~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~ by Anrita Melchizedek

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 10:29


03-03-2012 ~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏



~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~


by Galactic Love Reporter Anrita Melchizedek


03-03-2012 ~ Introduction to the third initiatory Gateway of Light





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On March the 3rd 2012, we enter into the third initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fifth ray of concrete knowledge; a beautiful orange ray of Light, amplified  through the planet Mars at its closed approach to earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. Fiery Mars takes us into a greater level of empowerment and expression of the Higher Mind through the Divine Masculine archetype, and assists us as we experience this third initiation, esoterically referred to as The Transfiguration. 

In this initiation, we are given the opportunity to truly surrender our individual will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God, through the illumination of the mental body.  In doing so, we clear our lower triad, which is the three-fold personality of the physical, emotional and mental bodies, and begin to manifest our realities as co-creators to the Company of Heaven through the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and Higher Mind. Furthermore, the patterns of imperfection within our original Divine eight-cell blueprints will be further cleared of human miscreations as we step into a deeper level of wholeness through the balancing of polarities.


We are experiencing a deeper integration of the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, through the Higher Light of all Humanity and the New Earth frequencies of Light. In this initiation, this is amplified through the activation of the star tetrahedron within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint as well as around the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. The star tetrahedronal shape connects us into the essence of our Godselves through our ability to harness these light geometric templates and shift beyond the ring-passeth-nots surrounding each dimension into the Christed Timelines; and is further one of the sacred geometries we can use to activate our Light Body/Merkaba. As we move into the Christed Timelines we experience a greater sense of our multidimensionality as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Solar Beings of Light, while loving all aspects of ourselves. And within these timelines, as the Monadic Consciousness of all Life at a Higher Light level experiences a dimensional shift into the New Earth Templates of Divine Love, Mother Earth Herself becomes the Spiritual Sun for this solar system, in perfect alignment to the Sun and Solar Core, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.


Additionally, part of this process on December 21st will be the activating of the 33 Cosmic Portals of Light within and around this earth plane, taking us into the fifth dimension. This process is being facilitated at this time and throughout this year by the anchoring and activating of the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, 13 major and 20 minor discs along the spinal column, also aligned to the Mayan calendar 13:20 natural celestial time. The activation of the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs are directly related in vibrational attunement to the activation of these 33 fifth dimensional Cosmic portals and New Earth Templates to be experienced on December 21st, 2012. Additionally the Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth will occur at this time using the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron.


For this initiation, we are invited into the Ascension Seat within the Crystalline City and vortex within Uluru, Australia, to encode and activate ourselves with the star tetrahedronal shape through our original Divine eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center, the Egg of Life, and around our lower bodies, as we merge in perfect alignment to our I AM Presence through the Overlighting of Chohan Hilarion, Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia.


From a planetary perspective, through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, we will focus on the clearing of the distorted planetary belief that Science and Spiritually are disconnected as we anchor a deeper level of Spiritual Light through this sacred orange flame and fifth ray of concrete knowledge into the mainstream scientific and intellectual communities, and with this, the potential for all Life on this earth plane to experience this third initiation, The Transfiguration.


For we are the beloveds, the wayshowers and Spiritual leaders and teachers, paving the way for all Life to experience Heaven on Earth, our collective Garden of Eden.



Invocation for the third initiatory Gateway of Light


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays; El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


As I now connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love,

I align to the inner earth Sun, the Golden Solar Sun disc of light within my heart, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun,


and now experience my Self within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.




I now call forth to Master Hilarion,


to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,


into the Ascension Seat within Uluru so I may undergo this third initiation, The Transfiguration, through the surrender of my will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God,


so I may align into my original Divine eight-cell blueprint,


letting go of any patterns of imperfection


so I may experience the upper triad of intuition,  Spiritual Will and Higher Mind teachings of Light.




As I now find myself within this Ascension Seat and vortex, illumined by the Beings of Light from On High,


I am surrounded in this beautiful Orange Flame of Concrete Knowledge,


experiencing my Self within the New Earth Templates of Divine Love.


