~Channeling of Toisheeba from the Galactic Federation, through Maria Bertram, Stockholm, Sweden

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 09:51


Channeling of Toisheeba from the Galactic Federation, through Maria Bertram, Stockholm, Sweden, May 9th 2011




This is a transcript of a public channeling of the extraterrestrial woman Toisheeba, who comes from the solar system "Arrakas" in the western part of the Milky Way. The channeling took place in a spiritual centre in Stockholm, Sweden, May 9th, 2011 and was performed by Maria Bertram. There was no entrance fee and around 150 people in the audience. The event was announced as “A channeled message to humanity from a representative of the Galactic Federation”. The Galactic Federation is a cosmic collaboration between representatives of spiritually developed extraterrestrial civilizations all over the Milky Way that that works for spreading love, divine light and consciousness raising. Even though Maria has had contact with different representatives of the Galactic Federation before, this was the first time she had contact with Toisheeba who would speak for the Federation this evening. After the channeling, Maria and Manne performed a healing session for Mother Earth together with the audience. In the channeling, Toisheeba spoke much about the importance of working with grounding ourselves, to move forward in our spiritual development and to prepare for the transition to the New Spiritual Age. Therefore, we have also added instructions on how to ground yourself with Mother Earth-healing, in the end of the document.


This is the English translation of the channeling that was done in Swedish. This document is created by Manne Lindberg and Maria Bertram, who run the global Mother Earth Network in Sweden outside of Stockholm. More information about the network follows the channeling. Please help us spread the channeling through e-mail, forums, websites, blogs and Facebook! You will find links to different versions of this channeling at the end of the document. E-mail us if you want the Word-version of the document. Thank you.




Part 1– Toisheeba’s message: Presentation / The first official landings / The meaning of all life / You need to ground yourselves / Wake up from the TV haze / We are your ancestors / The fear of malevolent civilizations / Unity and communion is humanity’s natural state / There is no way back / You will create a paradise / Humanity has been manipulated / Perspective on “reality” / Intensification of the Law of Cause and Effect / Let go and live / Closing


Part 2 – Toisheeba’s answers to the audience’s questions: There are solutions for everything / You decide for yourselves / Cosmic energy thieves / Free yourselves through the grounding / Our planet / Free energy


The headings in the text are added subsequently.






Maria starts with describing Toisheeba to the audience:


I have now created contact, and will describe the soul I have in front of me. It’s a female being. She greets and says that her name is Toisheeba, and that she comes from the solar system “Arrakas” which is located in the western part of the Galaxy as seen from Earth. She is human-like and very tall, about two and a half meters [approximately 8 feet]. She is stately and elegant. She looks like a mixture between an Amazonian and a siren of the woods. She has a beautiful, careless hair arrangement, with hair hanging down, framing the face, and a knot in the back – it’s careless in a beautiful way. She has big, intense, cat-like eyes. She has something jaguar-like in her appearance, in her aura, in the way she moves and in her eyes. Her eyes are blue-green with brownish-yellow spots in them, and they are the most intense eyes I have ever seen. She emits an enormous power and strength. She is wearing something tight that reminds me of a swimsuit, in a material that looks like a cross between leather and spandex. She says that the material doesn’t exist on Earth. The suit shimmers like copper – in nuances of brown, orange, gold and copper. She has some sort of boots on and something knitted underneath that reaches to her knees. She has olive-colored skin that also shimmers with the color of copper, as do her clothes and her whole aura. She is incredibly stately.


[Maria also drew a picture of Toisheeba later. She felt that she entered a heightened state of consciousness when she channeled through the image of Toisheeba on paper. That made it feel easy to draw the picture, even though she hadn’t drawn human bodies since she was a teenager. But Maria thought it was hard to convey Toisheeba’s cat-like animal energies that she has in her aura and in the way she moves, on the paper. As you can see on the drawing, Toisheeba has more pointy ears than humans on Earth, which Maria didn’t notice until she sat down to draw her. See the drawing on the next page.]


Toisheeba, drew by Maria Bertram


Enlargement of Toisheeba’s face


Comparison with humanity’s average length




She begins speaking:


My dear friends. My beloved friends. I have come to welcome you into the galactic communion, since it’s getting close now. The moment is approaching. You’re becoming ready for an entry into the Galactic Federation, into our communion. We are just waiting for the right moment. Actually, it could have happened long ago, but we are still waiting for some blockages in your collective consciousness to open up and for the Earth and humanity to reach the energy frequency needed for you to collectively become ready to receive us. The reason we still have not made official visits on Earth is that you haven’t been ready for it yet. Sure, visits are being made, but I’m talking about visits that no longer can be explained away, that no longer can be manipulated and hidden. I'm talking about an official visit where we come with our large spaceships and land on Earth, and where no one ever again will be able to claim that we are a hoax and that we don’t exist. Humanity will have quite an awakening, to say the least. I can’t tell you exactly when it will happen. It may take a couple of months, half a year, or it may happen in two or three years. We can not tell you today. But what I can tell you is that it will happen soon. It depends on humanity's consciousness raising, and when you are ready to receive us, when you are ready to receive the insight that we exist, and that you are not alone.


