~ The Death of all ego has Begun~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 10:51


We Have Arrived At March and Already its exiting. We celebrate those who are leaving the Planet now and initating the final death of all ego. We have had several Deaths of many in the past 48 hours. This means we have now reached an energetic Level that will be the last of the ego. There is alot of talk amongst Lightworkers on the subject of ego. ego is unconsciounsess and its is edging god out, you cannot take any egos into the Higher Energy. Bottom Line. We will have more in today's Update~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP STaff

EARTH ALLIES REPORT: 24 Government Corruption Investigations ~ by American Kabuki





God is Never Wrong




 God is never wrong




by Galactic Love Reporter  HAROLD BENNETT 


A king, who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who,

in every and all circumstances, said: “My king, do not be discouraged,

because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes!”


One day the king and his slave went hunting, and along the way a wild

animal attacked the king. His slave managed to kill the animal, but


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Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council – The Cosmos Is Written In Your DNA – 29 February 2012



Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council – The Cosmos Is Written In Your DNA – 29 February 2012

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

We of the Divine order of Ascended souls who have assigned ourselves to the Earth task for the purposes of seeing the ascension of this beautiful planet and all on Her surface who are ready through, have been honored and delighted to be able to assist so many on Earth in such ways as giving guidance and helping one in their ascension path.

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HEAVEN #4115 ~ During the Waiting Interims on Earth ~ 1.03.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff



Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

During the Waiting Interims on Earth

Heavenletter #4115 Published on: March 1, 2012

God said:

I tell you not to fear, and you fear. Do you know better than I? Do you think you are helpless and there is nothing you can do but worry?


I understand that you sense danger. Unwanted events do occur. I do not say otherwise, and, yet, is worry so important to you?


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Inflation Is A Tax And The Federal Reserve Is Taxing The Living Daylights Out Of Us ~ BY NESARAAUSTRALIA



Inflation Is A Tax And The Federal Reserve Is Taxing The Living Daylights Out Of Us

Ronald Reagan once famously declared thatinflation is a tax, but sadly most Americans did not really grasp what he was talking about.  If the American people truly understood what inflation was doing to them, they would be screaming bloody murder about monetary policy.  Inflation is an especially insidious tax because it is not just a tax on your income for one year.  It is a continual tax on every single dollar that you own. 

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Jean Haines – Another MUST READ Op-Ed From Our Own SaS In Response To: Natasha Loder, Economist Journalist, Detained At Mitt Romney Event – 29 February 2012



Jean Haines – Another MUST READ Op-Ed From Our Own SaS In Response To: Natasha Loder, Economist Journalist, Detained At Mitt Romney Event – 29 February 2012



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Oil of Oregano Health Benefits



Oil of Oregano Health Benefits




What is Oil of Oregano?

Oil of Oregano

Numerous university studies have shown that Oil of Oregano is a highly potent purifier that provides many benefits for human health. It is a natural substance that is extracted from wild oregano plants, and two key compounds found in it are carvacrol and thymol. Studies have shown that both of these compounds have significant effects on harmful micro-organisms that cause many illnesses in humans. 

It is important not to confuse Oil of Oregano with common oregano that is used as a spice for cooking. Common oregano is typicallyOriganum Marjoram, while Oil of Oregano is derived from Origanum Vulgare. 

Oil of Oregano can be purchased as either a liquid or as capsules/tablets. In both forms, it is important to verify that the oil is derived from the proper potent oregano plant, and that the carvacrol concentration is at least 70%.


