~ Big Changes Up Ahead~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/03/2012 - 10:48




“Come, become invisible with me” and forgive all creation as mere reflection of fear and guilt of separation; “Thank you, God for creating us in ONENESS” and welcome foreverywhere enlightening creative experiences with joy and benevolence that comes within such magnanimity and Peace. Help us all disappear into our inner flowing all inclusive energy Universal Halo to receive abundance, freedom, and sovereignty.  


Relieve me of all contempt in a complete reversal of social norms, and replace all lower vibration fear and controlling motives of duality survival within Christ’s glowing effulgence of love’s misting fountain. “Empty the chalice of our one heart, God, and replace my resistance for your flowing love, to emerge from our confident river, freeing and activating the energy of light within the love of all life”


Replace our egoistic self serving exploitation motives for survival with continual new ideas flowing within our shared creative intelligence, just for renewing willingness for ONENESS humble service. Communicate the essence of us within our light matrix, ebbing and flowing in joy and harmony, within complete reversal of separation poignant clogging energy to free our inspanding coalescing effulgence, enfolding within.



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MARCH 2, 2012

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:

There is a legitimate question of public policy before our nation today.  In the effort to address the problem of the nearly fifty million Americans who lack health insurance, our lawmakers enacted legislation that seeks to increase access to health care. In recent weeks, a question regarding the breadth of services that will be covered has focused significant public attention on the issue of contraceptive coverage.  Many, including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, have offered important perspectives on this issue.


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FLYING THROUGH A GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Lately, the International Space Station has been flying through geomagnetic storms, giving astronauts a close-up view of the aurora borealis just outside their windows. ISS Flight Engineer Don Pettit shares the experience in a new video from Science@NASA.


EMERGING SUNSPOT, STRONG FLARE: A big new sunspot is emerging over the sun's northeastern limb. It announced itself on March 2nd at 1746 UT with an M3-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:




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Oracle Report ~ Saturday March 3 ~ Sunday March 4 2012



Oracle Report ~ Saturday March 3 ~ Sunday March 4 2012

Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase/Gibbous Moon Phase


I mentioned in yesterday’s report that Mars, which is retrograde, is conjunct the position of the Earth and opposite the position of the Sun. When planets align in conjunction or opposition, the energies cause effects on us. In addition, when a planet is retrograde, we re-work situations. This recipe makes for a weekend with strong potential for havoc and frustration.



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HUGE EQ! Mag. 6.9 Southeast Loyalty Islands


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HEAVEN #4117 How to Fill Your Life to Overflowing , March 3, 2012


HEAVEN #4117 How to Fill Your Life to Overflowing , March 3, 2012 

God said: 


If you had to choose between worry or gratitude, which would you choose?

The fact is that you are already choosing between worry and gratitude every day of your lives. You are given the choice. Accept the choice that will fill your life to overflowing.

This isn't new to you. You already know this. Now it is up to you to do it - to choose gratitude. Just choose it. Just choose to eat the sweet grapes of gratefulness over nagging grapes of worry, grapes that you cannot seem to finish with, grapes that hang over you, lash at you really. If you were a musician, you would back up your songs with a chorus you like. Of course, you would. You wouldn't hire singers who can't carry a tune and who don't further your music along.


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Burzynski, the Movie: Cancer Is Serious Business



Burzynski is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food an Drug Administration in American history.

His victorious battles with the United States government were centered on Dr. Burzynski’s belief in and commitment to his gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970′s called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of testing in 2011-barring the ability to raise the $25 million to fund the first one.


