Sekhmet's "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise in the Crystal Tunnel and Sananda's Blessing

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/10/2012 - 13:37

Sekhmet's "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise in the Crystal Tunnel

and Sananda's Blessing


Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ March 6, 2012


"Well they got that one right didn't they?*  This is I, Sekhmet. We're trying to get the pitch right here. Alrighty Beloved Ones! Confirmation upon confirmation is coming in, and it is important to use your discernment now more than ever. It is very easy to get swept up in, shall we say, the disinformation, which some of the programs are running.


"There are sources that you have grown to trust, and it is wise to continue with those sources. If you hear from a new source, check it out within your own beings. There are many new sources coming, all the time, more, and more, and more. It's such an exciting time, but it is to stay sovereign within yourselves, and to get behind the scenes a bit, and understand what's really going on for your own selves.


"Now, we know that you're perhaps impatient. Yes, there are some things that are breaking into what you call, the mainstream news. And we understand that you're impatient to see it all breaking. Are there arrests? Yes, there've been arrests going on for a long time, and videos of the arrests which will be shown as current. They are taking the top ones out, mostly by virtue of resignations, which are not published too much in the United States of America, but which are nevertheless coming out. There is Wikileaks, there are other sources of reporting on these things.


"We want you to understand that there's another confirmation, that, when you see the top ones, the CEO's, and the Presidents, and all of that, you know that their organizations have been, shall we say, disempowered. So it is not to be in any fear whatsoever.


"And it is to be able to discern quite readily, that which is true, if you want to know what's going on, and that which is not true, or another way of putting it is, if you feel extremely fearful at something that comes, then you need to check in with yourself, and make sure that it is your Truth. What is Truth: Love Unconditional, Joy, Gratitude, Forgiveness. Yes, Compassionate, Loving, Unconditional Joy, Gratitude, Forgiveness. That's Truth! And if what you hear, or feel, or see, comes into that high vibrational category, then rejoice, and be happy, because it's just another confirmation, or validation, to you that everything is changing, Planet-wide and beyond!!! As Planet Earth goes, so goes every place else.


"So what does that mean in terms of what we're here to do? It means that we have an opportunity in our gathering tonight to move into such a high vibrational state together, that there is not an opportunity for any of this low vibe information to come in, to sneak in. Much less is it ever going to overwhelm, or overpower you. You see you've broken free from that, and we're going to do a little bit of housecleaning. What we're going to do is transmute anything that isn't Truth, and isn't for your highest and best good. Because that's real important to each and every one of you, is it not? And we're going to transmute, and we're going to make sure that you have this process.


"And you can use it again and again. Just write to Fabulous Fran, and get the recording.** Yes, we're being recorded, and this is so that you can have this to use again, if you choose to. Some of you will, some of you might not. It's OK. It's what resonates with you. You've got to trust yourselves, Beloved Ones. We trust you. We see that you are high vibe beings of integrity and Light. We just want you to say the same thing when you look in the mirror, when you check in.


"Alrighty! Well, we have stated our goal, or we like to say, intention, for this Gathering. Now I'm going to tone down some of my usual roars, because we don't want to be too 'strident.' That's a good word. That means we want you to find this Exercise easy to listen to, so I'm going to call in some additional beings to blend their voices with mine, so that it is perhaps a little more, well if not melodious, at least a little easier on your ears. And we also want you to take a moment to insure that it will flow smoothly, without a lot of disruptions of that kind.


"Alrighty! So we shall simply say we are here with you, Beloved Ones. We ask that you feel this wondrous energy of all of us together. The best way to start the feeling is just to breathe it in, joyfully, without hesitation. This is Love, Beloved Ones. This is Who We Are. This is Who You Are! So let this Love just come right into your beings. Soak it in. You're all sponges with legs, and arms, and heads. Yes, just soak it in. Just direct it to your Hearts, and let it radiate out from there. Bring it in through your crowns, if you wish. Connect with the totality of Who You Are within all of your energy fields.


"Bring it down through, and out your feet. Mother Gaia's here too, and all the Spirits and Divas of Her Kingdoms are here. This is a full Gathering! Representatives of all of the Kingdoms are here with us. Now when you are breathing in the Love, allow yourselves just to lift up, just lift right up.

"Now what we're going to do is take a cleansing shower together, but it's a different kind of a shower from what you might be imagining. Just stay in position and lift up. Now we ought to be holding hands by now. Reach out, make sure that you're holding hands, or paws, or whatever appendage there is there for you to hold, and be Joyful with it. Be entirely Joyful!


