Solar Flares...March 2012 and Their Effects On The Awakening Humanity

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 03/11/2012 - 11:52

Something new is happening within us and within the larger nervous system of the world. Changes occur in our nervous system when our bodies are infused with cosmic solar light energy. Our nervous system is a highway for energy impulses that travel to our brain through both the chakra and the meridian energy systems. Through the process of taking on more light, our nervous system is being rebuilt, widened, and strengthened to accommodate an increase in informatic conscious data. When we face an experience that is out of the norm, for which we have no point of reference, our nervous system goes into fight or flight energy causing anxiety, and when it becomes overloaded it tends to shut down causing exhaustion. The two nervous systems (the sympathetic and the parasympathetic) are activated at this time. This is what many have been experiencing since July 28th since we are taking on much higher energies than our bodies have ever experienced before.


On the other hand, this intensification of energies can simultaneously trigger inspired action and profound enlightenment with inner knowing about things which we were not privy to in the past. Many are receiving downloads of information to help them in dream state at night. They are shown patterns of behaviour that they need to change, or beliefs that no longer connect with who they are today. Some of the dreams are about things that will happen in the future. These downloads are forms of Soul communication that we need to pay attention to. Often these dreams provide us with bits and pieces of information, and it is important to keep a diary so we can put the information together to form the full picture of what the Soul is trying to tell us. An example of this is a dream that I had one night that kept mentioning the term “mitochondria antidote” for which I had no idea of the meaning since I had never heard that term before. I asked my Soul to give me more clarity in another dream. I was shown that we are releasing emotional toxins at this time and they are clouding over the mitochondria, which is the energy producing part of the cell. When we are releasing heavy amounts of toxins we feel exhausted because we can’t produce energy. It ends us that the answer to this problem is the antidote...which is Omega3 that we all need to take as we go through the shift.


As the solar flare activity increases on the sun, blocks in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are magnified. The (emotional) blocks are lower frequency energy and the higher frequency energies from the solar flares are causing the unexpressed emotions to surface. The body may process these higher frequencies through intense emotions, dreams, body pain, flu-like symptoms, nausea, anxiety, itchy skin, headaches etc. Each part of the body where we hold our cellular memories is speaking its own unique body language through the symptomology of the non-conscious immune system asking for attention and healing.

We aren’t what happened to us — it is only what we experienced in this lifetime through all our life’s lessons. During the healing process, we begin to see all what we are not (victims) so we can begin to fully understand and become who we really are as a “Soul Essence” having an earthly experience. We all signed up for this lifetime and our Soul is prepared to help us with this process if we first give it permission. Everything is intensified in order to enable us to take responsibility to create clarity of purpose and intent as we go through the healing process. Our Soul knows all about this shift and how to help us through the different stages if we only learn how to follow its direction through discernment of the information that we receive.

Sometimes when we experience the solar energies, they will pulsate through us, often causing us to feel depressed, sad or angry. These episodes last for about 20 minutes and then the feelings dissipate. They leave us wondering where these intense emotions came from and why they don’t seem to relate to what we were going through just moments before they appeared. These emotions are the energetic content of our cellular memory imprints releasing things that happened in this lifetime, a past lifetime, or from our ancestral history. We don’t have to be aware of where they came from – just be grateful that past hurts are being released. The conscious mind isn’t aware of what is being released, but the Soul mind is in charge of the emotional healing and we simply have to allow the healing to happen and to feel safe with the process. One indication that this is really happening is to think about something painful you experienced in the past. You will then notice that only the memory remains for your learning, but the emotional charge of the memory is gone. Yeah! Free therapy is being done on an inner level... don’t you just love it?


The arrows on the Resonant Field Imaging™ diagram at the end of the article show where my client held shame, grief and guilt in her energetic bodies. This represents how cellular memories are formed when we repress our emotions from the past, which will eventually turn into disease. These emotional, mental, physical and spiritual (energetic) levels are being awakened at present and are asking for healing.


As more of who we are unfolds, the past traumas are being released from the cellular memory patterns that steers us into the very situations that are left unresolved and unforgiven so we can process them and let them go. When we become tired of telling our “story” of victimization and betrayal, we can change our perceptions by looking at the story and reframing it in the present with our new understanding. This is how we raise our awareness through the conscious evolution that we are now experiencing. The ego wants us to always look back and blame others, while the Soul wants us to see through the eyes of the observer rather than the victim ... and the bigger picture is that we are much more than we ever imagined. We are Souls on a journey and we have inner codes of knowledge that are being awakened in our DNA to help us through this journey if we simply align with our Soul.


Consciousness is the key right now because if we let the subconscious mind run the show, our emotions will be all over the place. Our nerves will be shot and our adrenal glands will be exhausted from producing too much cortisol and adrenaline due to stress and anger. It is time to let go of the daily dramas and heal elements of our past so we no longer carry these lower emotional frequencies in the body. When we are either living in the past or worrying about the future, we are no longer living in the present. It is important that we stay centered and live in the moment where we can observe what we are giving our attention to. It is time to begin looking at our life as a journey of experiences that we survived one way or another. There is a difference between what we have experienced and where we are going. We come from a place of learning through the dualities of our lessons, to a place of evolving into Soul Consciousness



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