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March 2012 Monthly Visions: The Foreignness of Freedom


March 2012 Monthly Visions: The Foreignness of Freedom

Earth is much like a racing car right now, foot down on the accelerator, moving forward at breakneck speed into more and more of the higher vibrational light showering down on us. The light, and the speed with which we are entering it, is throwing off our veils and shackles faster than you can say ‘We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto’. Sometimes the light makes us feel overwhelmingly peaceful and blissful, when no matter what is seemingly going on in the outside world all is well in our inner domain. Other times, like the days leading up to March, we feel like hapless passengers holding onto our seatbelts for dear life, knuckles white and tight. Sticking our heads out the window for some air brings no relief – we are met by 500 miles per hour winds flapping into our faces. We look over to the driver – one Ms Mother Earth, who has a surprisingly lead foot for a woman several billion years old, hoping the harried look in our eyes might make her take pity on us and slow down. No such luck. She looks over to us with a wild gleam in her eyes and shouts out "Don’t ya love the feeling of freedom!". Errr, that’s what this is?


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Bringing Humanity Home~ Mother Earth's Moment to Shine has Come~


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(Earth is Becoming a Star) The Core Message - The Divine Completion


(The Core Message - The Divine Completion)

- Role Venus and Mercury Explained
- The New Earth Theory Exposed!
- David Wilcock Explains deep scientific Data of the Coming transformation
- Pane Andov Shares his Experiences and Coming Transformation
- Proof given that our Sun will become a Red Giant on 21 Dec
- Its a Fact that all plantary bodies are experiencing exposure to this energy which is heating them up and bringing a rapid expansion of their surface's and inner core's.

People who still deny this fact, this divine process that is now so close to take place, you are going to be shaken soon and hopefuly you'll wake up, as there is nothing more beautiful then to realise whats about to happen.

I haven't included the information on the beings because to my feeling it says its best for you to search for this yourself, i hope you understand.

Once again thanks to those who played a major role in my life and in the past lifes and on galactic levels aswell so i thank you all that are present on this Planet

Be Well


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Saturday, March 3, 2012



Click here to view our Newsletter


Facts, Info, & Feeding Rates Worming         Human Use

Fleas & Ticks Mites, Insects, Morgellons   Analysis

Retailers         Buy Diatomaceous Earth      Dusters


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May the New Year lead to the birth of a new individual and a new society



May the New Year lead to the birth of a new individual and a new society




May the New Year lead to the birth of a new individual and a new society

Jan 1, 2012
Amritapuri, India


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 95 March 2012 Aisha North Deep Cleansing Underway~



The manuscript of survival ~ part 95

March 2012 Aisha North Deep Cleansing Underway~




Let us continue this saga by delving more into the emotional upheaval so many of you are currently experiencing. As we have stated in earlier transmissions, this period will indeed be amongst the most challenging ones for you, and the reason for that is the barrage of mental detritus that is currently surfacing for many of you. This will come in many shapes and forms, but what they have in common is a feeling of undermining your personal conviction to the point of almost surrendering yourselves into a flood of helplessness.



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Sekhmet ~ "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise of Empowerment


Sekhmet ~ "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise of Empowerment

2-21-12 Ashtar Teleconference

"Greetings Beloved Ones! It is I, Sekhmet! We have asked for that particular music,* so that you would feel - yes, breathe - Peace, Joy! It is to be uplifted in the Joy of your own spirituality, your connections, and it transcends whatever you might know of religions. And it simply moves you up into that high vibration called Love.



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Chains Are Brocken - Alcyon Massive


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Maureen Moss: Message from Spirit~ The End of Suffering


Maureen Moss: Message from Spirit


From Spirit Through Maureen Moss

http://www.worldpuja.org and http://www.maureenmoss.com
You are amongst the last generation of a 26,000 year cycle. You are amongst the first that will wake up on the other side of the conscious membrane that defines the two cycles of the human experience at the end of 2012.


Who you allow yourself to authentically become, what template you choose to inhabit, human or Divine, what heart and mind you chose, yours or Mine to think and feel through by the close of this cycle, is what you will carry and live with on the New Earth for a very long time.