"Now we're going to have a cleansing shower. Humm! It would be best if you considered that you are in a kind of a crystalline tunnel. Now let's say you're standing and facing it. Now we're all standing together. So, what's going to happen is, we're all going to make our circle kind of come inward so it's like a line, but we're all joined. I, Sekhmet shall lead the way. Whatever you've heard about kitty cats not liking to be in showers, you can forget, because this kind of shower is really special!


"Breathe in the Light of Love, and as you approach this crystalline tunnel, perceive or understand, or see in your mind's eyes, that the Light inside this tunnel is even brighter than when you were standing outside. Now see all kinds of beams and rays criss-crossing. It's kind of like moving through a car wash, is it not, only it's you, Beloved Ones, all of your beings moving magically. Remember, you're not on the ground, you're lifted up, and you're just moving magically along with all the rest of us in two lines, but joined hands, two lines really. It's all right, the tunnel is plenty big for all of us.


"And so let us move into the tunnel. And the first thing you notice, after noticing how bright all of these beams are shining at you - all kinds of colors, beautiful beams - notice that you hear heavenly music. It may not sound the same to each one of you, because this is music that is from Heaven, and what that means is High Dimensional frequencies, and each one of you may hear a little differently, because it's all attuned to each one of us in exactly the right frequencies that are the most optimum for each one of us. This is your own personal music, even though we're all going through the tunnel together!


"So now that you've come inside, Beloveds, notice if you will, that the tunnel seems to have distinct parts. And so the first part is going to be this music coming to you, which is in absolute synchronization with that which you call your Higher Self, your Spiritual Being. Ah, what Joy it is to open to receive this wondrous heavenly music! It is truly coming from Higher Dimensionality, because that's the part of you that is coming into you, yes, it's permeating throughout your entire being!!! But, it's literally connecting you with your Higher Dimensional Self.


"How glorious! So allow yourselves to just bathe in the beautiful rays of Light and this glorious music. This is your music, Beloved Ones. Guess who the co-creators of this music are? Each and every one of you. It's your own beautiful Spirit singing to you, that's why it's so personalized. That's why it's you expressing yourself in music. How wondrous, indeed!


"Now you can't help but notice that you're slowly moving into the tunnel, but the Lights are as bright as ever, and when you come to the next part of the tunnel you will notice that this part is addressing whatever you brought in the way of baggage. If there's any little thing that is left of power and control programs that others have had over you in past lives, this is the place where it is transmuted, so that it all becomes Light and High Dimensional energy.


"And recognize, if you will, that in so doing, it literally lifts the baggage off of your present being, your present self, and there is no place you look - and you have the ability to look now at your future self - there is none of this there. So you have cleared yourself of all programs that you've brought in from the past, from lower dimensionality, and yes, even from any parallel lives, or self-aspects that might have managed to find a place within your present self, your conscious self, in the here and now!


"Now what does that mean? Well it means that you have just changed your belief system, that is you have expunged, or transmuted to Light whatever you may have believed, held as belief within your being - the dark programs, including the belief in lies that the dark tell, and have told you, or might tell to you. Now that's got to feel pretty good, and much lighter!


"And now proceed into the next realm, or portion of this sacred tunnel of Light. Now this is all about the first of two, or we should say three, of your major bodies. This is about your conscious mental body now. And this is where you might create a new belief in something. Does this not resonate quite well with you? Whether it's a dogma, or a lie by an individual, or an organization that wants to control you, it makes no difference. It is to cleanse, and set new intention within your mental self. 'I hereby allow only that which is my Truth to come into my consciousness, to come into my belief system!!!' Yes, you have a belief system. Let's activate it into its highest potential!


"Allow these Light Beams to just continue to come in. Your music's still playing, and you've taken care of your past, and your future, and your parallel, and your lower dimensional self, and you have connected on a High Dimensional plane. So why not get your conscious brain engaged, and the entirety of your mental body!Let the Light Beams flood you with their warmth, and their glow, and their radiance. And give intention consciously, 'I hereby allow only that which is true and harmonious with me, that is in resonance with me, that is acknowledged by me, and my super brainy conscious being. That it is my Truth!!!'


"Now let's just pause to savor that Light. Breathe it in. Is that not beautiful? And now let us proceed through the tunnel. We're just automatically floating, shall we say. Remember we're all together holding hands, and it's all Light, and bright, and beautiful!


"Now this is where the Light is shining into your emotional body. A lot of times it's your emotional body, even if it doesn't make sense to you, even if you know it's just some old paradigm that no longer fits - a lot of times these programs and thought forms, can come into your emotional body. How do they do it? By finding some little tiny pin prick of a dot of fear.


