NEW MOON IN SCORPIO – NOVEMBER 18th 2017 – 5:42 am CST

Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 11/17/2017 - 12:20


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


It’s a Scorpio New Moon….one of the most intense, transformative and mystical Moon’s of the Year!  Especially surrounding Love and relationships in all areas!!   Venus (the planet of Love and abundance) and Jupiter (the planet of expansion, joy, and belief systems) are both sharing the sign of Scorpio (the sign of sex, passion and the Soul Mate…among other meanings)……with this Scorpio New Moon.   Scorpio is also about the shadow side of things…..the part that we really don’t want to look at until it is put right in our faces….and we have to deal with it.   This powerful New Scorpio Moon is not only binging up our own shadows, but also the shadows (especially sexually) of many well known people, both politically and famously……while also adding chaos, urgency and major transformation in all areas!

During this Scorpio New Moon……many desires will surface  in all areas, and raw sexuality (good and not so good) may be lurking around the corner.  Scorpio not only rules Sex….it also rules the true Soul Mate (the merging of 2 Souls in deep Soul Love).  We can find ourselves exploring  our own deep psychic….our Soul…..and also the passions, that surround the ecstasy and madness of all our Soul Mate relationships…..

On this New Scorpio Moon …….be outside and be with the Earth.  Look up at the sky and realize that as above….so below.  Scorpio is also the sign of Earth Spirituality and Natural Shamanism!   Honor the Earth, play on the Earth and when the sky is dark…..meditate and listen to what the Universe is trying to tell you.   This is a night that even people who think they are not intuitive at all…..will begin to realize that are “picking up” on things.   Scorpio is a very intuitive/psychic sign!! 

A Scorpio New Moon is also a time for honoring and communicating with your Ancestors.   All your ancestors…..your more current ones, and those ancestors that have been with you for many life times…..not only on Earth, but throughout the Galaxies!    Scorpio also rules medium ship and hospices. 

The Sun and Moon (the New Moon), are in Scorpio.  Scorpio energy is about deep transformation, Earth Spirituality, sex, death, desire, natural shamanism, others money, passion, intensity, highly intuitive, the Soul mate, our shadow, medium ship, hospice, looking deep into our unconscious and our Soul…..and anything that feels a little uncomfortable!  If it isn’t uncomfortable……it isn’t Scorpio! 

A lot of Scorpio energies are being magnified and expanded (Jupiter) during this Scorpio New Moon!  Be aware of the gray side of Scorpio which is…. lies, secrets, judgments, out of bounds Ego, control, manipulation, betrayals, jealousy,.. etc.   If you feel yourself in these areas, recognize it…and make a conscious effort to move out of it and forward into the higher energies of Scorpio.  The “gift” of Astrology is being able to recognize the energies…. move away… so you can navigate to a higher level.  The energies are very passionate and intense….everything from casual sex, to sacred sexuality, the merging of the physical body with the Soul. 

Remember also that a New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies giving us the knowledge to create a beautiful future.  This is a very powerful time to manifest and create.  Take the energy of this very powerful Scorpio New Moon and manifest a beautiful and peaceful world.   Take time to manifest for yourself also.

With this Scorpio New Moon ……The Universe is asking us to face our greatest fears….to face things that we haven’t wanted to look at (rather recent or in the past)….face our shadows (our less desirable qualities)……except them…. move through them… so we can transform them into the higher energies, as we become part of the “New.”  This is a very powerful time….with lots of changes leading to transformation.  This powerful Scorpio New Moon…. could trigger a challenge in your life or an opportunity…..or out of the challenge, which you are facing, you can receive an opportunity.

For many….there is a feeling of chaos as if  the rug is being pulled out from under our feet…..  It is a time of letting go, detaching from things…..and moving away from people, places, jobs and things…. that no longer serve us……as we continue to move forward and into the “new”.   Moving through all of this is not easy.  It can make us feel at times…… depressed, sad, hopeless, and we can question our sanity.   At times we can feel lost and overwhelmed.  Sometimes we realize there really are no bases for these feelings.   The energies are deep and intense and all part of the looking deep into your Soul and facing what needs to transform.   Actually this is good….because as you face the Soul searching… begin to transform and you find yourself in the high energies of Scorpio…..the rise of the Phoenix….out of the ashes…..this is Scorpio…  Remember that it is usually in the darkest hours….that we find our answers and then the light (healing) starts to appear. 

Venus and Jupiter are both conjunct (sitting together) in Scorpio along with this New Moon.  Jupiter and Venus are considered “good luck” planets.  Venus again is our love, beauty, money, and creativity.  Jupiter is higher wisdoms, Joy, expansions, optimism and when they are this close together…. not only does the beautiful bright light that you see shinning in the sky from them…..but they also seem to emit that light all around the areas of life they touch.  That does bring in a lot of focus on all relationships.  Not just love relationships but also community, work, friends, tribes, money etc.  Bringing relationships into Balance!  We need to change/transform our thinking on how we develop and observe relationships.  We need to communicate in this “new way” of being in relationship…..with integrity, respect, honor, equal give and take, trust, etc.   This is where we are heading.  We also need to be in a relationships with those that vibrate where we are now vibrating…. as we continue to move forward.  We need to move away from those that are not.

