~ Intense Energy Period, although it appears quiet~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/13/2012 - 11:54

The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Human Visualization Abilities, Contact with Ascended Beings and the Original Physical Templates for Mankind



The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Human Visualization Abilities, Contact with Ascended Beings and the Original Physical Templates for Mankind


Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image




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Former News International boss Rebekah Brooks and her husband among six arrested in phone hacking dawn raids



Former News International boss Rebekah Brooks and her husband among six arrested in phone hacking dawn raids




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Seeing what we believe and believing what we see, or hearing what we believe and believing what we hear become reflections of arrogance, double messages, double standards, and doable-durable ‘duability’ distractions away from just being meek to invisible Spirit. Our bodies, themselves, are double messages of form and Spirit together that remain duality set standards shared by others and us as mere mirrors of such poignant arrogance. To remain loyal to Spirit over any ego confusion is to switch allegiance from creation to our creator, become meek to Spirit, and continually deepen kindness, gentleness, and compassion.


Continual surrender devotion to all, for all, within our flowing energy of coalescing effulgence is to live alive with responsiveness deferring to Spirit over any more idea of separation from all, but merely, as all. Listening within delight, and learning continually with forgiveness energy of letting go into the ether of all inclusive favor for Spirit is to become meek and only follow inner guidance in a sort of reversal of any normalcy bias. No more conditions, conditional or selective measuring, judgement, hidden motives, family bondage, or any more collectivity biases remain distractions for the one who remains meek to Spirit.



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Images To Ponder (13 March, 2012)


financial market

Global Financial Market




birthing a new evolution of mankind


 Birthing a new evolution of humankind




"You're Galactic Citizens. Act like it!"


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Colonel Gaddafi 'gave French President Nicolas Sarkozy £42million to fund his 2007 election campaign'



Colonel Gaddafi 'gave French President  Nicolas Sarkozy £42million to fund his 2007 election campaign'

  • Not that it stopped him being at forefront of military campaign to hound Libyan dictator to his death



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light-March 12th 2012




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Nassim Haramein: 'Earth-sized space-ships crash into Sun [2011 © History.com]


Yes, We Are Here! Are U Here in the Now?

But we're not crashing... we're using the Star-Sun-Gate! LoL




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Huge Sphere in Sun's Corona! [WE cal it a MotherShip...]


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Jupiter Size Plasma Sphere Feeding From Sun Separates in Giant CME 12-03-2012 | Is This The Anticipated March Global Shift Event?


Jupiter Size Plasma Sphere Feeding From Sun Separates in Giant CME 12-03-2012 | Is This The Anticipated March Global Shift Event?



Comment by the Galactic Free Press: we already anticipated that our motherships http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-daily-update-3712-great-joy-ahead-all-planet-earthheart-givers-have-won do come through the Sun, and that lots of them are coming right Now to help US ALL in the Brilliant process we're In Now! Thanks for noticing.



by GLR  Bruce Fenton 




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Update - Unidentified Object SUN! March 12, 2012 [We still call it a Mothership...]


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Indonesia Ijen Volcano placed on High Alert


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When most look at what is happening on our planet with even minimal wakeful awareness, it does not not seem as if peace is about to break out all over. On the contrary, it seems as if the conflict continues to rage on the world stage as well as in the hearts and minds of humanity. Where can one go to confirm the rumors of peace?


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Surreal Lenticular Clouds [cloudships] Over Reno, NV March 12, 2012


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OCC Probing JPMorgan Chase Credit Card Collections ~ First in a series ~ By Jeff Horwitz ~ MAR 12, 2012 9:24pm ET



OCC Probing JPMorgan Chase Credit Card Collections

MAR 12, 2012 9:24pm ET

First in a series


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~ Power of Our Way~ Through Choosing Love


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James MacManis: Gaia’s Spring Housecleaning


James MacManis: Gaia’s Spring Housecleaning

2012 March 13

Gaia’s Spring Housecleaning

James McManis, March 13, 2012


The absolutely fascinating news on the internet news circuit these days is the on-going discussion of what Gaia is doing with her spring housecleaning. The news is so advanced and evocative that one can hardly say that it is a mere ‘shifting the deck chairs on the Titanic’.

