Visionkeeper ~ Flying Under The Solar Flares

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/09/2012 - 16:16


Visionkeeper ~ Flying Under The Solar Flares
Posted on March 9, 2012 by GLR Gillian
Well I don’t know about you, but these solar flares are whipping up the energies and it’s mixing with the full moon, wow! Forget sleeping. I’d be interested in knowing what others are experiencing. Please go up to the Comparing Notes page if you feel like sharing. I hope everyone has found a way to deal with these energy bursts. They can ignite emotions and switch your moods in a heart beat so be aware. Knowing the possible reasons for why you are feeling the way you are feeling helps a great deal in dealing with these emotions.
Also the moon was full last night so that wound a few people up all on its own I’d imagine. Then if you add in on top of everything the present alignments of the planets, we are handling a great deal. Suddenly on edge and feeling uptight? It could very well be the solar flares and the moon which is bringing old issues to the surface. As I mentioned before, what is so important is that we make a point to know what we are dealing with and why. The same holds true for what is going on in the world right now, especially in this country. If we know and accept the truth and the reality of what is going on, we then have explanations for why things are the way they are, why we feel as we do.
Speaking of old issues, this is a good time to find the courage to deal with them. The significance of these flares and the moon’s energies is to force things to the surface for us to face and eliminate from our lives. They are only holding us back from moving forward. Work with the help of these two energies to bring these issues to the light. So often we tend to drag them around behind us wherever we go thinking if they are out of sight they are out of mind. Not So! They have found very secure locations within us to lurk and fester. Often times they will burst forth when least expected throwing us in somewhat of a tailspin. Think of yourselves as a computer and you are cleaning files out you no longer need or worse files that are messing up your whole system. Often times we must dig deep into the heart of the computer to find and delete all the different sources of the file before they are completely cleared out. We must do the same. Find all of the triggers that set us off and get to work clearing them out.
Figure out what your triggers are and then start to dismantle them by asking questions of yourself. Trace the triggers back as far as you can go, find the source of the triggers. Are they beliefs you have? Ask yourself if what you are believing in is the truth, do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is true or is it possible it might not be? If there is no truth to the belief then toss it out! Reprogram yourself by noticing every time this issue comes up and when it rears its ugly head, stop it and point out to yourself that this belief is not true and think of a positive replacement for it.
It is truly amazing how much strength we give our beliefs. Much of the time beliefs are born out of negative situations and as a rule we tend to hang onto the negative rather than the positive. Go figure. We all have baggage we are pulling behind us therefore most of us have untruthful beliefs as well. The energies swirling around right now may well trigger off an emotion such as jealousy or anger. Catch yourself in the act of having this trigger activated and begin to excavate for the origins of it. No denial now, we must be honest with ourselves!!
Every time we manage to work through an issue and release it we feel lighter and brighter within. The space we just cleared by releasing the issue has now opened up providing new space for us to fill with love and compassion. Now your light will begin to shine more brightly and you will find yourself attracting others to you who shine brightly as well. The same holds true incidentally for negativity. Stay negative and that is what you will attract into your life as well. As with anything in life worth having it takes a strong desire and a strong intention to attain what you want, you have to keep after it. Just a suggestion for you, try hanging around with positive people. It forces you to stay away from negative thinking and keeps you challenged. It is not easy at first but soon you will get the hang of it.
So be kind to yourself and take it easy right now. You are not alone. Just yesterday I went into town and everybody I bumped into was feeling the distortions of this flare/moon combo. Lots of depression going around as the old issues come up, also insecurity is rearing its ugly head as well. Nothing is more unsettling than insecurity because it affects just about aspect of our lives. Breathe slowly and deeply and get enough oxygen into you to keep you going. Meditate if you do that and take walks in nature to stay grounded. We’re flying around all over the place in and out of dimensions, in and out of planetary alignments, in and out of new moons, full moons. It is crazy right now, so just accept it and deal with it and know it is not just you.
Blessings to you all,

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