“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
~ Guillaume Apollinaire
This isn’t my usual ‘musings’ because it is very serious… very serious indeed because it involves me having the courage to move forward, through fear, into the unknown. This is something we are all having to do, at some level.
So this morning I am having an on and off conversation with my Higher Self, which is how it usually goes, more on (in my High Heart) than off (in my ego) since He always gets His way in the end, and I always end up listening because there is no other way around it… He can make Himself heard, trust me! And YES!!! Divine Will reigns supreme and always will, thank Goodness!
Don’t misunderstand me. Spirit is mostly silent, and will only speak when necessary and even then it’s not always in words. Words, they say, are their least favorite form of communication because words are so limiting. Thus the saying “Words don’t come easy”, which I hear often and I must say, I agree. I am less inclined nowadays to even put pen to paper because communication in the old way of writing and speaking out loud is laborious, not to mention exhausting because it often doesn’t even begin to contain the true meaning of what is being said or written. So I cannot wait for a time when we will ALL communicate through telepathic feeling and/or imaging.
The conversation started this morning is about me spreading my wings, and then it was put on hold so we could make corn and spinach muffins for breakfast, which were egg-less… another one of his brilliant ideas. They came out great by the way! There is never any recipe per sé when Michael is in my kitchen, it’s a matter of “let’s add this and then that” whatever this and that may be, and then, “I think we need some more raising agent or whatever.” And since all I had in my refrigerator is corn and a few wilted baby spinach leaves, we ended up making corn and spinach muffins. Anyway, they turned out great! Now that breakfast is eaten, it is time once more to get down to business, as is his style. There is no avoiding this Archangel… but I suspect all Higher Selves are the same, they want the best for their “babies”, who I might add are quite happy being “babies”. Well, I am anyway…
Michael asked that I share the conversation because there may just be other ‘baby chicks’ out there who are afraid of flying. So this is more or less how the rest of the conversation went:
AAM: “Being “little” is not serving you. You are greater than that.”
“I realize that, but I like being “little”. It works for me, for now anyway. Why do I need to be greater? Why can’t I continue being small?”
AAM: “Do you think of Me as being small?”
“No, of course not. That would be ludicrous!“
AAM: “So then why would you think of yourself as being small? I am you, you are me. We are One!”
“Yes I know, but I still feel as though I'm just one tiny seed in a sunflower! You’re a Whole Field of Sunflowers!!“
AAM: “So do you think that means you are less than Me? Do you think that makes you powerless? It does not, I can assure you. It is time to spread your wings. How else would you know you can fly?”
Higher Dimensional Beings love to “speak” in metaphors. I am reminded now of a story of a baby bird in its nest waiting for Mommy and Daddy to bring it food, but Mommy and Daddy are coming less and less nowadays with food and the baby bird is getting anxious and hungry. Not only that, the nest is getting too small! Another thing is that the ground is really far away and if it fell out of the comfort of its nest, it would most surely die. What the baby bird doesn’t know, and can’t perceive, is that Mom and Dad are close by. They are silently watching all that is happening within the nest and prompting their baby bird with all the unconditional love they can muster, praying today will be the day their little one decides to spread its wings and fly. Suddenly a gust of wind appears out of nowhere and carries the baby bird off the edge of the nest. The baby bird starts to panic and thinks it is surely going to die. But then the baby bird decides it may as well enjoy the ride down and as it looks around it notices things it never noticed before. “Hey, this is quite cool!” it thinks. Suddenly the baby bird gets the urge to spread its wings and, to its great surprise, it realizes it can fly!
So the moral of the story is that the baby bird didn’t need to learn to fly, it could fly all along. Just like us, the Ascending One’s, as we embody more of our higher SELF, we will no longer be able to contain ourselves within the usual boundaries, or cocoon, or safe place, or the comfort zone we have created for ourselves. We are prompted to spread out, and to think GREATER so we can encompass more of our SELF and BE the Light in a greater and more substantial way.
But it’s not only that. Higher Dimensional Beings don’t know themselves as small. They know themselves as LIMITLESS, having INFINITE potential, power, love, wisdom and creativity. So what we, as the Ascending Ones of Higher Dimensional Beings, have to realize (make REAL within our KNOWING), is that we cannot be contained. That is, we cannot keep thinking of ourselves as this human form we are wearing. Because the Light we are now holding is so GREAT that it cannot be contained within that limited way anymore. Another thing is that Light is always expanding and whether, we like it or not, we have to expand with it!
So this is the deal… Michael for some time now has been prompting me to spread my field of service work to include Tele-webinars or “Tele-classes” as he is suggesting they be called. His intention with these Tele-classes is to help remind people of their innate nature and of their roots of creation. In other words, to help people know themselves on a greater level, and to increase their perception of who they REALLY ARE so that they can realize – make REAL and live out their true potential.
In the first class, which will most likely be on 1st October, we will be focusing on manifesting. This date coincides with the New Moon, which is great because New Moons have always for me signified NEW beginnings!
So please keep that date in mind if you’re interested in joining in the Tele-class. Michael will be orchestrating the whole thing, so most of it will be telepathically communicated (channeled). I will be posting the details of the Tele-class in my next blog during the coming week, so please look out for it!
We leave you with our love and blessing for a most magical NEW day!
If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:
Book a Channeling Session with Archangel Michael via Skype: http://www.archangelsanddevas.com/live-channeling-sessions/
Ask Archangel Michael a Question via Email: http://www.archangelsanddevas.com/ask-archangel-michael/
Book an Ascension Support and Mentoring Session: http://www.archangelsanddevas.com/ascension-help-and-support/
Experience ReiKi Healing with the Archangels and Master Beings of Light: http://www.bodymindspirit.zone/distant-reiki-healing/
Deborah Faith ~ Messenger for Archangel Michael