The Fae'rea speak on the feeling of March: Tending the Collective Garden

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 11:00

~  Through Luminance River~



I ask the Fae'ra what the feeling for this coming month will be and they say that it feels like reaching toward the light as a seedling does, extending ourselves. It's the sort of extending ourselves that feels really good, like going into our true selves and the reason we are here. It will feel like a challenging yet good yoga stretch that gets out the stuckness and moves energy to everywhere. We are going to feel the nourishment of the sun, honor the light of truth and honor the light of one another. In doing so, we increase the overall light and truth for all.


Seeds becoming Seedlings

In order to germinate, seeds retain water, swell, and then the seed breaks open. At this point and for 12 hours there is a visible light body that is much stronger at this time than other times in the plant's life. It can be seen by special photography that detects photons. The breaking open with a surge of potential creates the light emanating from the newly sprouted seed.


When you awaken, your body has a similar effect of Kundalini light energy being unleashed in your body. The symbol is that before awakening, you were a separate seed. After awakening , you become one with the earth and the elements and work synergistically to experience life, all connected as one. It is the end of the illusion of separation. You become alive when your Kundalini energy rises and activates your light body. We are seeds breaking open this month. Our light bodies are most apparent. In the light bodies and in the sun's rays, there are encodements. There are instructions for our evolutions and DNA. We are divinely created to trigger and activate one another's codes. Our electromagnetic fields interact and effect one another.


The Fae'rae show me that the Northern Hemisphere goes into spring and light. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere is harvesting, weeding and releasing what no longer serves while also a going inward. The yin yang balance is present on the planet. We feel that seeds are opening up inside the earth. The equinox is a tipping point toward light to the whole planet. Throughout all this change, we cultivate the ability to tune into our own soul's growth as intended for us individually, from our unique blueprint.


Something to tell yourself is “You are not distancing others, but you are getting closer to the core of who yourself.”


Some seeds sprout early and in fact many of you woke up years ago. Whenever anyone wakes up, it is perfect, as timing is part of the blueprint or the encoded aspect of the seed. The light body of a seed is akin to the light body of humans.


What helps the seeds to germinate, and for the garden of us to come to fruition?


The Fae'rae show children playing and remind us to be like children.

The Fae'rea speak of watering the garden. They want us to water these swelling seeds and newly sprouted ones with heart coherence. They suggest that we meditate, whether through an activity such as dance or gardening, or being present in what we do, or walking on the earth. We can play with a puppy, or do qi gong. We can meditate but not with the traditional belief systems about meditation. Silence and being, without a desired outcome, while in the heart, is what they are show me. I see groups gathered for collective meditation, and the groups are varied in that it is bringing different kinds of people together who are drawn together by the desire to be in the heart and connect on that basis. However we meditate, we entrain with collective and the collective entrain with the coherence of the heart. Our heart is pulsing a magnetic frequency that envelopes others in its resonance. Hold your resonance, hold your frequency, and do what supports that, at which point the Fae'rea remind me of playfulness once again and I laugh inside. The laughter of children is one of the highest frequencies on the planet.


What else nourishes the seed?

The seed reaches for sunlight which is truth. We are called to discern truth in our life with the heart. Let the heart be the metric. It guides by how it feels and should always feel unburdened. We can connect with the sun and the Fae'rae remind us of the power of sungazing. We will receive the light of truth and downloads and encoded information in packets by gazing at the sun which is also a portal. The Fae'rea tell us that we will have multidimensional experiences when we consciously connect with the sun. They encourage us to learn about this practice. They say to connect with the sun as a consciousness and commune in the space of love.


Speaking of love, another thing that nourishes the seed is unconditonal love. The ground is unconditional love which is also Mother Earth. Everything is provided, including minerals that are food for the seed. This reminds us to take in nourishing food into our bodies that is connected to Mother Earth meaning not processed with the minerals taken out, but raw in its natural form, fresh from the earth herself. Foods directly from earth have the highest life force. Take in life force foods that raise your frequency because you consume light as you eat.


Water the ground with the water of being in the heart. Let the seedling reach for the light of truth, and let it grow in the ground of unconditional love.


With Neptune in Pisces, it has been a feeling and intuitive time. Will this emotional karma clearing continue forever? What has changed this month is that we are now moving into considering the good of all. I know we always have been doing this for the good of all, and for the highest good of Gaia. What is new is that now we feel one another. We see evidence that what we have planted is growing. All happens wihthin, and in our own perfectly coded timing, yet at the same time we are aware of the whole garden, and that something momentous is going on under the surface even when we can't see it yet. We are aware of the entire earth having been seeded with light codes which are in human form and those codes are going off, alighting the grids. You early awakeners, the early sprouters, are the light bodies that give more warmth and unconditional love to Mother Earth. You make it possible for the dormant seeds to sprout. You are the light of truth that makes the highest yield of germination in one human nation possible. The potential of what we are creating is felt with an image of Avatar, the movie, as a symbolic representation of the New Earth. Peace, sharing, love, and communion. It has been there inside us all along as potential. We are invited to feel those emotions of the potential that is coming to be realized.


Another thing that nurtures all seeds and seedlings is the rain water of heart coherence, that shines from your light body, from having broken open the shell of separation. You are baring your core in vulnerability. You are here to shine and you are here to throw off limitation in the vessel that constrains your light represented as a seed casing.


Be the light body, do what makes it shine. We spoke of literal food but we also speak of positive thought, inspiration as food. Loving thoughts support your light body as well.


Some of you may be wonder what you divine purpose is in all of this. The Fae'rae say that this is encoded in the DNA and is easy as you instinctively know what is your role, and ways of supporting the collective awakening, naturally. There is no effort, and no figuring anything out. It is encoded within and tuning within reveals your divine soul blueprint. Starseeds, you carried DNA and frequency from home, and now that is anchoring into earth. Lightworker soul family, you are deeply honored for cultivating our new garden. It is what you have been waiting for and the time is now.


Week One: Preparing the ground. You may feel some interpersonal triggering with others, so focus on your own core this week. Go inside and tune into your seed which is about to burst open. Self-nourishing is key.


Week Two: On March 8th, we have a Full Moon (4:40 a.m. EST). This feels like the completion of preparing the ground, and a cycle. Let's honor how far we have come as we remember ourselves a year ago. In this week, we began the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar, and the earthquake in Japan happened which opened our collective hearts, and they have been opening more ever since! Celebrate and honor how far we have come in raising our consciousness.


Week Three: The 20th is the Vernal Equinox celebrate the balance point and tipping point to light. Expect activations and visible change in the outer world becoming apparent. Finally!


Week Four: begins with the March 22nd (10:37 a.m. EDT) New Moon after the important equinox date. Plant your seeds for new beginnings which means to set your intentions for yourself and the collective. The energy at the end of March feels fluid, sparkly with energy, and joyful.

Enjoy a wonderful month bursting with light and new beginnings!


~The Fae'rea are a new collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love.


~Luminance River, with gratitude to all

The beautiful artwork is by Simeon from Cosmic Consciousness. I feel he is tapping into the same energy as the Fae'rea.

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