"It's OK to feel some fear sometimes, just like it's OK to feel some sadness, or some grieving, but you don't want it to anchor into you! And so this is the place where the Light shines through you to release anything, anything stuck within your emotional self, anything that might be fear. Now you're not releasing your ego, or your inner child, or your capacity to feel Compassion. You're simply releasing anything that might be some kind of a little place that's like a kind of an anchor, where some kind of fear based program's thought can come in and find a place to attach in your emotional body. We don't need to tell you how much havoc that can create within the entirety of your being. We don't need to tell you how fast you can plunge into the dumpies, as Ashtar calls it - depression and anxiety and fear - when a fear thought comes in and takes hold.


"So we're simply shining that Light to be sure that you don't have any places of attachment for any kind of fear, because the programming that is running out there right now is Plan X of the dark hats, and they're running as much fear as they can in their programs. They're imbuing their programs with fear - subliminally, as well as openly.


"So let the Light shine! Now you know why. Let the Light shine everywhere in your emotional body. Aaah, breathe it in, yes, and feel absence of fear - no little places for fear to hook onto. What a great cleansing this is! It's better than any car wash any day. This is the Light of Love, Beloved Ones. That's what you want to flood into your emotional body, and Joy and Peace, the high vibe kind of Peace!!! Alrighty! Just linger here, and feel the Freedom, shall we say the Communion with the totality of Who You Are!


"Now we're just ready to go to the very last place, the very last place in this tunnel. Your cleansing is almost complete. We're coming back to the present, physical you. Yes! Here you've done all of this cleansing throughout your energy fields, and you have allowed this High Dimensional Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness, the Light of Mother/Father God is Love, to fill you and cleanse you. Here you have allowed yourself to sing your songs within each of your Beloved, and Sacred, and Divine Beings. So keep hearing that music and rejoice!


"And now for the heaviest part of you, the densest part of you. That is not anything except an observation. The place where you are the most dense is in your physicality, and that's been keeping your feet on the ground of 3D, yes. So now we say, allow yourselves to feel the soaring, the lightness, the flying, in your physicality even more. We're holding hands, we're all up above, anyway, up above 3D.


"Now, allow it to be the biggest news bulletin of the day, or the week, or however you choose to see it. You are free!!! You are not confined to the denseness of 3D physicality, and you can fly through this tunnel at anytime you choose! Think about that. When you choose to free yourself from all of the dogmas, and programs, and boxes, and prisons of 3D, just come on up to the tunnel. We'll greet you. We'll hold your hands. Just come on up, and allow yourself to move through it, and as you get to your physical self, that last part of the tunnel, just allow yourselves to savor the Lightness and the Freedom.


"This, Beloved Ones, is a preview of your own Ascensions!!! Stay with it as long as you choose. Oh, and by the way, before you leave the tunnel, we would like you to take a look in the mirror which is at the very end. Smile and greet yourselves, your Higher Dimensional total selves. You've brought your totality up - you haven't needed to leave your bodies behind for this experience. You're all here! We're all here!


"So as we exit from the tunnel, those of us who have accompanied you on this journey stand as your honor guard, and we invite you to pass among us, and accept our hugs, and our salutes, and at the very end stands the One*** who invites you, with his Mother and His Beloved on either side, to take, if you will, the Roses of Kumara.


"Put them in your Hearts, Beloved Ones - they are special! They sing your music. They shine with your colors, and they tell the Universe that you have indeed journeyed through the Tunnel of Crystalline Love Light, and that you have cleansed and removed, or transmuted, all places where lies, and untruths, and fearsome messages, could possibly attach. Shine forth Beloveds, shine forth! And we thank you for being on this journey! And there is more to follow.


"So, I, Sekhmet shall simply say, Well done Family, well done! There is One, of whom we spoke, and He has words for you as you accept the Roses of Love. And so it is! Namaste!"                                      [Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh]


Sananda's Blessing


“Greetings, Most Beloved Family, we are so joyful to stand here in honoring of you, and as you receive from us these roses and accept them into your Hearts and indeed into the totality of your Divine and Sacred Beings, know how blessed we are that you have come and joined with us. And know how blessed is the World that you have done so in Oneness with us. We love you beyond words, and we honor you for coming to this cleansing, and we want you to know that we have been with you every step, and we ask that you acknowledge within yourselves our Oneness and our togetherness.


“We have a most beautiful path to share with you and we welcome you to the next moments of our journey together, and so it is, Beloved Ones, we are joyful in our Oneness. And we thank you for joining your radiance with us, to share with Planet Earth and the Universe beyond! And so it is. Namaste!"

                                                                                               [Transcription by Brian Coe]


* Referring to the preceding song, The Times They Are A'Changing, sung by Bob Dylan.

** All who registered for the call, whether before or after, can email Fran, for the link to the recording.

*** Sananda

Given through Susan Leland, March 6, 2012.  © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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