~ The Host Of Heaven Is Closer Than You Think~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 12:05



The Host Of Heaven Is Closer Than You Think



I don't know why, today I received this deep desire to share this with all of you. So here goes!


In 2007, I went to Mt Shasta with a very dear friend of mine. The trip there took us through the most amazing road, known as the Loneliest Road in America. It is so lonely that you could break down and it'll be about two hours before you might see another car on the road.


There is nothing but desert on either side, and beautiful sand dunes and stillness. It is pristine.

Across this amazing road, we listened to high-vibrational music and talked for hours and hours about The Illumined Worlds. We were in a "bubble", quarantined from the outside world or mass consciousness.


We were raising our vibration, in preparation for the Sacred mountain - Mt Shasta!


When we were getting closer to Reno, we began to get ill, nauscious. It was then I realized that we had hit the mass consciousness and it was bringing our vibration down. As soon as we left the city, we were right back on track.


When we arrived and went up the mountain, I was dropped off at a lower part of the mountain, called Bunny Flats, while my friend took the car and went all the way to the top. I was hoping that I would run into a Being of Light, at least St. Germain.... But, no, nothing was happening. So I decided to do some more Merkabah Activations to raise my vibration even more. I was there for an hour, just activating my Merkabah, when my friend drives up and tells me, "You've got to come with me to the top of the mountain.... you won't believe what just happened to me!"


So I get in the car and we head up. She tells me that El Morya came to her. I'm listening to her and I go into a Freeze Frame.... saying Wow with my mouth but, taking it in and having what she just said charge me - I was tingling all over.


We're at the top of the mountain and she tells me what she did, where she sat, etc. So I go to where she indicated and I sat ontop of a rock, facing the sunset. I sat there, with such humility, not knowing what to expect, thinking I was so undeserving.... I looked at the sun's rays for just an instant and right through the sun's rays, Sananda Jesus came to me.... Oh, my! I took a short breath, realized that this wasn't a dream and began to ball my eyes off. Then, El Morya came, and then St. Germain, Mother Mary, Melchizedek, Quan Yin.... They all stood in front of me, I couldn't stop balling. They were there to thank me for my work - They were thanking me! I'm writing this and I'm crying, just remembering how Humble, Loving and Magnificent they all are! They bid their goodbyes, as I barely saw them leave through all my tears.


My friend came to get me, only to find me with runny mascara. I told her the whole story and we laughed in joy, as we sat in the car taking in the moment.


That night, while I sat at the edge of my bed and right before I was going to lie down to sleep, I heard the most Majestical Choir of Angels in my ears. I laid my head down and it was still there - men and women, Angelic voices singing this Magnificent Heavenly Music..... I cried because I was in such Joy and awe.


Several years passed, and many, many other experiences with my Beloved Ascended Host transpired - too numerous to recant in this article. But, when I moved to Tennessee, I had a roomate living with my family and I. I had been teaching about the Ashtar Command and I was activating my Merkabah several times a day, up to 11 times per day.


One night, I had been sleeping and woke up at 3:30 AM to use the restroom. Waking up at 3:30 AM - 3:33 AM was an everyday occurance during that time. I opened the door to my room and heard a beautiful Men's Choir singing this most amazing and extraordinary musical piece. I figured my roomate was up, watching TV at 3:30 in the morning. So I continued down the hallway, still hearing the Choir. I approached the bathroom door, opened it and it creaked. As soon as it made this sound the Choir stopped - just like that! I figured that my roomate had realized that the TV was playing too loud and that it was 3:30 in the morning and decided to turn it off. So, I came out of the bathroom and didn't hear anything else. I had decided that I would ask her what she was listening to the next day.

When she came home from work that afternoon, I asked her what she was watching at night. She didn't know what I was asking her. I said: "Weren't you watching TV at 3:30 AM last night?" She said, "No...., I was sleeping in my room...." I think to myself, "ok...."  So, I ask, "Were you listening to music, like maybe you had the radio on or a CD?" She says, "No, I was sound asleep.... I wasn't playing music."


I had the biggest smile on my face. So, I explained what had happened. I was in Awe that I had had a Choir of Angels singing in the living room!

So, here's what I can determine from this. I had been in a heightened state of awareness or an altered state of consciousness both times, even though the last one I had been sleeping, but I went to sleep in a "heightened state of awareness". I was able to tap into that Realm where our Beloved Angels reside. It was just a thin veil away.... It's been the same when I have seen Ascended Masters materialize in my home or on Mt Shasta. I've been in a very Heightened State of Awareness and Vibration.

I have much to share with all of you about my journeys and initiations and many pictures to prove what I am saying to you.... But, I will do this in another article. This one is meant to show you what I heard, as I couldn't record it, but others have experienced this Angelic Music and have recorded it. The links below will take you to several recordings of people worshipping at their church or singing praises and Angels begin to sing along with them. It is just so wonderful to know that this is for real and it happens to those that believe and that are in a heightened state of awareness or altered state of consciousness. These were captured on tape. I wish I had a tape recorder when I heard the Angels singing. It caught me by surprise twice.


I hope this restores Faith in all of you. For some reason, I felt compelled to share this with you. And for those that are skeptics, please know that I am telling the truth about my experiences, and that these things are possible and do happen.

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts


El Ari AN


** I don't know if these recordings are authentic, although I hope they are, but the sounds I heard sounded very similar, with the exception of the male voices. There are no recordings with just a male choir:


This one is Extra-Ordinary. If you feel compelled to participate in prayer or worship the Creator in whichever way you are acustomed, it's very powerful. Pay very close attention to the Heightened State of Awareness that this congregation experiences and how the Angels come in to praise as well. This one brought me to tears.





May be shared in its entirety giving full credit to the author and this site: http://12-21-2012.ning.com


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