beat Big Pharma drug prices and chemical additives - Make your own safe, high quality, natural topical ointments at home.



from NaturalNews: Consumers are bombarded daily by pharmaceutical company hype over the promise of clear skin and painless backsides achieved by using ineffective and sometimes dangerous topical applications for everything from hemorrhoids to eczema and acne.

While people are emptying their wallets for Big Pharma's witch's brews, they could be making their own high quality ointments with healthy, natural ingredients. Instead of suppressing symptoms with medicines that dovirtually nothing, are expensive and may have damaging long-term effects, mix your own salves using effective, inexpensive and natural ingredients.

Most salves, ointments and lotions are simple to make from medicinal tinctures mixed with ingredients like lanolin, glycerin, cocoa butter, olive and coconut oil or aloe vera.




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SEPARATYON Of The WORLDS ~ MY Personal Experience


SEPARATYON Of The WORLDS ~ MY Personal Experience


artwork by FatherGod



by ARCHAEA (ArchAngel) Lady Master FAITH/SEPHORA FyreByrd  


Brothers and SySTARS ~ I AM Createyng Thyse Entry Wythe THE MOSTE EXCITEMENT and JOY TODAYE! Over THe Previous 48+ Linear Hours I Have Had A VERY PROFOUNDE EXPEREINCE That REALLY DOES Speake PERFECTLY Of THe "SEPARATYON OF THe World From The Lyveyng PLANET" That Mother~Father God SO RECENTLY Spoke Of In THeir Daily Energy and Event Updates. I THYNKE That The Particualr Update I'm THynkeyng Of Was Put Out On The 24th.



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~Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion~


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Lisa Gawlas ~ Overcoming The Obstacles Of Life ~ 27 February 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ Overcoming The Obstacles Of Life ~ 27 February 2012

The one thing I have noticed over the years, when you are at the moment of greatest growth within yourself and within your life, life seems to become an obstacle course.  The more intense the growth potential, the bigger the obstacle course becomes.

We humans tho, we have a built-in justification set within ourselves.  Of course, I feel we have built-in a lot of confusing sayings into this life of ours.  We have a tendency, when the obstacles start mounting to say, well this isn’t meant to be, it should be effortless… not so!!

The universe is always seeking to ask you (and you are really asking yourself) the question… how much do you want this?  What are you willing to do to attain it?


More often than not, we talk ourselves out of it.

Yesterdays hypnosis session really put this into play for me.  Of course, it was later in the day that I really seen what took place way before the hypnosis session started.


12 people had signed up to participate in the event.  I am far from skype savvy, I thought getting everyone into the conference call would be so easy… not even!



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~ Make Every Day One Of Rebirth And Renewal ~ by Gerald O’Donnell




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Benjamin Fulford ~ U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested, Questioned And Released; Asian Negotiations Continue



Galactic Love Reporter Benjamin Fulford


U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested, Questioned And Released; Asian Negotiations Continue




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I'm very happy having Sue's permission to post this.Thank you Sue!



Releasing the Habit of Being Third Dimensional
Dear Ones,

We the Arcturian expression of our many grounded ones wish to assist you in releasing the habit of being third dimensional. This habit, like all habits, is a set of behaviors that originate in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you are not consciously aware of these habitual actions, thoughts and emotions. Hence, you do not know the reason for these habits. To change a habit you must bring up from your unconscious mind and into your conscious awareness. Once you can consciously observe your habit, you can begin to change it.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Energy Work


Your body is a remarkable energy field


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That which you hold onto is not TRUTH - by Karen Doonan




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SaLuSa 27~February~2012 You are witnessing the beginning of the end of all


SaLuSa  27~February~2012


You are witnessing the beginning of the end of all that has held you back, so that you can take the quantum leap forward that comes with Ascension. It has taken a long time to get to this exact moment, to enjoy the success of all ours and your endeavours. It was inevitable regardless of what the dark Ones did to stop our progress, and in the end they laid themselves open to defeat because of their immense greed and arrogance. Not even money can buy them their way out of the collapse of their empire, which is now about to come apart. It obviously has not gone unnoticed, and it is giving confidence to people who have stories to tell that will reveal the truth. Changes have suddenly started to speed up, and you can expect them to continue from hereon. Sometimes you might pinch yourself to make sure it is really happening, as they will take your breath away. Always look for the positive aspects of change, which are often more in the way of "clearing the decks" ready for the new to come in.


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~ We Choose Love Every Moment.. and YOU?