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Love Around the World - The Love Foundation




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Remember the power of your focus


As things are unfolding Remember the power of your focus ~ Remember that the Heart of God Creates ~ Creation is being born endlessly in the present, and where you direct your focus, you bring more life ~ You bring the acknowledgement of the power of Creation, and therefore train yourself to experience your life through the Heart in every moment this sparkling Love. All of it is acknowledged through the Hearts experience

You are this sparkling Love ~ Let these words be your code words ~ Let them be your doorway to the truth, to the experience of your Heart as the Miracle of Creation itself ~ Every pulse of Love shall inform You of who You are and all of Love's potential, Fulfilled in You and as You in this Moment

I Embrace You Into My Heart

~♥ I Love You my dear sisters and brothers ♥~

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/remember-the-power-of-your-focus#ixzz1npVMm3ck



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Message from the Ashtar Command 2/29/12



Take the challenges you have overcome and the lessons you have learned here with you into your new lives and your new beginning. This has been the purpose of many of your experiences here. You can now take this wisdom you have acquired into your new lives and apply it to the situations that will arise that call for it. Are you now beginning to see why you have gone through certain experiences in this lifetime? All your experiences have been for a reason, and none of what you have gone through will be for nothing, as the knowledge and wisdom gained from your experiences will be a very valuable commodity, not only for you, but for many others as well upon your return to the higher realms.


There are many beings who have not had the chance to incarnate into a 3rd dimensional world and learn what you have learned, but upon your return they will have the opportunity to absorb the wisdom you have acquired and gain so much from what the lower physical realms have to offer even without ever having journeyed there. This kind of sharing is but one example of how higher dimensional beings serve one another, and beings from many different Star Systems from throughout this universe will benefit greatly from you and your experiences in this way.



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Remember your Dreams of the Highest Degree. For they are your means to see your true me. Remember your feelings of your greatest highs, as your window to your soul to help you realize, who you really are through subtle disguise. Who we really are is in Who we most wish to truly Be, and who our Heart wishes to express so naturally. What I wish more than anything else in this world right now is tha...t Unconditional Love shine in your Heart and lift you high, to soar like an eagle and touch the sky. May our Love and Light ((( shine ))) to all the earth, and all the universe's renewal take birth. May everyone reach a higher state of knowing that We may all Be our true selves a glowing. Our heartfelt tears of joy are falling like rain, upon this universe wherever there's pain, Filling their Hearts with Love and Light, and lifting them up to their dreams delight ♥

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/remember#ixzz1npffewEJ



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The Time it's now..


The Time is NOW for the Butterfly of our soul to Fly absolutely FREE and Be completely Whole............ See Our NEW Earth NOW that Lives within You....... ((( FEEL ))) ALL as You from another point of view Within your Heart where we all connect into too. Bless All that their Highest Dreams may all come true! Forgive All NOW, for they know not what they do. RELEASE Fear to BE your real you that is so true! You are Loved beyond compare ..Your life is this very special moment, embrace it. Your divine right is to joyfulness of true prosperity in the full spirit of knowing who and what you really and truly are. Claim it with the power of your Heart. Dream your Highest Dreams and Passions and Let them Live within your Heart Now, as if SO.

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News Flash!!


How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal! Easy Copy & Paste Method! Fun for the Whole Family!


The Galactic Federation of Light has assured us that once a suitable number of our human family understands that the imminent arrests of many members of the criminal Cabal means that humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical rule of our oppressors and from the shackles of poverty and debt, we will bear witness to these events. The Galactic Commands have asked us to do our part and share this information far and wide, and the following announcement has been created to assist us in this task. Please feel free to copy and paste these following words on Facebook and throughout every online social network and in no time we will together accomplish our goal. (*Helpful hint* If you include a photo with this announcement on Facebook, it will not be sent to the ‘Facebook Notes’ page due to it containing too many words.


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Message from the Ashtar Command 2/29/12


Higher dimensional beings from the Ashtar Command speak of a reunion with humanity and our ascension into a higher dimensional existence through channel Greg Giles.


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My friend Christopher Tims (http://www.metagroups.info/BrevEvents.html#TIMS) was here at the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development again last night. His topic was SPRITUAL DECEPTIONS. Much of the presentation paralleled things I talked about yesterday. He based most of what he was teaching on ancient history and the mystery schools. As I ponder this again this morning, the question arises again: What Do We Really Know?

