Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/01/2011 - 08:37

Onto the Star-Burst We Are ! Lord Melchizedek

The Clarion Light Beings ~ Unity in Oneness March 28th, 2011
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This is Fred speaking, the spokesperson for the Clarion Light Beings, the Temple of 911.  Thank you, thank you for being here this evening.  We still have more souls coming in.  It is a very somber time because there are some that still need to be healed in different manners but they are also here in the Overlooking Booth, so please know that anyone that is not quite ready to be fully within the Temple due to the debris they may be holding onto, they are able to be a major part of the festivities.  We are trying to open up the energies for many souls to be here because they need to assist each of you, and some of them are going to be choosing to be re-entered onto the Plane of the New Earth, so there’s a lot of intense work that’s being done.  I want to thank Christine and everyone on the calls, because we really are feeling your energies greatly during the work that’s being done, so it is a blessing to be here and I am honored to be part of these energies.  I have also transitioned myself into a higher state of being very recently, and it is because of this Temple that I have done so.  I am in gratitude of so many in this moment. 
Namaste and blessings.
The beauty of the Light is being intertwined into the frequency that you are in these moments.  Take a deep breath and allow this frequency to fully come within you, because you are being changed in a different manner than you have at any other time.  I come to you as the Teacher for this evening and that essence and the capability to fully actualize the frequencies that are occurring within everyone at these times of creation.  I say creation because everyone is being created into a new sense of being than they ever have before.  I come to you as a Spokesperson for the many.  I come to you as a Spokesperson of the Essence of Divine Mother and Father God.  I also come as a Spokesperson of the Frequency of All That Is.  I am Lord Melchizedek at your service.
We are in honor of the changes that are occurring, how each of you is handling them, and what you are doing for yourselves personally and globally.  It is a great time of fluctuation and within this time many avenues are changing on a different level of frequency than they have previously.  We are opening up the doorways of all lightworkers to embody within themselves the energies that are from their past knowledges and to actualize that part of their wisdom fully in their accessibility of their Physical structure.  Not all are able to do this, and now is the time for the gateway and the opening of the frequency to be fully within your Heart and your Mind to accept the Divinity of what your pathway here is upon Earth.  We fully need you to actualize these energies; within these energies you will see an adaptability within you to create the structure of your light frequency. 
What I’m saying is the Gods and the Goddesses are being awakened.  They are being awakened in a way that is quite different than it ever has been on this plane of existence in any other time frame.  You are being awakened due to the intuitiveness, due to the karmic rebirth that is being removed, due to the frequency of releasing all discordant thoughts and cords from your Beingness.  Your diligence to keep activating all these elements is going to totally assist you in bringing forth the remembrance of your lineage of your soul’s essence that you are.  Many of you have forgotten what that is and are trying to piece it through your mental level ~ it’s not possible.
Tonight we want to fully actualize within you, within the Earth Plane, and within the souls of the Temple that it is our Divine right to fully actualize the lineage of our ancestry -- the ancestry of the soul’s existence upon this Earth Plane.  It has not always been done in masses.  It’s never been done in masses.  It’s done by assisting one’s self in the frequency of their pathway.  Each of you is moving into this pathway more fully than you previously have.  As we do this tonight, it will also bring forth a stability within you.  Within this stability you will see that the frequency of who you are but a small thought process that you previously have denied, and within this denial it has held you back and not allowed you to have the full capability of your Divine Essence within you.  As this occurs you will see that the pathway around you will widen.  It’s going to widen because there are going to be others that are more accepting of what you’re going through, and they in turn are also going to be opening up their pathways.  This is not true for all; there are many on this pathway right now that are awakened that are not bringing in the lineage of their Gods’ and Goddesses’ heritage and that is the way it is supposed to be.  They are supposed to be the followers; they are the ones that aren’t fully ready to activate that acceptance within themselves.

