~WE are Moving Fast~ WOW

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 08:43


~Greetings Love Beings, We have found a new way for Our Newsletter its been having some Hiccups, but we should Be back on track Now. Yesterday, we were in some very unstable energy, however, this has now stabalized for the Moment as We Continue ON. Mother Earth=Heart has Said enough is enough! The Events will now be arriving Much More Quickly~ Stay tuned~ Love Your Earth Allies~

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 14 2012 Posted on



Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 14 2012

Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase


After a week of being unable to access the web builder (Mercury retrograde!), the Oracle Report returns just in time for today’s conjunction of Jupiter, Venus, and the Black Moon – a rare occurrence. (I suppose I need to investigate Twitter in order to communicate when these sorts of problems happen.)




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ANONYMOUS Revolution 2012 New Message What we are capable of!



I AM Anonymous and I AM here...


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THE FLORIDA REPUBLIC: Our Florida Free State is moving forward! ~ Statewide Meeting on Saturday, March 17, 2012 in Ocala, Florida





Issue No. 3                          March 9, 2012



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John Ward – The Economic World Is Much Closer To The Edge Than The Commentariat Realises – 13 March 2012




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Dark-Side Cosmic Burst & ANOTHER CME ON ITS WAY [March 14, 2012]


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Colombia's NEVADO del Ruiz Volcano on Alert


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Vatican confirms second Anonymous hack By Tom Espiner ~ 13.3.12



Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vatican confirms second Anonymous hack


By Tom Espiner


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Like Mork and Mindy the cry of "nanoo/nanoo"will always summon the sweet goodness with wisdoms love in truth.Trusting loving eyes reflecting the outer ring of the sun in you.The darkness in the middle represents the mirror of shadow to lights eternal everlasting fun.Being the shadow that rides with the knights to give them their strength.tThe silent vowels she utters travel gravitational lengths.To feel loves heat radiate loves feelings with a glance of her face.A furnace of lovelight from a tiny crevasse thats only limited in volume by celestrial voids encompassed by time and space.Grooming the superficial embodiments of time gone past,freedom tolls her energy to illuminate loves reach far and vast.Look towards the goals of loves reach to find infinite truth from natures rib because the shadow in life will always have a place to live.Past present and future become a boundless line that is paved in gold.To hear see and feel the essence is this path the one that enables the nights to be bold.Silence of echo in the heart is the transformation that has happened in time being now.Time without boundaries will not forget to hear the essential purr and kiss that resounds from the shadow of love thats now being heard from her soft gentle  unearthly meow.File the image into the shade within the heart.Our thoughts and feelings will always keep time from spiritually dividing those feelings that we are apart.


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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 14.3.12...... All the Man's Gold... Poem to Anonymous... Are You FREE yet?... Anonymous and Vatical Love affair... Time is UP... for ego...



Yes, FINALLY.... Finally, All the Man's Gold cannot save Gold-man Sachs to be completely sacked, but first all our friends from top of this pyramid of cards will be put in real public eye, they will openly admit what they did, as you can start reading our beloved Greg's resignation letter opening his heart to the people and to the clients...


Please forgive him on the spot, as it is not his fault that you gave him all the money to manage for you...

Actually he/them did greatest favor for you... as they lost all of your investments for you, so you do not have to worry about money that You do not have any longer, when Final Collapse of Paper Money comes...



And it is close, it is so close that I am shivering from excitement, not because I want people to suffer for loosing this paper money, but I Know that people will realize how enslaved they were and how worthless this exercise of hoarding more and more simply worrying about profits only... and not seeing other human from whom this paper money has been stolen... 



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~14~12 Time is UP~ Mother Earth=Heart has Said Enough is Enough~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~14~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Time is UP~ Mother Earth=Heart has Said Enough is Enough~



~Greetings Love Beings~




The Energy at this Moment on the Planet is very interesting and unstable.We are continuing the energy from yesterday which is up and down. We have shared that in the Month of March the Deep cleansing would continue, and we are seeing this right now. All ego unconsiousness must come out so Love can come in.





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Wednesday, March 14, 20





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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-14-2012



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report  03-14-2012

…as not seen on the mainstream media


by ANdReA


Let’s start with a paragraph of a message we got today from Celia (http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/new-earth-energies-march-2012-archangel-michael-through-celia-fenn) for it is linked to all that is unfolding Right Now:

Beloved Family of Light, at this time it gives us Great Joy to greet you once again as you move towards the First Equinox of 2012. Indeed,things are Shifting and changing on your Earth, and the first new energies of the New Wave of Light for 2012 are beginning to be felt on the Earth.


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Channeling vs. Growth: A Fallacy 2012 MARCH 14 Posted by Steve Beckow




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Angel Wisdom with GLR Sharon Taphorn ~ Release




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Enlightened Beings ~ Your Job Is To Be Outrageously Happy



Enlightened Beings ~ Your Job Is To Be Outrageously Happy




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Severe Weather Warnings, March 14, 2012 1230PM EST


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”New Chakras are Emerging as You Evolve”



”New Chakras are Emerging as You Evolve”



Dear Ones,

Last week we discussed that chakras are a classification system directing you to a particular part of your physical body. That classification system is expanding, but not in the way you envision. Most likely, you expect diagrams and color schemes for the new chakras. Such is not possible.