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~Space Weather Update~ FarSide Eruptions


MARS AT OPPOSITION: Mars is approaching opposition. On March 3-5, the Red Planet will be up all night long, opposite the sun and as close to Earth as it will get in 2012. Mars shines overhead at midnight 6 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star and looks great through a backyard telescope. [sky map] [photos: #0, #1, #2, #3, #4]


FARSIDE EXPLOSIONS: The Earthside of the sun is quiet, but the other side is not. On Feb. 29th, a farside sunspot erupted multiple times, hurling three CMEs over the sun's western limb. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the expanding clouds:



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hose With Leadership Responsibility Feel Tremendous Confusion In Many Ways by Rith Ryden



Ruth Ryden ~ Those With Leadership Responsibility Feel Tremendous Confusion In Many Ways

The Masters of Light | March 1 2012

MASTERS: “Dear readers, this is a time of tremendous upsets all over the world, as you are well aware. Leaders killing their own populations, religious furor going out of control, millions of dollars being spent trying to buy power in the U.S., and similar confused actions in many other countries. Your Sun is also going through some ambient contortions, sending strong flares that are producing weather phenomena around the earth.


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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ 1 March 2012



Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ 1 March 2012

March begins with a deep connection into the communication of the Universe in which you live, breathe and create.  Your connection is enhanced as you look beyond the physical manifestation of what-is, as you feel beyond the emotional manifestation of fear and think beyond the mental manifestation of expectation. 


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Friday's Weather/Worse the Wednesday's


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~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~ by Anrita Melchizedek



03-03-2012 ~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏



~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~


by Galactic Love Reporter Anrita Melchizedek


03-03-2012 ~ Introduction to the third initiatory Gateway of Light





You Tube video






Mp3 download







On March the 3rd 2012, we enter into the third initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fifth ray of concrete knowledge; a beautiful orange ray of Light, amplified  through the planet Mars at its closed approach to earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. Fiery Mars takes us into a greater level of empowerment and expression of the Higher Mind through the Divine Masculine archetype, and assists us as we experience this third initiation, esoterically referred to as The Transfiguration. 


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Blessings


See the blessings in each moment



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How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal!



How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal!

Easy Copy & Paste Method! Fun for the Whole Family!




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Angela Peregoff ~ The Holographic Body Of Light And Matter The Morning Blessing



Angela Peregoff ~ The Holographic Body Of Light And Matter

The Morning Blessing | March 1 2012

How about a layman’s look into the holographic body of light and matter which we are today?

We are a part of all that is: our consciousness sprang out of the Silence which is known as the void or vacuum in Quantum Physics.


This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the Silence as waves, a frequency of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something, then change from a wave to a particle and an antiparticle.


These particles cluster together and start to form the atoms of our body, the positive particles to the centre forming the nucleus and the negative antiparticles forming the electrons.


These groups of atoms cluster together to form our molecules; the molecules cluster to form the cells and DNA. The cells cluster to form the organs and bones etc., and all the parts together form the whole person.



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A different perspective on messages from Beyond by Kore



A different perspective on messages from Beyond



I am just starting to read/listen to the channels of Blossom Goodchild and I am very delighted with the channels from White Cloud through her.


With this video I'd like to go back in time and enlight the moment that 'the world' was falling over the message Blossom gave in 2008. Like always a large problem in human experience is the limitation of 'expectation'. Blossom tried to explain this but it was difficult, most people weren't ready for that then. Human thinking forms an image on impulses. Hearing and Listening are very different perceptions. Listening means hearing with our heart and soul, it is listening with the ears of all we truly are. Just hearing gives empty words and expections to be like that litturally. That perception is kind of a problem when we make these human expectations to be the same as interdimensional 'communicating'. This was a problem back then, although we growed a lot since then.


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The Opening of March and the Golden Lightening Bolt!!


The Opening of March and the Golden Lightening Bolt!!



If yesterdays phone readings and massage session was a preview of March, man oh man sign me up, and sign me up quick!!


I knew when I concluded my sharing yesterday, the field in which I read was going to be presented differently.  I could feel it thru the information that was coming thru.  But man, I surely didn’t expect it to turn into a split screen effect.  But just remembering the information coming thru the last several months, it makes sense that it would.  As Above, So Below!