We, all of Gaia’s beloved children are being asked to ‘pitch in’ to help with this housecleaning. Gaia, or Mother Earth, is a great exalted being, multi-dimensional in nature, who, as an example, has provided for each of us, through eons of time, the garments we wear in our sojourn through the dimension we know as space/time. We most often call these garments our ‘bodies’.



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Angela Peregoff ~ There Is Only One Life



Angela Peregoff ~ There Is Only One Life

The Morning Blessing | March 13 2012

There is only One life – that life is God’s life. It is the primary energy of the Universe. It is the holy place of reverence for all living things and it flows through me, making me its pattern of God’s grace in the circle of life. The beauty of this great planet is glorious, and I am blessed to be part of such a magnificent world.


God implants every beloved human being with a desire for love, peace, and unity. These are the treasures of Self that now come forth and bloom into fullness of being for every soul. I am at peace when I acknowledge and nurture my oneness with everything and everyone. I develop peace in my heart, and it radiates out to the world as love, compassion, and harmony.


I know love and harmony with all. My inner peace ripples out to affect all others throughout the world; at a result, there is a new teaching of peace that blankets the Earth. With a heart filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, I now release my word to see this empowerment realized. And so it is.


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UFO Unknown object seen in the evening of March 2012 in Upper Austria


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Dick Cheney cancels Toronto trip, says Canada is too dangerous



GFP Commentary:

So, I simply feel that our dear Dick Chain-oh-noo does not want to be arrested on foreign soil, and he does not want to disappoint all Americans when they see him arrested in his own  home... 

 so this is maybe why he refusing to give any more speeches... He will surrender him self like a big boy in Washington DC, with the rest of local US patsies... And he will stand in front of Army Officers and admit crimes against Humanity, against all the Americans, against all the countries people they waged the wars...

And all you have to do is to forgive him, and to have a compassion for his soul, as you do not want to carry his responsibility of getting angry or even upset... Be joyfully as there is Gods presence here on Earth, and be filled with gratitude that all is perfect as it is... 


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Breaking News- Dutch Parliament Says No To EU Treaty – 13 March 2012




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The manuscript of survival ~ part 103


Today we would like to take the opportunity to delve deeper into the mysteries of the last few days, as to many, they cannot fathom the depths these impacts of energy will have not only on them personally, but also to your world. You see, these seemingly innocuous streams of multicoloured lights that accompanied these storms were not the only fallout from all of this. No, they were merely the icing on the cake so to speak. Let us explain.



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The Coming Energies March thru October 2012


The Coming Energies March thru October 2012




I swear to god it seems for the last two nights someone is taking every strand of my physical body and rearranging it!!  I am feeling it must be the new intensity of the magnetic field emerging.  Not to mention the full clearing of the digestive tract… ugh!


The duration is very different for everyone.  The more work you need to get your DNA up to speed, the longer the process, often the more intense.  Bless every single minute of it!  It is truly your divinity being poured directly into your human vessel!!



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Astrology March 13, 2012: A Grand Earth Trine



Astrology March 13, 2012: A Grand Earth Trine



The “optimistic” Sagittarius Moon may find us wishing upon a star. It could be, too, that many of our wishes do come true now with a Grand Earth Trine, today through Thursday. Abundant Jupiter, romantic Venus, courageous Mars and reforming Pluto may serve as an auspicious springboard to help us manifest our financial and pleasurable intentions for ourselves.


This rare grand trine is potentially very transforming energy that can help to dramatically reshape our world in all sorts of wondrous ways, and also hopefully allow us to simultaneously spread our sphere of influence in a positive manner upon those whose lives are interconnected with ours.



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~Surrendering Into Love~ You Remember The Truth of who you Are~


~Divinity Movie~


~WE are ONE~


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~Space Weather Update~ Growing quiet~ Wind speed at 564


GROWING QUIET: The chance of another strong flare is decreasing as big sunspot AR1429 decays and turns away from Earth. Our planet's magnetic field is still reverberating from the impact of a CME on March 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for "aftershock auroras" as the storms subside. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


VENUS-JUPITER CONJUNCTION: This is a great week to admire the sunset. Venus and Jupiter are side-by-side only 3o apart in the western sky, beaming through the twilight as soon as the sun goes down. Photographer Marek Nikodem of Szubin, Poland, recorded the scene at nightfall on March 12th:


"Venus and Jupiter are like two lanterns illuminating the darkness," says Nikodem. "It's a wonderful sight."