Those of you sitting here tonight are ready for that knowledge, but there are billions of people on Earth who still aren’t ready. I speak to you tonight not only as a representative of my civilization, but also as a representative of the Galactic Federation, and we have messages to give to you: Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself for what is about to come, because it will be needed. It’s a very turbulent time that awaits Earth, on many different levels, with enormous energies pouring in over Earth, and very, very large changes. You will all be part of the changes that are underway. Those of you who have opened your eyes – your wisdom and your understanding will be needed to lead the way into the New Age. But you must prepare yourself in order to be able to help others. You must start with yourself.




All people who have been born on Earth were born with a particular life task, and in essence, every living soul on the Cosmos has the same life task. That life task is to act as light workers and to spread the light, the Divine Light. Everyone is born with that task, and so were we. It’s our task to spread the light, to help civilizations in a lower state of consciousness to raise themselves, to evolve, to expand their souls, to expand their consciousnesses, to expand their light and become one with us. That is the Galactic Federation's purpose; to spread the Divine Light, to help civilizations in our galaxy to raise their states of consciousness.


I am a warrior, a spiritual warrior, and my weapon is love. My task is to spread love and light wherever I go, in the same way that me and my civilization were helped to raise ourselves when we were in a lower state of consciousness. In the same way we’re traveling around the galaxy helping other civilizations, and in the same way you will one day do the exact same thing. You will travel around helping to raise the consciousness levels of civilizations with lower states of consciousness. You will guide them in the same way as we have guided you. And when you have raised the consciousness level of the entire Galaxy along with us, then we will continue in other galaxies until our entire Cosmos raises its state of consciousness. When we have done that we will continue to create new cosmoses with new galaxies and new civilizations, which in turn will raise their consciousness levels, in all of eternity.


We are all part of the same oneness. We all have the same origin. We are all lights, sprung from the endless ocean of light, the ocean of Divine Light that you humans call “God”. You are all aspects of God, we all are. It’s an infinite expansion that’s going on, that never ever ends, which happens in cycles of regression and expansion, step by step. Each time it pulls together and becomes smaller, it expands to become one step bigger, to then pull together and become even smaller, and then take a step to become even bigger. This is the rhythm of life. This goes for your personal spiritual development, as well as the entire Galaxy’s and the Cosmos’ spiritual development; regression followed by expansion, followed by regression, followed by an even greater expansion, into infinity. This is the purpose of all life and it never ends. You never die, we never die. We continue to live forever, and everything that we experience along the way, we take with us.


There are innumerable worlds beyond this world. Our Cosmos consists of nine Worlds. Earth and the Galaxy is in the Second World, the second oldest [according to earlier channelings, every World consists of millions of galaxies]. Our Cosmos is one of countless cosmoses, and beyond that, there are even more countless cosmoses and dimensions of infinity. There is no ending. There is no ending. The Existence is infinite and it’s constantly moving, it never stands still. It’s in constant development in the same way as you are in constant development. You change, you grow, and in every life you live, you evolve in different ways, trying out new paths, expanding, taking on new forms. In this very life, in these very physical bodies that you are in here and now, you have the opportunity to expand and evolve in a completely unique way that was not previously possible on Earth in such a large scale. You have the opportunity to expand your consciousness and evolve spiritually in a way that would previously have required several hundreds of lifetimes. That’s how strong the energies on Earth are right now.




There is a window that has been opened beyond time and space from the divine ocean of white fire, a beam of white divine light, the highest Divine Light, which beams straight down on Earth, and that is now filling the whole Earth. It’s the perfect balance of male and female energy in perfect harmony, the Highest Divine Energy of Love. But humanity is not ready to meet these divine energies, since you today have such a huge imbalance on Earth. You are not grounded. You are not in balance, because you are suffering from such a large lack of female energy, since the gates to the Earth's interior – the energy centre of the female energy – has been closed down and blocked.


In order to receive this extremely powerful consciousness-raising energy that’s coming in, you need to ground yourselves. It’s a precondition in order to enter the New Spiritual Age. If you are not grounded, you will "fly away". You will not be able to remain with both feet on the ground, because the energy that’s coming in to Earth is so powerful, and because the imbalance on Earth is so big. Both the Earth and humanity needs the grounding energies and need to heal their energy systems, their energy bodies and their auras to be able to receive this divine energy. The whole thing is very simple. You don’t need to take any particular courses, learn any advanced techniques, or any particular rituals, it is very simple. You simply need to channel the energy from Earth's interior. It will transform you. We in the Galactic Federation have taught Maria and Manne about these techniques, “Mother Earth-healing”, which in essence are very simple. Anyone can perform them, and it's a part of their task to spread them across the Earth, to anyone who wants [See instructions at the end of the document]. You need to work with your spiritual development to prepare yourself for the energies that are coming. It is incredibly important.




