The Opening of March and the Golden Lightening Bolt!!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 08:37

The Opening of March and the Golden Lightening Bolt!!



If yesterdays phone readings and massage session was a preview of March, man oh man sign me up, and sign me up quick!!


I knew when I concluded my sharing yesterday, the field in which I read was going to be presented differently.  I could feel it thru the information that was coming thru.  But man, I surely didn’t expect it to turn into a split screen effect.  But just remembering the information coming thru the last several months, it makes sense that it would.  As Above, So Below!


The first reading in a new atmosphere always takes me by surprise.  And the one thing about 2012 is the atmosphere changes frequently!!  Phew baby does it!!


I have said before, I see months long before they arrive.  They always a color and texture theme to them.  March has been so consistent since the last quarter of last year.  Yellow.  But a very waxy yellow feel.  For the last 3 months of 2011 there had always been a very large tsunami wave that was yellow and waxy and still.  It had always showed up in the last week of March with its curve of the wave heading into April, which is still very violet and white in my field of vision.


Once I moved here to Jemez Pueblo, the coming months that I had seen was always set up on top of the Mesa Cliff where the dome of energy seems to be literally molten in my camera lens.  Last year, these months were set up on an energetic line way up in the sky.

During the course of this year, the wave dispersed and a very protect dome of waxy yellow energy formed itself within March.  Within March not over it.  As we moved closer to the March in our timeline, that dome of energy seemed to shrink and the field had said it was concentrating itself.  Which means, anyone aligned with it will be in a field of super concentrated energy.


I tried every which way to Friday to get inside that waxy energy to have any sort of peak… not even!  When I finally figured out a way to stick my head into the dome all I could see and feel was more waxy energy.  Very very yellow tho!


Even as recently as 2 days ago… still waxy, still yellow, still no change for our collective understanding… until Yesterday.  Holy Freaking Cow Batman!!


I am not even sure how to describe it with words, bear with me as I try.  March was no longer waxy at all… actually it came alive.  Very very alive.  It was filling my entire field of vision with this yellow/white thready vibrant energy.  It also has a pulse.  A resonance if you will.  As I seen my first reading of the day, she was standing up on the Mesa Cliff facing the energy that is March.  As she stood there and I oriented myself into the field of Light that was both her and March and try to figure out what is happening… I had seen it… a well hidden portal at the opening of March.  Well, there really wasn’t an opening, more like a pulling.  A magnetic pull that March was in charge of.


Thru all the treads of yellow, as she stood at the beginning of March, I could see a radiant tube like field of pure white light.  This is what was pulsing… magnetically calling anyone who is aligned to its frequency into the belly of this super charged month.

Until yesterday, no one ever showed up on the Mesa Cliff top to start their reading… the field I usually read from is on the ground, 1000 feet below!  Up until yesterday too… I have always just let the field of light unfold and I would simply read it.  Life now wants us to be interactive with it.  Actually is demanding out interaction with it…

I chose to look at the field on the ground level (the below aspect of the above opening…smile) and there was the lady standing straight in the center dome of energy at the West Field.  I could see the old antique doorway into her harvest. It looked so much like the one in the hypnosis event called “The Planting.”  Actually, everything about yesterdays readings made the entire hypnosis event understandable in purpose, more than I could have ever imagined!


There is only one thing that can truly open your door of harvest, at that is the exact resonance of your heart field.  The very key that will pull you into the energy of March (and keep you out of the undertow) as well as fully releasing the accumulated harvest of your Lives.


Let me say here about the West, the Harvest.  If your body is both on the top of the Mesa Cliff and anywhere near the outer band (that orbit) of energy or within the dome of the field… there is not one trace of negative karma in your harvest.  It is all pure energy, pure spiritual attributes for you to use.

Nothing less than pure goodness can or ever will exist within this high frequency field.  To access it, your heart must… MUST resonate with it in its vibrational frequency!!


My second reading was slightly different.  She was set up about 10 feet away from the field of March.  Still very much on the Mesa Cliff… but further away from the entrance of March.

Keep in mind too… March as I call it, is a field of frequency now available to us… not so much a literal month, altho it has been made available within a particular Month in our timeline.  There are people who may not step into this field until later in the year, or next year, or in their next lifetime.


Between her and the opening of March was a rolling area of smokey energy that extended from her feet to March.  I understood this to be the last remnants of the Fires of March… and she still has a little processing to go thru.  However, she was still aligned with the opening of energy that I call March, and slowly is drawn towards it.

I then shifted her down onto “the field” and god knows I had to so literally laugh out loud.  She was on the outer band of energy (that orbit) about 2 feet away from her West point of entrance on the field.  She was banging her fists on the dome of energy she knew was before her with this feeling of screaming (let me in, let me in.)  Have we talked yet about patience (grin.)


We talked about the geometric magnetic heart key of the hypnosis event and how important that key is to the alignment of both her magnetic field of harvest as well as the energy of March.

The most exciting part of my job… my readings… is when someone has an immediate shift during our sessions, I see it and even more information comes thru…. because you opened a part of you that was a moment prior, not available.


As we were talking about heart keys… all of a sudden I could see the month of March again, this time she was in the center of it.  (This information was also a part of the first reading as well… I just forgot about it until now.)


I could see a beautiful but intense gold lightening bolt come into the center of March.  You talk about Ionic energy everywhere!!  It intensified everything!


From what I understand thru the reading was that those of us in the upper atmosphere of March will be fully and completely energized by this event… those in the undertow… it will be like intense pressure… highly charged pressure.  But there is more to it, and I suppose each additional reading will provide more information.

