Creation Energies - by Branda Hoffman

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 02/29/2012 - 10:12


Creation Energies by Brenda Hoffman
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s February 27, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on It is likely that your recent inability to concentrate, your “fogginess” is the lifting of your dimensional veils. This “Creation Energies” show teaches you how to tune to the dimension that best meets your needs.
Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at www.Life Tapestry ”We’re Amazed at Your Daring Do”
Dear Ones,
The shift now occurring is moving you from group to individual actions. Even though we discussed this during our radio show yesterday (www.BlogTalkRadio – Creation Energies), we wish better help you understand your direction.
Previous to the last few days, most of the energy bursts helped your Lightworker group move through many of your Old Age beliefs and actions. You have completed that piece of your dimensional shift.
Many of you feel as if you have Old Age areas that still need clearing. We did not expect you – nor did you before entering earth during this transition – to review and complete every aspect of your 3rd dimensional Old Age being. You do not time to do so during this rapid shift. Suffice it for you to know, now that you understand how you wish to transition, your being is shifting accordingly.
It is like taking a final exam in a difficult course and not feeling you fully understand the concepts of that course. Even though you receive an A or B, you think you do not know enough to apply that knowledge. That is, until you are in the work world and grasp how that course is a natural part of your life.
So it is for this transition. You have earned an A or B+ in your understanding of the concepts you are beginning to use in your everyday life. That is all you need to move forward. You understand more than you realize and you will easily adapt that understanding to your New Age life.
We also discussed yesterday that it is time for you to assume responsibility for selecting the correct dimension. You are fully capable of doing so. You merely have to tune in to that station, that dimension.
We wish to move a few steps further into that process. Many of you have concerns that you will not select the correct dimension or that the correct dimension will allude your tuning abilities. It is time to trust your being. For indeed, we have primed you in the past months to assume responsibility for your being.
It is no longer appropriate to pray to others or to expect messages of caring and concern from those outside yourself. Perhaps that thought makes you angry. Not because you are not capable of creating your own life, but because your belief patterns are that someone - parents, teachers, politicians, God, angels, those from other planets and dimensions – is taking care of you.
That is not to say that those outside yourself have forsaken you – you are all one – but that you are now a young adult who must move away from home. Even though those words may appear disharmonious, those words are much more harmonious than Old Age messages. Let us explain.
You are one part, one cell of the whole. But you are not the whole. So it is not appropriate for you to believe that eye cells know what is best for you if you are a fingernail cell. You and your compatible cells are the entities that best understand your needs and direction. To further expand that thought, if some of your compatible fingernail cells have been overtaken with a fungus, they would not function as you do – so again, they would not fully understand your needs and direction.
Until now, you have requested assistance from the entire body even though not all parts of the body understood your needs. But then, you were not moving in the smaller arenas you have now transitioned to. It is if someone decreed that all Caucasian men born in California in 1989 will like something. Many will, but others in that demographic will think quite differently.
When we first helped you move into your New Age role, we started with broad strokes similar to trying to understand the needs of all Caucasian men born in California in 1989. We have now adjusted our message to all Caucasian men born in Lodi, California in 1989. We will refine that information until it is similar to one Caucasian male born in a specific house, on a specific street in Lodi, California in 1989.
It is time for you to take responsibility for yourself. There is no longer someone out there responsible for your transition or role. Even though your role is an important piece of the whole – as a fingernail is to the body. You are not a skin cell. You are a unique body cell with unique needs and directions. It is time for you to claim yourself.
Another apt analogy is that most elementary school children find a variety of subjects interesting. By the time those same children enter the work world, they will have refined those interests to a job in a particular field.
You are no longer in elementary school. You have graduated from college and are ready to enter the work world. Take responsibility for your decisions and direction. No one understands your needs better than you. You are a New Age adult. Accept and glory in that. And move forward in anticipation of the wonderful directions you are about to pursue. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Button in the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by e-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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