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Oracle Report ~ Monday February 27 2012 Shine Your Light~



Oracle Report ~ Monday February 27 2012 Shine Your Light~

Oracle Report | Crescent Moon Phase


This photograph was taken yesterday in New York of Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon. If you haven’t seen this in your sky yet, it is phenomenally stunning, and not to be missed.


Today’s energy gallops forward, almost like a race is on. It will prompt people to be super-competitive. Make sure you don’t burn yourself out too fast; save some for reserve. There is a generalized concern and possibly fear of leaving or losing our sense of security. We are trying to release the difficulties of our past, but we are familiar with them, and have grown accustomed to the way they feel. But we cannot grow as spiritual beings if we remain cocooned in what is familiar. We must move forward and allow space and opportunity for our true selves to be revealed in the world. You are a gift to the collective of humanity because you have awakened to the mass illusion, which in turn enables your fellow man to awaken.



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A World Bank for a New World ~ February 26, 2012 ~ by Gillian Jeffrey D. Sachs ~ Nation Of Change



A World Bank for a New World
Posted on February 26, 2012 by Gillian
Jeffrey D. Sachs | Nation Of Change | February 25 2012
OP-ED | The world is at a crossroads. Either the global community will join together to fight poverty, resource depletion, and climate change, or it will face a generation of resource wars, political instability, and environmental ruin.
The World Bank, if properly led, can play a key role in averting these threats and the risks that they imply. The global stakes are thus very high this spring as the Bank’s 187 member countries choose a new president to succeed Robert Zoellick, whose term ends in July.


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SUN CME Update




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God bless you in your becoming - by Christ Lord Maitreya




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Montague Keen ~ 26 February 2012 Bankers are now running in all directions~ And Humanity Prepares for a New Way of Living~


Montague Keen ~ 26 February 2012 Bankers are now running in all directions~ And Humanity Prepares for a New Way of Living~

This has been a stressful week for you, trying to deal with ordinary family matters as well as working with Spirit. Juggling the two roles is not easy. We told you to expect the unexpected but even you did not expect the secrets of the Vatican to be revealed by those who know the truth. Nothing can be hidden anymore, those days are over. The masks will fall and you will see things and people as they really are, not as they appeared to be. Those who have almost destroyed your planet will not be able to hold their shape as the energy changes. Life will become extremely difficult for them.


Bankers are running in all directions, trying to establish safe havens for themselves. Like rats, they are leaving the sinking ship. It will be interesting to see how your governments will handle the lies regarding the wars they still hope to start.



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~Mother Earths Baby Birth!~


Mother Earths, baby birth!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Take my hand and follow me
There’s this place I want you to see!
It’s this magical world of make believe.
First you have to close your eyes,
Then form a bridge in your mind.
Once you crossover, amazing things
You’ll find!


First you’ll see the many blue shades in the sky,
And the chirping birds that fly by!
The butterflies will land on your nose
and flutter just to say hi!


As you continue your journey down the path,
You’ll feel the warmth of the sun as you swing
from a branch of a tree! As you climb that hill
to the other side, amazing things you’ll see!


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Leonard Cohen-Dance Me To The End Of Love


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    “Greetings, In the Light of Our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar, in charge of the Ashtar Command, wanting to comment on a false statement that we have heard used many times by those who tend to be what might be termed ‘cynical’ and even consider themselves as ‘rational thinkers” upon planet Earth in recent decades–many who have been in what would be termed the ‘UFO community.’ “If You Think that the Benevolent Space Brothers Are Gonna’ Come down and Save You , then you are totally Deluded or Mistaken and Not Facing Reality…..”



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Archangel Metatron – MAX The 13th Crystal Skull – The Complete Paradigm



Archangel Metatron – MAX The 13th Crystal Skull – The Complete Paradigm –


26 February 2012



by Galactic Love Reporter James Tyberonn  

Posted by 


Greetings Dear Beloved ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet you in Unconditional Love ! And so we speak this moment on the 13th Paradigm, the living crystalline library. The Crystal Skull ! How to work with these energies is innate within you, for most of you are aware on deeper levels of the energy within.

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Listen to your heart - Roxette -



© 1988 Roxette - Listen to your heart [1080p High Definition]



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Rakhealle-Activating the fire within



Rakhealle-Activating the fire within
26 February 2012 
by Glactic Love reporter Ree
This is the first activation from the 'Awakening the seraph within' series. i have been asked to make this activation available to ALL Lightworkers. Enjoy :) Ree
The fire within
I am rakhealle, I come through now with information for you regarding the fire within that burns within those select beings who came here with the fire of God burning in their bellies.
This fire is an etheric flame that burns as bright as the centre of a sun. This flame is unique in being and powerful within itself.


