~March of Truth~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/06/2012 - 09:53

Solar Update/New CME


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3/5/2012 — ENTIRE SOUTH and MIDWEST ! Steaming Plume event = be alert and aware


website post with multiple screenshots :http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/03/06/352012-entire-south-and-midwest-st...

Today.. in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.....once again.. in the late afternoon...PLUMES APPEARING on Visible satellite -- viewable from space -- All erupting from the ground at the same time in the afternoon -- yesterday only one or two -- and now today we see WELL OVER 50 !!

The chances of "wildfires" all erupting AT THE SAME TIME over multiple states.. would either mean a network of arsonists, or a fairly well timed wildfire EACH DAY .. which then magically goes out overnight and half the day.. and then at sunset fires up again. Also, the chances of "control burns" all at the same time across multiple states .. again are minimal...

If its NOT a fire.. then what does that leave us with as an option for a plume from the ground visible from space that is NOT man made??

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33 insurance directors quit simultaneous directorship of banks, NBFIs, insurers




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At the Apex, on the edge of creation, is where energy becomes so free that from this mountaintop kindergarten our creator coalesces, concerting all energetic compassionate symphonies. Creation and creator wet the eternal mist of our ONENESS Galactic Halo flowing light, flying love, swimming more like a neutrino alive, so responsive that no vessel holds time or space. Emerge me fountain, and us, coalescing effulgence expanding within toward creative intelligence so translucent that our golden horizon Communes in multidimensional Mosaic’s enlightening Matrix.


Attenuating twilight between changing perceptions as if changing becomes changing perceptions just for the love of being so very alive. See the face of God and feel His Grace and light inside as we trust that what we are is so invisible that everything becomes replaced with renewing innocence, ever new joy, divine Peace, and Harmonic prescience within our immortal Graceful Languid Rhythm. Spiritualize, miracleyeze, and energize expanding into networks so glowing that colors live more like hues waving sound as light experiencing weaving rhythms in a forever blue sky view.



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China UFO Sightings 3 UFO's Caught On Video


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Yahoo Prepping Layoffs That Could Affect Thousands:Report ~ 5.3.12



Yahoo Prepping Layoffs That Could Affect Thousands:Report

Yahoo Layoffs

First Posted: 03/ 5/2012 12:15 pm Updated: 03/ 5/2012 2:00 pm


By Alexei Oreskovic


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc's new chief executive is preparing a significant restructuring of the Internet company, including layoffs that could cut thousands of employees from its payroll, according to a technology blog.

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You LIght Up My Life!!



So many nights I sit by my window 
Waiting for someone to sing me his song 
So many dreams I kept deep inside me 
Alone in the dark but now 
You've come along
You light up my life 
You give me hope 
To carry on 
You light up my days 
and fill my nights with song
Rollin' at sea, adrift on the water 
Could it be finally I'm turning for home? 
Finally, a chance to say hey, 
I love You 
Never again to be all alone
You light up my life 
You give me hope 
To carry on 
You light up my days 
and fill my nights with song
You light up my life 
You give me hope 
To carry on 
You light up my days 
and fill my nights with song
It can't be wrong 
When it feels so right 
'Cause You 
You light up my life
AND Y'ALL KNOW IT'S TRUE.... LO PHI, grailheart


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Rumors about the FBI shutting down the Internet on March 8th.


Rumors about the FBI shutting down the Internet on March 8th.


I've heard these rumors and while they're partially true, they've been mixed with a lot of fear and disinformation. Basically, a virus infected millions of computers that let hackers control what people see on the Internet. This is through something called the Domain Name Server (DNS) system, and the infected computers were redirected to whichever sites the hackers wanted people to see. Then a few months ago, the FBI managed to shut down the operation and instead of turning off the hacker's DNS server, which would have broken the Internet connections of millions of people, they replaced it with their own DNS servers so people would still have access to the Internet.

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Hello world... Hello Planet! We'RE waiting...


Hello world... Hello Planet! We'RE waiting...



Ever thought that maybe you're not the only one waiting?

How many times have you heard the message: "You are the One You're waiting for?"

What does it mean?

It means that YOU ARE The One!

It means that You have to get up and BE What You ARE!

I heard BEings complain they keep reading the same messages over and over...

But what are all these messages saying?


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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 5.3.12:.. What is Biggest difference between channeled messages and messages from Galactic Free Press, from Earth Allies... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain



GLR Predrag/Saint Germain



What?... channeling dismissal again?... Channelers no recognition again?...
Why?... oh, Why dear Predrag you are going in to the bees nest?...