We see your longing. We see your desire for change, for energy-raising. But we also see that you are shattered and unfocused, because your world is so shattered and chaotic. We see that there is so much happening around you that makes you lose your focus and lose the sense of what is important. You’re being duped into believing that what is least important is most important of all. You have since a very long time been manipulated to believe that the illusions are what's important. You have been led to believe that it’s the money, the power, the dominance, the control, the survival, conforming to a structure, conforming to a system – that those things are what’s important. You have been duped into turning away from the source of the divine. This has been a very, very deliberate action. There are civilizations with a lower state of consciousness that possess very high technological and energetic knowledge that they have used to manipulate humanity. This will no longer be possible, this is about to end. The time is over for manipulation, because the energies will not allow it anymore and we will not allow it anymore.


But what we ask you to do is: Wake up from the TV haze. Our dear, beloved friends: Wake up. It’s not the bills, the tax declaration, other people's opinions, the fourth talk in school, the homework, the overtime work – it's   not all that which is important. Let go, because in a few years time, none of this will remain. There won’t be any tax authorities anymore. There won’t be any enforcement service. There will be nothing remaining of all of these systems, because all structures will collapse. It may sound scary, but it’s not. It’s something absolutely fantastic! Imagine the great opportunities you have to create something new! But you must prepare yourselves. You have to work every day with the healing, to put yourself in touch with Earth's interior. That's what we have come to urge you to do: Prepare yourself. Channel Mother Earth-healing at least one hour every day. It’s more important than anything, even more important than your sleep. You can replace a part of your sleep with this healing. It will give you as much or more strength. It will give you the strength you need in order to awake to your abilities and see your own greatness. It will allow you to start remembering who you really are and what you have come here to do.




We love you, but we can’t do the job for you. You have to do it yourselves. Humanity has free will, you choose for yourselves. No one will force you to do anything, you choose for yourselves. Turn inwards. You already have all the knowledge within you, you have all the answers within you. You will find the Divine Source inside of yourself. Do not look for treasures outside of yourself, some “Holy Grail” or a holy place. Yes, holy places are good, use them to heal the Earth and to cooperate with the Earth. But remember: The most sacred, you will find within yourself, and you all have the potential, all of you living on Earth. You are divine creative beings... and you are our children. We are your ancestors. We once took part in creating you. You don’t come from the monkeys, of course not. How could the human be created from another species or race? Of course not. You come from us. It is we who have created you. It is we who are your parents. There are numerous human civilizations with a higher state of consciousness that have taken part in creating life on Earth, and that which is referred to as “humanity”. You come from us. You descend from us. You all come from the stars. Some of you can remember this, some of you have a vague feeling of it, but many have shut it out.


There are very large numbers of human-like civilizations all over the Cosmos, especially in this galaxy, especially in the First- and in the Second World – which are the two most developed worlds in our Cosmos. Your ancestors come from a number of different civilizations, both in the First- and the Second World. There are many people on Earth today that have been created in this way, through the union of egg and sperm, where one is human and comes from Earth, and the other is human and from another civilization, where your Higher Self has agreed with us to contribute to this blending. It may well be that there is someone in this room who either has a mother or a father from another civilization. This is much more common than people know on a conscious level, but your Higher Self, your immortal, infinite Higher Self knows this. It may even be that there are people here tonight who are familiar with this on a conscious level, or have begun to get a feeling of how it is. Saying this, I want to stress that this is not happening against anyone's will. This is always done in agreement with the involved souls on a higher level, and it is always done in the name of love, because we love you unconditionally and we think you are fantastic.




We know that it might be difficult for you to understand how it all fits together, because there are also civilizations that have come and visited Earth that have not had good intentions. What we want to say about that, is that it's not as many as you might think, because the Earth has had a protection. That is, the most destructive civilizations have not been able to come close to Earth. We have protected you, and that protection is still there, so you don’t need to worry that some other civilization will come and abuse you on Earth in any way, or take over. It will not happen. We will never ever allow that. However, there are some civilizations with a lower state of consciousness that have come down to Earth and brought people with them and performed various experiments or exchanges of different kinds, that has happened without the agreement on a higher level of the humans involved, in other words it has happened against their will. This is something that we definitely don’t accept, but since humanity has the karma that they have, we have not always been able to stop it. We simply don’t always have the right to stop certain acts that take place, because it can be in accordance with humanity's karma to experience certain things. When humanity heals their karma, when they heal the destructiveness, the blockages and the fears that you carry, then it will not be possible for this to continue. So this is going to end. These civilizations with a lower state of consciousness will no longer be able to visit Earth in this way anymore. It will no longer be possible.