So please know in this moment if each of you take a deep breath and feel your need to have your soul more active within the structure of your Physical body.  Within that active essence, you start to see the credibility that is happening within your life circumstance and the challenges that you are coming across are so much more involved now with your pathway than they ever have been in any other lifetime or any other moment of this lifetime.  You are coming across a critical stage of acceptance, and within this stage of acceptance you are fully allowing your frequency to be the frequency that is the active role of being a God or a Goddess.  It is up to you ~ if you are ready to accept this role ~ not all will accept it because they will not be ready to fully incorporate the frequencies that are necessary.  This is not an easy role to take on.  Each of you working upon this Mastership pathway is different.  Everyone is in a different lineage.  Everyone is in a different consciousness; that is the way it has always been.  We are giving you a golden opportunity.  Are you ready to fully allow that frequency that you are, that lineage of your Soul’s Essence to be fully activated within your Physical body so that you can tap into the wisdom and knowledge that is truly part of your soul’s essence?  If you think about all the levels of frequencies and the eons of time in and out of bodies and learning these processes to bring it forth into your Physical body now, this is what the New Earth is about.   The Ones who are ready to fully step onto the power that you are – the empowerment.  But I give you this warning:  it must be in balance.  It fully must be within your male and female in the balance.  If you’re not fully there yet, you will not be ready to accept this role, because your lower ego will stay intact.  When your lower ego stays intact in this level of frequency, you will not utilize the gifts that you have in the highest capacity of light, and you will fall away in whatever that capacity is for your personal existence. 

This evening we’re opening up the Temple for this energy to fully be incorporated within each of you and within each of the souls here, so that we can incorporate upon the Earth Plane and allow that to flow through every internalization of being that is activated in these moments.  This golden pathway is for you to fully actualize the essence of who you were previously and within this accessibility to change what was not right then to make it right now, you must make a conscious effort in these moments of listening now or being with us in these moments to fully say “Yes I am ready”, because the challenges will be even more powerful.  So you must know that with these gifts will create great accessibility, but also within that power, there’ll be great responsibilities that you will have to contend with.  Within these responsibilities you will see a different set of rules in your life.  They’re going to be changing and they can be changing every moment, because the more accessibility you have to your Priesthood and Priestesshood and your God and Goddess frequency of being -- having that power as you did eons ago.  I know each of you here this evening has had those powers, because you would not be on these calls – the more you are ready to initiate that level of frequency within you.  We want to assist you – I am here as your Guide of Frequency of Light to fully command within yourself that you have the ability to internalize the wisdom, the knowledges, the gifts, and allow them to be activated more fully than ever before.  It is our time, it is our time to work together fully in these moments.
We’re coming to moments upon this Earth where these gifts are needed very greatly, and for individuals to have their full accessibility of their light frequency within them ~ to have the humility and fully allow yourself to know that, “yes” you do have something to give to this Earth.  Many of you think because of what you have gone through in so many lifetimes and the challenges you have experienced that you’re not quite ready, but you are ready -- allow yourself to know.  I intuit within each of you in this moment the Ray of the Golden Light; this Golden Light is the accessibility of your frequency as it was in the beginning of time when we all worked together in harmony.  What happened with that is that other energies were invited into the Planet and it caused destruction and allowed many individuals to fully open up into their energies that were not of the highest quality, and those are the frequencies that kept the Earth in darkness.  We have been fighting this darkness for a very long time.  It’s very important that instead of fighting the darkness, that we allow it to intertwine within the Golden Ray, and as it intertwines it will be transmuted and changed into the power of God’s Essence immediately.  This is something that many people do not realize of how we intuit this Ray in this frequency. 

Let’s start within right now and breathe in the Golden Ray.  We’re going to bring that Golden Ray into the Heart Center of the activation of that Chakra, and the Golden Ray that is within that element of the 12th Ray into the Heart.  As we do this, I want you to breathe deeply as this Ray comes fully into your Heart Center; it’s like a blast of energy that is circling in a clockwise manner that is coming directly in your Heart.  Allow it to be a Starburst – it goes into your Heart and then it’s going to filter to the rest of your body.  As it filters to the rest of the body, it’s going to filter those light frequencies through your internalization of your Physical essence, so let’s think about the Physical body right now.  Let’s allow all dis-ease, all lack, all instability to be fully filtered through the top and the bottom of your body.  Allow it to go into your organs, your brain waves, your spinal cord; allow it to go into the frequencies that work within the Physical body.  As all of these elements are going to be intertwined within you,  it will transmute and change into the power of the positive accessibility that you were unaware that you could handle before.  Let’s breathe into that as we feel the warmth of this Golden Ray. 