The first reading in a new atmosphere always takes me by surprise.  And the one thing about 2012 is the atmosphere changes frequently!!  Phew baby does it!!



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We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash!


Abe Rudder

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives
For A Life Changing Newsflash!


All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all over the world of many men and women who you have come to know as the world's political and financial leaders. These arrests will reach high into the U.S. Government and include many members of the financial and banking worlds. Many of these names you will immediately recognize, though some you may not immediately recognize, but all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people, leaving our nations bankrupt why they looted our hard earned money.

These arrests are groundbreaking, and these arrests are Earth changing. Humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical control of these powerbrokers commonly known as the Cabal. These arrests should come as no surprise to many of us as we all know deep down that there is something very wrong with this world, a place where so many go to bed hungry at night while a few others possess not millions or billions, but trillions of dollars, pilfered from the labors of the people. There has always been enough wealth on this planet to go around, yet these few men and women have been dividing up for themselves virtually all of the wealth of our world, leaving only crumbs for the rest of us to compete over. Upon these arrests, this will now change.


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As I am reading the energies, I am also seeing and feeling the mass consciousness, and the turbulences in their response to the incoming mighty cosmic waves of light.


Right now we are sitting in a pressure cooker and as far as I can see, this will not subside and get easy and even for quite a while. Everything is in tumult, that which is not seeking and attuning to this light, which and who is not striving to be love and willing to let go the convictions, attitudes and behaviors, that hold on to the old world that neglects the Divine Law.



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~March 1st Update from Blossom Goodchild~


Good evening to you. I am hoping it is ok to hook up with you right now as I am ‘in the mood’!

Sincere greetings of joy to you and all who partake in the understanding of these words that we bring through. It has only been, and will ever only be of the Highest intention that we come through to assist those on your planet who are determined to accomplish the plan that was made away back in a time that you think you have forgotten. Yet we say to you … memories are part of who you are. You developed opportunities to bring forth the recall of what once was… and it shall not be before too long when all such encounters shall reunite with that which was once a part of your every day knowing.


As you move ahead in these quickening days … you will come across wonders of excitement that shall have your heads in a whirl. We say to you to remain with both feet on the ground. This is of importance … because, oh so very easily could it be that you may stick your head in the clouds and not wish to return. Yet you are very much required to fulfil these precious moments in a manner that is befitting the Lights that you are.



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Magenta Pixie interviews Daniel Maclean


Magenta Pixie interviews Daniel Nenesso Maclean on subjects such as psychic, intuitive connection, childhood experiences, sexuality, 21st December 2012, Ascension, embracing your power, nutrition and breatharianism.




Video mentioned - Breatharian couple
Lilou Mace Interview: Breatharian Couple, Parents of a Breatharian Child -- Akahi & Camila

David Wolfe www.davidwolfe.com


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as the light moves through the window


as the light moves through the window, reflected out of glass prisms comes a rainbow that highlights the wisdom through all the different layers that combine to make up the total spectrum of awareness..
May love shine in your heart and lift you high, to soar like an eagle and touch the sky! It calls us forth to come out and see, all the wonders of life that it means to be free! There are no limits to how high we can fly, as we release it all to soar into the sky!
believe me it is as beautiful as you are aware of am what is all happening is. I see every evening and night the beautiful light purple color all around me and in the air, even the trees is wonderful for there to be allowed look and see and feel that we are not alone and magical things are happening .. still believe in yourself and follow your heart everything to come to your ..mutch love and powerfulllll energy of light for your alll my dear lovely sisters and brothers

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/as-the-light-moves-through-the-window#ixzz1npNTEj1i



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~New Solar CME Release~


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BREAKING NEWS: James Murdoch has stepped down as Executive Chairman of News International!!!!


BREAKING NEWS: James Murdoch has stepped down as Executive Chairman of News International!!!!


2:20pm GMT Wednesday 29th of Feb.




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Sun Diving Comet


Solar update


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2/29/2012 -- TORNADO alerts/watch -- OH, WV, KY, TN, MS, AL, SC, NC, VA, new england


Tornado watch alerts issued for MULTIPLE states again today -- carrying over from yesterdays massive midwest severe weather outbreak. 