I Am now placed in a Sacred Geometry Transfiguration Chamber of Light,

as the old patternings, conditionings and imprintings of polarity are erased,

the original Divine encodings of Light and Patterns of Perfection are now actualized within my Divine eight-cell blueprint,

as I now merge into a deeper alignment with my I AM Presence.


And now, the star tetrahedron is activated within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint through the trinity of the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Child,

and now around my etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

The Egg of Life is now expressed through the swirling of the vesica piscis into the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around me.

I now spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons within the Golden Flower of Life sphere in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction respectively,

repeating aloud this activation sequence and Fibonacci ratio to the fifth dimension,

21 to 13, 33 times God speed to infinity.


I now experience my Self within the fifth dimensional Christed Timelines of Light,

anchoring and activated the 3rd major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.

I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.




And now, I assist the Company of Heaven and Master Hilarion to wrap Mother Earth and all Her Life in this sacred Orange Ray of Light,


clearing distorted beliefs and lack of Spiritual understandings within the mainstream Scientific and intellectual communities.


I now assist all Life in experiencing these Patterns of Perfection through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.




I now find my Self back in my sacred space,


grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,


and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


I am now surrounded in this beautiful Orange Flame of Light,


and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,


Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.




I Am a sacred Being of Divine Love,


a co-creator to the Company of Heaven,


able to create new structures based on mental Illumination,

concrete knowledge and innovative experimentation,

and wield this through the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.

I Am All That I Am.


Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net

Co-Created by Adi El www.newlightfusion.com

Music by Michael Hammer www.michaelhammer.com

Initiatory telewebinars www.pleiadianlight.net/teleconf7.htm



~ The third initiatory Gateway of Light ~

Channeling by the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek ~

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Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you enter into this third initiatory Gateway of Light called The Transfiguration, brought through by Master Hilarion and the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge.  The Transfiguration, sweet ones, is an initiation of great importance. It brings an alignment of Light through your I AM Presence, lifting you into the Higher Mind teachings of Light. In so doing, you are given the opportunity to truly surrender your individual will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God through the illumination of the mental body and begin to manifest your realities as co-creators to the Company of Heaven through the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and the Higher Mind.


Now, sweet ones, what is occurring on a planetary level through the collective consciousness of all humanity is a deeper integration of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light and Group Adam Kadmon Body of Light.  What does it mean, sweet ones, to experience the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light? It is the knowing that you are already these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  It is a knowing that you look through your Master Eyes and all of Life around you.  It is the knowing that you are seated in Love and compassion, with the ability to magnetize, to manifest, and to co-create as these Master Beings of Divine Love and additionally experience the new DNA encodings of Light; the remembrance of your Selves as initiates of Light, doing this full circle dance back into the Golden Age of Atlantis in the completion of this 260,000 year cosmic cycle. It is the merging of Heaven and Earth through the New Earth Templates of Light. As you dance your way into this fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love, you are doing so for yourselves and for all Life on this earthplane as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.


This initiation, sweet ones, through The Transfiguration, the Higher Mind teachings of Light, takes you into the realms of illumined truth and knowledge and wisdom through the utterance of your spiritual realities as sacred Master Beings.  In so doing, through the Overlighting and a deeper alignment into your I AM Presence, you experience your Selves through your garments of Light within your hologram, energy field and physical body as these changes are being made through both the shadow and the Light. The essence of this fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge is the balancing of polarities. The balancing of the emotional and mental bodies, of the physical and spiritual bodies.  This alignment of Light takes you into your original Divine eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center and links you to the shape of the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron. The star tetrahedron found within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and in fact within each cell in the body and around the etheric, emotional and mental bodies, is further the shape, the sacred geometry that you can use to activate your personal Light Body/Merkaba and the Light Body/Merkaba of Mother Earth.


