Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/28/2012 - 10:44








I am Mother Mary. It is such a great honor for me to be here today to speak to all of humanity. I am here today with the greatest of respect and the greatest of love for each and every one of you.


This year that you are in right now, the year 2012 in the physical dimension is a very pivotal year for all of humanity. Many changes will come about that will help humanity to move form judgment consciousness in to compassion consciousness. This is what you have ask for and this is what you shall receive. It is through judgment consciousness that human beings have created the world as it is today. Judgment consciousness when taken to an extreme is the destroyer of all good. It is through judgment consciousness that human beings have created the grandest illusion of all and that is the illusion of separation. So many human beings believe they are separate from Mother and Father God and that they are separate from each other. This is absolutely not true and it never has been true. It is through this illusion of separation that you have created the many different religions and the many different countries that you have today. This belief in separation, this belief in the grand illusion is about to change.


There are many teachers in the physical dimension who are sharing this knowledge and wisdom with all of humanity. This knowledge and wisdom is truly very simple and it is that you are all connected to each other just as you are all connected to Mother and Father God. You are all connected through your Sacred Heart. This is the truth and always has been the truth. A very long time ago humanity decided to hide this knowledge and wisdom from themselves in order to experience themselves. You are here experiencing for yourselves and for Mother and Father God. The days of experiencing through pain and suffering are coming to an end. Many of the teachers today here in the physical dimension are teaching humanity how to experience through compassion and love. 


The illusion of separation was created through your belief in judgment. First you judged yourselves as separate and then you judged others as separate. I am here today to tell you that you are all equal, that you are all the same, and that you are all connected. You all know this to be true for this knowledge is within the greater intelligence of your heart. Many human beings are beginning to feel this great shift or change in the energy that is upon the earth today. This energy is truly the energy of Mother and Father God, our loving creators. This is truly the energy of the New Earth. Right now Mother Earth is in the process of healing herself. She needs your help. She has given so much to humanity over many thousands of years and it is now time for humanity to give back to her. It is now time for human beings to stop over consuming through greed and selfishness. It is now time for human beings to live through simplicity and moderation. This is what my son Jesus told you two thousand years ago. Human beings interpreted the words he used to mean the meek shall inherit the earth and in reality the true meaning of the words were the moderate shall inherit the earth.


I wish for all of you to know that in the days, months, ahead that the belief in separation is coming to an end. This belief will come to an end much more quickly than you could ever possibly imagine. Many of you will struggle for this is what you have been taught here during this lifetime in the physical dimension. If you listen to the greater intelligence of your heart you will know that all that I am telling you is true. As you align the intelligence of your mind with the greater intelligence of your heart you will clearly see your own truth. As you clearly see your own truth, you will then be able to create your own truth. First you will create this truth for yourself and then you will help others to create their own truths. It is time now for you to stop creating through your belief in differences and to start creating through your belief in sameness. The intelligence of your mind will have a difficult time with this and that is simply because this is what it has been taught. As you begin to make choices through the greater intelligence of your heart, the intelligence of your mind will fall in to alignment with the greater intelligence of your heart. You will clearly see the many paradoxes that you have created here in the physical dimension. You will clearly see that these paradoxes are simply not the truth and that they are simply part of the illusion.

Today I tell you that the illusion of separation is coming to an end. This is how you will create all that you have asked for and that is heaven here on earth. All you simply have to do is to follow that knowing that is already within you, within the greater intelligence of your heart. It is through following that knowing that you will be shown. We have always told you that it is through your faith that you are shown and your faith is simply your true knowing. I ask all of you to follow the greater intelligence of your heart and to follow this great knowing that is already within you. Bring this knowing into your consciousness and truly you will create it. Bring this knowing into your consciousness and then help others to do the same. Sharing with and caring for each other is truly the service that you intended to do. This is your true intention. Follow that intention and begin to create great things for all of humanity and all of Mother and Father God's creations.


It is with the greatest of love and honor that I have come here to speak with you. I love you all so very, very much. I am Mother Mary.

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