Now this information really tripped my trigger… well, really it all did, but this one more than anything of the days wisdom!!


One of my readings asked me about her finances… and let me tell you, I am sooooo thankful that she did. (Funny, I can usually keep everyone apart in what information came thru who, not today… there is no separation of one from the other… save my massage client!)


For me (and so many others) not only did February burn everything away… it seems it came with a huge…. HUGE financial drought as well.  My own income reduced in February by at least 2/3 of my monthly average over the past year.  Gulp!  Let me tell you, I keep hearing Archangels voice saying “stay present, we got your back.”  Talk about a challenging exercise that seemingly produces very little!  Trust, trust, trust!


So when she asked about money, income, ya know that crazy thing we all need to live each month… I immediately seen a thread of gold energy come out of her heart… and spread out like a fan. I thought… what the hell?


I pray I can regurgitate this information clearly… Up until yesterday… we have set up our finances like a watering hose.  A single stream of energetic focus within our garden of life.  This stream goes to water the mortgage/rent, this stream to the utilities, this stream to the car note… well you get the idea.


Now that water is drying up (you don’t have to tell me that lol) and is droplets instead of a stream.  Now it has turned from water to golden energy.  But instead of one focus (created by our instinctual survival skills) it someone comes from the heart and spreads out like a fan over all of life’s garden.

I could not see or understand how this change takes place, I just knew it is taking place… and is somehow facilitated with that golden lightening bolt mid-march.  Trust me, the moment I have more information on this… I WILL share!!!


We all need a golden fan instead of a trickling garden hose lol!!

Last but ohhh so far from least, my massage from yesterday.  Because of my secluded dwelling/working space…. I do not have many massage clients these days… but I am grateful to have had the pure privilege of connecting to the human body again in this way, in this incredible moment of pure change in life. I am also grateful to have had a fully charged battery pack in my brain at 3pm in my day.  It must have been the energies of the days readings… I was singing and dancing all day long!!  And cleaning my home and body too!!

This man was in pristine energy condition.  The colors flowing thru his body was like nothing I had ever seen before in my 6 years of reading massage clients.  In his head area, at the nose and mouth was pure red energy… root chakra energy.  I understood that his greatest psychic ability comes from his sense of taste ad smell.  Again, this gives rise to the hypnosis transcript of really breathing in the air of change.  Everything you need to know about any given environment, conversation… anything comes from the air you breath and taste as you breath.  His was fully visible, in a way I never understood before.  Or maybe better stated, have taken for granted for a very long time!


Then to see his chin and neck… it was dripping blue energy.  Now blue is the color of the throat chakra… but again, until yesterday I had always seen this inside the body, not as part of the skin coloring on the body!   And let me tell you, thru the years, 99.9 % of the folks on my table… this chakra has been so blocked… rarely ever seeing any blue.  He was wide open in his blueness!  Not to say he talked a lot… he didn’t… he LISTENED all the way thru.  That too, is our most important part of COMMUNICATION!!


His heart area was a bubbly field of rich green.  I felt it was like the lava when it is bubbling inside the earth before it explodes outwards… again, his explosion was aligned with mid-march… in the greatest most intense way possible.

As I cruised down into his solar plexus.. the stream of yellow energy was amazing!  Also tho, light bulb after light bulb was simply turning on.  Phew!!


And in his sacral chakra… a very large generic fish.  This fish was almost pacing back and forth… waiting… ready…. and as I tried to understand why he has a big ole fish in his belly I heard “When the waters of March release, swim like you know how.”  (For indeed he did, he was already set up with his fish ability.)  Again, I felt this massive release of intense waters mid-March.  Keeping in mind waters are also aligned very much to our emotional field.  Just swim, don’t pause cuz let me tell you… the undertow is as strong as the fluid current, no need to get pulled under in hesitation!!

He also had a pansy growing out of his belly button!!  It had a stem and a tiny flower head… it was sooooooooo exciting to see this!!  Can’t tell you exactly what it means… but I know it means something great!!!


Before the light body and field started changing so rapidly, I was able to take a stroll into your physical bodies thru the phone readings… it gives us a very different and enhanced look at your own field of life… I am hoping this is the case again.  He got a lot of very personal details thru our exchange… Perhaps we can now really look at “Above, Below and Middle!”  lol


That is enough for one day (smile)…. Thank you so much for being that reflective mirror of the great expanding universe!  I love and honor you all soooooo much!  Thank you for coloring my world and our world of expanded understanding!!


Ohhhhhh wait… lol.  My team is reminding me of one more thing to share.  I almost forgot about my own meditation yesterday.

My “rock man” was out in the center field dancing quite intently with the fiery Lion.  It seemed like they had a really good waltz happening between them and I really had to make my self known to get his attention!  What he had said, and this is sooooo important for all of us to do….  He was dancing with his power.  His fiery Lion is his soul aspect, his body (yummm) is his earth aspect… and we need to learn to dance together.  Step in harmony together.  Feel the oneness of the heartbeat together.  It is only when we can dance in our power center can we really start to dance with each other.



Lisa Gawlas

Special Note:  I will have the first of three hypnosis audio’s available today.  If you would like to receive an MP3 audio of each event (the other two will not be recorded and available until after the scheduled event) just hit me up with a donation.  I have to water my garden here in my world and any donation will help.  If you would like to have these recordings on a CD, please be sure to donate at least $10 extra for materials and shipping… and please let me know what you prefer in the information field of the donation.  Thank you so much!!



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