All your life you have waited for this magic moment to come true for you, to become your blessed reality, to bear the fruit of the tree that you planted a long time ago and have watered and nurtured for lifetimes. That tree is fully grown now for many of you and it is time to pick the fruit and take your first bite of the sweet nectar of your new and completely free and unlimited experience. This time is now coming quickly upon many of you, and we say to you keep doing what it is you are doing. Do not fall back now on old patterns, habits or tendencies and your destructive natures that some of you have demonstrated at certain intervals of your past history. Now is not the time to indulge in such frailties, learning from these experiences and testing the boundaries of your experience. Now is the time to apply yourselves as fully and as consciously as you possibly can. Now is the time to go full speed into all your future possibilities, not looking back but releasing all that was, as all was a training ground for you, full of lessons and experiences to prepare you for what it is that now awaits you and beckons you with your call, the call of your name.
Do you hear your name being called? If you hear your name being called say “I hear my name being called now and I am responding to this call. I am following this call. I am following the sound of my name being called and I will follow this sound until it delivers me to where it is I wish to be, which is not here, but somewhere else.” This is what we would like to hear from those of you who wish for a new reality, a new start, a new life filled with new treasures, rewards, goals, challenges, excitement, adventure and experiences to learn even greater lessons than the lessons you have learned up to this amazing and wonderful point.