Who knows me till now, I love to ask a question and answer in my own words, something that I want to deliver to you all...

You will forgive me change of tone, as till now I was sweet, non-direct, and very light with lot of humor and fairy tale writings...


Now, today something shifted in me, realizing that ignorance is so present all around light workers, fear is so obvious of not fully accepting who we are... [and here I do not refer to me or to MotheFatherGod...]



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Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz



Bill Ballard (Feb 2 2012) ~ Super Solar Flares And The Incoming Big Buzz

Bill Ballard | February 1 2012
Shift Frequency.com

One of the largest solar flares in history was unleashed January 27 2012. It marked entry into full consciousness for those choosing ascension. This is the single greatest event in  history activated to raise the frequency of both Earth and humanity. This frequency increase marks the beginning of humanity’s return to an awakened state.

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Hello Me!




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We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash!




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I have been asked by Sage Bodisattva to participate in a project: the making of a documentary. I was asked to make a short video, 3 minutes or less, where I address these questions on awareness, the fundamental essence, and the source of all things: What's the common foundational substance that ALL things break down into? What is the source of this foundational substance? And who exactly is aware of all this?


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HEAVEN #4120 What Was All the Fuss About?, March 6, 2012


HEAVEN #4120 What Was All the Fuss About?, March 6, 2012 

God said: 


Love is equal. You may want to be the most loved being in the whole word, and you are. My love is limitless. Therefore, everyone is the most loved being in the world. In terms of love, there is no deviation. My love is full-blast. My love encompasses all. I do not make evaluations. I have so many other better matters to take care of. Do you possibly imagine that I would occupy Myself with sorting and hypothesizing? Naturally, I occupy Myself otherwise.

The fact is I choose to occupy Myself with what matters and is easy for Me and what, in other words, I cannot help but focus on.


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Visionkeeper ~ What Stories Will We Tell?



Visionkeeper ~ What Stories Will We Tell?

One World Rising | March 6 2012


I look at this tree and see stories. Stories of how it became twisted and somewhat gnarled. A story of how it came to be where it sits in this picture, where did it come from, who planted it, how long has it been growing, what stories does it have to tell? Many stories I am sure. It looks old and well-worn so to speak. It is regal looking and beautiful.


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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 6 2012



Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 6 2012


Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

Today we have conflicting energies in the air. Reverberations from the alignment of Earth and Mars, in opposition to the Sun, continue, producing the volcanic, cathartic effects that have been prevalent for a couple of weeks. This is serving to correct the course of our lives, but it is difficult energy that is causing increased anxiety, impulsivity, and anger. But a new wave of energy is also entering – one designed to bring a refreshing rebirth and a new perspective that will culminate on March 14th with a massive planetary alignment.

We can now re-engage and take action, whereas lately we have had to surrender to the the flow of the Universe. The resistance will lessen as we approach March 14th, when we will receive a massive “upgrade” to our energetic bodies. So we want to consciously connect with this newer wave today and allow the Mars energy to wane.


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 97


First of all, let us take this opportunity to congratulate you all on completing another installment of this saga. You might not be aware of this, but you have just finished downloading another increment of the literally life-changing bouts of energy that is constantly being beamed not only into you, but also the whole of your planet. It might not feel like much at the moment, but this bout of boosting codes where amongst the most important ones you have received up until now.

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Veronica ~ It Brings Joy Within



Veronica ~ It Brings Joy Within

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | March 6  2012


In the linear it often becomes imperative for you to solve all difficulties immediately. A feeling of despair may arise if a solution is not available in the next moment.


Remember that one incarnates to expand and learn. Many of those difficulties are created and co-created by your own energy. You may exclaim that that is not the case! “Why would I create a problem for myself or allow another to create it for me?”


It is understood that all want to have a harmonious care free existence. Your physical self most likely has a very long list of things that would do just that. By remembering your soulful intentions the difficulties can be examined to find the opportunity of expansion within them.


Take a good look at what has been created to take in the lessens involved. By doing so, you are finding solutions while allowing your energy to grow in the process.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Life Purpose


Do not worry what your purpose is



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March Energy Update: Awakening Flows into Transparency, the Seat of Your Awareness Elevates


03 March 2012

There are huge signs available to us now of the immense progress of our personal awakening/divine embodiment and the ascension of our planet into higher frequencies. We can see now how much of what we’ve experienced has led us to a point where we are now energized and empowered enough to focus upon creativity. It’s a joyous amazing time for any who are feeling this shift, and a powerful and encouraging sign paving the way for those in next wave and those waking up!