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Wind of Change - Scorpion


Music video by Scorpions performing Wind Of Change. (C) 1991 The Island Def Jam Music Group


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Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue


Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue

By Ashley Strickland

February 15th, 2012


When the U.S.S. Enterprise or Millennium Falcon glides by the camera, we take an odd comfort in the signature “whoosh” sound that follows.


Our friend, the stickler for scientific fact, usually points out that sound can never be possible in space. But don’t let the same be said for warp drive and tricorders, or even Starfleet Academy and the “Force.” Science and science fiction follow an intricate dance that toes the line between fantasy and fact. It is, in fact, a love story – a partnership full of symbiosis and reciprocity.



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Energy and Our Energetic Fields


Energy and Our Energetic Fields


By Cyndi Dale

http://www.realitysandwich.com/ energy_and_our_energetic_fields

The following is excerpted from Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life.

Everything in this world, from sunlight to cupcakes, is made of energy.


Energy is simply information that vibrates or moves. Some energy, such as the energy composing a table or a chair, moves slowly. You can see, touch, discuss, and prove the existence of these slow-energy objects. But most of the energy in this world can’t be seen, heard, or touched through our typical five senses. It moves so fast that we can’t perceive it; usually, we can notice only its effects. Is the energy transmitted by your car radio any less real than the energy that makes up the book on your coffee table? How about the microwaves that zap your food or the satellite transmissions that zip e-mails your way?



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Protection and Soul Mantras by Ali




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~Perform from A Place of Knowing~



Perform from A Place of Knowing

~Photo by Dawn Christine~


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | The Quantum Awakening

You are in a place and time when you are just now remembering that you have the ability to expand and create your world however you chose. The chaos, the destruction, the disease, the disasters on earth can be changed in a blink, if enough believe this to be a truth.

Perform from a place of knowing. As one that walks the tight wire, do you want to get up on that tight wire with a knowing, or with a maybe? These are your everyday life choices. The wire is your next thought, your next word, your next decree. Create purposefully with a knowing not just a thinking or a maybe!


Know without a shadow of a doubt, that your consciousness is birthed from the cosmic crock-pot, and what has been ladled to vast civilizations is also divinely ladled to you. True knowledge is inherent within all. Light masters and Ascended masters are a part of your divine blueprint. With this understanding and knowing, draw your life, become all possibilities.



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Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages Feb 17 - Feb 26, 2012




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Annuki [Annunaki?] Message for 25 Feb 2012 - by Karen Doonan



Annuki [Annunaki?] Message for 25 Feb 2012




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~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~


~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~

By Galactic Love Reporter Jean Warner
You are nearing the end of the world of darkness, and those of the dark are throwing everything they have at the Light in order to keep their power and control over mankind. This has happened many times before. Every 26,000 years the cycle repeats itself as a new era approaches. You are on the fringe of the Age of Aquarius, where the planetary alignment is fast moving into position to give the Earth and her population the maximum support to enter a new frequency in their evolvement.

This is a time for choice and preparation. Consciously, on a soul level, or unconsciously, most have made their choice. Those who have chosen to move into a new world of light and love are preparing themselves by balancing and harmonizing their thoughts, attitudes, physical and emotional attunement, and spiritual uplifting. Many of those who have chosen to continue their lives in a third dimensional environment are seeking to hold onto their power and control through fear tactics, war, killings, and whatever avenue they can take to manipulate the population who no longer want to put up with their dominance through deceit.


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~The Arcturian Group~ All is proceeding according to plan



Greetings again dear ones of the earth in these times of so much upheaval and change.

All is proceeding according to plan; light is pouring into your dear planet and many are now beginning to feel this and accept change into their consciousness although they are not yet aware of what they are experiencing.



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~The FUTURE of BANKING~ ~ The fulfilment of St Germain's plan ~



~ The fulfilment of St Germain's plan ~



A Light in the Darkness ~ subject to minor changes ~first written in November 2007~


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ This was found in our files without a link~ However, this is a very Brilliant explanation, and there has been some minor changes, as well as the Replicator devices will replace needs for monies of any kind~ All our Love, Mother and Father God

The world of banking is about to be turned upside down.


A new monetary system will finally provide true "value for money".


The announcement of NESARA and the implementation of its various aspects worldwide ushers in a welcome, enlightened new era for mankind. The "Golden Age" is upon us.


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Compte de Saint Germain's - What's next? by Aruna



What's next? 




by Galactic Love Reporter Compte de Saint Germain's & Aruna


Posted: 25 Feb 2012 


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