Sekhmet ~ "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise of Empowerment

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/03/2012 - 09:01

Sekhmet ~ "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise of Empowerment

2-21-12 Ashtar Teleconference

"Greetings Beloved Ones! It is I, Sekhmet! We have asked for that particular music,* so that you would feel - yes, breathe - Peace, Joy! It is to be uplifted in the Joy of your own spirituality, your connections, and it transcends whatever you might know of religions. And it simply moves you up into that high vibration called Love.


"Love is the essential ingredient, or catalyst. You cannot be in higher dimensional lifestyle without it. This is why the greys had so much trouble, you see - but we are discussing you Beloved Ones! We are focusing here on you, and we are so honored that you have called us forth. It is in your honor that I have added to my 'Yes I Can!, One-Zero-One' series, and it is now upgraded to reflect the progress that you have all made upon your own individual Ascension Paths, and yes, the Joy of this Family of One. And so we are moving into 'Yes I Can! One-Zero-Two.'


"And again I am so honored to be here! What we wish to focus upon is you, Beloveds. Now I can assure you, you're all Bright Lights. We can see that. What we wanted you to do with this music* was to sense it in yourselves. The Light of Divinity is in each and every one of you, Beloved Ones, and as you shine it forth, you amplify it, not only within yourselves, but also on the outside, and you send it forth, or pay it forward, or however you want to say it and view it.


"It is a radiant Light. It is an absolute 'Burst of Beams,' and when you are in high vibe you're just automatically doing this, and you can feel the difference. Now the purpose of our 'Yes I Can!' is to empower you even more. And those of you who have been with us know that I have a whole bag of goodies to discuss.


"But for this particular Gathering, because we are focusing upon this fabulous Golden Love which is coming to all of you, we wish to be sure, or shall we say, invite you to be sure, that you are ready to receive, that you are in high vibe Grace, and Peace, and at the same time, Joy! And yes, we'll have some exuberance here before our time together is over, but for now we're taking what you might call, a serious look.


"And there are two components which are absolutely essential for you to be absolutely bathed in, in every cell and atom, of your being - not just your physicality either, but in all of your bodies, and aspects, and dimensions. You see, these two are what sustain you. These two are what can give you a whole, what you call, a one-eighty turn when you do find yourself slipping a bit backward, or down, or however you want to say it. You're not going down that rabbit hole. You've all come too far for that, but you do know the difference between feeling 3D, and feeling higher dimensional, at least past the astral plane, because you all go to different dimensions at different times. You're all inter-dimensional beings!!!


"It's connecting with your higher-dimensionality that can sometimes be kind of lost. You can lose sight of that. That's OK, because that's what 'Yes, I Can!' is all about - it's to help you when you do feel a little 'slippy-slidie.' And so there are two key components. Now you know that Ashtar has been teaching, since he began speaking through this Voice, the four cornerstones of the foundation of his teachings. They are Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.


"Really all three of the last ones stem from Love, and it is - we will say this - it is difficult for you to have Compassion for yourself, if you're not in Forgiveness of yourself. It is difficult to be Grateful to yourself, if you are judging yourself. And when we say Forgiveness, we are talking about Sananda/Yeshua's definition, which is simply not being in judgment. Forgiveness is the state of being not in judgment!


"Now you have been programmed quite well to judge. You have contests with judges. You have judges in your courtrooms. You have sporting events. You have even judges for children - their teachers, other officials in their World. Oooh, then let's talk about the church shall we? Well let's not. Talk about judgment, particularly the one that says, 'Well, you were born a sinner!' Well, boy, that's a pretty heavy judgment to lay on you, especially tiny babies. Let's get real. Let's get rid of that!


"It is perhaps easier to have Compassionate Love, and to express Compassionate Love for other people, than for you as an individual, Beloved Ones. You're so giving, and you're so loving, and caring, and sharing, but it is for you to remember to stay in that high state of Grace within yourself, to be Divine and to see yourself from that perspective. It doesn't matter what you've done, or what you're doing. You can have perception. Yes!


"Because without perception, how would you know when you're down in the dumpies, or how to be in discernment? But, you can actually step over that line and judge, or shall we say, condemn. That is something to let go of. So to be in Forgiveness of yourselves, Beloved Ones, is first and foremost very important. And hand-in-hand with that is the Freedom to be Grateful. When you are free from judgment, in other words, you are in the State of Forgiveness. And you are free to be Grateful!!!