We are always with you. There are always a certain number of ships that circulate in an orbit around the Earth, to ensure that Earth is not disturbed. We monitor everyone who comes to Earth. We do this because we love you and we want all the best for you. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, because you are divine beings and everything that happens, happens in accordance with the highest divine. Never ever forget that. As the Divine Consciousness always says: "Everything is as it’s supposed to be, and everything will be exactly the way it’s supposed to be." When you see a spaceship, do not be afraid. Once we come to visit you, it will be with love in our hearts. Once we will land, it will be a big festivity, because we’re coming with heart expanding energies. We will ensure that you will be ready for us and to receive us with open hearts, because that is what we need. We will not officially land on Earth until humanity is ready to open their hearts for us, and to welcome us with trust and joy.


We understand that this can be very difficult and worrying, because we know that you are filled with so much fear and insecurity, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’re saying to you: Work with your fear. Work with your insecurity. You do that through the Mother Earth-healing. That's what it’s for: healing all your pain, healing all your fears, reconciling with yourself and everything that has been, reconciling with all deceit and all the trauma you have experienced in your present and your past lives, healing all the fear and horror, healing your sense of inadequacy, healing all the stress, the struggle and the separation that you carry. When you do so you will expand your consciousness and be able to reach unbelievable heights. No longer will the boundaries exist. But you need the grounding energies to get there. The grounding female energies are the key to your enlightenment.




We come as your friends, and we have so much we want to contribute with. We come as your parents, but also as your equals. We love you and we want to share with you everything that we have to give, when you are ready to receive us with open arms – to receive our guidance, our energies, our wisdom and our knowledge. You will need our help, and we are incredibly eager to give it to you, to show you the way to how you can create a better world. We are so eager to inspire you to create a world of unity and love. Then you may think: “What does ‘unity and love’ really mean? That´s just words”. To understand what it means you must feel the unity yourself and you must feel the love in your heart. To be able to open up to the unity thinking and love thinking, to put yourself in a loving state and expand your heart, you have to work with yourself. And when you do that you will understand what I´m talking about. I think that many of you here today already know exactly what I´m talking about. You already know what it means because you have already experienced it: The feeling of being one with the All. The feeling of perfect, incurable, complete, limitless happiness. The happiness because of a bird singing up in a tree, the leaves whirling, the sun shining, a beautiful flower, a child’s hand in yours, a warm hand on your shoulder, sun-drenched cliffs, a singing laughter, a beautiful song, people clapping their hands and smiling, communion instead of separation, where no one says “You’re not one of us. You’re on your own.” I am speaking of unity and communion, because unity and communion is humanity’s natural state. 


For a very long time you have lived in complete separation from your natural state. You have consciously been prevented from reaching your natural state, through energy blockages and energy manipulation on Earth. This will no longer be possible. When Earth and humanity enter the New Spiritual Age this will cease. Everything will be washed away and you will experience a fantastic freedom, a freedom to be the individuals you are and to do exactly that which feels right for you. You will all be equal. There will be no obstacles, limits and differences any longer. Nobody will be better than anybody else, and this will open up tremendous, limitless opportunities for creativity, and this will sow the seed for the New Age, the New Era, the New Civilization. Exactly in the same way that you are going through this evolution, so have we, and many, many other countless civilizations in our Cosmos before you. And so will many, many other civilizations to follow.




You will, as a civilization and together with Mother Earth, achieve this. It is predestined, it will happen and there is no turning back. There is no other way to go, you can´t stand by the wayside and say “No, I´m not coming!” That won’t be possible. Everybody will be dragged along in the changes, everybody on the entire Earth will be dragged along, and there is nothing that can stop this. The question is rather: Will it happen in a easy way? How tough will the journey be? You can help, you can make it easier. Yes, it will be painful. Yes, it will be challenging [heavy rumbling is heard from the room next door]. It will in some cases be traumatic, incredibly turbulent and painful – yes, that´s true – but out of the challenges, pain and suffering – something amazingly beautiful will grow: the New Era, the New World.


[More rumbling is heard from the room next door] As you can already hear… the Earth will open its gates and large energies of female energy will stream up to the surface of the Earth. Therefore you have to be ready for the energies, because it will be such an enormous shock, that you simply won’t be able to handle if you don´t prepare beforehand. These enormous energy waves will break up all structures, they will break up the entire civilization. The Earth will turn itself inside out. It will be a very violent experience, but you can help through sending healing to the Earth, and through sending healing to yourselves. You can make a difference. Human being, wake up! You have come to Earth to spread light and to love. You have come to Earth to be one with Mother Earth and to heal her. These are your most important life tasks. When you are one with the Earth, you will also be one with each other and you will achieve the exact unity I am speaking of.