Alert zones have now been expanded to OH, KY, TN, MS, AL, OH, WV, VA, and NC.

Watch multiple new england states and southern states for severe weather (damaging winds and hail with POSSIBLE tornadoes)... PA, NY, DE, MD, CT, VT, RI, SC, GA, FL, LA, Washington DC, MA, NH, ME, NJ.


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Medicines of Light: Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.$



Medicines of Light:

Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.




A Hathor Planetary Message through Galactic Love Reporter  Tom Kenyon


With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.

We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.


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The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield


The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield



February 29, 2012


Reaching the year 2012 is a power point for your mass consciousness. It was revealed in your antiquity and carried through your ages as a focal point for change.


The dissemination of this information, in your most recent history, through your ubiquitous electronic communications, has created an energy gestalt around this point greatly augmenting its power in support of the predicted transformation.


Arriving at this year in your world’s progress, has released this accumulated energy with an explosive force that will speed the integration of the new reality patterns into your world consciousness more swiftly than the already hyper accelerated time flow you are experiencing.



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Action on Federation's Request




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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Let the past go


Release unhappy past experiences




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American Kabuki ~ 101 Resignations From World Banks ~ 29 February 2012


American Kabuki ~ 101 Resignations From World Banks ~ 29 February 2012


(Lucas: The updated list of Kauilapele by American Kabuki)

UPDATED 2/29/12



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Socrates Berlin ~ James Murdoch Steps Down At New International ~ 29 February 2012


Socrates Berlin ~ James Murdoch Steps Down At New International ~ 29 February 2012

James Murdoch is to step down as executive chairman of News International, it was announced today.

Parent company News Corporation said in a statement the move would allow him to focus on expanding the company’s international TV businesses.


Mr Murdoch has faced intense scrutiny in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal.

The company said Mr Murdoch, who is its deputy chief operating officer, was stepping down from the role in NI, which is its UK publishing unit, following his relocation to the company’s headquarters in New York.


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To the heads of spaces agencies in all countries around the world


Re  Canada's space station commitment renewed CBC News Edmonton via Facebook 02/29/2012


To the heads of the space agencies in all countries around the world,


Humanity is in the midst of receiving the greatest light ever given to this planet. Millions are waking up right now who will say in a collective voice, and with so much love, that full disclosure of truth is what we want and what we have waited for. There are millions of people, right now, who will say full disclosure about the truth of our origins is your responsibility to give. This includes opening up, with love and forgetting of all past confidences and secrecies, about the truth of extra terrestrial life present, past and now. This is your responsibility - it is what you were brought to the light to do. Brave warriors around the world are speaking out testifying to the truth of their own experiences. Light-workers are waking up every moment. You have the most beautiful, wondrous opportunity to lead this miraculous, imminent and historical event now unfolding before our very eyes. This is your future. This is your mission, your most amazing choice to make right now. The world is watching. L O V E & L I G H T ! Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light


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Lord Sananda – The Spirit Of God Dwells Inside Each Of You by Julie Miller




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TRUTH will set US FREE all... the deceiver and deceived... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain



If this is a test, did YOU pass it?... Did you figureout why 'they' are testing you?... And especialy, who are 'they' that testing You?...

Or, better, maybe they want to deceive You and kind like you, so they fired and removed so many of these top bankers just to proof what?...


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~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~29~12 Light has taken the Lead~Disclosure new banking system up ahead~


~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~29~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ The Light has taken the Lead~ Disclosure new banking system up ahead~


March's Energy will be Coming in Roaring to continue crumbling all illusions.


Artwork By Father God



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~Is the Press Assisting You?~


~We are Here to Assist In Humanity's Complete Freedom into The Present Moment of NOW~



 WE are Now about 300$ from our Goal for this Month,Thank You for SHARING and Keeping Us Going. Without Funding we would not be here for you. We are working dilegently on many avenues, 24 hours a day. Thank You for Your Support and Love.