The Energy of March is amping toward the Equinox. This momentum initiated in December at the Solstice as the Arcs between these alignments in the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices increase in impact.



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3.5.12 Power is Already Yours. Claim It NOW, Beloveds!


3.5.12 Power is Already Yours. Claim It NOW, Beloveds!



3/5/12 Love/Light Message from the celestial team

Ah, Beloveds! We greet you once more with frequencies of fervent, earnest desire to reach your hearts–


We are most excited to be greeting you through this transmission, as we always, always, are! Many of you have felt our trembling, “fizzy,” excitement before as you allowed our frequencies entry into your hearts. In your language, a description of our great excitement might be that after we join with Judith our earthly aspect for the transmission and translation process, we hold our breath in hopeful anticipation as she presses the “send” button on her computer! Then, we hover and watch for days afterward, pulsing out our love to you, joining you as you allow us to, assisting you in receiving the activating frequencies we offer to each one of you, individually.



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Lisa Gawlas ~ The Garden Of Your Life Thru March ~ Cleaning & Creating! ~ 6 March 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ The Garden Of Your Life Thru March ~ Cleaning & Creating! ~ 6 March 2012

I am so grateful to have arrived with two feet firmly planted into the highly intense energies of March.  It seems to have opened its door and is blowing the winds of change at hurricane force thru the lives and hearts of everyone… some way, some how.  These are no ordinary winds… no sir-ee!  These winds contain some of the highest charged particles of energy I have felt ever… and the collective purpose… phew baby!  And for a change (smile) providing understandings of clarity.


First of all… and one you will experience the either or, or maybe even a combination of the two… is the intense cleansing process happening within the highly charged energy of March.

Its ultimate purpose is to ignite the high magnetic frequency of alignment.  Starting with the human energy field.



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Shed Light Wayseers!!! Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! :) <3 NOW!


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UFO in Baltic Sea Investigation


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Loss and Disclosure




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There is nothing wrong with our children !


CBC News Facebook - March 6, 2012 (link below) 


With so much love to whoever will read this now: These children are DIVINE - there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. They do not need drugs, of any kind. Our children have never needed meds, people. More than anything, they need our love, respect and guidance. There is so much we are not being told - and it is up to us to WAKE UP! A message to all of humanity from the ascended masters (look it up on google) "As they move into more of their multidimensionality, a great number of these “new” children will be acknowledged as geniuses, mostly in the arts and sciences. Since their pre-separation Divine DNA is often activated, their presence in the world is a major part of stimulating this potential opening in other children and adults. Because they have so little 3rd dimensional history, they are not limited by the painful programming from the past. Instead, they have the pure delight of seeing the world in its paradise emanations." (to read more google: And the Children Will Lead Them~~Messages from the Masters thru Kamala and Sharon Rose)




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~Space Weather~ Solar Activity Increasing~ Chance of Flares~


CHANCE OF FLARES: Today, NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of M-class solar flares and a 30% chance of an X-flare from big sunspot AR1429.The active region is slowly turning to face Earth, so if any such eruptions do occur, they are increasingly likely to be geoeffective. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


AURORA WATCH: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on March 6th and 7th. Sunspot AR1429 has hurled two CMEs into space since it emerged over the weekend. Neither cloud is heading directly toward Earth, but both could deliver glancing blows to our planet's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters say there is a 30% to 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 24-48 hours.


Even before the CMEs arrive, auroras are already dancing around the Arctic Circle:



"Even the bright moon and street lights couldn't hide the auroras on March 4th," says photographer Timo Newton-Syms of Ruka, Finland. "They lasted for a couple of hours after dusk, sometimes with short bursts all over the sky." Aurora alerts: text, phone.


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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-05-2012...



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-05-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media


by ANdReA



Our Loving Sun is helping quite a lot today by sending US lots of LOVE ENERGY. This Energy will caresse -LOL- Mother Earth=Heart in about 72 hours from the event, and although the X Flair will not hit US in the face but only smoothly pass by… be prepared, for this is not the last one, just a warm up! It’s only a first Wake-Up call… For EveryONE. You on Board?