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Earth Council meeting ~ We'll be back ASAP ~


~ Earth Council meeting ~ We'll be back ASAP ~



Our Staff and GroundCrew members and Earth Allies we'll be on Earth Council Meeting for our weekly update. We'll be back as soon as we finish. 

We remember everyone that All are accepted in our meetings, thus we have to arrange it, for so far our connection allows only 10 skype connetion at one time. As soon as we find a new way we'll let you know and so more people will be able to attend at one time. 


We Send All Our LOVE ~


The Galactic Free Press Staff ~


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Visionkeeper ~ Time To Expand Our Minds



Visionkeeper ~ Time To Expand Our Minds

One World Rising | March 14 2012

As we speed along towards the end stage of our journey to the light, now more than ever before we must broaden our minds. What we will most likely see as things heat up, will not be real and we need to be aware of this. The dark ones have a wonderful way of spinning a lie into an action packed docudrama that digs its hooks into everyone. We must learn to see it for what it is, a ploy to entangle us deeper into their web of evil, the media are not beyond photoshopping film footage to suit their needs. It happens and we are not even aware of it. What you see on TV is not reality!



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Frightening Volcanic Venting Signals Coming Midwest Megaquake



Frightening Volcanic Venting Signals Coming Midwest Megaquake


by GLR Terrence Aym

A U.S. Midwest Megaquake: many say ‘It can’t happen here.’ But it can, and it will. It’s happened many times in the past and the odds are increasing that it’s about to happen again soon—much sooner than most people think. The last New Madrid Megaquake caused the Mississippi River to run backward, destroyed whole towns and villages in seconds, and killed an unknown number of people. And that was when most of the Midwest was sparsely populated. The next Megaquake would affect up to 160 million people, severely damage or destroy most of the supporting infrastructure, topple one or more major cities, potentially kill tens of thousands, and make a million or more homeless within a matter of mere minutes.


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A Cosmic Party - Magenta Pixie interviews Dee Taylor-Mason




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Lovejoys Brother 'Comet SWAN' dives into radiation storm


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Magnetopause Reversal Update.


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Extreme South Chile on Red Alert due to Flash Flooding


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~Japan EQ Update~New Solar Flare.


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Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



Message from the Elohim March 15, 2012



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~Embrace, Love is coming IN~ Love Is Real~


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~ Mother Earth=Heart Has Chosen Love~ Manifested Love is Arriving~


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Sun Heading for its Solar Maximum


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Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 15, 2012


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I get the priviledge of reading lots of emails and blogs where people share what they see coming. Most, like me, realize that the old world order is coming down; yet there are those who can only see increasing calamity ahead. Many see changes coming; but do not see them happening any time soon. Whose vision of the future will come to pass?


Comment from the Press: Brilliant! Thank You Ron for sharing TRUTH=LOVE.


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 104 Taking steps in the Right Direction~


As of yesterday, things took a step in the right direction once again. As this might get some of you up in arms, let us hasten to explain that we do not refer to things that would in any way hit the headlines, neither in your local news, nor the international ones. You should be well aware by now that these leaps of faith we refer to almost always allude to important events going on under the radar so to speak, and so this too came down without any fuss, at least in some aspects. But in our view, yesterday was a high point indeed, as it served as a monumental confirmation that your world has stepped so much closer to the level of perfection that we are all striving to help you reach, and it gladdens us no end that this process is picking up momentum in leaps and bounds at the moment.

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3/15/2012 -- Hail / Damaging winds outbreak = MO, IN, OH, KY, WV, SC, NC, NY, PA


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~Space Weather Update~ CME Impact Wind Speed cooking at 742~


CME IMPACT: As expected, the flank of a CME hit Earth's magetic field today, March 15th, around 1300 UT. A high-latitude geomagnetic storm might be in the offing. Stay tuned. Storm alerts: text, phone.


COMET, DELETED: Sungrazing Comet SWAN, which dove into the sun's atmosphere during the late hours of March 14th, apparently did not survive. In the following 10 hour movie, Comet SWAN enters the solar corona but does not exit again:



Comet SWAN was a Kreutz sungrazer, a fragment of the same ancient comet that produced sungrazing Comet Lovejoy in Dec. 2011. Comet Lovejoy famously survived its brush with the sun and put on a flamboyant show after it emerged from the solar fire. While Comet SWAN was cut from the same cloth, it was a smaller fragment that has completely evaporated.



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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012 

Perhaps many of you are not aware 
that there are not billions of God-Selves buzzing around in the universes.


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Heavenletter #4129 Start Moving. Meet the Horizon.


Heavenletter #4129 Start Moving. Meet the Horizon. March 15, 2012 

God said: 


Of course, from your perception, you are always right. Right or not right is not the question. The question is not your virtue. The question is: Where do you go from here?

Everyone thinks he or she is right. Both parties are right. And where does being right get you? Being right results in law suits. Being right dissolves marriages. There is more to life than being right.