When you connect yourselves downwards to the Earth’s energy system, vast changes will take place on Earth. You will transform the entire Earth. Through the change that is now taking place during the transition to the New Age, you will participate in creating a new climate, and you will be able to affect the weather. You will be able to participate in creating a thriving, lush Earth with a tropical climate. This will take a couple of generations, but it is what will happen. You will be able to create enormous abundance and diversity of vegetation, animals, flowers, fruits, and the most amazing food. You will be able to create a paradise for yourselves on Earth, where you no longer will have to work so hard to survive. The female energy represents the fertility – the abundance. That is the energy you need to create this abundance that is rightfully yours, and that is a part of your natural state. Your natural state is abundance, not to struggle day after day, to work 8 hours a day, according to your perception of time. It´s completely absurd! You don´t need that. You don´t need to work every day, not even every week. It´s an illusion! You have been duped into believing that you nearly have to work yourselves to death to be well off and have a good life, and that there´s not enough for everyone. That is not true, but since the conditions on Earth have declined, due to our energy system having been put out of balance – that´s the reality that has emerged.


You live in a reality that has been created for you, where you believe that lack and separation is the only truth. That is not the case! Your natural state is abundance: of food, of beautiful weather, of beautiful nature, of exactly everything you need. You will be able to create everything you need – conveniences, food, technology – in a much, much simpler way, with a much, much smaller effort than before. The new technology will be differently designed. It will be in harmony with your new energy system, the new reality of energy that is created on Earth. Your present technology and your present electricity, which you use to heat your homes and keep your appliances going, is not compatible with the new energy reality that’s being created, in other words you will need to create new energy systems and new technology.


This is something that will happen gradually. We will help you with this, we will give you guidance. We will show you the way and all the possibilities available for you, because your possibilities are unlimited. When I say “we” I speak of all of us, all the innumerable civilizations working with helping you and raising your energy, your level of consciousness, and helping you adapt to the new energy reality. We will contact you. When time has come and when you are ready for us, we will start landing on Earth, making contact with you and start the exchange of experiences. We have things to learn from you too, just as you have things to learn from us. We will tie friendship bonds. We will take initiatives to cultural exchanges and we will help you and show you new possibilities, new solutions, both concerning spiritual development but also the evolving of new energy – free energy.




You can create free energy on Earth in a blink of an eye. That technology already exists on Earth, but it has been kept from you, since you can’t make money from free energy. The free energy can’t be controlled. When the energy becomes free; those who make money and have power, will lose their money and power. I would like to urge you to, in all contexts – whatever you see on the TV, or read in newspapers and books, to ask yourselves: “Who wants to make me believe this, and for what reason? What do they gain from making me believe that this is the way reality looks like? Is this really true?” The truth has been kept from you for a very, very long time. The reason for this is that people who wake up spiritually and free themselves from their chains, can´t be controlled or ruled any longer. There is an elite of humans on Earth that have benefitted from holding you down, that consciously has held humanity down, that consciously has created lack, starvation and war, and that has prevented the spiritual growth on Earth, to be able to keep their power and control.


There are energy entities from other civilizations that have stolen your energy, that have fed on you being kept down. But now it’s time for you to free yourselves from this and stop letting yourselves be manipulated. You are daily being fed with lies about your planet, about your solar system, about your galaxy and about the Cosmos. You are fed with lies about reality. “There’s shortage, there’s not enough for everyone.” There sure is enough for everyone! You have a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny part at the top of the Earth’s population pyramid that owns the vast part of Earth’s resources, that rules and controls the Earth and its population. The vast part of the Earth´s population lives in poverty and starvation, even though there is enough for everyone – how can that be? It’s part of a system.


You have been made to believe that you have to struggle for your existence, that every day is a struggle to survive, where you have to work: work-work-work-work, pay the bills, fill in your tax forms, take the car to the vehicle inspection, buy new stuff, drive the kids to tennis classes, and go to work and shovel papers, shovel papers, shovel papers, shovel papers. We see how you’re performing all of these actions, and we say to you: You really don’t need any of this, you can let go of all this, because it’s not real, it’s an illusion. It has nothing to do with the divine beings you really are. Throw off your suits and your uniforms! Throw away the cell-phones! Take off your socks and run into the grass! Make somersaults and sing! Be happy! Don´t care about the rest! Liberate yourselves from your chains! None of this really matters. In a few years time they won’t exist anymore, all of these offices. They won’t exist anymore!




Take time for each other, take time for yourselves, and look up into the sky every once in a while. You stare down at the street. We are up there, we’re there all the time. We’re with you, we’re always present with you, but you don’t see us, and sometimes we hide ourselves. We have technology to disguise ourselves but we can hover just 20 meters above you. We can stand in the grove next to your house without you seeing us, but occasionally we chose to show ourselves, so be attentive. If you begin to look up at the sky you will suddenly realize that we are there. Be attentive, stop staring down at the street and hurrying all the time! We’re around you all the time. There are constant energy transmissions taking place for the Earth, in cooperation with some people on Earth, in order to raise the collective consciousness of humanity by working with these Earth energies. We work together with Manne and Maria to raise the frequencies and the energies. We also know that there are other groups on Earth who do the same, and we encourage you: Come along! Join us! Work with yourselves! Work with the Earth! It’s possible to elevate a whole group of people simultaneously. You can connect a whole group of people through their consciousnesses to raise them simultaneously.