Each choice you take matters deeply now. Each thought you hold, matters deeply now. Raising your vibration, consciously, daily matters deeply now. Choose well. Choose with love, with presence, with conscious care of yourself.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Time Out


Take some time to just be


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Message from the Akashic Records of March 2012



Message from the Akashic Records of March 2012


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Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels And Ann ~ 3 March 2012


Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels And Ann ~ 3 March 2012


(c) Photograph  on the left by  -   Ann Albers 2012.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.


Open your heart to receive this very great energy coming into your planet earth right now and stop worrying about what your neighbors are doing. It is human nature to compare and contrast yourself to others but in reality, God made each one of you unique and beautiful. Each one of you has unique perspectives, different gifts, talents, and points of view. So much time and energy is wasted in humanity trying to “get” others to agree with you. If we had our way in the heavens, each of you would simply express your perspectives with love and then release any need for agreement whatsoever. In doing so you would sort yourselves out so easily. You would quickly realize which souls are in harmony with your spirit and which ones are not. You would find your places with those of like mind and like heart and allow others to do the same.



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2012 Precession of The Equinox- from Darkness into Light




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Starseeds: The Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension


Starseeds: The Waiters at the Banquet of Ascension

2012 March 3
Posted by BZ Riger

Reposted from Aug. 25, 2011

by Steve Beckow


“The souls who came from fourth, fifth and higher density worlds specifically to assist Earth in her ascension—when their mission is completed, they will return to their homelands.” (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.)

“You will only leave the Earth before Ascension if it is already within your plan, so it is necessary that you understand each soul has chosen its path to the next stage of its evolution.” (SaLuSa, Dec. 31, 2010.)


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~March 2012 Monthly Visions: The Foreignness of Freedom~


March 2012 Monthly Visions: The Foreignness of Freedom




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2012 ~ REBOOTING THE SYSTEM The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy


The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy
Sedona AZ (USA)
February 29 (leap year), 2012

It is becoming clear now, regarding the energies of this year of 2012, that we have the critical point on our evolution. We all have been waiting for this time. This is our time. As old souls, incarnated and still ones un-manifested in this physical reality, we come at these precarious junction points, at the end/beginning of ages, because we absolutely love it.

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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-02-2012...



...as not seen on the mainstreem media


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Listen on YouTube
Blessed Ones, that you are! We are the Arcturians!
It is probably not known to you, or at least only very few know, what these geomagnetic storms in reality are. You have all kinds of explanations for them, and they are mostly correct from your point of view. But they describe only an aspect of what is happening. There are still a lot of mysteries which you and your mainstream scientists have not yet understood.
These magnetic storms are of course triggered by your sun’s activities, but there are still major gaps in your knowledge, regarding the sun’s functions and the reality of its consciousness, which is also the reason that there is so far not a valid name for it available to you.


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~No Kidding!! There is a Train Here!~ People Get Ready!~


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~Humanity we Have a Mission Together~ Opening the Gates of Heaven~


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~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~2~12~Something Big is Happening on Planet Earth=Heart~


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~2~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~

Something Big is Happening on Planet Earth=Heart~




~Greetings Love Beings as we shared, March energy was going to arrive with a Roar, and Here we are. For those that are not Heart Centered right now, watch out. Love is Sweeping through from the inside, outside and everywhere Around, their will exist no ego's=unconsciousness on this Planet, once this is all complete. Just a Heads Up!





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~Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~2~12 Turning Up the Heat~


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3~2~12





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3/2/2012 — EAST COAST ALERT! over 30 current active TORNADO WARNINGS! NYC prepare !



Pay attention if you live in the line of these storms shown below !

screenshot as of 545pm CST 3/2/2012:






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~ 30 Minute Mass Focus Mediation and Prayer~


~ We had a request for a Mass Mediation~ Visualization for Today. Thank You for taking 30 minutes and Lets focus Our Hearts together on our Love for the Planet, Each other and Ourselves~


~WE are Reposting the Following Prayer that was posted in November 2011~





~ In These Moments, we wish to state a peaceful prayer to all current illusionary government systems around the Planet and send them loving energies. For they have played their roles and are no longer needed as Humanity is now Ready to begin to Live the Truth as Spiritual Beings of Peace and Un~conditional Love.



