Gabriels Monthly Weather Report ~ MARCH

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 09:29


This month involves the 3rd chakra and the lower will being transformed. You will move from DESIRE to TRUE WILL-ingness.


This is also the mental identity, which has been held captive to the ego defense system for the most part. You will see a lot of disillusionment in March, at how you have been giving your will away and NOT being the source of your own passion.


It is important to discern how you are focusing your passion, for manifestation in the physical.

As the 3rd gateway opens, which has to do with moving from desire to TRUE WILL, which is the passion for create revelation of all your talents and abilities in action and manifestation. This will help you develop a trust in your true identity, not the mental illusion of who you thought you "should" be or had to be in order to be loved.

The death of the desire nature, if replaced with a deeper investment in Self, will allow you to even wonder why the old agendas had seemed so important to you.

Old beliefs will come to the surface at this time. Deeper truths may find them amusing or even shocking. However, the higher will of the soul is beginning to come in and it will make it easier to make peace with letting go.

As you learn to direct the TRUE WILL in a more specific way, with choices and discernment, you will develop a stronger ability to move into your intentions and sustain your intentions than before... to bring something into manifestation in a more fulfilling way.


You will also begin to experience the knowledge and experience of, "I am the source that set this into motion and brought it towards fruition."


You will be amazed at how you have always used desire to think that someone else was responsible for your well-being.


The lower self/ego has been based upon the artificial self that a child created, when splitting off from the authentic self out of fear and shame. You will now begin to go back and gather pieces of the authentic Self. You will let go of more and more illusions.


In your astral body, the old thought forms are dying away, as the soul light begins to penetrate that astral body. The divisions in the levels of consciousness are being burned away.


Your will can now become directed by an intuitive knowing, which will begin to penetrate more fully in February. This can be quite pleasing and surprising as it shows hints of what will become more possible.


This will continue to open the gifts of the sixth sense... clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and even telepathy. If this does not happen yet, do not worry. This is the direction in which you are all heading.


Continuing to do the inner transformation of the old wounded paradigm will make this more and more possible.

You may feel out of control a great deal as you move through these transformations. If you stay present and allow yourself to merely feel the feeling of "out of control," you will see that you are much safer than you had guessed from the conditioned way you have always fought the feeling.

As you do, you will find yourself building a deeper ability to stay "in charge" in your life. Control was always a false sense of power, which was mostly fear with an agenda.

True power involves taking charge and responding to life. Ownership of your freedom of choice without judgment. Evaluation and discernment as you move into deeper truth and passion for life.


You may also go through a period of mourning as you let go of the old, as well as a sense of remorse for how you have "misused" your talents and abilities within control and agenda and yearning and manipulation.


There will be a lot of "exposure" coming up, where distortions in worldwide systems are revealed in disillusionment. This is a part of people waking up to how it was unwise to "count on" these outer things to determine their well-being, without having to use discernment and the power of Self.


This will lead to more inspiration and power and passion and freedom, with a willingness to claim the ability to take charge of your lives, moving into solutions.


For souls who are not very advanced, this can all be quite hard hitting. As you let go of the old false identity, people will not know what to do or what to replace it with. This may end up with more people taking their lives, as they don't know how to handle things "heating up" with these higher energies.


You will see a greater manifestation of the planet dividing into thirds. One third will fight as hard as they can to hold on to the survival paradigm. The second third will be those who are committed to creating a soul-connected reality, building a new sense of Self connected to the inner core.


The last third will be leaving the planet. They are typically younger souls who don't know how to deal with the heat in the kitchen. They will leave the planet and will come back again as things on the planet become more settled and they are prepared to continue evolution in this way.

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