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Visonkeeper ~ Good Times Ahead! ~ 13 March 2012


Visonkeeper ~ Good Times Ahead! ~ 13 March 2012

Instead of listening to the drama and dread on television, why not concentrate on dreaming about the good times slowly making their way back into our reality. Soon we will be free to rest, play, laugh and be free to be whomever we wish to be. Life can’t get any better than that. The main stream media is not covering any of the changes quietly unraveling before us. All people hear about is war and death, control, environmental destruction, and the demise of America and her liberty and freedom. How ghastly! Wouldn’t you rather hear about the 254 Banker Resignations from banks all around the world, the beginning procedures for impeachment for crimes against President Obama or perhaps about all of the money that has been set aside to pull this country out of debt once the corrupt financial system finally crashes and burns? This is honest reality, not what you are hearing on television.



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13:20 Calendar, (03.13.12): Activating Starseeds on Earth! RE-MEMBER...


13:20 Calendar, (03.13.12): Activating Starseeds on Earth! RE-MEMBER...

Image: “Lemurian Starseed Crystals” by Jan Custers

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Mars, Red-Tailed Hawk Day, Blue Throat Star, Essence of Harmony

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General Ricardo Bermúdez presenting evidence from an official UFO investigation


This is an excerpt from Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez's presentation at the 2012 International UFO Congress, detailing the "Pelican Case," a UFO encounter that involved two airliners and a navy plane called Pelican.

Ricardo Bermúdez is the director of CEFAA (Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), which is part of DGAC, Chile's Civil Aviation Agency, the equivalent to the U.S. FAA.

Read more about Gen. Bermúdez's 2012 IUFOC presentation at www.OpenMinds.tv


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Heavenletter #4127 Be Like the Moon


Heavenletter #4127 Be Like the Moon, March 13, 2012 


God said: 


When it is very hard for you to remove anguish from your heart, picture that there are wooden beads in your heart. For every anguish, take out a wooden bead and throw it so far away that it is never seen again. You can do it. Fling the beads away. No longer are you to make a necklace of them in your heart, for such a necklace gets a stranglehold.

These are dull beads We speak of now. They have been hanging around for too long. Two minutes is too long. Many of the anguishing beads in your heart have been there since childhood. Your childhood is important to you, but such beads from your childhood are not to be kept. Whatever events and aftermath from your childhood have congealed in your heart, I ask you to throw them out now.


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I Ran Into Myself -Part 2



13 March, 2012
So yesterday was filled with wonderful surprises, deeper understandings, and of course even more mysteries!
When merging with my Higher Self, I was presented with the image of a paper envelope with about 1/4 of the opening available for me to climb into. Then nothing. I waited and listened and was finally reassured that everything is as it should be. In my evening meditations last night I learned that my Higher Self has what we would consider primarily masculine traits. The time was right for us to join, to help balance our two selves in both feminine and masculine energies (which delighted my Gemini heart to no end!) So it would appear that I am my own Twin Flame :)
Now my Higher Self (now known as "me")can continue the path of ascension with vigor and balance! It's exhilerating to be even slightly aware of this occurring simultaneously on several planes. It was very tempting last night to fly away and leave all of this behind, but I grounded myself instead. I made a vow to be here at this time and I've got work to do -glorious work!!  
Imagine my delight when I woke up this morning and read the message from Ute, "Message From My God-Self (4): The Process Of Deification".  http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/message-my-god-self-4…
It really helped clarify the larger picture of my own personal multi-layer merging! With such a quantum leap in the last 36 hours, I'm going to lay low today and get acclimated. I don't quite feel like I touch the ground yet when I walk.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ You are Supported


~You deserve the best~


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Another Message from the Galactic Federation of Light - 12/03/2012


You may have noticed various messages coming from us lately that cover a broad range of subjects. We do have a lot of information to share with you all and require more than one medium in which to do this.

We feel that all of the messages we send are important - otherwise why would we send them?

The time is drawing nearer for the Earths ascension to the 5th dimension. The Dark Cabal are continually being rounded up - keep on watching your news programmes for verification of these proceedings. Already the wealth is being redistributed, so that we may start the ascension process on a more even playing field.