Total Love Shares for February 1711$

Funding Needs and Costs for Site and Team 2000$


~Help Keep the Press Going~ Share if You can!!~


~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~


Thank You for Sharing, to keep us in service everyday without any interruption~A Simple 5 or 10$ share adds up.



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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 29 February 2012


Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 29 February 2012

Take the challenges you have overcome and the lessons you have learned here with you into your new lives and your new beginning. This has been the purpose of many of your experiences here. You can now take this wisdom you have acquired into your new lives and apply it to the situations that will arise that call for it. Are you now beginning to see why you have gone through certain experiences in this lifetime? All your experiences have been for a reason, and none of what you have gone through will be for nothing, as the knowledge and wisdom gained from your experiences will be a very valuable commodity, not only for you, but for many others as well upon your return to the higher realms.
There are many beings who have not had the chance to incarnate into a 3rd dimensional world and learn what you have learned, but upon your return they will have the opportunity to absorb the wisdom you have acquired and gain so much from what the lower physical realms have to offer even without ever having journeyed there.


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2/29/2012 -- Oklahoma FRACKING -- and Utah pumping / DORMANT Veyo Volcano Earthquakes


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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Short But Sweet God Message ~ 29 February 2012


Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Short But Sweet God Message ~ 29 February 2012


[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, I hope you know how much I love you. [Aww, thank you God! I love you too!!] Keep your heart open Suzy. The portals are opening at an unprecedented amount. This is on track for the events needed for ascension.  Man is experiencing a quickening of time now and this is the portals converging with the timelines. This can be a little un-nerving to some. The best advice is to stay disconnected to 3-D reality when possible. Be an observer not a participant. Let the news filter through you but not in you. This is the greatest show in the cosmos and the audience is vast. Be in your heart. Smile at strangers, hum your sweet tunes. Might remember to raise your vibration with meditation often. The human family is on track and the celestial family is so happy to support you. Put all fear aside and enjoy the ride.


www.tauksite.com /www.tauksuzanne.com


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In honor of davy jones



Davy Jones of The Monkees dies at 66

Daydream Believer.


Davy Jone of The Monkees has died of a heart attack,The Monkees which was put together in 1965 for the TV show of the same name. Their hits included "Daydream Believer," "Last Train to Clarksville," "I'm a Believer," and "Pleasant Valley Sunday." They also charted with the theme song from the show.
In 2008, Yahoo Music named him the top teen idol of all time.
After "The Monkees" disbanded in 1971, Jones sang solo as well as with various reincarnations of the group.

He also acted on stage and screen, with his most famous TV appearance as himself on "The Brady Bunch," in an episode where Marcia Brady was the president of his fan club and tried to get the singer to appear at her school dance. He also played Fagin in "Oliver!" on Broadway.
Recently, he played himself on an episode of "Sponge Bob Square Pants."

He released his final album in 2009



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DNA – Clearing of Karmic Family Residue by Judith Kusel




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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 29.2.12: today's feature: James Murdoch EXITS NEWSCORP... GOTCHA! ~ by AM Predrag/Saint Germain






About three minutes ago, Newscorp announced that James Murdoch was ‘stepping down’ from all his roles within Newscorp.

More to follow…."




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light message posted on Dr. Phil's Facebook


February 29 2012: Dear Dr. Phil, we are moving into a time of love of light now .... your persistent highlighting of the darkness in every show, every day, negates the light. You have a tremendous opportunity to help move millions towards healing .... pure water, food, loving nature, animals. We are being told to remember who we are - to move into the light. Fear on mainstream media is ending. You have a choice of going either way Dr. Phil. Love & Light. Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light.