We will, together with Maria and Manne, carry out an energy transmission for you tonight in order to help you on this journey. Those who are not ready will not be affected, it will be adjusted automatically, it’s nothing you need to worry about. Those who are ready will come along. Be alert to what is happening in the near future, if you notice any changes. Be attentive when you walk out through the door tonight, and ponder: “What is reality? What does it really look like? What am I and what are you?”


We are all part of the same throbbing, cosmic organism. It’s a great energy formation of energy flows, with chakras and energy centers connected to each other, and an aura that is expanding, merging and expanding, full of vibrant life, just like every single soul in this room. We are all one, and we belong in this gigantic being – the Great Giant. Our Cosmos is as big as one DNA-strand in the right hand of the Great Giant. It’s a kind giant who lives in a cottage with his lady. Do you see then what I mean when I talk about "reality"? Your perception of reality is three dimensional and limited, with the conception of time and space. As if there are just things that are “this large”, but larger than that doesn’t exist, and that there are things that are “this small”, but smaller than that doesn’t exist. Then that’s it, then you reach a limit! What is this limit you're talking about? You’re sitting in a shoebox! Outside of it there’s a whole infinity! There are no such limitations. There is no time, there is no space! The only thing that exists is NOW!


The now is infinite! Then you say: “That can’t be.” Yes, that’s exactly how it is. Let go of your preconceived notions of reality. Let go. Liberate yourselves and live completely limitless. Let go of the limiting beliefs of what life is, what time is, what space is, what is possible, that “when you drop an apple, it has to fall to the ground, because it's the law of gravity.” Yes, but the law of gravity can change and it will change in the transition to the New Spiritual Age. It will change when Earth and humanity reaches higher states of consciousness. It will of course change gradually during a very long time span, and not all within in your lifetime, but perhaps you will find yourself in other bodies on Earth at that time, who knows? The law of gravity will change and one day it will disappear. Then there won’t be any law of gravity anymore.


You have a perception that if you plant an apple seed into the soil and water it, it will start growing into a tree and take about 10 years or so – or what do I know, 2-3 years in your human time – before it starts bearing fruit. There is no law that says it has to be that way. There are places where you place the seed into the soil and the tree grows up instantly, full of fruit. That is no illusion. That is a reality and something completely natural for those who live in that dimension and on that planet. You have to let go of your fixed ideas about what reality is and what matter is made up of and controlled by. It can change, and it is changing. The sluggishness of matter is in the process of being released. That is what entering the New Spiritual Age means, the union of spirit and matter, that is to say, the liberation of matter. What you call “laws of nature” on Earth is about to change. The same types of natural laws won’t apply anymore. It will happen slowly, not from one day to the next. But it is happening. You will be able to affect reality to a much greater extent than what you can today. You will be able to shape your lives and decide how you want to live. You will be able to influence the conditions of the living life on Earth in a completely different way than what you can today.


This is no airy-fairy future dream. This is about something that will begin to happen within your lifetime, within the coming years. It will not occur with any giant leaps in one go, but it will begin to be felt immediately after the Transition. You will notice the difference. You will notice that you no longer have the same need to eat, to drink, to sleep, to go to the toilet. You will be able to sit and meditate for 10 hours and feel like only 10 minutes have passed. You will be able to influence the weather. You will be able to affect all of your reality. You will be able to begin creating your reality in the way that you draw exactly what you need to you. This means that if you visualize strong enough that you have a bag of avocados you will be able to create that. That does not mean that you already are ready to conjure forth an avocado like a wizard. There are worlds where it’s possible, but you are not yet ready for that on Earth, it will take time until then. But what you are ready for is to draw things to you energetically, that is the famous "chance” – that things are drawn to you. An excellent example, as you probably already know from your life today, is that when you sit and think of a person, going: "Oh, now I feel really depressed. Why couldn’t my friend call me, it would be nice to meet up" – and then she calls and asks if you want to meet up with her. This is the first step to what I'm talking about, that you draw what you need to you.




This is only the beginning. It will happen faster, faster and faster and with ever greater force, that you draw things to you. But you do not only draw to you the positive in your life, but you also attract exactly what you do not want, unless you work with it. That is, what you are most afraid of, will happen. That’s why you have to work with grounding yourself in order to prepare for this new energy reality. What is happening is that the law of cause and effect is strengthening on Earth. This means that everything you send out comes back again. All the love you send out comes back, but also and all the fear and negativity you send out comes back. That means that what you are the most afraid of will be drawn to you. Therefore, you must work to ground yourself with the female energy, you have to channel the energy from Earth's interior to balance yourself and all your inner fears. That way you will remain strong in yourself and you will get an incredibly powerful energy of protection, which means that even when the situation is challenging and difficult, you will always find a solution.