For those of you who are not yet sure of your mission - the time has come for all to be revealed to you. We understand that many of you have been feeling very frustrated up until now - wondering why you are here and when things are going to start happening in earnest. Keep your eyes, ears and minds open, as now is the time that you missions will be fully revealed to you. Many of you will receive messages through what you refer to as your higher selves, others will receive messages from us, and yet others will receive the outline of their mission through other Command Centres.

We wish to alleviate the confusion and frustration that appears to be growing, as the  negative vibrational energy that this emanates is detrimental to our course.

Continue opening your minds. Continue paying attention to our messages and soon you will all be fully aware of why you are here, and then the final preparation stages for your ascension can begin in earnest.

We will also be opening up the lines of communication even more between ourselves and you, and between yourselves and your fellow brethren. We will soon have control of more than one form of media, and will then be able to spread our messages to a much broader range of the Earths inhabitants than we are able to do at the moment.

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PRG Paradigm Research Group



Paradigm Research Group



News Release - March 12, 2012

Washington, DC -- A petition regarding an important historical event is currently gathering signatures on the White House website's We the People project.  If the petition acquires 25,000 signatures by March 24 it will receive a formal response from the Obama administration.


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Note #4 Balance in No-Balance - The Way of the Galactic Warrior - Uncle Joe


Hello, Folks!


Well, Uncle Joe here again.  in light of what's happening on your world today, with things getting out of balance a little, both inside of yourselves and outside with more earth changes I thought I would like to speak of Balance. In this moment, ry to lighten up a little bit, and it will reframe your experience of now.


Most of you/us have a good idea of what balance is... mentally you know about it, and you know for sure what it feels like... but to accept the balance of no-balance is new to many, and that is ok!  So here we are. No problem. 


So here's a suggestion:  Mentally, step BEHIND what feels like chaos, dis-harmony, agression, competition, judgment or even lust. Pause a little. Determine your chosen thoughts, feelings and actions from there behind the situation. You may want to refer to the Code from yesterday. This is what we do. The pause may be for a split second, a minute, an hour or longer. It's the pause that refreshes!


It's within this pause you become more aware of who you are, the fact that you choose thoughts, beliefs and actions. You possibly may just want to stay there... or you may want to find wisdom in the pause (it is always there) and bring it out for others to experience.  What you choose really has no meaning except to yourself. There are no rules. And in the place we are, also can experience when we sense another is in that pause. KNow what I mean? So, if you and I are talking and I say something that feels uncomfortable to you... if you were to pause, I would absolutely feel that you are loving yourself, to find your own truth, and in that space that we are in, which may seem out of balance... telepathically we are creating balance in that no-balance.   We then share UNconditional love for one another.


Hang in there, today is just a part of new electrons with which you will be creating !  


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Benjamin Fulford – Full Update – It Is Time To Storm The Bastille, Vive La Revolution – 12 March 2012




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Since the beginning of 2012, we have been experiencing a whole new level of heightened Ho'o Pono Pono experiences of Making Things Right as we close the door to our old lives by bringing them to new levels. To help us do this, we are all being given exactly what we most need in order to be ready for our True Lives. Whatever we are experiencing is personally tailored to our deepest needs. This is true even when we don't like some of the situations and challenges we are experiencing.



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John Ward – REVEALED – How Paying Double For German Subs Helped To Sink Greece – 12 March 2012




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The Causes and Impact of the Japanese Quake and Tsunami


The Causes and Impact of the Japanese Quake and Tsunami

2012 March 11
 by GLR~Steve Beckow

The March 11, 2011 quake that occurred off Japan and the tsunami that followed it were hotly debated at the time of their occurrence. Matthew Ward issued a message the next day describing what he says took place. He said that:


“The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not Mother Nature’s doing. Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.


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David Icke - We think we are Humans.


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Map of Albany, New York... needing US?


Beloved lights of mine...


Three nights ago I was in a training class in the craft. It was a map of part of the  United States which was mostly white. It was a large map, outlining 3 of the Great Lakes and had written on this map only one word: Albany.  I remember asking the 2 who were training me, what about the other cities? What about the rest? Their simple reply was just: Albany.


