Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 06/17/2019 - 21:21


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very dynamic, important and Powerful Full Moon!   This Full Sagittarius Moon is not only sitting with Jupiter (which rules Sagittarius) but it is also sitting on the Galactic Center (a portal to the Universe, where we can access Higher realms, Higher truths, and Higher wisdoms)...and then to add even more energies to this Sagittarius Full Moon…. it is happening only days before the Summer Solstice!  Intensifying the energies as we move into Eclipse season in July!  Then add in the Cardinal T-Square with Pluto/Saturn/South Node…opposing Mercury/Mars/North Node and all 6 being squared by Eris! We have a time of intensified Evolution!  It is a turning point…..a time of initiation…a time of choices….releasing what is no longer vibrating we are now vibrating and a time of radical change!

It is also a time of feeling like you have very little energy and a time of feeling overwhelmed.  Also since Mercury (planet of our Voice…how we speak and what we say) is sitting in the Cardinal T-square, you may want to watch what you say….the tone you say it in and the energy around it, as words can fly out of your mouth in energy or in ways that you didn’t intend for them to be surrounded with, and there can be miss understandings etc.   This is very strong energy and our bodies are trying to incorporate it all….and it isn’t easy.  As we move though July with 2 Eclipses….the energies will continue to increase from this Full Sagittarius Moon through July.  Just be prepared and work with the energies and make good choices….because on the other side….there can be amazing opportunities.    

This Full Sagittarius Moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time of year that Strawberry’s become available.   It gives the Moon a sweet energy. 

A SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON ENCOURAGES us to have fun, quest for knowledge, expand our visions and enjoy some new adventures…while making some interesting mistakes J! It is about excitement, joy and exploring the unknown…questing off the beaten path to find the truth.   A Sagittarius Full moon represents the Truth Seeker…..and at this time in History….that is a very important energy to be out there!   Sagittarius is about Freedom...embodying the Soul of the Gypsy!  Sagittarius also represents the law…International Law in particular….also very important at this in our history.  This “feel good” energy is a gift of this Sagittarius Full Moon.

We are being asked to gather up and look at all the information (Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun) that we can find, as we quest for the truth…..while moving forward…leaving behind what is no longer our Truth!  Truth, with this Sagittarius Full Moon…is the ultimate goal!   This Full Moon suggests a shift in perspective and a questing for Truth in all areas…both what we are receiving form others….and also what we ourselves are expressing! What is our Truth?  What is our Belief System?  Making this a very active…high energy… Full Moon! 

THIS FULL MOON ALSO ENCOURAGES US to think deep and focus on our own Truth. This is important as we have been through a lot of activations and down loads over the last months and years.  Leaving us with a feeling of not only “the rug being pulled out from under our feet”….but  also a feeling of being surrounded with Chaos and Urgency!   Things seem a little unstable, uneasy, and fluid.  This is also true throughout the world (especially politically) and with the Earth herself.  We are being asked to see and create “our own” big picture and focus on it.  We are being asked to create our new future out of the chaos that has been and still is happening all around us.  Even though we may not be sure of exactly where we are headed…start moving…and Trust (Sagittarius) in your Guidance.  These changes are happening in all areas of our lives. All the seeds that have been planted over the last months and years…are now sprouting…we need to decide which ones to nourish and which ones to let go of.

FULL MOONS ARE A TIME OF RELEASING  It is a time of releasing the “old” that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations, your old perceptions, your Soul….and observe what is no longer working for you….and then release it…. to make way for the new.  It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.   The Full Moon phase suggests that things that we are not aware of….shine bright to make themselves known…..and emotional level’s are highly activated…..similar to high tide in the Ocean.

AT ALL FULL MOONS WE HAVE THE SUN EXACTLY OPPOSITE THE MOON   So with this Full Moon we have the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini.  Full Moons are about bringing the sign energy of the Moon into balance with the sign energy of the Sun. This Full Moon is about learning to balance the polarity of Sagittarius (higher knowledge, religions and philosophies, higher spiritual knowledge, the master teacher, the Truth seeker, travel, optimism and Joy!) with Gemini (communication, gathering of facts, teaching, multitasking, youth, chatter,  and writing).  We are trying to balance Sagittarius’s inner nature with Gemini’s fast flowing thoughts.  Sagittarius’s deep philosophical thoughts, with the mentally expressive Gemini.  Sagittarians quest for higher meaning in life while Gemini’s need to gather and integrate information.   Gemini is where you teach a small class and Sagittarius is where you become the master teacher.  Gemini is where you write the book and Sagittarius is where you publish it. Remember that we are trying to bring Balance into all areas of our lives. Balance is extremely important now. We are being asked to move away from the chatter of Gemini…..to the more meaningful ways of presenting our truths and wisdom’s.  Sagittarius is about the Truth….and the Truth Seeker….seeking Truth in this life time and from past life times.  The Truth is not intellectual….Truth comes from the Heart!

Sagittarius also has a lot to do with our information and our belief systems.  Do we truly believe in the belief systems that we have been caring around with us?  All the different belief systems, that are active in our daily lives? Are we actually walking our talk?  Speaking our truths?   Now is the time to meditate on this and Listen!!   It is time to manifest the changes that need to be made!


JUPITER  rules this Sagittarius Full Moon.  Jupiter also opposes Venus and squares Neptune. First Jupiter is in Sagittarius which it rules.  Their energies are about the same and I talked about the Sagittarius energies earlier in this report.

JUPITER OPPOSING VENUS  can be a lucky energy for relationships as Venus rules love and relationships…and Jupiter is about Joy and “good luck”.  However during this very intense and powerful Full Moon, I would caution on being to optimistic in relationships. It would be a time to “handle with care”.  The attraction could be very powerful, but again watch what you say and how you say it.  Jupiter also Squares Neptune and…..

