Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/27/2011 - 07:27


It’s the “end times” for the non-physical other-dimensional negative Dark Ones controlling and running Earth and its species. It’s the “end times” of the Dark Ones using physical  humans to carry out and enforce their non-physical desires and negative agenda’s. It’s the “end times” of the Dark Ones endlessly feeding off humanity as their primary food and fuel source because they don’t believe in Source/The All That Is and therefore believe they need to use certain other lesser beings (humanity) parasitically to receive the energy and life-force they need to survive. It’s the “end times” of the Dark Ones multidimensionally trying to kill, attack, destroy, wound, stop or derail the Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers carrying Light on 3D Earth.

It’s the “end times” of Dark owned and operated humans sucking the life, money and resources out of both humanity and Earth and demanding we the people pay for it all…and be grateful that we have what little we do now…while they frantically figure out new ways to take more from we the people supposedly in the name of trying to balance or fix a bogus money system that’s unfix-able and needs to go now anyway. It will and soon now.

It’s the “end times” of mega egos being force-fed to the masses as the latest “hero”, the latest “super star”, the latest pre-teen “super star”, the latest hot “sex symbol” etc., when it’s really about how much money a few people can quickly make off their newest super star before they blow an emotional fuse and publicly melt-down in a few short years. It’s the “end times” of humanity being convinced they need other people to adore, hero-worship, fixate on, project upon when they themselves are the real prize.

It’s the “end times” of lower frequency and lower consciousness people deliberately being kept in positions of power and authority in every system around the planet. It’s also the “end times” of the global media system force-feeding humanity controlled  information (to support lower frequency consciousness and produce lower frequency emotional energies) that’s forced upon them by an interdimensional hierarchical system and so on down the line.

It’s the “end times” for all this and much more in every country and government around the world. It’s the “end times” of mountainous piles of negativity, greed, lies, deliberate distortions, manipulations, elitism, a lock-down on consciousness, manipulated emotions, global corruption, darkness, negativity, warring, violence, bloodshed, polarized consciousness and everything created by it and all that perpetuates these lowly negative things.

It’s so easy for Americans to watch our TV’s and see the leaders of foreign countries who are corrupt to the core, greedy to the core, heartless, bloodthirsty and will kill their own people to stay in power and keep their greedy stockpiles of money they’ve stolen from their own people for decades. It’s easy for American’s to see this in these corrupt and vile leaders of other countries; it’s going to be vastly more difficult and painful for Americans to see and admit to how totally corrupt, how totally Dark and negative every system and the majority of leaders in America have been and still are. It’s time for the Revolution of Consciousness to happen in the USA and it’s going to manifest very differently from how it’s been in foreign countries.

To people in other countries these foreign egocentric greed monsters—aka leaders/dictators—are easily seen, but here in the USA, Americans have been so profoundly manipulated mentally, emotionally, etherically and physically that they actually believe they’ve been “free” all along. As they continue waking up to discover that the USA has been and is far more controlled and less free than they’ve been brainwashed into believing, many will FINALLY rise up and rebel like never before.

It’s the non-physical and physical Dark beings and humans controlling, running, directing and depleting humanity and Earth that’s ending now. That is the “End Times”. Be strong and keep your High Heart Consciousness focused on the positive end results of this intense 2011 transition phase for us, humanity, Earth, and beyond. We’ve worked so hard and long in multiple lives and dimensions to get to this point right now so don’t give up during the final fifteen seconds of this Grand Transitional Process.


Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.  http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

shirley frost (not verified)

Sun, 03/27/2011 - 13:04

End Times for the dark ones? Then its long overdue cos I dont see how we can ascend surrounded by all this garbage. So bring it on. Tomorrow is not too soon.

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