Now I have never been to Albany, never think of Albany, have no firends in Albany. Normally, I would have placed no significance to this city. 


But then the night before last, a friend for some reason mentioned Albany. Now I am paying attention and today I am being prompted to tell you and ask for help.


I am not to know any details, and perhaps not spoken as to not put energy on it....

Nevertheless, I am asking you to hold Albany, GENTLY in your hearts until this new weather pattern passes through the Northeast US. A couple days it feels like.


If you choose...


Don't worry about long prayers or anything super strong... just hold a serene, calm beautiful loving feeling for the word Albany. 


I just took a moment and discovered another reason for our love... in Albany.  Please, trust...


I thank you so much... 


Honored to be of Service,


grailheart star


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Old way Onness? Sure you can bear this? by ANdReA


Old way Onness? Sure you want to bear this?



Sometimes one must have a brack, especially when one is no more able to evolve... 

To go higher into oneself...


Especially, if one is meant to call himself... a leader. An oathkeaper... one, that opens the way for others to come.


Usually I'm kind... or joky... sometimes I push a little bit... you know why? Because I love You.

Yes, so it is. I Love You. ALL. 

Weird? Yes, if you look at it from a 3D perspective, maybe... but not for me. I've always BEen like this. I've alvays Loved EveryOne and Everything.



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~ Humanity We Are Alive~ Wings Embrace the Change~ Incoming~


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~Love is Coming in~ The Colors of the Rainbow IS Humanity~




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Benjamin Fulford on Strange Universe Radio with Sean David Morton - March 6th, 2012


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      YouTube Link - Please watch in HD

Perhaps many of you are not aware 
that there are not billions of God-Selves buzzing around in the universes.

No, there is only One Single God-Self.
Let us explain: the God-Self in this context is not the “Higher Self” of an incarnated soul. Souls are all different, and how glorious they all are in all their differences! And let them belong to different belief systems or no belief system, religions, non-religions, spiritual pathways, races, evolved or not evolved.


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Believe It & Be Free By Brent


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~12~2012... ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~12~2012... ~

...as not seen on the mainstreem media ~


Incoming Shock Detected / G2 Geomagnetic Storm


And indeed again it has been a quite interesting day, Energies were high and atoms were dancing in the Joy of Love. We thank Love for showering US over and over, and for helping EveryOne with cleaning! Mother Earth=Heart take a little breack of tranquillity… She, as We as well, needs to integrate all these Energies and to seed them down before moving forward. And so do All. Like after a run… you need to rest if you want to go on. EnJoy Your Ride Love!



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/12/12



You have the strength to persevere and it is faith that you must seek to maintain now. Hold fast to your convictions, do not allow yourself to be moved from your current course as it will take you beyond the limitations that bind you today. Your journey has been a long one and many times you veered from the path, but you always found your way back to center and to the path that would bring you up and out into the light. Continue to strive for this path and it will take you where it is you want to go. There are many obstacles and many people who have placed them before you. It is your job to see these obstacles and find a way to move over them without being knocked too far off course.


Today, many obstacles still stand in your path on your way to ascension, and even though your path is now a short one, there are still many challenges that will present themselves in this short period of time. Some of these challenges will be your greatest challenges throughout this and even all of your previous incarnations. We know you can make it through these challenges, and together we will do just that as we will be here to assist you in every way we can. That is why we are here, and not for any other reason. One of the challenges for many of you at this time is to find a way to understand this, and find a way to overcome the fear that you are experiencing about us and our reasons for being here. Much depends on our working relationship together, and it is dependent upon you to move past fear, to move past doubt and distrust and see us not as an invading force, but as your family, for indeed that is who we are.



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MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network and a major police organization has joined forces according to the Wall Street Radio Journal this morning.

Announcer stated the reason for this is that police around the world have had real time experiences of all types.


here is a website (not sure if it is this organization)



Welcome to PoliceUFO.com, the UFO information centre for Police Officers and UFO researchers. Although the focus is on Australian officers, all Police officers are welcome. PoliceUFO.com aims to collate information about UFOs from officer witnesses and investigators, their testimony comparable in weight to astronauts, pilots, and scientists. Currently many hundreds of police officers from around the world are on public record, yet countless more have yet to come forward. The disclosure of Police UFO information forms part of a growing global movement to disclose not only the reality of UFOs, but to pressure those-in-the-know to come clean with the vast amount of information that is believed to have been kept from the public.
- Richard A. Jones, Director PoliceUFO.com.