NEPTUNE  is a main player at this Sagittarius Full Moon.  Neptune is in a Square with Jupiter and sextiles Saturn/Pluto/South Node.

NEPTUNE SQUARE JUPITER   Neptune which rules Pisces…is a very intuitive sign known for communicating with God/Goddess, Angels and Guides, channeled creativity and the gray side…addictions.  Add in Jupiter which is full of optimism, Joy, higher knowledge, expansion and fun…..which is squaring (stress and friction energy) Neptune and things could appear very attractive.  You could also become over optimistic or you can go into escapism (alcohol, drugs, or other addictions). You need to keep yourself grounded. This aspect is a year-long aspect. This also adds another dimension to communications….making sure that you don’t lose touch with reality, but still stay optimistic, intuitive, and joyful!    You may receive many thoughts and ideas during this Full Moon… many of them will be created by your higher self…your higher knowledge…your Soul!  Listen to what you hear…or feel at this time. This aspect is very powerful!! 


Neptune sextile Saturn and Pluto/South Node and Neptune trine the North Node and Mercury/Mars.  Another way to say it is that Neptune is activating the Cardinal T-Square.  Neptune is actually giving us a way to handle the energies of the Cardinal T-Square in a more harmonious way….through our Spirituality, love, high creativity, manifestations and meditation.   It is as if the Universe is saying…..connect with me in these ways and the intense energies of the Cardinal T-Square will be easier to handle.   Remember this……

AS THE BACK DROP OF THIS FULL MOON IS THE CARDINAL T-SQUARE   between Pluto/Saturn/South Node…and Mercury/Mars and North Node…being squared by Eris!  Pluto/Saturn/South Node are still traveling together and will be throughout 2019.  This is a powerful conjunction that is very transformative….with a little hard work thrown in.   Pluto…radical transformation towards evolution.  Saturn the father figure…demanding integrity and respect along with the keeper of stability and all structures and ruling Capricorn.  South Node in Capricorn….things that we…all governments worldwide, have not gotten right in the past…past lives.   All 3…sitting in Capricorn which rules the Government, Military, Corporate America (and World Wide), stock market and all our structures.  

This trio is also squaring Eris who’s energies are those of Chaos, discord, jealousy, competition, Wild Card etc. Then Forming a Cardinal T-Square with the North Node in Cancer (we are moving towards nurturing and caring for others..the Mother energy) conjunct Mercury (our voice, how and what we speak and teach) and Mars (the warrior, action and passion energy)…so the Universe is saying that we also need to speak and have passion for nurturing us all…everyone!  With Mars…we have the added energy of taking action (in a nurturing and caring way) if others are not being nurtured and taken care of when needed!    The Universe is wanting us all….all Humanity….to take this action, when needed, in a peaceful way as we Nurture and Care for each other…we are all one!

This configuration continues to put us on the path of accelerated evolution and radical change! 

WITH THE ADDED ENERGY OF the Sagittarius Full Moon…..the Universe is saying that we need to transform and change…in the way in which we communicate and share our wisdoms along with our Beliefs!  We need to bring in more nurturing, caring and love when we communicate, and above all…we need to speak the Truth and think with our hearts!  No lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego.  We are all one…no one is better than anyone else!

The Universe is making a statement here…..we need to be speaking and seeking the higher knowledge in all areas…..we need to speak our Truth, Walk our Talk…..and we need to seek/quest for the Truth in all areas…. at all times! 

REMEMBER…even though we have a lot going on…...take some time during these Summer months to rest and Meditate….especially outside.  Think about what you have been through over the last several years/months….time to “get your ducks in a row” and mediate on your future…. what your individual “big picture” looks like.   We are preparing for the wild ride of our second Eclipse Season…which starts in July with 2 Eclipses….along with many powerful energies that will be active though December including another Eclipse on December 25th CST!   Release what is no longer vibrating with you at this Sagittarius Full Moon, especially in the areas of communication, truths, knowledge, your beliefs, and how you share them through various ways of communication. What areas do you now have the energy and courage to become the truth seeker in?   Again mediate, connect with your guidance and  Listen!

What truths are coming up for you that no longer are vibrating with the higher energies that you are now embodying?   What truths do you now need to bring out into the open so they can be released for you and humanity?  What is your belief system and how can you speak of it…while honoring others belief systems. Seek your Truth….Walk your Talk….Now is the time!!!!

MEDITATE AND MANIFEST on how to bring all areas of your life into Balance!! Especially in the areas of Relationships…..ALL Relationships!!   Also meditate and manifest on ways that you can help to bring the community, your tribe, humanity and the World into a peaceful Balance!! This is a powerful Full Moon statement from the Universe. Nurture with your high Spirituality….connection to Source/God/Goddess… and your Belief systems!!  The Universe is getting serious! 

Remember that this is also a time to take care of yourself.  Drink lots of water, eat good food, breath, get out in nature…. as we are trying to incorporate into our human form an abundance of energies, many of which we are not that comfortable with right now.  So listen to your body and rest when you need to.  Remember It is easy to get riled up, as our buttons can be pushed and reactions can be fast with this Full Sagittarius Moon…..so try to slow down and think before responding……  Embody the Joy, fun and optimism of the Sagittarius Full Moon and also the Love and Peace

Manifest…..meditate….ask for guidance…...and Listen!  We are co-creating our own reality…..make it a beautiful one!  

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2019   Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 


Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology 

www.AstroEyes.com    Astroeyes@aol.com


Cathy Lindsey  515-779-7154


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