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~Thanks to Colleen and Sheldan Nidle's for this Post~

Photo by Will Harader of cloud ships



We all want disclosure in 2012. Sightings are up and will continue to increase every month. I know many of you wish with all your heart to experience a sighting OR even better have a visitation from one of our Galactic family or an Ascended Master. Maintain a clear, concise intention and see what happens. This year is magical!

Selamat Ja!
Colleen at pao.com


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Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating



Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating


Benjamin Fulford | March 5 2012

UPDATE TO POST BELOW FROM BEN: Update on the “death” of Lord James Blackheath. The just published Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305 states that Lord James Blackheath was murdered by the cabal. The source for this information was a member of the Rothschild family. The Wikipedia entry on Lord Blackheath also stated that he died on February 29th. However, a spokesperson for the House of Lords in the UK said that “as far as we know he is alive and well.” [Please note: The Wiki entry included above does NOT show a death date for Blackheath, just a short paragraph at the bottom concerning his Feb 16th speech about the cabal ~G]

* * *


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Squirming.. Straddling.. Surfing.. Surrendering..


Squirming.. Straddling.. Surfing.. Surrendering..

2012 March 5
Posted by Vina

For many, the shifts continue to arrive in quantum leaps and bounds. For others, it appears like groundhog day or slow snail pace. For me, it’s often fast and furious. One minute, I’m riding the crest of the wave, dancing the zuvaya. Next minute, I’m getting dumped by a tsunami tidal wave and I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, continue dancing or just allow myself to indulge in a combination of oscillating emotions all in the same moment.

A bit dramatic, one might say.


I’m sure many can relate in their own way. Most times, I just remember to catch my breathe, before I try articulating or expressing any of  the rapid shifts.



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Equinox Meditation​: Tenth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchroniz​ed Meditation​s


For the best viewing, please go here (hugs - jen :) :



Jean Hudon globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com
2:06 AM (6 hours ago)




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Solar Flare Meditation ~ Archangel Michael


Solar Flare Meditation ~ Archangel Michael



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5th to 11th March



 *There seems to be a recurring pattern forming...one of a couple of weeks with the same chakra, which can only mean we still need to focus on this area. This week we are still called to focus on our Crown chakra, the 7th chakra of enlightenment, awakening and unity.  
After the Sun at the 7th chakra last week we are given the gift of the 'Energy' planet Mars, to help us to bring energy, drive and, finally, 'accomplishment' to what we may have started last week.
A special channeling has come through for this week folks...so read on and enjoy...have a wonderful week!


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You are amongst the last generation of a 26,000 year cycle. You are amongst the first that will wake up on the other side of the conscious membrane that defines the two cycles of the human experience at the end of 2012.




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~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~5~12 Incoming!!! Energy Field changes, Earth changes and Movement ~


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~5~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~Incoming!!!

Energy Field changes, Earth changes and Movement~



Greetings Love Beings...Today, We Continue to Move At Light Speed Vibration, those still asleep are missing the Whole Journey. We will say these are Quite the Wild Energies of March and as intense as we anticipated. Its Only going to get more and more exciting from here on out. The Truth is Out and breaking through the old energy paradigm quickly and now we get some more help from our Sun. Incoming!!! Energy Field changes, earth changes and movement.


 Today's Galactic Truth Report : http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-earth-daily-truth-report-03-05-2012


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Free Energy Reality – The SEG ~ by Gregg Prescott




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X1 Flare/Earthquake Updates


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Hello World!!! It’s nearly 3.11 Are you Aware of these GROUPS?!? We ARE the Media Now…..


Hello World!!! It’s nearly 3.11 Are you Aware of these GROUPS?!? We ARE the Media Now…..



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~Message from Poofness~


~Message from Poofness~

The Divine Plan: Beyond 2012



The Divine Plan: Beyond 2012 explains the imminent, inevitable and necessary emergence of a New Era on Earth that is orchestrated and supported by the Divine Order. The book clearly presents the multidimensional aspects of this magnificent event while offering deep insight on such intricate topics as:

  • The specific cosmic forces as well as the intelligent beings in human and non-human form orchestrating and manifesting the Divine Plan.
  • The perceivable dimensions within the Earth plane and the light bending process involved in our future dimensional reality.
  • The timing and unfolding of the New Era and the birthing of a new type of human species on the Earth.
  • The meaning of the Second Coming.
  • The inevitable geo-physical and governmental shifts and their ramifications on the individual.