With this energy protection, you will always have food, even if there is a food crisis. You will always have what you need when you are no longer afraid of being without something. If you’re not afraid of it anymore, you won’t get that challenge. It's only the challenges that you are afraid of that are coming to you, what you have not yet worked with on your insides. It’s exactly the same way as with people who attract others who betray them all the time. Constantly, over and over again, they meet a new partner and are left alone and let down every time, and it never ends. This is exactly the same thing: the law of cause and effect. This vicious circle does not end until you deal with what it is inside of you that attracts these traitors. You heal your heart and reconcile with the internal traumas and blockages that stand in the way. When we dissolve our issues within, we no longer attract the same trauma, over and over and over again. The Law of Cause and Effect will be felt with ever increasing force as time passes and the closer we move towards the Transition, and when we enter the New Age.


We know that this has been said many times before but we'll say it again and again and again, because it is so incredibly important. It’s so incredibly important that you understand the consequences of what happens before the Transition. That’s why we’re harping about this for you, we who send messages to you, so that you really understand what is happening. It is the internal change process that is important, not the outer. It is through working with your inner spiritual development that you can create change. That's the key to raising the consciousness and the key to true power, and to true freedom. I am not talking about the destructive power, having power over other people or manipulating other people. I'm talking about power in the form of Strength, having power over your own lives, creating your own reality and to generate what you want instead of attracting negative things and being a victim. We say to you: Stop being victims and become the powerful, fantastic, divine beings that you are! It is the only protection that really has any significance, that actually helps. There is no other protection that can truly protect any soul in our Cosmos against anything, except this energy protection, that is, to live in the light with an open heart and be in complete unity and balance.




Heal all the fears, all the negative thoughts, all the beliefs and all the brainwashing that you have been exposed to. It starts when you are little and continues throughout your lives: “Beware of that, it's dangerous!”, “No, that's not possible!”, “You can’t do that!”, “No, no, no, no, no – not so, not so, not so!” You become cropped, more and more and more, and you become smaller and smaller, and your auras are diminished and diminished and diminished throughout your life. You are born as stunning luminous white balls of divine light, and then you’re being cropped by your loving, well-meaning parents, and you do the same with your children. We understand that you are doing that, because you’ve been made to believe that this is how it’s supposed to be. You think it has to be that way, that it’s natural to live in fear, that it is natural to grow up with the conception that life is dangerous and that you can die. But we say: Live instead! Stop worrying about death, because it will come sooner or later anyway! Let it come when it will! Let go and live!


Don’t let yourself be limited by guilt and shame. There is no guilt or shame! Those are human inventions! You don’t need to be ashamed of anything. There is nothing to be ashamed of, but instead live, enjoy and love! When you live, enjoy and love; when you unite in the loving embrace that your sexual union of the orgasm means, you achieve your highest divine state. When you are unified in a fantastic orgasm, the black hole at the center of the Galaxy vibrates. You expand your state of consciousness every time you love and reach orgasm together. That is the most divine act that you can perform, to be united in love. There is nothing more divine, except possibly to give birth, which is part of the same divine act. When you make love, you light up the entire Cosmos with your love light, your love energy. It is that powerful. So tear down all the prison walls, and stop thinking that "I can’t do that, I can’t do that, and I can’t do that.” You can do exactly what you want! When you are living in love, when you are living in complete love with an expanded heart, then you can’t do anything wrong anymore. Then you are in your natural state, and then the lack, conflict and hatred doesn’t affect you anymore. Then you cannot harm yourselves or each other anymore. Start living from the heart! Stop living from your head! Stop limiting yourself!




We love you, and we’ll soon come to visit you. We are just waiting for you to get ready to open your hearts for us. It may take a while but it can also happen faster than you think.  One thing you should know, is that when we do land on Earth, it will not be in front of the White House. It will be in front of the real representatives of Earth's future and they are certainly not there. The first landing will take place in Sweden, because Sweden is the country on Earth which has people who are most spiritually developed and who have the highest energy levels. You carry the seed for the New Spiritual Age in Sweden.


I want to close by thanking you for listening. I am so incredibly happy, and I want you to know how happy we are about the souls on Earth who have begun to wake up and have started to acknowledge our presence and have started to understand that we are here, because you are needed. Through spreading your light, you’re part of creating opportunities for other people to open up, only through your very being. Not by persuading anyone. You can’t persuade people. If people aren’t ready, it’s impossible. Only through shining your light and working with opening your hearts and live with open hearts, you create the possibilities for other people to open their hearts. It’s not about standing on the barricades, it's not about that at all. It's about living in light and love. That is what creates change.


I would also like to draw your attention to all these great light workers you have around you, with very high states of consciousness, in your children – these fantastic teachers. There are a very large amount of children that are born to the Earth in these times to take part in lifting humanity into the New Age, and to prepare them for the New Age, and a very big part of these children are born in Sweden. Don’t you see how amazing the children are, and how they shine? Look around you and see the children, see their eyes. There you have all the wisdom, there you have all the answers. The children already know, they carry everything inside of them. Let them have the chance to open up. Listen to what they have to say. It’s they who have come to teach the humans.