On December the 21st 2012, sweet ones, the Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth into these fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love will occur on this planet, as the earth herself becomes the Spiritual Sun for the solar system, linking you in perfect alignment with your sun and the twin sun, the Central Sun, and Great Central Sun, known respectively as Alcyone and Sirius. Additionally, thirty-three Cosmic Portals of Light will be activated within and around the Stargates of this earthplane, taking you into this fifth dimensional frequency and New Earth templates of Light.  And in this Now reality, sweet ones, you are moving into a greater alignment of your I AM Presence, the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light through the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs bringing in these encodings of Light through the activation of the DNA and further to this, through the Cosmic Christ Consciousness holographic discs taking you into the Christed timelines of Light. These Cosmic Christ holographic discs, sweet ones, are anchored and activated within the spinal column, creating a deeper level of balance within the body, initially through the cerebrospinal fluid, and with this too, being activated within the major earth chakras of Mother Earth; these Portals of Light and Crystalline Cities of Light, which you travel to in each one of these initiatory Gateways of Light.  As you anchor and activate the Cosmic Christ holographic discs through the spinal column, creating change within your physical bodies, within the meridians, the chakras, the sensory system and central nervous system, you assist in doing this for Mother Earth too through her major chakra portals and vortices of Light.  This alignment of Light not only creates a rebalancing on all levels of your beingness and through the Light Body of Mother Earth and the Unity Grid of Divine Love, but the full activation of the earth chakras vortices and portals of Mother Earth will indeed  too be aligned and activated  on December the 21st  2012. And following this, the experience of the thirty- three Cosmic Portals of Light will occur, taking you into this fifth dimensional frequency and New Earth templates of Light.


Indeed, sweet ones, if we can look from a cosmic perspective as to the "future" of this earthplane, it is already within the Christed timelines of Light, but the duality and the polarity on this earthplane and the experience of this will become simply a mirror reflection of one's reality, one's choices, one's focus. You can look around you, you can see the pain, the shame, and the shadow aspects that have been experienced on this earthplane; and indeed within this school of learning, important experiences and lessons through the shadows aspects and the pain body have occurred to accelerate your spiritual growth. However, these old karmic contracts are no longer necessary in these Golden Ages of Light, in these Christed timelines, in the knowing of your Selves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And the stresses that you experience within your physical bodies and energy fields now, sweet one, are the remnants of the old patternings and conditionings being released as you feel into the body in "new" awareness, in "new" consciousness, in Christ Consciousness.


 Let us start sweet ones with a simple breathing exercise taking you into the center of your Selves, to the center of Love and a deeper experience of your Selves as these magnificent, precious, transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as these wayshowers, teachers and facilitators, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. Breathe deep into the body now, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, finding this gentle rhythm and balance within your body simply through your breath.  Move your body, sweet ones, from side to side and forward and backward. Just for a moment now, having a sense of where you are in the physical body as you gently say to yourself "I love you, I love you body". Feel into the physical body in awareness, in consciousness, in the Now moment, sweet ones. Have a sense of your energy field, have a sense of what needs to be rebalanced. Take the breath into these areas within your body as you run a beautiful golden ray through the body and energy field now.  For a moment now, breathe in through the nose and out the mouth, as you place the hands upon each chakra with one in breath and out breath. For women place the left hand over the right and for men, the right hand over the left.  Hold this focus as you now breathe in and out, your feet gently on the floor grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, and feeling this Cosmic alignment of Light to Mother/Father God and the Company of Heaven, to all the Beings of Light from on High you personally acknowledge. To the Pleiadians and the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light; the Brotherhood of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, the Archangels and Angels, the Mighty Elohim, the Chohans of the Rays, all other Beings of Light you personally acknowledge, as you connect now to the Light Body of Mother Earth through this Unity Grid of Divine Love, in this Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness Overlighting this earth in this sacred year of 2012.  Feel your Selves merging, sweet ones, with your I AM Presence, as you place your hands now on each one of the chakras, breathing in through the nose and out the mouth, moving from the base chakra, the sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye and now crown chakra.  Have a sense of this alignment of Light to the Company of Heaven and your I AM Presence as you build the Group I AM Avatar Body of Light, as you create the Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your etheric electronic body of Light. Wonderful.