~For Love Created Humanity and this does include them.~



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Breaking News - USA never seen so many tornados.


by ANdReA



Our Mother Earth=Heart is opening her Wings today.

The latest reports gave 48 Tornados reported as posted by Galactic Love Reporter Dutchsinse. 


She's helping US release ALL the heavy energy she's BEen bearing for US, and many souls have accepted to come here and to help Her with this LOVE Task.


All Souls Leaving NOW are Going Safe HOME. They've committed themselves in Helping US ALL to go one Step ahead in our Path.


Even if you're in the area that are hit by these storms, stay in your Heart and in Gaia's Heart. Remember, You ARE in the perfect place you have choosen to BE. Fear creates low energies and bring the need to relese even more. 



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Severe Weather Getting Worse.



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Severe Weather Gaing Strength~


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3/2/2012 - 43 reported tornadoes -




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~ Time is ending.... The Eternity of Love is Beginning~


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~Take Our Hand Lets Heal this Land, the Fire's Are Burning~


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~Holy Ground a Ceremony for Mother Earth~


Holy Ground -Ceremony to mother earth by Tata Pedro Cruz


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by ARCHAEA (ArchAngel) Lady Master FAITH/ SEPHORA FyreByrd 


Hey There Brothers and SySTARS! Thyse Blog Entry Is NOT Gonna Be The Longest ~ Or AT LEASTE NOT As Long As My Recent Posts Are. MY FOCUS Here Regards THE STORM SYSTEMS That HAve Beene Createyng All Of The TORNADOES In The SouthEastern and MidWestern/Mississippi River~New Madrid FaultLyne Area Of The United States.



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Alert ALL Night 3/2/2012 -- Next storm forming out West -- Mid-Atlantic States and South USA


If you live in East Texas (houston).. Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, or possibly as far north as New England... be aware of this ongoing severe threat. We are still seeing MULTIPLE ACTUAL tornadoes either on the ground or detected rotation ---- this is occurring across multiple states.... entire towns have been wiped out... this is very serious, and should be treated as such.

Out west (pacific northwest PNW) we see another system in line to come down into the continental USA ... simultaneously .. in Colorado.. we see a new small disturbance picking up... be aware of both.. however the 2nd system out over the PNW is the one to really watch for this coming Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.

This current storm over the east coast --- a RECORD BREAKING STORM --- has been one of the most (if not THE most) severe weeks on record.

Be safe during these perilous times.


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Holding on to Love - Geometry of the Sacred Heart from my Higher Self




In these changing times it might help to look at the sacred geometry of compassion and prayer for another, whether it be a person, place or thing.


As we watch towns disappear within the USA and elsewhere, each heart can become a great Love Generator, a human homing tool to secure our emotions during Gaia's rebirth. 



Experiments have been done to compare results of long distance healing.  Most of us, for as long as we have been offering healing, have been "sending" love... meaning we envision a distance between us and that which we are wanting to offer healing. Original Reiki training included this method of sending healing.  But the results of the experiments proved that bringing an image into the center of our hearts and blessing it within instead, healing is greatly enhanced. This is due to the universal design of the whole cosmos. (sacred geometry).  Shaped much like a donut (toroid) its continual movement  travels from the outside to the inside and back out again. This movement is called implosion.


n the center of each toroid is.... the center of the Sacred Heart.  We bring to it that which we love. We truly can be IN EACH OTHERS' HEARTS.



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Date: Thursday, March 1, 2012


This is one of those Rare “FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS” Intel reports.



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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 2.3.12: Gossips, Revelations, Busts and big Money?... Does this has any sense, and why?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?...




Gossips, Revelations, Busts and big Money?... Does this has any sense, and why?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?...


by Predrag/Saint Germain




US again... Dear Brothers and Sisters... what a day for revelations... Some great gossips get fully confirmed, and yet some great 'truths' get busted... such as reasons why EU is so keen to 'HELP' Greece, and why bankers are so eager to fully enslave Greeks... [and some other not so forward countries...]