At this Scorpio New Moon…we have the ancient ruler of Scorpio - Mars (the warrior energy, passion, action, the pioneer) in Libra (committed relationships, Love, balance, creativity, social)…… and the modern day ruler of Scorpio -  Pluto (transformation of the Soul) in Capricorn (government, corporate, structures and rules, integrity, and respect) ….squaring (friction and stress energy)  each other!!  These 2 planets are concerned about power and stirring things up to bring out powerlessness in others.  They also can be volatile together if using the energies on the grayer side.   However it is asking us to look at the grayer side of Scorpio….so that the truth of the real relationship can be seen. Seeing both sides  gives you a better opportunity to use this energy on the high level.  This aspect can also bring about power struggles, arguments and heated discussions.  We have been watching this play out on almost a daily basis in Washington DC and around the World. 

 It can also be a very insightful time.  This square is also asking us to move towards the responsible use of power and resources.   

This aspect again is bringing relationships of all kinds to the surface to be looked at and processed.  Both in personal love relationships, friends, work, etc., and also in the Government, corporate  America, structures, leaders etc. Try to defuse the energies by exercise, doing a project or anything that will take your attention away from the more stressful energies.   With Pluto it is about the transformation of the Soul’s of those within the relationships (personnel or with leaders throughout the world) and with Mars it is about taking action that can lead to either War/fights (Mars) or to the high end of Scorpio by using your intuition to help you navigate these energies!   The choice is yours!

And as always the Cardinal Square, (Pluto/Juno squaring  Uranus/Eris) is still influencing us and the collective.  This time however it is a Cardinal T-Square as Mars is squaring Pluto (explain above) and opposing Uranus/Eris.   With Pluto and Uranus……still only 8 degrees apart!!    This Cardinal T-Square is also strongly associated with worldly events.  The relationships between Countries, the Country Leaders, or Religious groups, etc.   This aspect can also bring about the possibilities of Earthquakes and Volcanoes… the Earth also receives this powerful energy.    Manifest Peace!!!!

Also at this Scorpio New Moon we have Saturn sitting on the Galactic Center.  The Galactic Center is a portal to the Universe and the center of our Galaxy.   When the Galactic Center is activated by major astrological configurations, it widens….helping with the birthing of the “New”, which is still in progress.    We receive down loads of knowledge and a lot of energetic support from the Universe, through this portal… help humanity, the planet, and ourselves, release old belief systems in all areas……so we can move into and co-create the “New.”   It also helps us to discover the “Oneness” and how we are interconnected…..throughout all Galaxy’s.    We begin to actually see and feel the “Bigger” meaning of life…..and through the activation of the Galactic Center we can feel the level of the collective consciousness expanding!   With Saturn ruling Capricorn (government, corporate, structures) it makes you wonder if there will be some communication (also disclosures)  between leaders on this Earth and those form other life forms throughout the Galaxy?  

All of these configurations are asking us if we are moving forward…..are we evolving……are we treating others with integrity and respect or are we still judging others?   Are we bringing areas of our lives into balance? We are being asked at this Scorpio New Moon….to look at how we love ourselves, and others. Are working at bringing the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Male energies into balance?    Make sure you are handling all areas of Love……with integrity and respect

We are receiving a very powerful message from the Universe about Love….. for ourselves, humanity, and for all life forms in our Galaxy.  We need to transform where we are….to where we are headed…towards a powerful  Love…. that is easily flowing back and forth between us, humanity, the Earth, and all life forms in our Galaxy!             Wow…..the Universe is speaking loudly!!!   Are you listening?

With this being a New Moon in Scorpio…….we are being asked to go into the depths of the unknown (Scorpio) so we can see what we need to let go of and purge.  

This is a powerful time to manifest (New Moon) that we all become the Spiritual pioneers for all Humanity  (Mars squaring Pluto and opposing Uranus/Eris)  sharing and involving all types of communication (Saturn sitting on the Galactic Center at this New Scorpio Moon) with all life forms throughout the Galaxy!!  Listen to what information you might receive…. from all Realms!!!  Go deep within yourself, your soul and see what comes to you…things that you might need to look at, from childhood traumas to things that you are reacting to now.  How can you change your current approach to these things?  Because this is a New Moon, which is the most psychic and Spiritual moon of the whole lunar cycle, it is a time to mediate, and a time to manifest.  Take all the energies of this New Moon and manifest a beautiful path to ascension for all, a beautiful world and a beautiful community.

The Earth itself may have a hard time incorporating all the energy from this powerful New Moon……There could be some natural rebounding, major storms, earth quakes, volcanoes etc. from the Earth.  The Earth is also purging. 

Take this energy of transformation, Birthing of New, Change and Urgency and empower yourself to change where needed and then to change the World! Take a step, any step, just move……now is the time to take action!!

Old pathways dissolve and new ones show up.  This Scorpio New Moon brings us a lot of changing energies, life changing down loads, and new knowledge.  There can still be confusion, and chaos.  Watch money markets, the weather.  Watch out for more aggression, accidents and some violence. There could be a lot of “World” violence and aggression…..trying to manipulate us into ”World Relationships” that we do not want to be a part of … a nation and also as a people.   Watch what you say and how you say it.  Watch where you are walking and how you and others are driving.  Be careful, be cautious!  This is a very powerful Scorpio New Moon! It is time to manifest…create the future you want….create the world you want to live in….create a beautiful world for your community and for the world.  It is a time to meditate….as much as you can.  It is a time to ask for guidance and then trusting the guidance you receive.

It is time to Manifest and co-create a beautiful world….and a reality that would make your life wonderful.  It is time to Meditate as you sit in quiet and Listen!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.                                                                                                                                  

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way.                                                                                                                                                 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2017 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved.



Cathy Lindsey


Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology


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