The Golden Ray is you; the Golden Ray is the essence of the Christ Consciousness.  Allow it to permeate into your Heart Chakra.  Now let’s permeate it down to your feet into your Earth Star and up to your Soul Star, and then allow it to spread out more as a Starburst.  As it spreads out more it’s going to go into that Etheric level.  Allow all the debris and negativity, any thought processes that no longer serve you to move as the sparkles of the Star are moving into that Etheric level.  As it moves into the Etheric level, these Rays are thin points of light from the Starburst, but then as they get into the Etheric level they’re going to blend together so your Etheric level becomes Golden Starburst also.   It’s just like looking at the Sun – you are radiating this Sun energy within your being.  Now we’re going to move it into the Emotional level; allow all your instability, your feelings of lack, and not having the courage to be able to handle yourself in a direct manner.  We ask for all lower ego to be removed, we ask for only the purity of the consciousness of the light to be fully within that Emotional level.  We ask for that Emotional level to be balanced so the Female energy is fully allowing the freedom to accept and nurture within.  Then we take another breath and now it’s going to go out into the Mental level, so the Starbursts are now moving out further so the essence of the Star now is thick from the Physical into the Etheric, into the Emotional.  Now it’s going to spread out even further into the Mental.  Now allow the transmutation of any Mental thoughts or worries --those thought processes of worrying about everything that is happening --any fears, any activations that are not of the purest quality of light to be fully removed.  Anything that is not for your highest good is now being transformed into this essence of this Golden Starburst.  We take another deep breath and now we allow the points of light from the star moving outwards out of the Mental body, as these elements are pointing out from the bottom and around you, you are this beautiful Star.  As that occurs, there is an attraction that happens with your Spiritual body.  Your highest Spiritual body is now coming around you and you feel this essence that you are; this is your soul’s essence -- this is your Higher Self -- this is the part of you allowing yourself to have that full compassionate nature.  Allow the Spiritual body now to blend into these Golden Rays.  It’s going to seal up everything so it is balanced.  We ask for the electromagnetic fields that are associated with these energies to be fully incorporated in this moment.

As we do that, now you feel the essence of your I Am Presence.  Now you are activating yourself on a Global level.  You’re connecting to those 144 souls that you’re part of – your Soul Family.  Feel that combination that now you’re no longer alone as you allow yourself to feel the essence in a frequency.  You know you’re not alone, but let’s allow those feelings to come in.  It filters through you and as we look around in the Temple, everyone is activating themselves in their Monad in this moment.  There is no separation; we are not separated anymore.  Breathe deeply through that.  What actually is happening is you are allowing the totality of your being to be fully activated within your Physical existence.  This is a moment in time – you are allowing the Golden Ray to illuminate your life, your mind, your emotions, to illuminate your spiritual essence so you are one being of light; now as you do that you see a filtering of some thought processes that are beyond this frequency into the Cosmic level of the beginning of the cellular moments of time.   As you do, you start to feel the frequencies coming to you in the form of thoughts or a vision, or an actualization; something that you have been feeling or maybe even dreaming about.  Now we want to activate your essence to fully come within your body.  This is your knowledge of what needs to be processed within you, and you allow that to come in a compassionate nature.  It’s very, very important not to be aggressive.  We totally need to be assertive within our Beingness.  We also need to have compassion for ourselves and others; we need to share that because as we do we are bringing the frequency of what it felt like for us all in the beginning before we were activated into these individual souls. 

We are bringing forth this frequency of Oneness of this Golden Ball of Light.  Within that Golden Ball of Light each of us had an individual source that was important for us to activate within our Being.  Feel that coming to you now – you may be feeling it in your Emotional level, your Mental level, it may come in the form of words or a message, or it may come in the form of a connection in your feeling level.  As we center that within the Heart, the core of the Starburst within you, your Heart is now full within the Male and the Female – there is a balance – and within that Male and the Female, there is no separation.  There is no lineage that can stop us from having the full totality of the acceptability within us.  We are whole and complete within the Physical body – not out of the Physical body – and we allow that filtering through us.   Breathe now, breathe deeply as these sparkles of light that are centering from your Starburst that are attracting the knowledges that have been lost, as the veil of forgetfulness has been removed for a long time.  Now, take those Starburst points and allow them to come back into you.  It may be a thought, it may be a feeling – whatever it is it’s for you to receive now.  This is your gift; we are opening up the gateway this evening for the Golden illuminated power that you are.  Breathe into that and allow yourself to feel that essence of the completeness within you.  Deeply breathe – you are starting now to feel the totality of your soul’s essence.  No separation, all in Oneness within you.  Oneness of your completeness ~ a rebirthing process occurring in this moment.  Embrace these elements.
Let’s think about how it would feel for every human to accept this embracement of completed lineage within their being, and how differently the Earth would be in this moment.  This is what we’re moving towards, this is the New Earth, this is the adaptability, this is the frequency and this is the ability that every one of us has a knowledge to give to each other.  Within this giving and receiving, that is the community we’re looking for.  Many will fall away from this, because they will not be ready to walk through this doorway, this gateway – the Golden gateway that is being fully opened in this moment.  Let’s breathe through that and feel the completeness within your Being and also feel the connection to each other in this moment and what we bring forth to each other.  You bring forth to me as I bring forth to you, even though I am your Teacher, even though I stand here as the Father of Spirituality.  But I am here to help you remember that many of you were teaching me eons and eons ago, but you have just forgotten!  Your pathway was different.  I am here to help you embrace that pathway that you have put aside.  It is now time for you to rebirth that Golden Star that you are.  Let’s allow ourselves to feel that essence. 

