Love All

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/06/2018 - 09:11

God said:

Beloved, in you, yes, you, I put My Faith and Love. I receive you in My Heart. What I create, I love. Once I create, this is it! What I love, I do not rescind, not even for one minute. Once Mine, you are Mine unto Infinity. When I shake hands, there are no second thoughts. I do not change My mind. The deed is done. You may have second thoughts, yet not I ever.

If I ever were to have an added thought, it could only be to love you more! Now, I take this thought back because I do not know how I could love you more. I am certain this would be an impossible task. Once Mine, you are Mine. Beloved, you are My fait accompli.

There are the languages of the world, and I love each language. Each language arose from the land and air and the Sun from which each language sprouted and each human Being, and, of course, every particle arose from My Love. All is as it should be. I love all languages, and I love all people. All are One with Me. I created One Being as if a Coat of Many Colors. In this sense, you can say I am color-blind.

I mean really, I do not look at My Creation as a box of chocolates where I would have to pick and choose My favorites. Rather, each chocolate in its little pleated wrapper would be My favorite. It is not My desire to grade by any distinctions. I much prefer to love all shapes and sizes as One Big Love. I ask you, whom would I not love? What a silly question. For Heaven’s Sake, why on Earth would I make a decision to pick and choose, as if I would ever choose to separate? No partitions for me. Preposterous. I do not waffle.

I never could quite fathom why some of My Beloved Children, absurd as it is, would covet some colors and reject others. I still shake My head over this, for this makes no sense to Me. Why does it make no sense to Me? I am a God of love, or I would not be a God. To conjure any reason not to love is beyond any path I can walk. The intelligent and natural path is to love all. This is as true for you as it is for Me. You may be sure I love all. Loving all means just that. I love all colors, and I love all those who may object to one color or another. With love comes freedom.

Free yourself from any chains that bind, and you will love as I do love as easily as the Sun shines. It is easier to love all than to make distinctions. I have no desire to be haughty. I much prefer simplicity and humility. Of course, I do not make distinctions. Can you not laugh with Me? I don’t stylize love. I just love, and that’s it.

When I created Creation, I did not analyze it beforehand or after. From the first moment life arose, I was a goner for love, pure and simple. In My case, there never were any two ways about it. I am a simple God and always am a simple God. Be like Me and accept love as the day follows night. I delight in Creation. I have gazed upon Creation and have said: “This is good.”

I may have further said to Myself:

“God Almighty, this Creation is supercalifragilistic! I pulled out a plum. What else can I pluck out! What a God am I!”

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