Life is truly not a question of right or wrong. You are asking the wrong question! Whether you are right or wrong, if you have fallen from a ladder, you have fallen from a ladder. Right or wrong, if you have broken your leg, your leg is broken.


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The Perfection of Love



Daily Life
The Perfecting of Love on Earth

A good idea, today, may be a real good day,
look in,  and into a mirror, standing:
See a captivatingly beautiful soft Pink Rose of
Loves Wisdom any way you wish to see it.  As you,
 being one : Together Standing In the Light.  
The Love, anchored within • and from •

the center of the Earth.
Using you as Its Out-breathing Vehicle.
Affecting Millions and Millions of,
well,  everything.

I AM the total embodiment of Love,
 transforming Humanity at this time.

Beloved I AM



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Solar/EarthQuake Update


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3/14/2012 -- Storm time lapse -- Saint Louis Missouri facing East into Illinois


This storm blew just south and east of Saint Louis Missouri.. passing south of the city -- eastwards into Illinois.

You can see the buildup -- then quick outbreak of intensity . Followed by low lying clouds.. illuminated by the city lights below.

This storm produced intense lightning, hail, and damaging winds for people in Ofallon Illionis.. and south of St. Louis, MO.

A new line of storms is breaking out just west of Saint Louis, MO now (923pm CST 3/14)

Music scoring

Artist : Deep Focus


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Solar Eruption Mistaken for a Refueling UFO? March 12, 2012


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Connect With Your Soul Group; Find Your Soulmate!


Connect With Your Soul Group; Find Your Soulmate!

Greetings to all beautiful co-creators!

First, I would like to express gratitude in how the Galactic Free Press is awakening the world and uniting soul groups together!

in5d is taking like-minded souls to a new level of communication with in5d Connection.

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Australia's climate warming at alarming rate


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Message From God & Gabriel – Meditating Into The New Earth



Message From God & Gabriel – Meditating Into The New Earth – 14 March 2012




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Take back your ascension - The Silver Bullet


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The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there


                                                                         (artwork & photo by Boo Walker)


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by GLR Annie B. Bond October 19, 2001



This gem by Judy Carman is a keeper, a beautiful and comforting reminder of what is most important.

Pass this one along to your friends.



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Cleveland volcano EXPLODES for 3rd time in a Week


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Visionkeeper ~ Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop ~ 15 March 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop ~ 15 March 2012

(Picture via www.favim.com)

For those people who have been following everything going on in the world I would venture to guess most are waiting for the other shoe to drop in regards to what the dark ones have planned next. Unfortunately, that may very well be, they will need a false flag event to throw the world into chaos and make their final move towards total control. So what do we do you ask? Well for one thing do not give it your thoughts or energy! Too many websites out there are covering all the insanity taking place, but in doing so they add fuel to the fire if they don’t remind everyone reading not to give it their energy and thoughts! Remember, our thoughts create our reality. Do you want the insanity to keep going on? If not don’t think about it!!! Concentrate your thoughts and energy on where we are headed in 5D.



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SPIRITUAL AWAKENING - Get ready for Earth changes




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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 14 2012 Conjunct Venus and The Black Moon


Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 14 2012


Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase


After a week of being unable to access the web builder (Mercury retrograde!), the Oracle Report returns just in time for today’s conjunction of Jupiter, Venus, and the Black Moon – a rare occurrence. (I suppose I need to investigate Twitter in order to communicate when these sorts of problems happen.)



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Lisa Gawlas ~ Full On Transformation Underway Phew ~ 15 March 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ Full On Transformation Underway Phew ~ 15 March 2012

 -Warning: My browser crashed as I was loading this picture, the formatting came all smashed together on recovery.  Please forgive me if I miss paragraph separation in this quick like a bunny editing!

I surely cannot keep up with the flow and intensity of all that I am understanding these days.  The field is constantly morphing… becoming so much more than I can keep up with!  YOU are morphing faster than I can keep up with!!  The light of both the field as well as the folks I am so utterly privileged to read both have intensified in vibrancy and detail… and I swim as fast and as deep as I can to keep up with the pureness of understanding.  Phew!!


I do want to talk about some elements of readings these days… the pure power that is presenting itself to you.



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~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Peace Is Possible ~ 15 March 2012



 ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Peace Is Possible ~ 15 March 2012



by GLR Jamye Price



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~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 15 March 2012



Archangel Gabriel ~ 15 March 2012




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Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian High Council : The Events On Earth Are Manifesting In Accordance With Emerging Lighted Templates ~


Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian High Council : The Events On Earth Are Manifesting In Accordance With Emerging Lighted Templates ~ 14 March 2012


Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

- through Wes Annac-


While the secretive societies and sects that you have known as the Illuminati are reaching their end and complete crumble, they still plunder ahead with their own dark agendas as if they are still in any type of position to determine what happens on Earth anymore. Indeed they are not, and we have informed them of this countless times and the message does not seem to be heeded.


This is ok for whether or not they understand this message and soak it in, the events occurring on Earth at this time will be and are speaking for themselves. They are being forced to step down in ever-increasing numbers, and indeed the beginning of this year 2012 is already beginning to see many things coming to fruition that you have been told were going to transpire.



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