I love you, and we love you. We are proud of you and the long journey you have taken all the way to here, because we have followed you all the way, and we never leave you. Thank you for listening.



After the break Toisheeba says that she would be happy to answer questions from the audience. Toisheeba also says that after the questions, during the healing session for Mother Earth, she will, together with Manne and Maria and the cosmic network of civilizations around Earth, carry out the energy transmission that she mentioned earlier, to everyone in the room, to activate their spiritual development to a higher level.


Part 2 – Toisheeba’s answers to the audience’s questions: There are solutions for everything / You decide for yourselves / Cosmic energy thieves / Free yourselves through the grounding / Our planet / Free energy


PLEASE NOTE! Part 2 did not fit here, due to us reaching the maximum number of characters allowed. Follow this link to see the full document, including part 2: 










Mother Earth-healing is a channeled healing technique in which you ground yourself in depth through to receiving and filling yourself with the female energy from Earth's inner core, in a meditation. The purpose of the healing is to reconnect with our Sacred Great Mother, and to restore the balance between the male energy ("light"/yang) and the female energy ("darkness"/yin) inside of us. Humanity in general is suffering from a huge surplus of male energy, and a huge lack of female energy. In other words, we are extremely ungrounded. The female energy has for a very long time been weakened, denied and suppressed here on Earth. Every person, regardless of gender, need to have half male and half female energy in their energy body to be in complete balance and to develop in a balanced way. When these energies are in complete balance, they create the Highest Divine Energy of Love. This is part of an ancient and timeless wisdom of which fragments have been kept in different cultures around the world, including different indigenous peoples. Mother Earth-healing is the missing link for humanity’s way towards a higher state of consciousness today. Our grounding base is necessary in order to reach greater heights in our spiritual development. By giving yourself Mother Earth-healing regularly, you gradually restore your energy balance, you gradually heal your energy blockages, accelerate your spiritual development and prepare in an optimal way for the transition to the New Spiritual Age.




Sit down to meditate. Sit outdoors if possible. Have full contact with your rear or feet on the floor or ground. Hold your palms cupped together as in prayer and let them rest in your lap. Turn off mobile phones, televisions, computers and other technical equipment if possible. Take a few deep breaths, relax the whole body, and clear your mind from distracting thoughts. Get ready mentally to work as a channel for the Mother Earth energy, and focus your intention to channeling energy from the ground. Read the prayer for Mother Earth, out loud or in your mind. Visualize how a channel is opened up from the centre of the Earth and how the glowing red female energy starts to come up and is flowing through your feet, buttocks and hands. Let the energy fill your entire body and stay there. Once you have opened up the flow of energy, just focus on being present in the moment. It is individual how the energy feels, but it works weather you feel anything or not. You can also use mantras and affirmations simultaneously to strengthen and direct the healing. You can give yourself the Mother Earth-healing anywhere, even for example in tall building or on the subway. Fifteen minutes a day is a good start, and then gradually extend the time to one hour, and even more if you feel ready for it. When you give yourself Mother Earth-healing through channeling energy directly from the Earth, you can in addition to the low frequency female energy, also get a certain level of male energy from Earth’s energy system automatically, if that's what you need. The purpose with Mother Earth-healing is always to restore your energy balance.


Prayer to activate Mother Earth-healing for yourself


Dear Mother Earth,


In humbleness, love and complete trust, I am asking you, please give me strength and guidance. 


Help me to channel energy from your interiour, to heal myself completly, both my body and my soul.


Mother Earth, I am calling on you!


 End the healing session by saying "Thank you".




You will find a printer-friendly version of this miniguide at:




We will also publish a more extensive e-handbook on Mother Earth-healing later.  






The Mother Earth Network is an ever growing, global spiritual network consisting of thousands of people around the world. We, Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg, run the network from Sweden, outside of Stockholm. Our life tasks are to help humanity and Earth through the transition to the New Spiritual Age, and to take part in re-establishing the female energy on Earth. Maria has for many years channeled messages from the Divine Consciousness (God), Mother Earth, nature spirits, spiritual masters, angels and representatives from other civilizations in Cosmos. Besides spreading channeled messages, we’re also spreading instructions to a healing technique, Mother Earth-healing, in which you ground yourself in depth, which is a precondition for spiritual transformation and to prepare for the transition to the New Spiritual Age. The network’s main activities are global healing sessions for Mother Earth, through channeled instructions. The network also holds lectures in Sweden with, among other things, public channelings from different sources. Everything the network offers is 100 % free. Read more about us on the network’s website, where you can also sign up to become a member and receive our newsletter – with reminders and instructions for the global healing sessions for Mother Earth, our future channelings, publications and other updates. You’ll find the website at:



































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