The Divine Plan: Beyond 2012 is a detailed, uplifting and practical manual for anyone interested in navigating effortlessly through the important global changes dawning upon this Earth. The book offers useful tools and exercises that can enhance your spiritual practices and expand your consciousness so as to begin understanding your individual role in the impending emergence of the New Era on Earth.


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A Message from Mother Earth


My beloved children, at this time you are experiencing big changes on the surface.  Storms, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic activities.  Our dear Brother Sun produces a mass of energies which are influencing all of you.

Your physical body, as well as your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are going to be adjusted to these rapid changes.  Many of you will again suffer from massive head and neck aches and this is a result of the new incoming energies.  These energies are important to experience a new shift.
(If you experience these pains, please ask your guides and Angels to help you ease the pain if it´s going to be too hard for you to bear.  They are always there for you and await your request.)

You all are a very important part of this shift.
You are helping myself, yourself and other sibling planets to raise the energy frequency so that we all are able to enter the Fifth Dimension.  This ascending is part of the Divine Plan and very soon we´ll reach the point where we can leave behind the pressure and issues of the lower energies.

This will cause a chain reaction and many other planets, together with their inhabitants, will follow us.

My cleansing is going on and you´ll be witnesses to so called huge disasters and chaos.  But, beloved children, don´t lose your trust in the Divine plan and don´t allow yourselves to fall back into the low emotions of fear, anger, and despair, into the energy frequency of the controlling 3D forces.

You will see how I clean my auric field to release all the negativity and free my body to get ready for the ascension.
And so you should do the same with your bodies.

Brother Sun, I and other planets are working together to fulfill the Divine plan for a common ascension.

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Prayers of Empowerment - San Francesco d'Assisi



Prayers of Empowerment

posted by Galactic Love Reporter  Acaana

Prayers for Empowerment
For the Benefit of Others as Well as Self

May I become at all times, both now and forever
      A protector for those without protection
      A guide for those who have lost their way
      A ship for those with oceans to cross
      A bridge for those with rivers to cross
      A sanctuary for those in danger
      A lamp for those without light
      A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
      And a servant to all in need.
-- Tibetan Buddhist prayer


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Ascension: A gradual & multidimensional process


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Solar Update/New CME


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The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis



The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis




by Celia Fenn


Italian/Italiano Turkish Spanish/Espanol Dutch/Nederlands French/Francais Hungarian Danish


July, 2003

I have been asked by Archangel Michael to write this article in order to help the many people who undergo the experience of a rapid shift into multi-dimensional awareness, or, the shift from the Indigo state to the Crystal state of consciousness.



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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 5 March 2012




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First of all…. regularly check for updates here http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/

Now… I’m no expert in earthquakes, but I can tell something big is happening.

Now… we can see our mother earth is moving under our feet in unprecedented ways… we are stepping into higher level of shift of our planetary surface… could the words of our Supreme Commander of Project Transition Earth, Sananda Esu Immanuel, be coming true right now?…


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Energy Forecast ~ March 2012 A Healing for the Ages


Energy Forecast ~ March 2012

A Healing for the Ages



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Worthiness


Trust that you deserve to receive



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~The Black Hats Must Go~ Steve Beckow~


The Black Hats Must Go

2012 March 5
Posted by BZ Riger

Reposted from Nov. 2, 2009

by Steve Beckow



It’s time to run the Black Hats outta town. It’s time to end the New World Order’s game, close the casino, and lock the doors.


It’s time to lower the boom of justice on the Black Hats in the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, Congress, the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, the corrupt judicial system, the corrupt police system, Northcom, NORAD, CIA, FBI,  everyone.


Everyone who turned the world into a reckless gaming house in which the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, everyone who grew more powerful at the expense of the rights and freedoms of others.



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Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 5, 2012 a.m.


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Tim Moreau, A Bigger World, on UFO Disclosure


A discussion about various UFO related phenomena. Join our host Tim Moreau on an exciting journey into A Bigger World. 


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Mystery as 'poison' kills British tycoon and wife in remote Estonian forest ~ by American Kabuki


by GLR American Kabuki



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Lovins: End of Fossil Fuel Era an ‘Exciting Time’




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Trial of former prime minister of Iceland begins | World news | The Guardian



Trial of former prime minister of Iceland begins | World news | The Guardian




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March 5 - 11, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading


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Banksters in 195 countries had software to siphon your RV deposits. ~ by NESARAAUSTRALIA




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