Just because your neighbor got a shiny new red sport car and you didn't, how about just Gratitude for what you have? That's a start. 'I AM so Grateful for the great Abundance which is flowing to me, and it is Golden Love. I AM so Grateful to be here in this Beloved Body, which I perceive to be in a state of harmonious balance. I AM so Grateful that I have the ability to connect with the totality of who I AM, and to be in connection with the great One We All Are. I AM so Grateful to have my Guidance Team. I AM so grateful for my Family. I AM so grateful for the Love of my neighbor!' You know, you could spend all day making a Gratitude List. And if you want a shiny red sport car, how about, 'I AM so grateful that I AM Divine, and I AM divinely empowered to manifest whatever it is that I choose to bring to me!' Now that's a good powerful one, is it not?


"So if you are in the State of Forgiveness, including Self-Forgiveness - in fact let's put Self-Forgiveness at the very top of the List - and if you are in Gratitude for Who You Really Are in all of the gifts that you have, and all of the Joy that is there for you to en-Joy, and if you raise yourself up into that high vibe state, where you literally tingle with the Love, the energy of the Universe from which you are made, Beloved Ones, you will find it very easy to be a Compassionate Lightworker Healing Facilitator, to all of Planet Earth and beyond.


"We are simply suggesting that we are here now to engage Forgiveness and Gratitude. Let's have a practice shall we, a little Exercise for that? Let's get it really amplified. So, as always, if you will just breathe with me. Ah wondrous, wondrous, fresh air - bring it deep into your beings, Beloved Ones. The air is full of Love, Love vibes coming into you. Just breathe it in, all the way down to your 'toesies.'


"You can close your eyes if you wish, and see it going all the way down - down your legs, out your feet - down to Mother Earth, if you wish, yes! Let's just breathe that Love, and make it spiral back up through your arms, and out your crown to Father Sky, Mother/Father God, all of your Team of Guides and Angels. Just get that Golden Light, Christ Consciousness, beautiful Love, going, going, going, throughout your being, yes!


"Now let us take just one Beam of this Love, and we're going to use it as a,what you call, a flashlight. You see, we need to have you look throughout the entirety of your fields, your energy fields. So keep this Light coming in, and just take a small beam of it to shine it throughout the entirety of your physicality. Look for any, any place that is a bit dark with self-judgment, or any kind of 'victimhood' -that's a good word - anything that might make you say something, or feel something that is the opposite of Gratitude, and feeling victimized, is a good opposite.


"There may be something else going on. Look for anything that is fear-based. Shine your flashlight throughout your physicality and identify where there might be just a speck even, of that self-judgment, of a, shall we say of the negative kind, or ingratitude. Now mark the spot. You can put a little sticky note on it if you wish. Those are always so good for marking. Now move outside of your physicality, and do the same searching in your mental body, and look for anything that might be there and mark it - anything that might be there in the way of ingratitude, or self-judgment of a negative kind.


"When you have checked on your mental self, then go to your emotional body. Oh boy! There's a place where you might find something, even if you haven't found it any place else. Your feelings - ooh! Feelings are always a good target place for programs of victimhood, ingratitude - lack of Gratitude is what we're saying. How about non-gratitude? No confusion about that is there - non-gratitude. Check real carefully everywhere in your emotional body, because boy, it can really get caught there. You haven't much, but if there's anything there, be sure to mark it. You don't have to do anything with it right now. Just stay in Grace yourselves.


"Stay in high vibe - you're just looking. You see, you have the perspective of being higher dimensional, so you're looking upon yourself in your 3D aspect to identify whatever might be there, because you see, it's keeping you from feeling fully empowered. OK! Keep on looking in these places, if you need to. Expand out through your energy fields. Check your spiritual body. Check in with your Higher Self. Ask your Higher Self, 'Do you see anything that is in the way of a blockage to our connections?'


"And you can take a moment to telepathically communicate with your Guidance Team, if you wish. And ask them. Tell them to look from your perspective at you, and help you identify any place where there might be any kind of a blockage.


"Now we've been focusing upon your present, now moment, self. When you have completed that scanning - let's call it scanning with your Light Beam, your 'flashlight' - check in with what you call your past, that part of your energy fields which encompasses all of your bodies, and we have named the major bodies, but do a thorough scan throughout the entirety of your energy fields, present and past, to be sure that you have marked anywhere that these things might exist. Now, that part of you which was up in the higher dimensionalities has none of this! We're Looking at your 3D self.


"Alrighty! And since you're all in Grace and high vibes, you bypassed the astral, so you don't need to look there. None of you are there. Just do your scanning and marking. You don't have to re-member, by the way, in your mental mind, because you're marking. And when you finish with your present and past aspects of you, yourselves, you can go on and take a look at your future, and know that whatever is there in the future is only an extension of that which you have already found. Nevertheless, there might be an echo or two - mark them, and mark them well!And of course there are your parallel selves. It might be a little bit more fuzzy, or hazy, maybe a little bit more difficult. Go ahead and do a scan there, and if you see anything to mark, then do so, in your parallel selves.