Lets start from local Universe gossips: as Benjamin [not Franklin, but Ben Fulford...] start spreading this 'gossip' about Geithner being arrested and slapped couple of times, not to start 'singing' but to stop talking as they could not record that fast all the names and wrongdoings that has been done against American people...


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~Our Mother and our Father God who are in Heaven, we most highly honor Your Names. We call forth Your Divinity to be manifest now on Earth as it
is in Heaven. Give us this day our nourishment, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Support us in our path and in our growth
and lead us away from judgment and fear. Help us to remember that we are One in our thoughts, words and deeds and that whatever we do to
others, we also do to ourselves. Lead us always toward the Higher
Light, for we, as One, are the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory for
ever and ever. So shall it be. Amen.~





Humanity is Coming Home With US Into The Light~


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M3 Class Solar Flare /Weather Warnings


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A Message From My High Self ~ Evolving into the Law of One ~ GLR~by Suzanne Spooner


A Message From My High Self ~ Evolving into the Law of One ~ GLR~by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK March 2, 2012




March 2, 2012

Prilon, My High Self


[Hello Prilon.] Hi Suzy, I am here to say that we are evolving into One. [You and I or we and All?] We and All and you and I. Universally we are transcending the timelines and we are melding into one consciousness.


How ‘we’ or ‘you’ experience this is how we are connected to love. Under the laws of duality this experience is individual. Under the Law of One it is experienced as a group awareness. 


The Law of One is the wave or current that gives vibration to the planet now. This is opening portals to connectiveness and love. With this all in play, your planet is on track for an evolutionary jump.



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~A PRAYER FOR LIGHT~ Sandy Stevenson~










~In the name of the Father, Mother God and the Divine Christ Light, we ask under the Law of Grace ~



For assistance in bringing peace and understanding to the people of this planet. To bring to them, a greater spiritual  nature and a trust in the Divine order of all things.


We ask for assistance to be given to the animal, insect, plant and mineral forms upon Earth, that they may bridge gently into the new planetary vibrations.



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3/2/2012 -- Tornado ALERT -- Severe outbreak -- Midwest, South, and East Coast


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 Original Posting~Friday, 15 April, 2011 


Dear Ones,

Much has been said about Terra Nova – the idea of a New Earth where all beings live in Peace while Nature thrives. It is obvious the old ways are passing and a new way of being in the world is in the process of being created. The Earth is perfectly aligned for a Spontaneous Evolution in consciousness. It has never been possible at this level before. But for a more enlightened New Earth to come into being, it takes the awakened presence of those who are aware of this process of transformation and choose to participate. It is essential that this creative process be supported by the power of Divine Love.



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Geoffrey West ~ 30 Seconds To Stand And Show The World Your Service To Humanity, Our Planet And Also Our Galactic Families ~


Geoffrey West ~ 30 Seconds To Stand And Show The World Your Service To Humanity, Our Planet And Also Our Galactic Families ~ 2 March 2012




Today, only a few of us have had the courage to stand with our voices, and our names to send a POWERFUL message to leaders, to media and to all people.  It takes just 30 seconds.

There are millions of poor people worldwide who do not have the ability to speak up for global change. If you are able to read this, we have a responsibility now to start speaking up for those who are unable.


We are co-creating the new Earth through our actions for peace, truth, accountability and also disclosure of our galactic families.


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~Record Day~ 3/2/2012 -- At LEAST 10 tornadoes on the ground !! East Coast / Mid Atlantic states ALERT !




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PLATO ' S CAVE In Correlation with the Matrix - ASHTAR HELLAS


In the depths of the Ancient Greek Mysteries. A rearch from the workshop of Ashtar Hellas based in the theory of Plato and Aristotle. Plato's cave in Correlation with the Matris - ashtarhellas.com / ashtarhellas.gr


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