Now The Transfiguration, this initiation of Light in which we will shortly take you into Uluru in Australia to experience, brings through the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron as we have explained to you. This shape, found in its original Divine imprintings is within the Divine eight-cell blueprint of Light within the perineum center.  As you bring your focus to the original Divine eight-cell blueprint sweet ones, have a sense of merging your free will into this Divine blueprint of Light. For you have been operating from two blueprints, the Divine blueprint and your free will blueprint.  Now free will will always exist, but as you trust and surrender at a deeper level to the Divine, to Mother/Father God, as you flow intuitively with the guidance of the knowing of your Selves as these starseeded ones and lightworkers, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, your senses develop at a deeper level through your intuitive and telepathic abilities. The many gifts you bring, individual and unique to each one of you, and indeed a collective experience too of increased Light frequencies, create a sense of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through vibrational attunement into the higher dimensions through your ability to be present in this "Ever Present Eternal Now" moment. The kundalini energy moves gently through the body now within this sacred space, and through the Overlighting of all these Light Beings. Bring a focus now to this original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and see or sense the star tetrahedronal shape, sweet ones. See or sense a three dimensional six-sided star also known as the "Star of David" or the "Star of Melchizedek".  The star tetrahedronal shape is one of the sacred geometries of Light further found around your etheric, emotional and mental bodies as well as around and within the Light Body of Mother Earth.  Have a sense of simply releasing all the old karmic patternings through the energy of the star tetrahedronal shape within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint, formed at this level within the Egg of Life, through these eight original Divine cells of Light. Although the cells in the body replicate and transform and create new cells every five to seven years, these original Divine eight- cells never change sweet ones. The positioning of the star tetrahedron is slightly differently on men and women, as it is around the body, but for now, simply know your Selves through this sacred geometry and beautiful orange flame of Concrete Knowledge as it surrounds you, allowing you a deeper level of the experience of your magnificence through your I AM Presence, clearing, cleansing, transmuting, loving and healing.  You are stepping into a deeper level of wholeness, sweet ones. Now bring a focus to what you are still needing to shift and change on a physical level, on an emotional level and on a mental level.  Good.


This fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge in this beautiful orange ray of light will be amplified through the planet Mars as your enter into this third initiatory gateway on the 3rd of the 3rd 2012.  These new Light geometric templates of Light will further be activated through the activation of the star tetrahedron within this original Divine eight-cell blueprint and around the etheric emotional and mental bodies. Sweet ones, have a sense before we travel in Soul consciousness to Uluru, of the etheric star tetrahedron, the emotional and now mental body star tetrahedrons superimposed over one another. Have a sense now sweet ones, of a beautiful silver-gold sphere of Light coming in 10.8 feet in diameter around you, from 2.4 feet above the crown chakra and 2.4 feet below the feet chakra, bringing in this beautiful sphere of Light and within this, these three superimposed star tetrahedrons.  Feel this activation occurring now, a slight sense of the ability of this sacred geometric shape to bring through these Light template frequencies that will assist you in your Light Body/Merkaba activation. For the full Light Body/Merkaba activation, a diamond sphere of Light of 54 feet in diameter comes in around you, linking you through all dimensions into the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God, to the energy of your I AM Presence and the Mahatma the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. Within this diamond sphere, the Golden Flower of Life is prevalent and in spinning the emotional and mental bodies star tetrahedrons to a fifth dimensional frequency of Light within this sphere, you are able to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the fifth dimension.