"What is most directly liable to provide a moment of dis-empowerment - lowering of your vibrations - is mostly at this moment, because you've all been working on your housecleaning. It's mostly in your present, but you might find something in your past. With all the lives you have lived here on Planet Earth, that would be no surprise, and you might even find something you brought in from other lifetimes, but identifying them, the particular circumstances, is not what we're doing here. We're simply marking them any place you might find them. Now, when your markers are all out there - breathe! Job well done! And allow your flashlight Beam to rest and relax for just a moment. Meanwhile all the other Light, the Golden White Light, is circulating throughout the entirety of you. Just let it flow!


"Now from your high dimensional perspective - and we will stop to say this right now. This exercise is worth repeating!!! See, you don't have to be perfect in my classroom, you just have to engage, and the more you practice, the more you will accomplish. So now you don't need to count. You don't need to zero in, or zoom in, on any of those markers. All that we want you to know in your beings is that you have located whatever there is to be located in the way of non-gratitude, and self-judgment - those being the opposite of the State of Being in Gratitude, and in Forgiveness of yourselves.


"Now guess what we're going to do? Yes, you know, don't you? Alrighty now! Take your flashlights. Now, we want you to turn them up to the highest, brightest Light. Smile upon them. Practice, 'I AM thankful that I have this Light of Discernment. I have this Light that has shown me where I AM not Grateful, or where I AM in self-judgment of a negative kind, or both.' Now we're going to requisition another Light. Guess what color it is? Yes, you've got it, it's called Violet! Alrighty! St. Germain, send us your Violet Light to mix in our Beam with the Golden White Light of the Christ. Now we've got it powered up, and we're ready. So all you need to do is direct it to the markers. The markers are like magnets for this Beam of Clearing!


"You might want to use your hand to direct it in a general way, 'I now clear and transmute all places I have marked where there is any speck of non-gratitude, or self-judgment of a negative nature. I call upon this Beam as a powerful Violet Ray, and thank you St. Germain, and the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness, and thank you Mother/Father God and the Universe, that I have this tool to use. And I spiral it throughout my entire being, all of my bodies and my energy fields, my past and present and future and parallel selves.'


" 'And as I spiral it through, I see the transformation, and I welcome even more Light into my being, and I welcome the feelings of Grace, and Ease, and Freedom. And I AM so Grateful that I AM empowered to do this. And I AM so Grateful that I AM feeling my Divinity in all of my being, and I totally forgive whatever was there to transmute. And I AM now in the State of Forgiveness, because I AM empowered, and because it is my Divine right to be in the state of Forgiveness and Gratitude for being me. Yes!!!


" 'Powerful, I AM, and Joyful. And I welcome myself into the State of being even more free, and even more knowing, that I AM so welcome to use this gift, this tool, to clear whatever there is to clear, so that I may stay in the Grace and the Freedom of being in Forgiveness, and being Grateful. And now I direct this Light, this beautiful Light, outward to assist and empower the Humanity of Planet Earth, so that those who choose the Freedom, and the empowerment of using this tool, this gift, may now do so, because I pay it forward freely, and with Grace and Ease! And I thank all of you in this Beloved Family for joining in this, in this Exercise of Empowerment, together. And so it is!!!'


"And so, Beloved Ones, we look upon you at the completion of this Exercise, and we want to tell you how beautiful, how Bright you all are. Practice this, and remember to share it, to pay it forward at the end, because this is a part of the Loving Abundance, the Freedom, the Grace and Ease - yes, the Joy to the World, which is even now!


"So breathe! Well done, Beloved Ones! Well done! We stand in awe and in honor of all of you, and our hearts are full of Joy and Love. And the Peace that this brings is huge, because in freeing the World from judgment, and from non-gratitude, you have given a huge gift, a giant leap forward, so that all of the World may rise into a state of Joy, even if only for a moment! Less than a minute is enough to anchor it - actually only a few seconds in Earth's time anchors it and circulates it, even as you circulated it throughout your own beings, and then beyond. It is great service to Planet Earth, below, on, and above, and to all of the Universe beyond, to engage in this Exercise of Love and Light. And so thank you, Beloved Ones for being in this gathering!


"And so breathe, and to continue this high vibrational Joy, I have selected my very personal favorite musical art work.** It is a work of art. So you might want to pause for a moment and put on your dancing shoes! I've got mine on. I've got my partner, Froggie, here with me, and we're going to have a fabulous dance of Joy. And at this moment I can only say that we Love you beyond words. Let's join hands and dance together! And so it is! Namaste!"


* Amazing Grace, sung by Judy Collins

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, 2-21-12. . © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.


"Many thank you's, Susan.  Mother Sekhmet is a beautiful Lady.  Her humor is great.  Much love,"  A.M., 2-18-12

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