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~Space Weather Update~ END OF FEBRUARY AURORAS


MARS AT OPPOSITION: Mars is approaching opposition. On March 3-5, the Red Planet will be up all night long, opposite the sun and as close to Earth as it will get in 2012. Mars shines overhead at midnight 6 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star and looks great through a backyard telescope. [sky map] [photos: #0, #1, #2, #3, #4]


END OF FEBRUARY AURORAS: February is coming to an end with a flourish of auroras. A CME impact followed by a gusty solar wind stream have combined to produce bright lights around the Arctic Circle on Feb. 26-28. Photographer Nenne Åman recorded the scene last night in Revi, Sweden:



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Staying Balanced ~ Love Reporter Ute Posegga-Rudel


Staying Balanced

by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Written Message Here


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SaLuSa 29~February~2012



SaLuSa  29~February~2012

If anyone doubted that time has speeded up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed, and they no longer have the powerful bases that maintained their hold over you. They may seek to change matters, but it is now beyond their scope to reverse the affect of the actions against them. Their roles have been reduced to ones of only a nuisance value, and soon their activities will have all but evaporated as their power structure is taken apart. Having come thus far it only remains for us to remove the Illuminati, and a major part of our mission will have been completed.



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2~28~12~Greetings from Starship Athabantian ~ Embracing Change






Embracing Change

Posted on February 28, 2012


Greetings from the starship Athabantian, I am Bren-ton of Andromeda. We are most pleased to be communicating with you. From our vantage point many thousands of mile overhead, we observe that everything on planet Earth is progressing toward the great transformation. While it may not appear so to you who are involved in the middle of these events, there is progress toward the day when we can announce, “Earth has transformed. The humans of Earth have ascended to the 5th Dimension.” There is no question that the transformation will take place.



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~Very significant dream~ Starships Landing


Hi everyone ! 
Galactic Love Reporter Marco~
This morning, I had a very exciting and significant dream which I need to share to you. I woke up just after the dream, at 9 AM, then I powered on the computer to write the dream on word processing, before I made my donation to have access to the forum.
In this dream, I was with my mother, in the kitchen of my house. I looked by the french window which leads to my garden... and, in the sky, wide but covered, I saw an allignment of moving stars, which was in fact the lightings of a Ship (I thought it was what many call a "Cigar ship", but it wasn't). I heckled my mother who was at my side, and I pointed the finger by the moving lighting dots then we went out from the kitchen to go in the garden.
Then, at my great surprise, the Ship appeared, suddenly, in melted. He was very near the ground, away from my neighbor across, approaching the top of the high trees. His matterial was matte as plastic, unicolor, of a pure and clean white.


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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday February 29 ~ Thursday March 1 2012



Oracle Report ~ Wednesday February 29 ~ Thursday March 1 2012


Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase

Wednesday’s energy brings out the pioneer in each of us. Where do events lead you today? Are you ready for an upgrade? The planets are squaring up to make an imprint on our destiny – “stamping” new energy – so follow along closely. Be open to new possibilities and don’t be overly concerned about letting other people down. In order for this energy to properly work, it requires each of us to consider what is best for ourselves.



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Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert March 2012



Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert March 2012


Mahala Astrology | February 28 2012


Here we are in March already; time has definitely speeded up. Did any of you have heart challenges, or back problems this past month? The moon was in Leo this past full moon on February 7, 2012, and Leo rules the heart and back. Many people experienced some physical challenges during, before, or after that full moon, which was on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This consciousness is now open for anyone to experience. It is time to think with your heart.


On February 3, 2012 a Doorway to Heaven opened in the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar. This was on the glyph of the White Electric Worldbridger. This particular glyph is about death, release and surrender. This is the glyph of freeing yourself from the desire to be in control. This was the time to surrender your limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. This was the time to look for new ways of being, new people, new ideas and new directions that move you to where you want to be. It was the time to forgive, transform, surrender, and release.


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Visionkeeper ~ Stay Alert!



Visionkeeper ~ Stay Alert!

One World Rising | February 29 2012


As a general rule I try to stay positive because I firmly believe in the premise that our thoughts create our reality. Because of this belief I do not like to dwell in fearful areas such as what the dark ones may do next to bring everything down. To think in those terms is to give those thoughts your energy thereby giving them strength. By the same token, I also believe wholeheartedly that we must remain aware and awake to what is taking place in this country and not shut out that reality. Be aware but do not dwell in fear is what I am saying. As I mentioned yesterday knowledge is power.



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~ Extreme Weather Warnings~


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