Sananda ~ Polish Your Wings and Sharpen Your Claws

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/11/2012 - 08:14


Good evening, my Dear friends, brethren and co-workers. I am Sananda, here in this late evening to provide a message regarding some things that I wish to make clearer to you. At this point in time many of you are seasoned when it comes to time spent waiting and you also do all you can in order to prepare the way for our work and for your fellow humans. I thank you for your fine work, your faithful Hearts and your never failing Trust. It is worth its weight in gold and it is your rock hard Trust, which in your Now will continue to lead you up and out of this current frame of 3D reality. You who have come a part along the way, you who slowly and steadfastly have deconstructed this frame or box that has kept you lost in the illusion, shielded from the simple Truth that the Love of its pure Light holds, you are now very impatient and long to spread your wings to take off from the ground and taste the real freedom that you suspect and which we assure you will be yours. My Love, My Dear Ones, it is with much Love that I bow in front of you and wish to take your hand and carefully squeeze it in confidence and assurance that this Truth IS and it IS yours to become. However, I want you to understand that these necessary, written changes does not let themselves be done very easily. Your world finds itself in a convulsive state after such a long time in darkness and petrification. It is now the time, and like the winter that stubbornly holds its icy cold and stubbornly let its soft snow teasingly fall close to the rise of spring, similarly the Cabal keeps its hold on the world, which until recently they considered in full to be theirs. I and we all, ask you to hold out and continue to see behind what media reports to you and the Cabal’s attempt to distract you. You KNOW, you know in your Hearts that in truth there is much that is afoot in you and in your world. Trust this feeling and let it now, more than ever, be the beacon that helps you keep your spirits up and the hope intensively burning.


Remember now My Dear what power thought has, together with the Light in your Hearts! See this as a mighty tool in this windy time. For in Truth, it is blowing in the trees and the bell calls once again for you to come together for your world and stretch out a hand to your next. Plant small, small seeds wherever you go and remember that a gentle ripple on the surface of the water can generate more rings on the water, which can prove themselves to be enormously important or vital, in the long chain that binds together events, places and people.


As you know we are working intensively and every piece in this complex, well put together, and unique puzzle is now in the process of being put together. You can feel tired, lost and exposed as you want so much and feel such a strong inner longing and need for a change in this NOW. Know My Dears that we do all we which is in our power to bring this Mission forward and we are always moving forward as it concerns this magnificent and grandiose Ascension work. On your side you might feel somewhat tired of hearing our “nagging” about how good this is going to be and how fantastic it is going to be for those that wait for this good and grandiose. We understand that it sometimes can appear as if we put wool over your eyes and do not have a true understanding of what you endure in your hard reality of 3D conditions, where you have to fight hard for your existence, and you who are awake suffer hard at times. I, Sananda, want to tell you with strength in my words – You are not forgotten, and we KNOW that you are struggling, struggle and struggle some more. We know this and that is why we repeat ourselves when it comes to encouraging you to keep on, be brave and stand in your Truth. Strong, Powerful, Humble, as the simple, but fantastic pioneers you were born to be. You have walked far and you have now reached the end station for this your soul’s journey in the 3d dimension of Life.


As I have previously warmly spoken about it is so that your inner and outer Ascension work is not easy. It is hard work and it demands unremitting stamina, and even if it seems as if you are dragging yourself forward it requires that you in your heaviest and most challenging moments keep your vision high and the beacon straight. Remember my beloved, there is only Love, Life and Light. It is this Truth that IS and it is this Truth that will show you your way, even in your heaviest of moments. Know that you never are alone, you have a whole variety of Lighted servers, brothers and sisters in this time. For it is a time that offers challenges for both you, and also for us. This is a time that demands much of all parties and it is thus important that you see us as our co-workers, Brothers and Sisters. We all have a big load to carry as it concerns this grandiose and complex work for Mother Earth, thus I want that in your work within and outside really see us as your co-workers. As you need our support and our help – we also need your support and help. It goes both ways, my friends. So, my encouragement, prayer and wish is that you now look over what it is that you can contribute with and I ask so to stand steady, but beautifully humble in your Truth. Prepare your fellow man and woman as well as you can, use your fine social and heartily competences. Sow seeds in the wind and know that they can spring roots on the most barren of fields. Never stop believing in miracles, for it happens around you – every day. It is only a question of you helping your fellow man to see them. If there is anybody that will succeed with this it is you, you are here for this? So, what are you waiting for? Blossom and polish your wings. You will be using them, we promise you this.


An intensive period and an intensive phase, which can become somewhat stormy, is awaiting you. So I and we ask you to sharpen your claws, polish the fur and warm yourself inside out. It will be needed since the first wave is on its way to the shore, and it comes regardless if you are polished enough or not. Regardless of if your fellow humans will wake up, see or hear, the first Wave will hit land. When this happens there will be a hectic and intensive period for you Lightworkers, and your NOW is what you have to prepare for this. It is also why you witness so much chaos all around you on different levels. Some of you might go through personal cleanses and challenges on a frequent and almost intensive level, where you together with this notice that you handle this in an unexpectedly constructive and fast way. This is a part of a preparation, a collective karmic cleansing as well as personal. This is also part of arming you who have come far in our waking up process, so that you when the First Wave appears and heard you stand ready and does not let the consequences of this wave slam you to the ground. You will then be the beacons of Light that we have asked you to be, and armed you to be and become.


Continue. Continue. Prepare yourself. We are doing it, and we are with you – every step on the way!

All my Love to you and I bow together with my Brothers and Sisters in the higher dimensions for your efforts and your brave Hearts. Take on the Heart of a Lion and you will have the strength for this whole road through, gallantly! Blessings to you, my Dears.

Thank you,


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