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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 12.3.12... Who are Universal Dreamers, and what They Dream about?...



Dear Brothers and Sisters...




Truly amazing that every moment in our life is filled with more and more opportunities to grow ourselves spiritually... as with every and each step we go closer to our Devine Creator, or Unversal Dreamer...

Some of us do not see it now, yet we are all raising with the rest of Humanity... And this is fully ok, as we all dream our own dreams, we create what experiences we want to taste...


Having a dream is just a beginning of creation, yet realizing that You are dreaming this dream, you become creator of your reality...



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Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey ~ Summary and Link


Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey ~ Summary and Link

2012 March 12
 by Graham

Graham Dewyea presents Our Galactic Family on March 11 with Mike Quinsey.  Click on the link below to listen to the show archive for free:



Mike lives in Kent, England. He is the editor of Quest, a magazine devoted to spiritual growth and enlightment, he hosts his own radio show on BBS radio, and he is the channel for Salusa. Below is a summary of the interview, which I very much enjoyed:



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American Kabuki ~ (Update 11 March 2012) ~ 270 RESIGNATIONS From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 12 March 2012


American Kabuki ~ (Update 11 March 2012) ~ 270 RESIGNATIONS From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 12 March 2012

“Some big names on Wall Street are eager to step out of the spotlight after enduring years of financial-crisis turbulence and negative attention from politicians and protesters” Peter Ressler, the chief executive of RMG Search.”


Late Update 3/11/12: Added names for Vatican Priests being investigated for money laundering.
Updated 3/11/12  Special thanks to Gabriel at http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations.  Also special thanks to Sophie who has kept me very busy with some very good URLs.


I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing. Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma and do me the favor of including



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”So Many are Awakening Now”



”So Many are Awakening Now”

2012 March 12
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I often receive emails from people who actually say that they “awakened” a few months back and are now reading everything they can lay there hands on. On the one hand, I’m amazed at the number of people who are “waking up” to events as they are around them. On the other hand, I’m amazed at the number of people who actually acknowledge that they are “awakening.”

The Arcturian Group in their March 11, 2012, message was the latest source to acknowledge that the awakening process is gathering speed, as it must if the largest possible number of people are to ascend: “So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves.” (1)


Wanderer of the Skies depicts people in various stages of arousing themselves from slumber.


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Interesting Graphs related to the “254 Resignations From World Banks, et al.


Interesting Graphs related to the “254 Resignations From World Banks, et al.”

by kauilapele, Kauilapele’s Blog, March 11, 2012


Okay, from the American Kabuki home page, they pointed to this Japanese website, with all these great graphs. I’m just posting the graphs. And apparently they were only up to 236 resignations when they made these.




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Jackie Evancho Video ~ To Believe with Lyrics


~This Prayer we Are Answering this Year, Stand Tall In Love~ We are Here, Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff


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We Dream A Vengeful God - GOD IS MADE IN OUR IMAGE!


Cutting Edge Consciousness co-hosts,Filmmaker Barnet Bain and Life Coach Freeman Michaels, read a short blurb from Mark Twain's last novel (which was never completed). The discussion that follows explores the "waking dream" and the role of consciousness. The conscious dreamer is lucid in life and can respond to what is being reflected or expressed in their personal dream.


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Benjamin Fulford ~ Update ~ 12 March 2012



Benjamin Fulford ~ Update ~ 12 March 2012

Reply from Ben on readers question : Illuminati Use China to Loot the West

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Illuminati Use China to Loot the West

hi ben -  I wonder if you have seen this ?  it seems there is a dual game being played !!  is Ch to be trusted ??



David Richards — Illuminati Use China to Loot the West



Answer Ben:



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Archangel Uriel – The Balance Of Creator And Co-Creator




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Prominence eruption and CME Impact - Mar. 12, 2012


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Codes, patterns, and vibrations ~ a message from Starlite of The Crystal Team



Codes, patterns, sounds and vibrations-a powerful message from Starlite of The Crystal Team channelled
through Lindsay - Atlantean Crystal Master


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