~The Black Hats Must Go~ Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/05/2012 - 08:31

The Black Hats Must Go

2012 March 5
Posted by BZ Riger

Reposted from Nov. 2, 2009

by Steve Beckow



It’s time to run the Black Hats outta town. It’s time to end the New World Order’s game, close the casino, and lock the doors.


It’s time to lower the boom of justice on the Black Hats in the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, Congress, the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, the corrupt judicial system, the corrupt police system, Northcom, NORAD, CIA, FBI,  everyone.


Everyone who turned the world into a reckless gaming house in which the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, everyone who grew more powerful at the expense of the rights and freedoms of others.


Everyone who denied basic medicare to citizens. Everyone who made subprime loans to poor people, collateralized them, raised their rates, and then evicted the owners. Everyone who took out “Dead Peasant” insurance policies on their employees and made millions from them, sharing none with the relatives of the deceased.


Everyone who engineered 9/11, Oklahoma City, the London bombings, Madrid, and Mumbai to stampede the world.  Everyone who began illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, who took away citizens’ rights, pushed for martial law, and set up FEMA camps to incarcerate “trouble-makers.”

Everyone who designed viruses – AIDS, SARS, avian flu, and now swine flu – some of them racially-specific – and vaccines whose only purpose was to sicken and kill in the name of depopulating the globe. Everyone who seeded the skies with chemtrails causing sickness and death from Morgellon’s disease.


Everyone who kept technologies from us that would have freed us from fossil fuels back in the 1950s. Everyone who murdered inventors who discovered how to make cars run on water. Everyone who created space-based weapons systems to extend their rule into space.


Everyone who kept from us knowledge of the populated world of space. Everyone who created a secret space service that has colonized Mars since at least the 1970s.

Everyone who killed to hide Roswell from us and created secret areas of research where they back-engineered miracles gained from downed space craft and from treaties with the Greys and then kept them from the public.


Everyone who ran torture prisons overseas, at secret underground bases, or at Guantanamo. Everyone who ran institutions like the School of the Americas where gangsters were trained to overthrow democratically-elected regimes.

Everyone who created and used Blackwater and Whackenhut to create a private army and prison or who sentenced children to jail as a business.

Every Congressional Representative and every Senator who accepted bribes, favors, sex, trips and any other inducement that led them to sell their vote to the Black Hats.


Everyone who plotted to take over Canada and Mexico out of a so-called “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (ironic misnomer) or start a third world war with Iran, Russia, or China to bring the population down from 6.8 billion to a more manageable 500 million, destined to be slaves.


Everyone who developed HAARP and used it to cause or amplify earthquakes and hurricanes (including Katrina), killing tens of thousands. Or ULF (ultra-low-frequency weapons) and experimented with them, bringing down the I35W Minneapolis bridge.

Everyone who speculated in currency and brought down national economies which they then held hostage to onerous debt payments. Everyone who made loans to third-world countries and then robbed them of their resources when they couldn’t pay.


There is so much more – a media bought and paid for, deep underground military bunkers, Pine Gap, Australia, space base, Area 51, depleted-uranium weapons, printing truckloads of dollars.

This planet, reeling under the black-hole debt of the derivatives megabubble, will no longer tolerate your rule.


We know you, Black Hats. We know the whole range of your activities. We know you inside and out.

We know your business. Three showers a day won’t keep you clean.

The Black Hats, the hangers on, the vultures, the whole gang – it’s time for you to go.



That is a tall order, none-the-less it must be.  Unfortunately H.G. Wells said what I feel will come to pass.  Fighting these guys will not be an easy task.  The resistance will cost many lives and may actually pave the way for these psychopaths.  They have been planning this for a long time and their agenda has foreseen every obstacle with a counter measure that will meet their goal - no matter what.  Unless the one thing that has always crippled insane ideals.   Their over confidence and the fact that many capable people that have means have been left out of the loop and they can cause create a tidal wave of trouble for the Illuminated causing their false and conceded glow to dim and their plan to fail.


They also have miss-judged the power of love and the force of the masses that are no longer fooled. 


"Countless people will hate the New World Order
and will die protesting against it."

-- H G Wells
The New World Order (1940)

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