As we communicate with each other here in the Temple, look around and see how each of you are the Golden Star and the Stars are all melding into each other as this Temple now becomes one Golden Star, as I am Lord Melchizedek, and you, of the individual souls, are all one.  None of us is any better than the other.  Let’s now send this intention to the Earth.  Let’s go to the core of the Earth and around the Globe as one Starburst with individual souls of millions and millions that are in this Temple that have come here to assist each other.  We’re not all interconnected personally, but we are interconnected globally.  Some of us may not even agree with each other, because we’re not part of that specific cellular structure, but we are in community and we understand that each of us has something to give to the other.  Let’s take this to the Earth, let’s take this and let’s think of it as a frequency.  Let’s not do anything else with it but center it into the top of the Globe into the middle of the Earth and down to the core of the Earth.  As it goes around the Globe, inside the Globe to permeate into every Kingdom upon the Earth to realize the acceptability we have of each other.  Respect and love in that frequency. 
As we do this, we take a deep breath, and we see now that all the inner workings within the Earth are fully being activated.  We’ve done our job.  Let’s now center ourselves back into the Temple and allow us to reverberate with each other, because now we’re going to assist each other by activating the energy once again as we become one Starburst together.  Breathe deeply within that and feel the inner workings of the community within the Temple – We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, you of the souls upon Earth and the souls within this Temple -- without the bodies.  It doesn’t matter who we are, we are all part of that Spiritual Hierarchy together.  You are in a state of remembrance of your pathway, and this is the blessing of this Golden Gateway.  Allow this Golden Gateway to be within you in this moment.  Allow yourself to fully accept your Divinity, accept that you have a knowledge to give to this Earth.  We are here in these moments and we want to learn about those knowledges that you’re activating, so allow them to come out, but they must come out with compassion, they must come out with the beauty of love, they must come out with the frequency of the Essence that you are and to embrace that within each other as we are One in this moment.  Let us not ever forget the connection and the continuation of the Life Force that is within each of us in this moment.  This is the power, this is the power of God’s Essence.  This is the individual power of your Soul’s Essence.  Breathe deeply into your Solar Plexus and feel that power.  You may find in the next couple of days you may need to write some things down, or to bring some elements out of you.  You may have tears, but they will be tears of joy – they will not be tears of sadness.  Embrace your heritage; now is the time because your heritages need it.  Know that the Ones that fall away from your extension of your friends and your families are because they are not part of that closeness and the distinctive connection of your Soul’s Essence.  We need to start remembering our Soul’s Essence and not our Physical Essence, and this is the most important factor in all elements at this time.  Breathe deeply and allow that to vibrate within you as the core of the Star is now activated within your Heart and then it centers out as your whole Light Body is being activated with the Golden Flame in different aspects of frequency, depending on what you need.

I Am Lord Melchizedek at your service.  It is my pleasure to be here with you and to continually work with you as we are all One together.  May the blessings of the Golden Flame be fully activated within you as you accept the heritage and the lineage that you are within your being in the most healthy and functional attitude that you can have within.  May this light shine within you always and share it others.

The Holy God of Hosts That We Are ~ As We Are All In Oneness.

This is Fred speaking once again.  Thank yo,u Lord Melchizedek, for giving us this lesson, this exercise, this beautiful extension of ourselves in the Golden Flame that We Are.  Please do come to the Temple, and connect with us through the week so that we can all share our Starbursts of Light with each other as we are all shining Stars of the Sun, of the frequency within. 

Thank you for being with us.  I am the Spokesperson of the Temple of 911.  Namaste.


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