2016 was to be The Year of Transformation & Transcendence being a number 9 year, and so far it has proven to be just that. In 2017 you will reap the rewards, and harvest the Fruits of your labor. In 2017 you will experience yourselves as Co-Creator in the Divine Partnership agreement that you signed up for when you agreed to step down in vibration and take upon yourselves your earthly role of being a grounded, Spiritual Being of the Light, and in so doing, became a portal or vestibule for the Higher Light frequencies to be grounded through your Presence in order to assist Gaia in her planetary ascension along with her human inhabitants.
We salute you for your bravery and for the courage you have shown and we now wish to guide you to reaching an even higher state of consciousness to assist you in knowing yourselves as The Light.
Brave Ones, you are at all times connected to the Tree of Life that supports your every need upon the Earth Plane. There is no more need to go without, or to suffer from lack or limitation. You have within you a Divine Spark of Source energy that affords you a direct interface or link with the Infinite Field of Creation and Manifestation.
It is time now to make positive choices and to let go of all that you thought you were in your limited human thinking, and to embrace the knowing of your True Self as BEING ABUNDANT in every way. You have the ability right now to create and design a life of your choosing, bearing in mind that whatever you choose has a direct effect on the Whole.
Therefore use these last few months of 2016 wisely and work in close Co-partnership with your Core Power, that part of you referred to as your Higher Self. It matters not what you name it, all that matters is that you acknowledge who you are in the greater sense so that you can begin to know yourself NOW as a Master Co-Creator and Co-Manifestor of New Earth.
As Master Beings of the Light you are Infinite in every possible way. There is nothing that you cannot create. There is nothing that you are not. All is within you right now.
You have The Power!

Archangel Michael Tele-Web Class
Please join Archangel Michael and myself as he shares his Wisdom, Power, and Love with us on Saturday, the 8th October, to assist us in knowing our True Selves and to co-create an abundant life in the higher frequencies of New Earth.
If you cannot afford the full fee for the Class, please email me the amount you can afford to pay and I will include you in the Class.
Infinite Love and Blessings!
~ Deborah Faith