You are now taken sweet ones, in soul consciousness, into the Crystalline City and vortex of Light within Uluru in Australia. As you enter into this Ascension Seat you are surrounded by the sacred Beings of Light from on High and the Overlighting of Master Hilarion. Have a sense of connecting now through this Grid of Divine Love to all the lightworkers and starseeded ones undergoing this third initiatory Gateway of light with you, The Transfiguration, as you move from the lower triad, the three-fold personality of the physical emotional and mental bodies to the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and Higher Mind, through the star tetrahedronal shape. Wonderful. Surrounded  in this beautiful Orange Fame of Light, experience now these  frequencies of Divine Love coming in as Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim Cyclopea  and Virginia also come forward with Master Hilarion to assist you  in creating this alignment of Light to your I AM Presence in the creation of the Adam Kadmon Body of Light.  And what you are experiencing now in this sacred space is a deeper alignment into your original Divine eight-cell blueprint through an activation of the star tetrahedronal shape within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and around the etheric emotional and mental bodies.  As this occurs you now experience the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around your Self, spinning the emotional and mental bodies stars tetrahedrons in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction respectively within this sphere and having a sense of this fifth dimensional frequency and master number of 33 through the fibonacci ratio sequence of 21 to13 (21/13).  This is further amplified through the energy of Mars on its closest approach to earth its face fully illuminated by the sun, the sacred start of this initiatory Gateway of Light.  As you slow down the spinning of these star tetrahedronal shapes sweet ones, we let you know in terms of the energies of this month, the Full Moon on March the 8th amplifies this initiatory gateway as does the March equinox on the 20th / 21st  taking you in to the Spring or Autumn Equinox respectively. With this, a doorway opening through these sacred portals of Light and the Cosmic Christ holographic discs are activated within the body and energy field at this sacred time (March 21st), taking you into these Christed timelines and the understanding of your Selves as these sacred Solar Beings of Light. You feel these Cosmic Christ holographic discs now being activated within the body and spinal column. There are thirteen Cosmic Christ holographic discs and twenty minor discs sweet ones, and this third major Cosmic Christ holographic disc and other two minor discs are activated within the cerebrospinal fluid along the spinal column.  Move your body from side to side, backwards and forwards, as you bring a deeper level of the Patterns of Perfection into the physical body and the remembrance of the teaching of Light from On High, from the inner cities and Ashrams of light.  Wonderful.


You now assist Mother Earth and all her Life through this Orange Ray of Light in clearing these distorted beliefs between the Spiritual and scientific communities and the mainstream intellectual communities, and the letting go too of "the lesser than and the better than consciousness", of the intellectual mindset that has no understanding of the Spiritual oneness of all Life; the interconnectedness experienced from a micro and macro cosmic perspective. Breath deep into the body, sweet ones, to facilitate the movement of these Cosmic Christ holographic discs, as you feel and sense yourself again in this Unity Grid  of Divine Love connected to the lightworkers and starseeded ones and all the Beings of Light  from On High assisting in the ascension of Mother Earth and all Her Life.  Good.


March the 22nd and 23rd brings through the New Moon frequencies, the New Moon in Aries. And it's a wonderful time to bring a focus to what you would like to co-create sweet ones as these master co-creators  and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.  The change is already upon you.  The change is in this Now and it is to find the harmony and balance within yourselves that will allow you to flow with ease and grace.  The Higher Mind teachings through The Transfiguration initiation bring a deeper level of wisdom, from the Illumined Beings of Light from On High. Receive this downloads now sweet ones, in the remembrance of your Selves as initiates of light, as these parallel streams of consciousness are experienced in this Now through the Christed timelines of Light. Know that this is the Golden Age of Light.


You now find your Selves back in your sacred space grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart.  Hold this focus of a deeper level of empowerment and communication of your truth, the utterance of your spiritual reality, in a greater level of wisdom and knowledge as you again surround your Self in this beautiful Orange Flame of Concrete Knowledge and now the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness.  We thank you for your service to Mother Earth sweet ones, and with this, we bid you a most magical day.


Transcribed by Zulma



One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session with Anrita Melchizedek and special guest Amateo Ra

$33 (Approximately €25.00/£21.50/R240)


Third Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The Transfiguration

Saturday March 17th - 7pm GMT/UTC, 11am PST, 2pm EST

London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (March 18th)


For further details, please view




Master Hilarion




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